Yes, this county still has economic issues. Conservatives need to explain why that's Obama's fault

The private sector created those jobs because of government legislation. The unemployment benefits that were extended for the millions of people allowed them to spend money they wouldn't have otherwise. The tax cut for the middle class also boosted consumer spending. A boost in consumer spending created economic growth.

Um the actual rate of the recovery isn't slow. The recession was simply the worst since the Great Depression. That's why it took so long. Since the passing of the stimulus, at least 150,000 private jobs have been create EVERY MONTH.

The auto bail out worked whether you like it or not.

No the private sector created jobs despite government interference. As always, the private sector sees a need or profit potential and reacts. Unemployment benefits were stolen by countless thousands who worked other nonreported jobs. You saw them and I saw them. The tax cut amounted to less than 2% of income, hardly a major source of revenue for families.

Please cite your source for this not being a slow recovery.

The auto bailout failed and bankruptcy occurred. Restructured companies that were partially owned by the government emerged. The government lost money on that too. Why? Because politically they were unwilling to wait until stock prices went up enough to recoup.
So those 47 million food stamp recipients and 3.75 million homeless are doing jigs in the streets at our wonderous properity? Leftists are unsympathetic curs when it comes to the massive number of poor in this country, because they don't give a damn about them, and they want them to stay invisible, except when it comes time to vote. Forbes puts our national unemployment figure at 11.8%. Forbes is never wrong. The left is always wrong.
Very well said. Thank you.
A few things that made it seem better....
Really low interest rate.... what is it now 0 %
The Fed pumping billions into the stock market.

And we are falling deeper and deeper into debt.
Now over $18 trillion and on it's way to $20 trillion before Obama leaves office....

But lefties think that everything is fine.
Why aren't real people on the streets experiencing all these good things? Where's my book cook...I mean cook book. I'm so glad the rising stock market has brought some prosperity to people overseas.

Most of the good things are flowing to the 1%...The stock market proves that.

If anyone has an IRA account or a 401 k plan I am willing to bet that they are invested in the stock market....
So they are benefitting as well....

But the Libs don't want to talk about that....
Better for them to demonize the evil rich.

I never got a job from a poor person.
You never got summarily laid off by a poor person either. The rich have just as much power to make your life suck as they do to make it better, quit worshiping them.

I've never been laid off and have never been unemployed longer than 2 weeks unless I wanted to be. You don't need to worry about a layoff if you show your boss you understand that your place in the company is to make it money. That is unless you're dumb enough to work in a union environment, then they dictate your future regardless of your performance.
So those 47 million food stamp recipients and 3.75 million homeless are doing jigs in the streets at our wonderous properity? Leftists are unsympathetic curs when it comes to the massive number of poor in this country, because they don't give a damn about them, and they want them to stay invisible, except when it comes time to vote. Forbes puts our national unemployment figure at 11.8%. Forbes is never wrong. The left is always wrong.
Good god dude Forbes is just as much bullshit as Fox News. Republican garbage. 11.8 huh? Tell me when the official unemployment rate was 5.6% under Bush, what was Forbes' unemployment rate for that?

The actual cost of food stamps has gone down and the money spent on food by these consumers actually helps the market. I'm all for people getting off of it though. If we raised the minimum wage, many of those millions of people wouldn't be qualified for food stamps. Obama tried to do that...

Oh and you are more proof of the cons I was talking about.
So those 47 million food stamp recipients and 3.75 million homeless are doing jigs in the streets at our wonderous properity? Leftists are unsympathetic curs when it comes to the massive number of poor in this country, because they don't give a damn about them, and they want them to stay invisible, except when it comes time to vote. Forbes puts our national unemployment figure at 11.8%. Forbes is never wrong. The left is always wrong.
Good god dude Forbes is just as much bullshit as Fox News. Republican garbage. 11.8 huh? Tell me when the official unemployment rate was 5.6% under Bush, what was Forbes' unemployment rate for that?

The actual cost of food stamps has gone down and the money spent on food by these consumers actually helps the market. I'm all for people getting off of it though. If we raised the minimum wage, many of those millions of people wouldn't be qualified for food stamps. Obama tried to do that...

Oh and you are more proof of the cons I was talking about.

Are you really stupid enough to think the qualifications for government programs will remain static if the minimum wage is raised. It will still be the minimum and they will increase qualification floors accordingly, nothing will change.
Why aren't real people on the streets experiencing all these good things? Where's my book cook...I mean cook book. I'm so glad the rising stock market has brought some prosperity to people overseas.

Most of the good things are flowing to the 1%...The stock market proves that.

If anyone has an IRA account or a 401 k plan I am willing to bet that they are invested in the stock market....
So they are benefitting as well....

But the Libs don't want to talk about that....
Better for them to demonize the evil rich.

I never got a job from a poor person.
You never got summarily laid off by a poor person either. The rich have just as much power to make your life suck as they do to make it better, quit worshiping them.

I don't worship the rich like the left worships Obama....
The left does not worship Obama they just generally support him, however, Obama derangement syndrome is a very real and demonstrable thing on the right. You guys cannot even hear his name without flying into an unthinking blind rage or totally believing the most outrageous, paranoid things the pundits tell you.
Bullshit, you would suck his dick if he would let you. You supported him selling guns to Mexican drug lords, you supported him using the IRS to go after his political enemies, you support his race baiting. There is NOTHING he's done that the left hasn't supported, including you.
Corporate greed and a lack of manufacturing are important issues we still face.

I'm all for getting people off food stamps, but in order to do that we need to boost wages. We can't just cut these people off before that.
Your thinking is backwards and it's a big part of the problem. You guys think you can legislate an economy into existence. The economy is a result of people interacting with other people, providing goods and services they are willing to pay for. The consumer gets their money from others who did the same, including government drones. Business creates wealth, not laws.
The CBO creates models based on information supplied by Congress. The government didn't create any jobs, the private sector made them all.

The recovery was the slowest ever experienced, that is a direct result of policies by the administration. One example would be the QEs which kept investment capital out of the hands of private parties.

Also, the bailouts delayed the auto industry recovery. It took actual bankruptcy to restructure and make them viable again.

Banks were made whole by government, not homeowners. Most of us are still below the market values for our homes prior to that whole deal.

The government creates ALL jobs. The private sector hires employees.

The recovery is the slowest ever because Bush/Republicans/corporate America/wall street caused the largest economic crash in history. Analysts in 2009 stated it would be 2016 before total recovery would be possible.

GM, BK'd, but that was due to real estate.

Banks were made whole by taxpayer funds, so it was homeowners. Home prices haven't been made whole because the prices were inflated.
So those 47 million food stamp recipients and 3.75 million homeless are doing jigs in the streets at our wonderous properity? Leftists are unsympathetic curs when it comes to the massive number of poor in this country, because they don't give a damn about them, and they want them to stay invisible, except when it comes time to vote. Forbes puts our national unemployment figure at 11.8%. Forbes is never wrong. The left is always wrong.
Good god dude Forbes is just as much bullshit as Fox News. Republican garbage. 11.8 huh? Tell me when the official unemployment rate was 5.6% under Bush, what was Forbes' unemployment rate for that?

The actual cost of food stamps has gone down and the money spent on food by these consumers actually helps the market. I'm all for people getting off of it though. If we raised the minimum wage, many of those millions of people wouldn't be qualified for food stamps. Obama tried to do that...

Oh and you are more proof of the cons I was talking about.

Are you really stupid enough to think the qualifications for government programs will remain static if the minimum wage is raised. It will still be the minimum and they will increase qualification floors accordingly, nothing will change.
Why in the hell would the qualification floors raise? Since when has wages even affected food stamps? The average person on food stamps has a total gross income of $744 a MONTH. They get on average $133 a month.
Corporate greed and a lack of manufacturing are important issues we still face.

I'm all for getting people off food stamps, but in order to do that we need to boost wages. We can't just cut these people off before that.
Your thinking is backwards and it's a big part of the problem. You guys think you can legislate an economy into existence. The economy is a result of people interacting with other people, providing goods and services they are willing to pay for. The consumer gets their money from others who did the same, including government drones. Business creates wealth, not laws.
The private market has always been assisted by the government.
Why is that Obama's fault very simple because he is the President it comes with the job it's been that way with all the Presidents who came before him and it will be that way with all who follow him.
So then you believe the good economic news is because of Obama? No of course you don't because you are a partisan hack.
Why is that Obama's fault very simple because he is the President it comes with the job it's been that way with all the Presidents who came before him and it will be that way with all who follow him.
So then you believe the good economic news is because of Obama? No of course you don't because you are a partisan hack.
To address the last part of your idiocy first you calling someone else a partisan hack is truly funny given I never seen you criticize or blame Obama for anything bad that has happened under his Presidency. What I believe is that all Presidents are given more credit than they warrant for the good things that happen under their leadership and more blame than they deserve for the bad given the content of the vast majority of your post I understand your inability to comprehend this,
Why is that Obama's fault very simple because he is the President it comes with the job it's been that way with all the Presidents who came before him and it will be that way with all who follow him.
So then you believe the good economic news is because of Obama? No of course you don't because you are a partisan hack.
To address the last part of your idiocy first you calling someone else a partisan hack is truly funny given I never seen you criticize or blame Obama for anything bad that has happened under his Presidency. What I believe is that all Presidents are given more credit than they warrant for the good things that happen under their leadership and more blame than they deserve for the bad given the content of the vast majority of your post I understand your inability to comprehend this,
In Bush's early years you and I both know you didn't believe that about presidents.

Oh and I do criticize Obama. I have on several occasions here.
Conservatives like to tout the economic problems this country still faces while simulataneously ignoring all of the very good news such as the low unemployment rate and the success of the stock market. They either ignore this good news or say Obama had nothing to do with it.

They blame the low labor participation rate on Obama without actually connecting any of his policies to it. Here are the facts on this however:

1) It has been declining since before Obama came to office. The economic meltdown happened on Bush's watch.
2) The primary reasons for it is baby boomers retiring, more people going on disability, and discouragement from finding new jobs because of low wages and not being qualified - not a shortage of the jobs themselves.

See, Obama tied to fix this problem in two ways: trying to raise the minimum wage and trying to start job training programs at community colleges. Republicans blocked both of these inititiatives. They are morons.

Obama's stimulus alone created 3 million private jobs out of the total 11 million created since his terms began.

Now any actual expert will tell you a president only has so much to do with all of this economic good news and bad news. However you cons like to say anything wrong with this country is Obama's fault and none of the good news is because of him. Don't you realize how immature and disingenuous you come across when you make these claims?

CBO Stimulus added up to 3.3M jobs - Josh Boak -
Because six years later his policies have done nothing? The policies you idiot left wing dems have been chanting about are now down to government price fixing and bullshit to make the rest of the idiots like you think this is actually working?

Little obie is responsible because most of us aren't so shit as stupid as you to think when things aren't working we will just pretend they are.
Why is that Obama's fault very simple because he is the President it comes with the job it's been that way with all the Presidents who came before him and it will be that way with all who follow him.
So then you believe the good economic news is because of Obama? No of course you don't because you are a partisan hack.
To address the last part of your idiocy first you calling someone else a partisan hack is truly funny given I never seen you criticize or blame Obama for anything bad that has happened under his Presidency. What I believe is that all Presidents are given more credit than they warrant for the good things that happen under their leadership and more blame than they deserve for the bad given the content of the vast majority of your post I understand your inability to comprehend this,
In Bush's early years you and I both know you didn't believe that about presidents.

Oh and I do criticize Obama. I have on several occasions here.
Considering you had never heard anything from me or even knew of my existence in Bush's early year's your claim about what I believed then is the height of both arrogance and stupidity. I would love to see some examples of your past Obama criticisms I suspect they would be over him not being far enough left for you.
Why is that Obama's fault very simple because he is the President it comes with the job it's been that way with all the Presidents who came before him and it will be that way with all who follow him.
So then you believe the good economic news is because of Obama? No of course you don't because you are a partisan hack.
To address the last part of your idiocy first you calling someone else a partisan hack is truly funny given I never seen you criticize or blame Obama for anything bad that has happened under his Presidency. What I believe is that all Presidents are given more credit than they warrant for the good things that happen under their leadership and more blame than they deserve for the bad given the content of the vast majority of your post I understand your inability to comprehend this,
In Bush's early years you and I both know you didn't believe that about presidents.

Oh and I do criticize Obama. I have on several occasions here.
Considering you had never heard anything from me or even knew of my existence in Bush's early year's your claim about what I believed then is the height of both arrogance and stupidity. I would love to see some examples of your past Obama criticisms I suspect they would be over him not being far enough left for you.
I don't have to see your actual thoughts at the time. I just know it's true.

Obama's fuck ups:

1) Extending Bush's awful tax cuts
2) His hesitation on ISIS
3) Civilian losses from his drone program
4) His poor explanation of ACA
5) A lack of proper regulation policies on the market

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