Would Any Moderates like to Discuss How the Democrats Can Return to Being a National Party Again?

I think it can be done, but I would like to find a group of rational moderates to engage in said discussion, absent the usual trolls and bomb throwers.

Anyone interested? (conservatives as well)

I'll check back in a couple of hours to see if there are any takers.

They run a better candidate than Hillary and they will easily win in 2020.

And they've had the white house sixteen of the last 24 years.
Carter more charismatic than Ford, Reagan more charismatic than Carter and Mondale, Bush more charismatic than Dukakis, Clinton more charismatic than Bush and Dole, GW Bush more charismatic than Gore and Kerry,
Obama far more charismatic than McCain and Romney,

and Trump more charismatic than Hillary Clinton.

A 100% indicator for forty years.
No, that is a tautology with you defining who is "more charismatic" by who wins the election, roflmao.

Wrong. Charisma is a quality that affects how a person is seen by others, and how a person is seen in that sense contributes to or detracts from their general appeal and likeability and thus contributes to or detracts from their electability. Obama was more charismatic BEFORE he beat McCain or Romney, not because he beat them.
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I think it can be done, but I would like to find a group of rational moderates to engage in said discussion, absent the usual trolls and bomb throwers.

Anyone interested? (conservatives as well)

I'll check back in a couple of hours to see if there are any takers.

They run a better candidate than Hillary and they will easily win in 2020.
Elizabeth Warren?
I think it can be done, but I would like to find a group of rational moderates to engage in said discussion, absent the usual trolls and bomb throwers.

Anyone interested? (conservatives as well)

I'll check back in a couple of hours to see if there are any takers.

They run a better candidate than Hillary and they will easily win in 2020.
Before they even think of that, a rational party (I know, I know) would have to clean up the image of the perennial crybaby sore loser, and since they haven't managed to get a handle on that, I wouldn't put much faith in a comeback anytime soon. My serious opinion.

The Right has been crying for 8 years over Obama's 2 wins.
No, we've been crying over America's 2 loses.
Carter more charismatic than Ford, Reagan more charismatic than Carter and Mondale, Bush more charismatic than Dukakis, Clinton more charismatic than Bush and Dole, GW Bush more charismatic than Gore and Kerry,
Obama far more charismatic than McCain and Romney,

and Trump more charismatic than Hillary Clinton.

A 100% indicator for forty years.
No, that is a tautology with you defining who is "more charismatic" by who wins the election, roflmao.

Wrong. Charisma is a quality that affects how a person is seen by others, and how a person is seen in that sense contributes to or detracts from their general appeal and likeability and thus contributes to or detracts from their electability. Obama was more charismatic BEFORE he beat McCain or Romney, not because he beat them.
All he had was empty rhetoric about hope and change. No adult found him charismatic.
What we really need to discuss is how to put the final stake is the heart of the DNC so that it dissolves. We already have a Communist Party USA, so the DNC really serves no purpose.

I don't want them to be a national party again. In fact I hope they're so thoroughly defeated in 2018 that a lot of these rich democrooks pack their shit and GTFO. Everything bed wetters want already exist to one degree or another between Canada and North Korea.

Too cold in North Korea? Hit the south Florida beach, find a raft left by someone who communism didn't work for, and float your dumbass south.

Utopia awaits moonbats.

Get rid of the hate, elitism and narcissism, go back to being a party of decent people, and they'll be just fine..
And there are so many issues that Democrats could use to propel them into electoral majorities again by defending working class interests and stop the divisive hatred of white people..
They were led over the cliff by the wrong voices. As you point out, there are many issues the Democrats could still own, if they'd just stop with the divisiveness. They have to marginalize these people. Another problem they have to deal with is that Trump and the GOP beat them to the punch on populism - that one came out of freaking NOWHERE.

They were too busy pushing burkas, birthday cakes, bathrooms, safe places and their hatred of tradition and Christianity on people.
What we really need to discuss is how to put the final stake is the heart of the DNC so that it dissolves. We already have a Communist Party USA, so the DNC really serves no purpose.

I don't want them to be a national party again. In fact I hope they're so thoroughly defeated in 2018 that a lot of these rich democrooks pack their shit and GTFO. Everything bed wetters want already exist to one degree or another between Canada and North Korea.

Too cold in North Korea? Hit the south Florida beach, find a raft left by someone who communism didn't work for, and float your dumbass south.

Utopia awaits moonbats.

You lose the popular vote, you lose seats in the Senate and the House, and you talk as if you won a landslide.
Carter more charismatic than Ford, Reagan more charismatic than Carter and Mondale, Bush more charismatic than Dukakis, Clinton more charismatic than Bush and Dole, GW Bush more charismatic than Gore and Kerry,
Obama far more charismatic than McCain and Romney,

and Trump more charismatic than Hillary Clinton.

A 100% indicator for forty years.
No, that is a tautology with you defining who is "more charismatic" by who wins the election, roflmao.

Wrong. Charisma is a quality that affects how a person is seen by others, and how a person is seen in that sense contributes to or detracts from their general appeal and likeability and thus contributes to or detracts from their electability. Obama was more charismatic BEFORE he beat McCain or Romney, not because he beat them.
All he had was empty rhetoric about hope and change. No adult found him charismatic.

You're an idiot. Google charisma.
There are no moderates in the Democrat party, they are all extreme left

Agreed, but I would argue the same pattern is being seen among the Republicans. There are very few Scoop Jacksons left in the Democratic Party and Olympia Snowes in the Republican Party.

Except for McCain, Graham, Ryan, McConnel, Corker, Priebus, TRUMP HIMSELF, Murkowski, and Christie... I'm sure there's plenty more

Yeah, the rest of the GOP is stacked with hard right libertarians hell bent on giving the nanny state a mastectomy, repealing all the gun laws, and of course destroying the entire ecosystem.

Can anyone name "moderate" democrooks who've pushed back on anything the meat puppet faggot has done?


They were led over the cliff by the wrong voices. As you point out, there are many issues the Democrats could still own, if they'd just stop with the divisiveness. They have to marginalize these people. Another problem they have to deal with is that Trump and the GOP beat them to the punch on populism - that one came out of freaking NOWHERE.

They were too busy pushing burkas, birthday cakes, bathrooms, safe places and their hatred of tradition and Christianity on people.
Perfectly stated, dude.

I would compliment you further, but I am tired of feeling like I am kissing your ass, roflmao.

Yeah, the rest of the GOP is stacked with hard right libertarians


This is a sample of the kind of racist shit that Democrats have no comment on or actually openly defend.

advocates of racial genocide
Abolish the White Race

The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.

condescending anti-white racism
Ten Things White People Need To Quit Saying | The Huffington Post

If any of this offends you as a white person, I ask simply that you sit with that discomfort for a while. Really feel it. Now imagine that your distress weren’t the temporary consequence of reading an article, but rather the permanent consequence of living in your own skin.

Advocating the end of white men to save the world
White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it

The future of life on the planet depends on bringing the 500-year rampage of the white man to a halt. For five centuries his ever more destructive weaponry has become far too common. His widespread and better systems of exploiting other humans and nature dominate the globe...

In many years of anti-racist work, I have discovered that whites who deny any connection to the racism of the past will also generally deny any connection to the racism of the present. “Please don’t tell me,” cry deniers of systemic white racism. One step removed is the view that we should “accept” the history but must take the good with the bad. This is sometimes known as the “warts and all” theory of history. A variation is the convenient idea that slavery was the “original sin.” Sin, of course, in the Western Christian point of view is inevitable and immutable.

This takes an especially pernicious twist when white racism deniers argue that there has always been slavery as though that itself somehow makes it justified. It’s not true that every society over all time has enslaved people. But even if it were true, the kind of slavery on which the U.S. was built is unlike any other that preceded it. It co-evolved with capitalism and it conflated slavery with “race”

advocating white genocide to protect blacks
Activist: Exterminate White People

A Raleigh activist and bookstore owner told a panel at Howard University Law School on Oct. 14 that the solution to many of the problems faced by black people is the extermination of “white people off the face of the planet.” Dr. Kamau Kambon, who taught Africana Studies 241 in the Spring 2005 semester at North Carolina State University, also said this needs to be done “because white people want to kill us.”...

Prior to his call for genocide against white people, Kambon, who owns Blacknificent Books in Raleigh, told the panel that “we are at war.” He said that white people had set up an “international plantation” for blacks, which made “every white person on earth a plantation master.” He said that, “You’re either supporting white people in their process of death, or you’re for African liberation.”

He stressed one point in particular. “White people want to kill us. I want you to understand that. They want to kill you,” he said. “They want to kill you because that is part of their plan.”

Kambon closed his remarks by urging participants and C-SPAN viewers to “get very serious and not be diverted from coming up with a solution to the problem, and the problem on the planet is white people.”

Before teaching at NCSU, Kambon was a professor of education at St. Augustine’s College in Raleigh, a historically black institution. He was given a Citizen’s Award in 1999 by the Triangle’s left-wing newspaper, The Independent Weekly. Ironically, Kambon is also an opponent of the death penalty.

Abolish the white race
RACE TRAITOR | Abolish the White Race

The white race consists of those who partake of the privileges of the white skin in this society. Its most wretched members share a status higher, in certain respects, than that of the most exalted persons excluded from it, in return for which they give their support to the system that degrades them.

The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race. Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue in U.S. society, whether domestic or foreign.

This is the face of what liberals in the Democratic Party today show the world on race relations and cannot understand why some whites might not vote for them? roflmao

For the Democratic Party to survive in the NOT Hispanic future,t hey have to ditch this anti-white racist nonsense.
You are confusing the 90% white mostly racist right wing with normal white people.
I think it can be done, but I would like to find a group of rational moderates to engage in said discussion, absent the usual trolls and bomb throwers.

Anyone interested? (conservatives as well)

I'll check back in a couple of hours to see if there are any takers.

They can stop letting moderates dominate the party. Hillary Clinton was the consummate moderate.
Yep, keep calling everyone racist, sexist, homophobic, and uneducated...

Ya know, I wanted to help the Dems, but I'll happily watch the vile left go down in flames after what I've seen the past few weeks, all that's left, on the left, is hatred. I want no part of "putting them back together" anymore. As far as I'm concerned now the party is so corrupt and diseased that it's best to just let them die off.
When a socialist like Bernie can come out of nowhere and almost beat the establishment Democrats' 'shoo-in' moderate,
and furthermore poll better than that same moderate against the Republican nominee,

then it's common sense to realize that the last thing the Democrats need to do is to move to the right.
I think it can be done, but I would like to find a group of rational moderates to engage in said discussion, absent the usual trolls and bomb throwers.

Anyone interested? (conservatives as well)

I'll check back in a couple of hours to see if there are any takers.

They can stop letting moderates dominate the party. Hillary Clinton was the consummate moderate.

Does moderate mean voting for illegal invasions, participating in divisive and useless issues, running back and forth between rich backers and being incapable in debate of defeating the likes of Trump? If so, it makes one glad not to have declared oneself in that category.

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