Would Any Moderates like to Discuss How the Democrats Can Return to Being a National Party Again?

I think it can be done, but I would like to find a group of rational moderates to engage in said discussion, absent the usual trolls and bomb throwers.

Anyone interested? (conservatives as well)

I'll check back in a couple of hours to see if there are any takers.

They can stop letting moderates dominate the party. Hillary Clinton was the consummate moderate.

Does moderate mean voting for illegal invasions, participating in divisive and useless issues, running back and forth between rich backers and being incapable in debate of defeating the likes of Trump? If so, it makes one glad not to have declared oneself in that category.

Moderate means not paying enough attention to the most valuable human political commodity on the left,

Since the Democrats named Nancy Pelosi to once again lead them in the House and are pushing Liz Warren as their next Presidential candidate...it's rather obvious that they aren't going to become more moderate which means they run the risk of losing even more blue collar, black and Hispanic voters who simply want leaders who can get them jobs.
I think it can be done, but I would like to find a group of rational moderates to engage in said discussion, absent the usual trolls and bomb throwers.

Anyone interested? (conservatives as well)

I'll check back in a couple of hours to see if there are any takers.

They run a better candidate than Hillary and they will easily win in 2020.
Their message is as fucked up as their candidate was. Social engineering, class & race warfare....etc.
Donald Trump is the epitome of modern Republicanism which is hostile to racial minorities, the poor, the unemployed, the sick, and the working class. They are also the spokespeople of Christian Fundamentalism.
There is no mask anymore because Trump is the voice of Republicanism and the American people can no longer deny that the modern GOP has lost touch with its best values back when Eisenhower was president.
This means that the Democrats will be seen as the natural party of government for the foreseeable future.
Since the Democrats named Nancy Pelosi to once again lead them in the House and are pushing Liz Warren as their next Presidential candidate...it's rather obvious that they aren't going to become more moderate which means they run the risk of losing even more blue collar, black and Hispanic voters who simply want leaders who can get them jobs.

I think that once Trump finishes with them, Blue Collar workers will be done with their a Republican experiment.
Does 'labor' consider itself 'left' anymore? In the American panoply, things aren't that clear; it isn't Europe.
I think it can be done, but I would like to find a group of rational moderates to engage in said discussion, absent the usual trolls and bomb throwers.

Anyone interested? (conservatives as well)

I'll check back in a couple of hours to see if there are any takers.

They can stop letting moderates dominate the party. Hillary Clinton was the consummate moderate.

Does moderate mean voting for illegal invasions, participating in divisive and useless issues, running back and forth between rich backers and being incapable in debate of defeating the likes of Trump? If so, it makes one glad not to have declared oneself in that category.
I could become president if I got billions of free air time from the media.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

I heard one Republican congressman say it was closer to 5 billion.
Since the Democrats named Nancy Pelosi to once again lead them in the House and are pushing Liz Warren as their next Presidential candidate...it's rather obvious that they aren't going to become more moderate which means they run the risk of losing even more blue collar, black and Hispanic voters who simply want leaders who can get them jobs.

I think that once Trump finishes with them, Blue Collar workers will be done with their a Republican experiment.
They are just putting blind faith into hoping he will bring back jobs that require no skills and pay lots.

Hillary Clinton actually had an education policy that wasn't "free" but it was affordable and would prepare young people for automated industry.

I retired in July and watched the election every day. Up until a few weeks before the election, I never saw an entire Hillary Clinton speech from beginning to end. They just weren't aired. But one week in August, I saw four entire Trump speeches in four days. Trump calls the media a threat to America proving they are with their Trump love affair.
The one and only reason Trump got so much attention from the media is because they figured they could bury him.

Just one of the ways the Left helped him get elected.

You obviously didn't hear all the sucking up to Trump that went on for a year in places like MSNBC's 3 hour Morning Joe show.

It's not enough to have maybe voted for Hillary, you have to actively attack anyone who doesn't agree with Lena Dunham.

They are simple dipsh!ts. All one need to do is stick to facts and snowflakes melt. They are all feigned outrage with no substance.
I think it can be done, but I would like to find a group of rational moderates to engage in said discussion, absent the usual trolls and bomb throwers.

Anyone interested? (conservatives as well)

I'll check back in a couple of hours to see if there are any takers.

The answer now is the same as it was in 2006. Outreach to the more conservative Democrats in the rural areas.

If they wish to keep that majority, they need to stop sacrificing those Blue Dogs on the alter of Liberalism.
Its over, liberals won. Liberals took over the Democratic party then destroyed it. Of the over 1,000 seats lost most were moderates, there's not enough moderates left standing to challenge the liberals.

Liberals don't like the moderates in any case. Liberals in congress said they were glad to be rid of their moderates after getting wiped out in 2010. Liberals have no more tolerance for Dem moderates than they do for anyone else who disagrees with them.

Since there's not enough moderates left to form a new party or challenge libs for control of the Democratic party they are pretty much fucked. They could switch parties and throw in with Trump.

It's not enough to have maybe voted for Hillary, you have to actively attack anyone who doesn't agree with Lena Dunham.

They are simple dipsh!ts. All one need to do is stick to facts and snowflakes melt. They are all feigned outrage with no substance.

Who the fuck is Lena Dunham? Never heard of her.

Every time a conservative talks about what liberals believe, they post the most unbelievable bullshit. Liberals want freedom, not just for straight Christian white males, but for men and women of all races, religions, and beliefs. Real freedom to be treated equally, not relegated to the scraps on the table after the white guys are done.
Carter more charismatic than Ford, Reagan more charismatic than Carter and Mondale, Bush more charismatic than Dukakis, Clinton more charismatic than Bush and Dole, GW Bush more charismatic than Gore and Kerry,
Obama far more charismatic than McCain and Romney,

and Trump more charismatic than Hillary Clinton.

A 100% indicator for forty years.
No, that is a tautology with you defining who is "more charismatic" by who wins the election, roflmao.

Which ones do you disagree with?

G W Bush was not more charismatic than Kerry and/or Gore.

Of course he was.
Again, all you have is that unwarranted assertion that you can only defend with a tautological statement.

And you still dont get it.

Both Kerry and Gore were widely ridiculed for their lack of charisma. That is a historical fact that you may not revise.
Its over, liberals won. Liberals took over the Democratic party then destroyed it. Of the over 1,000 seats lost most were moderates, there's not enough moderates left standing to challenge the liberals.

Liberals don't like the moderates in any case. Liberals in congress said they were glad to be rid of their moderates after getting wiped out in 2010. Liberals have no more tolerance for Dem moderates than they do for anyone else who disagrees with them.

Since there's not enough moderates left to form a new party or challenge libs for control of the Democratic party they are pretty much fucked. They could switch parties and throw in with Trump.

Did you know that most of the Democrats in Congress who voted against Obamacare subsequently lost their seats?

Of course you didn't.

It's not enough to have maybe voted for Hillary, you have to actively attack anyone who doesn't agree with Lena Dunham.

They are simple dipsh!ts. All one need to do is stick to facts and snowflakes melt. They are all feigned outrage with no substance.

Nice meltdown. whoa.

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