Would you intervene like Penny did on the subway???

You’ve already been shown that if a black did it, he actually FLEE THE SCENE (!) and still have charges dropped. That’s what happened with Jordan Williams - stabbed the homeless lunatic to death with a knife he was carrying, and then tried to escape justice by leaving the scene.
You mean like the white boy who shot the CEO of United Healhcare did. You mean after the white man punched his wife in the face, that's called self-defense.
Bragg is interested in going after whitey - a decent man, former U.S. Marine, and currently in college.
What's decent about choking a man to death?
Thank Gd the world seems to returning to normalcy, meaning blacks won’t be excused for the same thing that whites are prosecuted for.
You are a racist fool, the Justice System has been unjust to black folks since this country was taken. Show me 5 cases where someone black has murdered someone white unjustly and got away with it.
After this trial, and the disregard of Good Samaritan laws by the left, would you step in and defend others like Penny did? If you would, what would you do different, if anything?

I can say that I did something similar when I was substitute teaching some 43 years ago. I was substituting in a middle school 8th grade class. Apparently, one kid was pestering another much bigger and stronger kid. The bigger kid, who was my size stood up, turned around and start punching the kid in the face. I shouted at him to stop, but he kept on hitting him. I went to him from the back and wrapped my arm around him and bent him over my knee. My arm was up around his neck area but not in a head lock. Much like Penny was doing. The kid weighed the same as me. But, I had been a black belt for 9 years and was able to keep him bent back over my knee. He struggled trying to get out of my hold. Finally, after about 30 seconds and me telling him to calm down, he calmed down. The girl next to us said to me that he was turning blue. I asked him if he could breathe and he said he could. He was just turning colors from struggling. I asked him if he was ready to stop fighting and go to the principal's office and he said he was. I held him like Penny held the guy. Penny didn't have him in a choke hold. If he did, the guy would have been out in about 3 seconds. So, that is not what killed the guy.

A year later, I was still substitute teaching and went one day to sub in a P.E. class at the high school near the middle school. I heard someone shout out my name at me. It was the same kid I had wrapped up a year earlier. He came over smiling. We talked and laughed about it. It said he was surprised I was able to control him so easily. I then told him I am a black belt for 10 years now. He wasn't mad and actually thanked me for stopping him because he said he was totally out of control and may have killed him.

When I finally landed a teaching job that I held for 16 years at a high school, I wrapped up a few kids to stop them from fighting. I never had one of them get mad at me. They all thanked me from stopping them because they said they would have killed the other kid. Two guys once were on my basketball team and fighting during lunch. I grabbed the big guy in a front bear hug and moved him 30 feet into a class room and sat him down. He was 6'2" and about 200 lbs. I was 5'8" and about 185 at the time. I had been weight lifting and could bench 350 lbs. I sat him down in the chair still hanging on him. He said I'm going to kill him. I said, you can't even get out of my grip. What are you talking about? He stopped wiggling and calmed down. The next day in practice, he was fine and they worked out their disagreement.

Don't be afraid to help people in need. The world needs people who are willing to help and stop violence. I praise Penny for his fearlessness to help those who could have been seriously hurt. Apparently, this guy actually hit old people in the past and sent them to the hospital. Alvin Bragg should be fired and locked up in a mental institution with the rest of the leftist Democrats who blame people because of the color of their skin.
You had the kid on a choke hold for 30 seconds and checked to be sure he could breathe

Penny held him like that for MINUTES and did not check to make sure he was breathing

That’s where he went wrong.
You had the kid on a choke hold for 30 seconds and checked to be sure he could breathe

Penny held him like that for MINUTES and did not check to make sure he was breathing

That’s where he went wrong.

A jury disagreed
You mean like the white boy who shot the CEO of United Healhcare did. You mean after the white man punched his wife in the face, that's called self-defense.

What's decent about choking a man to death?

You are a racist fool, the Justice System has been unjust to black folks since this country was taken. Show me 5 cases where someone black has murdered someone white unjustly and got away with it.
You mean like the white boy who shot the CEO of United Healhcare did. You mean after the white man punched his wife in the face, that's called self-defense.

What's decent about choking a man to death?

You are a racist fool, the Justice System has been unjust to black folks since this country was taken. Show me 5 cases where someone black has murdered someone white unjustly and got away with it.
The percentage of unsolved murders is around 50%. There is a lot of play just in that.
The last time I intervened in a fist fight, I got arrested a few days later and was falsely accused of assault. The arresting detective was a lying bag of shit.

I spent from Friday night until late Monday in a Brooklyn jail cell.

After several court appearances my case was dismissed, not because I was innocent, but becuase I paid the BIG $$$ to a private attorney. The judge heard the name of my attorney's law firm and dismissed the case.

If I had gone with a court appointed attorney, I would have gone to prison.

As a New Yorker I usually NEVER intervene - it only leads to lawsuits and false arrests.

"Let no good deed go unpunished".
You had the kid on a choke hold for 30 seconds and checked to be sure he could breathe

Penny held him like that for MINUTES and did not check to make sure he was breathing

That’s where he went wrong.
And did the black guy who stabbed the homeless lunatic (also in the subway) stop to make sure HE was still breathing? And then, unlikely Penny, the killer fled the scene.

But the killer was black, so all was forgiven. Charges were dropped, whereas the NY lib prosecutors went after the “white man” (which is how they referred to him in trial), aiming for 15 years in prison.
You had the kid on a choke hold for 30 seconds and checked to be sure he could breathe

Penny held him like that for MINUTES and did not check to make sure he was breathing

That’s where he went wrong.
Actually, you are wrong. In the trial, it came out that he did not stop his breathing. That's why two other, one black man, helped hold him down for 8 minutes. He did not stop breathing. He stopped later. Penny lowered the hold so he was not choking him. This all came out in the trial and why he was found not guilty.
And did the black guy who stabbed the homeless lunatic (also in the subway) stop to make sure HE was still breathing? And then, unlikely Penny, the killer fled the scene.

But the killer was black, so all was forgiven. Charges were dropped, whereas the NY lib prosecutors went after the “white man” (which is how they referred to him in trial), aiming for 15 years in prison.
Link to these dropped charges
Actually, you are wrong. In the trial, it came out that he did not stop his breathing. That's why two other, one black man, helped hold him down for 8 minutes. He did not stop breathing. He stopped later. Penny lowered the hold so he was not choking him. This all came out in the trial and why he was found not guilty.
The medical examiner ruled that he died from compression to the neck

Flip the scenario Unkotex, let's see how honest you truly are. If Penny were black and Neely was white do you think Penny would spend Xmas with his family this year?
Yup. Bragg never would have charged a black Penny.
The medical examiner ruled that he died from compression to the neck

And, the defense pathologist expert said he did not. Here is another thing to ponder. I'm sure the jury also did this as well. 6 minutes with a choke hold to kill someone? No. It takes only a few seconds for a person to pass out. And, sometimes, they don't revive. For reference, I have my Associates degree in Police Science. I took classes for 3 years at the local Junior College. In the self-defense class they taught for police prospects, they performed actual choke holds until the students passed out. I was not one of them that agreed to it. But, in both cases, after the student was placed on his stomach, the instructor struck them in the back and they immediately began to breath again. It only took less than 10 seconds to choke them unconscious. So, if it took 5 minutes and seconds to do so with McNeely, then its obvious that Penny was not holding him to actually to stop breathing and render him unconscious. The jury also recognized this and agreed with the defense that there was more that contributed to the death.
Also, the main reason for a not guilty verdict is simple. It's called Good Samaritan Laws. The case should have never been brought, period. But the New York DA, Bragg, is a horrible man. He should be fired and maybe sent to jail himself for his illegalities with Trump and Penny.

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