Y2Kyoto: Party Like There’s No Tomorrow Obama Style


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
An aerial photo shows the massive party tent for Obama’s party on Martha’s Vineyard.

You must wear a mask. You must social distance. You cannot travel freely. You need a vaccine passport. You must make sacrifices to save the environment. You will live in fear. But not your ruling class. They’re having the time of their lives.
Fauci was very critical of a biker rally, he has been noticeably silent regarding this event that has gained so much press and could influence others to do the same. "Hey, Obama does it. If it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me!"
Give Obama a break. This may be his last birthday before he drowns in his living room from the rising ocean.

I'm sure the Obama's quake in their boots. They may have to worry sometime around the year the year 5621. :lol:

Kate Woodman - Quora
Kate Woodman
Researching climate change for 25 years
Answered 1 year ago · Author has 1.4K answers and 1.2M answer views
Originally Answered: Did Obama purchase a mansion on an island to monitor global warming? Or is he really not that worried about it?
Deniers—so-called "skeptics"—like to throw scientific bafflegab into their answers, but obviously never bother to look at the data or the sources, except to quote-mine them. "Hur hur hur! The Obamas bought a sea-level island estate—they obviously aren't worried about global warming, so why should we be?"

So, let's look at some data, shall we?
  • The Obamas new digs on Martha's Vineyard have a beach, yes…but the house itself is some 25–30 feet above sea level. Check out 79 Turkeyland Cove, Edgartown, MA in Google Maps.
  • The estate is actually on a sheltered inlet, Edgartown Pond, which is protected by a sea wall.
  • Average sea level rise is currently running about an inch per decade. Since 1900, global sea levels have risen by about 8.5 inches.

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