Would you intervene like Penny did on the subway???

He wasn't just screaming. He was threatening to hurt and kill people including old people. Looking at his background, he has injured old people before. Several times. He's a violent person, not just a yeller. That's your first mistake.
Penny did not kill him. He was breathing the whole time. Penny and two BLACK MEN were helping hold him down. The two BLACK MEN should have been charged as co-conspirators. If they were WHITE, they would have been. But, Alvin Bragg is BLACK. Get the picture?
The man died later from whatever. But, not from a choke hold. That did not kill him. The Police even said so. The Police said for Bragg not to charge him because he didn't kill him and he was protected by Good Samaritan Laws.
The witnesses all said they were being threatened with their lives. So, you are again wrong. Try not to show your bigotry.
Please stop injecting facts into the argument. You're confusing our resident Liberals.
It was in the article I posted. Look it up yourself.
Probably lying as usual.

"Under New York law, a person is justified in using deadly physical force when they reasonably believe it is necessary to use such force to defend themselves or others from imminent use of deadly or unlawful physical force," the DA statement continued.

What physical force had Neely used?
Probably lying as usual.

"Under New York law, a person is justified in using deadly physical force when they reasonably believe it is necessary to use such force to defend themselves or others from imminent use of deadly or unlawful physical force," the DA statement continued.

What physical force had Neely used?
Do you understand with imminent means?! You are so desperate to blame the whitey that you are now pretending not to understand 3-syllable words.

The lunatic had a rap sheet with 42 arrests, had assaulted an elderly woman, kidnapped a child, and was at that point out of his head on drugs and threatening to kill people. Penny assessed the danger correctly, and acted within the law. Fortunately, there weren’t racists like you on the jury.

Bragg should have dropped the case against whitey, just as he did for the the esteemed Black Man, whom he favors.
Do you understand with imminent means?! You are so desperate to blame the whitey that you are now pretending not to understand 3-syllable words.

The lunatic had a rap sheet with 42 arrests, had assaulted an elderly woman, kidnapped a child, and was at that point out of his head on drugs and threatening to kill people. Penny assessed the danger correctly, and acted within the law. Fortunately, there weren’t racists like you on the jury.

Bragg should have dropped the case against whitey, just as he did for the the esteemed Black Man, whom he favors.
Do you understand what the word USE means? Did Penny know anything about him b4 he choked him to death? In the history of America how many white men have gotten away with murder by an all white jury? From the Scottsboro Boys to today? Bragg followed the law, racist like you long for the Good Old Days and this jury handed you one.
Do you understand what the word USE means? Did Penny know anything about him b4 he choked him to death? In the history of America how many white men have gotten away with murder by an all white jury? From the Scottsboro Boys to today? Bragg followed the law, racist like you long for the Good Old Days and this jury handed you one.
Do you understand what the word USE means? Did Penny know anything about him b4 he choked him to death? In the history of America how many white men have gotten away with murder by an all white jury? From the Scottsboro Boys to today? Bragg followed the law, racist like you long for the Good Old Days and this jury handed you one.
Penny obviously could assess that this was a deranged lunatic threatening to kill people, and imminently. NY law says he did nothing wrong.

But Interesting that you bring up historical patterns, and now we are getting to how black racists like you and Bragg think: Because all-white juries used to convict blacks unfairly, especially in the south, now tis time to put innocent whites in prison as payback.

Like I said, Penny was lucky he didn’t have a racist black like you on the jury. Bad enough that he was prosecuted due to a racist Bragg.
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Do you understand what the word USE means? Did Penny know anything about him b4 he choked him to death? In the history of America how many white men have gotten away with murder by an all white jury? From the Scottsboro Boys to today? Bragg followed the law, racist like you long for the Good Old Days and this jury handed you one.
Help no one. Especially in Prog areas.
Who wants to intervene? The same people who cry about “no one doing anything” are the first ones to call for legal or criminal action against good samaritans like Daniel Penny. Half the the country is comprised of ingrates.
Who wants to intervene? The same people who cry about “no one doing anything” are the first ones to call for legal or criminal action against good samaritans [sic] like Daniel Penny. Half the the country is comprised of ingrates.

You don't help people because you are worried about shit like that.
Penny obviously could assess that this was a deranged lunatic threatening to kill people, and imminently. NY law says he did nothing wrong.

But Interesting that you bring up historical patterns, and now we are getting to how black racists like you and Bragg think: Because all-white juries used to convict blacks unfairly, especially in the south, now tis time to put innocent whites in prison as payback.

Like I said, Penny was lucky he didn’t have a racist black like you on the jury. Bad enough that he was prosecuted due to a racist Bragg.
The only racist are white fools like you and then you try to hide your racism behind being Jewish. Penny had a jury that they knew would get him off, just like the Zimmerman trial. I posted what the law said and now you want to interpret it to fit your madness, sorry it doesn't work that way.
Who wants to intervene? The same people who cry about “no one doing anything” are the first ones to call for legal or criminal action against good samaritans like Daniel Penny. Half the the country is comprised of ingrates.
Daniel Penny murdered a man much smaller than himself and a man who had not laid a finger on a damn soul.
Daniel Penny murdered a man much smaller than himself and a man who had not laid a finger on a damn soul.

Why are you upset about this? Honestly? I think we all know. The real answer is something that was true for many years before the incident, and you would never have given half a shit about the guy if race weren't made to be an issue.
Why are you upset about this? Honestly? I think we all know. The real answer is something that was true for many years before the incident, and you would never have given half a shit about the guy if race weren't made to be an issue.
Flip the scenario Unkotex, let's see how honest you truly are. If Penny were black and Neely was white do you think Penny would spend Xmas with his family this year?
Daniel Penny murdered a man much smaller than himself and a man who had not laid a finger on a damn soul.
You are a champion Monday Morning QB. The reality is that Daniel Penny and the other people only know what they saw and that was a whack job threatening them on an NYC subway and not what you saw after.
..... If Penny were black and Neely was white do you think Penny would spend Xmas with his family this year?

Sorry, but I do not posses the ability to see alternate realities. I suppose it would depend on the facts, laws, and circumstances of the case just as it did in this instance.
I’ve done it on two occasions. Luckily, being six two and built like a linebacker, I was lucky enough to get them to back down and go away without violence.
Flip the scenario Unkotex, let's see how honest you truly are. If Penny were black and Neely was white do you think Penny would spend Xmas with his family this year?
You’ve already been shown that if a black did it, he actually FLEE THE SCENE (!) and still have charges dropped. That’s what happened with Jordan Williams - stabbed the homeless lunatic to death with a knife he was carrying, and then tried to escape justice by leaving the scene.

Bragg is interested in going after whitey - a decent man, former U.S. Marine, and currently in college.

Thank Gd the world seems to returning to normalcy, meaning blacks won’t be excused for the same thing that whites are prosecuted for.

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