Worl war 3 has actually already begun


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
The question is whether or not
It will expand beyond its current theater. I don't think anybody really knows at this point. When you consider the efforts being placed upon the Ukrainian theater by a dozen different nations in Europe and of course the United States, there is no question that this is a worldwide conflict.

If China makes a military move against Taiwan anytime in the next two years or so I think it's pretty obvious how quickly this thing could blossom into a global conflict far beyond that of world War II.
This would have looked less crazy 2 weeks again.

Since then, troubles in the middle east have faded away. The grownups handled it.

And no, CHina isn't doing anything. They can't. And they know now they're not facing surrender-monkey Trump.
This would have looked less crazy 2 weeks again.

Since then, troubles in the middle east have faded away. The grownups handled it.
This isn't about the Middle East particularly. Anyone who thinks that has simply faded away is not paying attention. It hasn't gone anywhere.

The point is right now you have a majority of European powers along with the United States contributing to the conflict in Ukraine. It's not just Russia on the other side It's also China, Iran and North Korea. This isn't coming... it's here now.
The question is whether or not
It will expand beyond its current theater. I don't think anybody really knows at this point. When you consider the efforts being placed upon the Ukrainian theater by a dozen different nations in Europe and of course the United States, there is no question that this is a worldwide conflict.

If China makes a military move against Taiwan anytime in the next two years or so I think it's pretty obvious how quickly this thing could blossom into a global conflict far beyond that of world War II.
If China decided to take Taiwan back they would trust me.
The supply of ATACMS to the ukrainian junta is a direct provocation of a nuclear conflict.
And now the dry truth - a potential carrier of nuclear weapons, launched from NATO-occupied territory crosses the border of the Russian Federation - Russia's actions?
The DPRK for the first time held tactical exercises on nuclear counterstrike using new multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) of 600 millimeters caliber. This is reported by the Korean Central Telegraphic Agency (KCTAK).

It is noted that the maneuvers were led by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. The exercise involved a system of integrated control of nuclear weapons "Nuclear Weapons Trigger", the system "Volcano Alert", which begins to operate at "maximum nuclear crisis situation", as well as command systems of nuclear counterstrike.

I like this man. The only ruler in the world who can say "F**k off" to anyone and everyone will go off.
, there is no question that this is a worldwide conflict.
Disagree and think it is largely, if not nearly all, Scripted Theatre .
Of course the Sheeple are really suffering but that is what makes them Sheeple .

The real war is not being fought with soldiers and weapons. That is just a ruse for ongoing funds .

The War is about Influence and Mind Control .
Bribery and Obligations .

Use those weapons successfully and the need for conventional warfare has disappeared .
But do not tell the Sheeple
This would have looked less crazy 2 weeks again.

Since then, troubles in the middle east have faded away. The grownups handled it.

And no, CHina isn't doing anything. They can't. And they know now they're not facing surrender-monkey Trump.
Take your meds before posting
I like this man. The only ruler in the world who can say "F**k off" to anyone and everyone will go off.
Well, Bush did show the world that any nation without nukes would get bullied and invaded by the USA. That led to NK and Iran going all-out to develop nukes.
Our dear European friends just raised their demands to the level 'decolonization and dechristianisation of the whole Russia'.


encourages the Council of Europe member and observer States and the European Union to recognise that the Russian Orthodox Church is in fact being used as an instrument of Russian influence and propaganda by the Kremlin regime and has nothing to do with the freedom of religion and the freedom of expression guaranteed by Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights;
The Assembly states, to reinforce European Parliament Resolution of 29 February 2024 on the murder of Alexei Navalny and the need for EU action in support of political prisoners and oppressed civil society in Russia (2024/2579(RSP)), that decolonisation of the Russian Federation is a necessary condition for the establishment of democracy in the Russian Federation.
It means, that there won't be the peace between the Russian Federation and the EU.
Only unconditional surrender/total annihilation of one or both sides.

So, the Russian choice is seems like:
1) To fight limited or all-out nuclear war against the EU (or both EU and USA) and survive.
2) Not to fight and to be genocided by the Europeans.

They definitely will choose the option number one.

Therefore, American choice seems to be:
1) Limited nuclear war in Europe.
2) All-out nuclear war between the USA and Russia.

How it was in The Witcher?
After Renfri smiled delicately, her lips was contorted by a grimace looking nastily in the yellowish glow of the candle.

"You don't believe, you say. You see, you are right, but only to a certain extent. There is Evil and the Greater Evil, and behind both of them, in the shade, there is the Very Great Evil. Very Great Evil, Geralt, is one which you cannot even imagine, even though you thought that nothing can surprise you. And you see, Geralt, sometimes it goes so that this Very Great Evil clutches you by the throat and says: "Choose, fella, either me or that one, slightly lesser".
Russia vetoed in the UN Security Council a draft resolution of the United States and Japan on the non-deployment of nuclear weapons in space.
I wonder what that could mean? :eusa_think:
Disagree and think it is largely, if not nearly all, Scripted Theatre .
Of course the Sheeple are really suffering but that is what makes them Sheeple .

The real war is not being fought with soldiers and weapons. That is just a ruse for ongoing funds .

The War is about Influence and Mind Control .
Bribery and Obligations .

Use those weapons successfully and the need for conventional warfare has disappeared .
But do not tell the Sheeple
speed up to 22:00 or so 'Lu>

The threat of nuclear annihilation used to be on everyone's mind but for some reason nobody seems to care that a doddering old fool has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button today.

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