The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Thanks to The Left for watering down the words society uses to decry despicable acts, I bring you the top 3 words that No Longer have any meaning because of over use, abuse, and misapplication, in a "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" syndrome, sometimes confused with Trump Derangement Syndrome as the symptoms are nearly the same.

1.) Racism. Over used and abused. It's become just another slur like using The "N" word. It's abuse and misuse cause people to simply tune it out, along with other words such as bigot, White Nationalist, racist. When people hear this word, they think they are being conned or manipulated, and it is now associated with the word Hoax.

This does not bode well for the very few people in America who sometimes experience racism. Racism is becoming extinct in America while the allegations of it are becoming an all too frequent shrill, and desperate attempt at gaining political power through false allegations of racism.

2.) Impeachment. Over used and abused, and misused. People do not even know what this word means anymore let alone even understand why someone can be impeached. Are mean tweets an impeachable offense? Nope, not even close. It's actually very difficult to get impeached, and it is not a process to be taken lightly nor a term you should throw around just because you don't like someone's hair. Yet some throw this word around like they water their gardens.....ever day. It's lost it's impact.

3.) Rape - Sexual Harassment - #MeToo I feel bad for the victims of any kind of sexual assault or unwanted advances. The Democrat Party has utilized this word as a weapon against it's political foes, abandoning any principles of Due Process, or Presumption of Innocence. Other associated words like Sexist, Misogynist have also lost their meanings and no longer evoke shock at these acts, nor sympathy for the victims.

Once The Democrat Party decided to weaponize these words, they lost their meaning. Literally criticizing anyone of color for anything becomes racism, and the word then loses its power and meaning. Making a pass at a woman, if unwanted becomes sexual harassment instead of the pursue and catch game that has been played by the sexes for centuries, and Impeachment is just another way of saying I Hate You, and would rather spend my time in vitriol and hatred trying to undermine you and usurp you, than doing the job I was elected to do.

Changing the meaning of words, watering them down, and also adding in to the word salad bowl, political correctness which limits discussion, and effectively bans words, phrases and topics becomes a dangerous trend.

It's a trend that inspired George Orwell to write 1984, where he warns society of a future culture where thought crime and hate speech are literally anything you say and do according to the New Leftist Puritanical View.

“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thought-crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten. . . . Even now, of course, there’s no reason or excuse for committing thought-crime. It’s merely a question of self-discipline, reality-control. But in the end there won’t be any need even for that"

Orwell, 1984

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If you're expecting an argument, you'll be waiting a long time.
1. Agree calling people racist has no meaning. It is overused to the point that everyone and no one is racist.
2. Impeachment for the dems is like Lucy and the football for Charlie Brown. Every fucking time she pulls the ball and Charlie ends up on his ass, just like the dems do.
3. #meetoo is becoming ridiculous. Especially 30 or 40 years after the claim like for Kavanaugh.
Words that No Longer Have Meaning

Conservative Republican
Words that No Longer Have Meaning

Conservative Republican
Just more proof that THE LEFT, knows exactly what they are doing, and that it is immoral and unethical, and they could care less. PC is just another name for Leftist Cultural Jihad.
Words that No Longer Have Meaning

Conservative Republican
Probably true. That losing descriptor has been replaced by "Populist Republican". The hard core conservatives, aka "globalists" or "establishment" or "Never-Trumpers" can join the Constitution Party, Libertarian Party, America First Party, America's Independent Party, American Party, Independent American Party, Jefferson Republican Party, Reform Party:

Conservative Alternatives to the GOP
Conservatives have morphed into Contrarians -

anything controversial gets their dick hard - anybody lacking a moral compass can lead or join.

The Contras have arrived.
Conservatives have morphed into Contrarians -

anything controversial gets their dick hard - anybody lacking a moral compass can lead or join.

The Contras have arrived.
Since it is your nature to lie, I read this as an admission of all that you stand for.....which is NOTHING. The Dem Tard Dem Nazi Party only stands against things.


The Flag
The Pledge of Allegiance
The American Taxpayer
The Right to National Sovereignty
The Rule or Law
The Privileges and Rights of Citizenship

But what they stand most against, is Minorities rejecting dependency upon them and realizing The American Dream through hard work and honest effort.
Thanks to The Left for watering down the words society uses to decry despicable acts, I bring you the top 3 words that No Longer have any meaning because of over use, abuse, and misapplication, in a "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" syndrome, sometimes confused with Trump Derangement Syndrome as the symptoms are nearly the same.

1.) Racism. Over used and abused. It's become just another slur like using The "N" word. It's abuse and misuse cause people to simply tune it out, along with other words such as bigot, White Nationalist, racist. When people hear this word, they think they are being conned or manipulated, and it is now associated with the word Hoax.

This does not bode well for the very few people in America who sometimes experience racism. Racism is becoming extinct in America while the allegations of it are becoming an all too frequent shrill, and desperate attempt at gaining political power through false allegations of racism.

2.) Impeachment. Over used and abused, and misused. People do not even know what this word means anymore let alone even understand why someone can be impeached. Are mean tweets an impeachable offense? Nope, not even close. It's actually very difficult to get impeached, and it is not a process to be taken lightly nor a term you should throw around just because you don't like someone's hair. Yet some throw this word around like they water their gardens.....ever day. It's lost it's impact.

3.) Rape - Sexual Harassment - #MeToo I feel bad for the victims of any kind of sexual assault or unwanted advances. The Democrat Party has utilized this word as a weapon against it's political foes, abandoning any principles of Due Process, or Presumption of Innocence. Other associated words like Sexist, Misogynist have also lost their meanings and no longer evoke shock at these acts, nor sympathy for the victims.

Once The Democrat Party decided to weaponize these words, they lost their meaning. Literally criticizing anyone of color for anything becomes racism, and the word then loses its power and meaning. Making a pass at a woman, if unwanted becomes sexual harassment instead of the pursue and catch game that has been played by the sexes for centuries, and Impeachment is just another way of saying I Hate You, and would rather spend my time in vitriol and hatred trying to undermine you and usurp you, than doing the job I was elected to do.

Changing the meaning of words, watering them down, and also adding in to the word salad bowl, political correctness which limits discussion, and effectively bans words, phrases and topics becomes a dangerous trend.

It's a trend that inspired George Orwell to write 1984, where he warns society of a future culture where thought crime and hate speech are literally anything you say and do according to the New Leftist Puritanical View.

“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thought-crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten. . . . Even now, of course, there’s no reason or excuse for committing thought-crime. It’s merely a question of self-discipline, reality-control. But in the end there won’t be any need even for that"

Orwell, 1984


You've left out many others. Misogynist, holocaust, etc. etc. Pretty much the entire vocabulary of the left which I'll admit is very limited.
Thanks to The Left for watering down the words society uses to decry despicable acts, I bring you the top 3 words that No Longer have any meaning because of over use, abuse, and misapplication, in a "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" syndrome, sometimes confused with Trump Derangement Syndrome as the symptoms are nearly the same.

1.) Racism. Over used and abused. It's become just another slur like using The "N" word. It's abuse and misuse cause people to simply tune it out, along with other words such as bigot, White Nationalist, racist. When people hear this word, they think they are being conned or manipulated, and it is now associated with the word Hoax.

This does not bode well for the very few people in America who sometimes experience racism. Racism is becoming extinct in America while the allegations of it are becoming an all too frequent shrill, and desperate attempt at gaining political power through false allegations of racism.

2.) Impeachment. Over used and abused, and misused. People do not even know what this word means anymore let alone even understand why someone can be impeached. Are mean tweets an impeachable offense? Nope, not even close. It's actually very difficult to get impeached, and it is not a process to be taken lightly nor a term you should throw around just because you don't like someone's hair. Yet some throw this word around like they water their gardens.....ever day. It's lost it's impact.

3.) Rape - Sexual Harassment - #MeToo I feel bad for the victims of any kind of sexual assault or unwanted advances. The Democrat Party has utilized this word as a weapon against it's political foes, abandoning any principles of Due Process, or Presumption of Innocence. Other associated words like Sexist, Misogynist have also lost their meanings and no longer evoke shock at these acts, nor sympathy for the victims.

Once The Democrat Party decided to weaponize these words, they lost their meaning. Literally criticizing anyone of color for anything becomes racism, and the word then loses its power and meaning. Making a pass at a woman, if unwanted becomes sexual harassment instead of the pursue and catch game that has been played by the sexes for centuries, and Impeachment is just another way of saying I Hate You, and would rather spend my time in vitriol and hatred trying to undermine you and usurp you, than doing the job I was elected to do.

Changing the meaning of words, watering them down, and also adding in to the word salad bowl, political correctness which limits discussion, and effectively bans words, phrases and topics becomes a dangerous trend.

It's a trend that inspired George Orwell to write 1984, where he warns society of a future culture where thought crime and hate speech are literally anything you say and do according to the New Leftist Puritanical View.

“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thought-crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten. . . . Even now, of course, there’s no reason or excuse for committing thought-crime. It’s merely a question of self-discipline, reality-control. But in the end there won’t be any need even for that"

Orwell, 1984


You've left out many others. Misogynist, holocaust, etc. etc. Pretty much the entire vocabulary of the left which I'll admit is very limited.
That is what PC is all about. Changing Language to make all things Political, and to make The Left, the sole proprietor of solutions to problems they themselves create.
Conservatives have morphed into Contrarians -

anything controversial gets their dick hard - anybody lacking a moral compass can lead or join.

The Contras have arrived.
Pure projection.

For eight years democrats called their Mulatto Messiah the "deporter-in-chief", in order to burnish their bona fides on the border....Now Trump wants to secure the border and kick out the miscreants among the "refugees"and he's the debbil incarnate.

There are numerous other examples.
Thanks to The Left for watering down the words society uses to decry despicable acts, I bring you the top 3 words that No Longer have any meaning because of over use, abuse, and misapplication, in a "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" syndrome, sometimes confused with Trump Derangement Syndrome as the symptoms are nearly the same.

1.) Racism. Over used and abused. It's become just another slur like using The "N" word. It's abuse and misuse cause people to simply tune it out, along with other words such as bigot, White Nationalist, racist. When people hear this word, they think they are being conned or manipulated, and it is now associated with the word Hoax.

This does not bode well for the very few people in America who sometimes experience racism. Racism is becoming extinct in America while the allegations of it are becoming an all too frequent shrill, and desperate attempt at gaining political power through false allegations of racism.

2.) Impeachment. Over used and abused, and misused. People do not even know what this word means anymore let alone even understand why someone can be impeached. Are mean tweets an impeachable offense? Nope, not even close. It's actually very difficult to get impeached, and it is not a process to be taken lightly nor a term you should throw around just because you don't like someone's hair. Yet some throw this word around like they water their gardens.....ever day. It's lost it's impact.

3.) Rape - Sexual Harassment - #MeToo I feel bad for the victims of any kind of sexual assault or unwanted advances. The Democrat Party has utilized this word as a weapon against it's political foes, abandoning any principles of Due Process, or Presumption of Innocence. Other associated words like Sexist, Misogynist have also lost their meanings and no longer evoke shock at these acts, nor sympathy for the victims.

Once The Democrat Party decided to weaponize these words, they lost their meaning. Literally criticizing anyone of color for anything becomes racism, and the word then loses its power and meaning. Making a pass at a woman, if unwanted becomes sexual harassment instead of the pursue and catch game that has been played by the sexes for centuries, and Impeachment is just another way of saying I Hate You, and would rather spend my time in vitriol and hatred trying to undermine you and usurp you, than doing the job I was elected to do.

Changing the meaning of words, watering them down, and also adding in to the word salad bowl, political correctness which limits discussion, and effectively bans words, phrases and topics becomes a dangerous trend.

It's a trend that inspired George Orwell to write 1984, where he warns society of a future culture where thought crime and hate speech are literally anything you say and do according to the New Leftist Puritanical View.

“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thought-crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten. . . . Even now, of course, there’s no reason or excuse for committing thought-crime. It’s merely a question of self-discipline, reality-control. But in the end there won’t be any need even for that"

Orwell, 1984


Here's another few: Democrat/Republican Conservative/Liberal
Reagan had Nicaragua

Trump has Russia
Reagan was not impeached for Nicaragua.
Mueller did not name a single crime in His Misnamed Report to Indict President Trump on to even recommend for impeachment.

You Lose AGAIN!



Reagan had Nicaragua

Trump has Russia
Reagan was not impeached for Nicaragua.
Mueller did not name a single crime in His Misnamed Report to Indict President Trump on to even recommend for impeachment.

You Lose AGAIN!




batshit f'n crazy ^^^^^^^^^^^ :spinner:
Any Day Now!

Impeach 45 in 2025!

Without Recommendations for Indictment you cannot draw up a single Article of Impeachment.

Send in The Clowns.

That's you...

Of the 3 words in OP, the only one that goes in one ear and out the other is impeachment. It has been overused ever since Nixon The others make me take note, but only after questioning the sincerity of the speaker. Much the way "Benghazi" got 4 years ago.

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