WSJ Post-Debate Poll: Biden Up by 14


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
I agree with the commentary below. I think this poll is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's poor showing at the debate. I think Biden is going to win but not by 14.

Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee, leads the president, 53% to 39%, among registered voters in the new poll, which was conducted in the two days following the debate but before news emerged that Mr. Trump had tested positive for Covid-19. Mr. Biden’s 14-point lead compares with an 8-point advantage last month and 11 points in July, which was his largest of the campaign at that time. ...​
Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who directed the survey with Democrat Jeff Horwitt, cautioned that the poll was conducted during an unsettled moment after the caustic presidential debate—“a shock to the system,” he called it—and could reflect a temporary reassessment of views. “The public can be taking a moment to say, ‘What did I just see, and how do I feel about it?’” he said. Mr. Trump could regain ground, Mr. McInturff said, given that “he has a history of bouncing back to some set point.” ...​
Messrs. Horwitt and McInturff said one factor was the debate, a decorum-destroying event in which the two candidates traded insults and continually talked over each other, with Mr. Trump interrupting his opponent more often. About three-quarters of voters said the event made no difference to their vote. But among the other 25%, a bigger share said the debate made them more likely to support Mr. Biden than Mr. Trump.​
While 84% of Democrats said Mr. Biden did a better job in the debate, 54% of Republicans said so of the president. Overall, half of voters said Mr. Biden performed better, with a quarter saying Mr. Trump did. Some 17% said neither candidate did well.​
Asked more broadly about the candidates’ personal qualities, voters by a two-to-one margin said Mr. Biden was better at displaying “the right temperament to be president,” 58% to 26%.​
“It is clear that the debate, and Mr. Trump’s behavior during it, reinforced the negative side of Mr. Trump personally for many respondents,” said Mr. Horwitt. He said the president “lost the American people on style more than substance.”​

I agree with the commentary below. I think this poll is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's poor showing at the debate. I think Biden is going to win but not by 14.

Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee, leads the president, 53% to 39%, among registered voters in the new poll, which was conducted in the two days following the debate but before news emerged that Mr. Trump had tested positive for Covid-19. Mr. Biden’s 14-point lead compares with an 8-point advantage last month and 11 points in July, which was his largest of the campaign at that time. ...​
Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who directed the survey with Democrat Jeff Horwitt, cautioned that the poll was conducted during an unsettled moment after the caustic presidential debate—“a shock to the system,” he called it—and could reflect a temporary reassessment of views. “The public can be taking a moment to say, ‘What did I just see, and how do I feel about it?’” he said. Mr. Trump could regain ground, Mr. McInturff said, given that “he has a history of bouncing back to some set point.” ...​
Messrs. Horwitt and McInturff said one factor was the debate, a decorum-destroying event in which the two candidates traded insults and continually talked over each other, with Mr. Trump interrupting his opponent more often. About three-quarters of voters said the event made no difference to their vote. But among the other 25%, a bigger share said the debate made them more likely to support Mr. Biden than Mr. Trump.​
While 84% of Democrats said Mr. Biden did a better job in the debate, 54% of Republicans said so of the president. Overall, half of voters said Mr. Biden performed better, with a quarter saying Mr. Trump did. Some 17% said neither candidate did well.​
Asked more broadly about the candidates’ personal qualities, voters by a two-to-one margin said Mr. Biden was better at displaying “the right temperament to be president,” 58% to 26%.​
“It is clear that the debate, and Mr. Trump’s behavior during it, reinforced the negative side of Mr. Trump personally for many respondents,” said Mr. Horwitt. He said the president “lost the American people on style more than substance.”​

You keep winning polls lol
Just as a reminder, all the polls were forecasting a blow-out in the 2018 House elections, and it was the worst defeat for the Republicans in the House in 44 years. The polls underestimated the extent of the Republican's defeat.

The same people who are saying "the polls were wrong in 2016 and are wrong now" were the same ones saying "the polls were wrong in 2016 and are wrong now" in 2018.
Just as a reminder, all the polls were forecasting a blow-out in the 2018 House elections, and it was the worst defeat for the Republicans in the House in 44 years. The polls underestimated the extent of the Republican's defeat.

The same people who are saying "the polls were wrong in 2016 and are wrong now" were the same ones saying "the polls were wrong in 2016 and are wrong now" in 2018.
Yes you won elections in large urban areas where democrats have destroyed education.. congratulations. Tons should up in New York, and Minnesota. Congrats
I agree with the commentary below. I think this poll is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's poor showing at the debate. I think Biden is going to win but not by 14.

Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee, leads the president, 53% to 39%, among registered voters in the new poll, which was conducted in the two days following the debate but before news emerged that Mr. Trump had tested positive for Covid-19. Mr. Biden’s 14-point lead compares with an 8-point advantage last month and 11 points in July, which was his largest of the campaign at that time. ...​
Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who directed the survey with Democrat Jeff Horwitt, cautioned that the poll was conducted during an unsettled moment after the caustic presidential debate—“a shock to the system,” he called it—and could reflect a temporary reassessment of views. “The public can be taking a moment to say, ‘What did I just see, and how do I feel about it?’” he said. Mr. Trump could regain ground, Mr. McInturff said, given that “he has a history of bouncing back to some set point.” ...​
Messrs. Horwitt and McInturff said one factor was the debate, a decorum-destroying event in which the two candidates traded insults and continually talked over each other, with Mr. Trump interrupting his opponent more often. About three-quarters of voters said the event made no difference to their vote. But among the other 25%, a bigger share said the debate made them more likely to support Mr. Biden than Mr. Trump.​
While 84% of Democrats said Mr. Biden did a better job in the debate, 54% of Republicans said so of the president. Overall, half of voters said Mr. Biden performed better, with a quarter saying Mr. Trump did. Some 17% said neither candidate did well.​
Asked more broadly about the candidates’ personal qualities, voters by a two-to-one margin said Mr. Biden was better at displaying “the right temperament to be president,” 58% to 26%.​
“It is clear that the debate, and Mr. Trump’s behavior during it, reinforced the negative side of Mr. Trump personally for many respondents,” said Mr. Horwitt. He said the president “lost the American people on style more than substance.”​

I would like to know that break down sampling of who they sampled per/state.

But yeah, generally I agree with you, Biden looks like a shoo-in.

Last election, I don't think folks were voting for Trump so much as voting against the legacy of Clinton corruption.

What astounds me? Is that folks have such short memory, they are ignoring what is going on and how Trump won.

If Trump doesn't pardon Snowden and Assange before the end, he will have failed.

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I’m not worried about trump winning I’m worried about the senate.. Trumps a W.. but we need the keep the senate. Collins is a democrat. I like mcsally.. we will see
I’m not worried about trump winning I’m worried about the senate.. Trumps a W.. but we need the keep the senate. Collins is a democrat. I like mcsally.. we will see
It's the biggest deficit for Trump in that poll yet.

Biden will have a 92% chance of winning by election day. :auiqs.jpg:
Hillary had a 95% probability of winning on election day.....then look what happened

Hope springs eternal!!! I suspect Donnie is toast and I’m not a partisan like you fools. So, my opinion is worth much more!!!
If trumps internal polls look anything like the Wall Street Journal’s pole you would see commercials almost on every single station across America 24 hours a day he would see people out clamoring for votes you don’t see it because his internal polls has him destroy Joe Biden
I agree with the commentary below. I think this poll is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's poor showing at the debate. I think Biden is going to win but not by 14.

Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee, leads the president, 53% to 39%, among registered voters in the new poll, which was conducted in the two days following the debate but before news emerged that Mr. Trump had tested positive for Covid-19. Mr. Biden’s 14-point lead compares with an 8-point advantage last month and 11 points in July, which was his largest of the campaign at that time. ...​
Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who directed the survey with Democrat Jeff Horwitt, cautioned that the poll was conducted during an unsettled moment after the caustic presidential debate—“a shock to the system,” he called it—and could reflect a temporary reassessment of views. “The public can be taking a moment to say, ‘What did I just see, and how do I feel about it?’” he said. Mr. Trump could regain ground, Mr. McInturff said, given that “he has a history of bouncing back to some set point.” ...​
Messrs. Horwitt and McInturff said one factor was the debate, a decorum-destroying event in which the two candidates traded insults and continually talked over each other, with Mr. Trump interrupting his opponent more often. About three-quarters of voters said the event made no difference to their vote. But among the other 25%, a bigger share said the debate made them more likely to support Mr. Biden than Mr. Trump.​
While 84% of Democrats said Mr. Biden did a better job in the debate, 54% of Republicans said so of the president. Overall, half of voters said Mr. Biden performed better, with a quarter saying Mr. Trump did. Some 17% said neither candidate did well.​
Asked more broadly about the candidates’ personal qualities, voters by a two-to-one margin said Mr. Biden was better at displaying “the right temperament to be president,” 58% to 26%.​
“It is clear that the debate, and Mr. Trump’s behavior during it, reinforced the negative side of Mr. Trump personally for many respondents,” said Mr. Horwitt. He said the president “lost the American people on style more than substance.”​

I don't worry about it because if people in this country would actually vote for where the Democrat party is headed, then we deserve what we get. Many countries before have voted to bring upon their own ruin. We won't be the first

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