Wonderful, The Saudis armed ISIS.

Ronald Reagan meets Afghan Mujahideen Commanders at the White House in 1985 (Reagan Archives)

Fool. No one denies that Reagan supported the mujahideen. That's why you can pull up pictures of Reagan with them you idiot.

But the Taliban and the AQ are different entities that the original tribal warriors who fought against the Russians.

You know. After Reagan left the WH.

Now to ISIS. Certainly backed by Qatar and Saudi Arabia. And it's no secret that Obama wants regime change in Syria.


It's the same people.

But some how it's different.

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Reagan met with the Afghan Mujahideen, later to become the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Reagan would call these religious fanatics and cutthroats "freedom fighters."

Those "freedom fighters' later became ISIS

Another Abomination created and fostered by THE US

ISIS, Al Qaeda 2.0!

All true, but the American government will never admit it.


Oh, and...

general hamid gul | Veterans Today

Osama bin Laden, America’s bogyman, was recruited by the CIA in 1979 at the very outset of the US sponsored jihad. He was 22 years old and was trained in a CIA sponsored guerilla training camp

Ronald Reagan meets Afghan Mujahideen Commanders at the White House in 1985 (Reagan Archives)

Fool. No one denies that Reagan supported the mujahideen. That's why you can pull up pictures of Reagan with them you idiot.

But the Taliban and the AQ are different entities that the original tribal warriors who fought against the Russians.

You know. After Reagan left the WH.

Now to ISIS. Certainly backed by Qatar and Saudi Arabia. And it's no secret that Obama wants regime change in Syria.

So, Reagan palled around with terrorists? That IS what you're admitting, right?
Talk about being late to the party. We have been warning you guys about this for months. We have been warning you guys about supporting radical islamists against Assad(supposedly the new hitler that carried out so called chemical attacks which were never proven). But no, you guys insisted on supporting "democracy" in Syria all the while ignoring that the weapons we were supplying were going to radicals, and we were helping the Saudis do the same.

Now in Iraq, you reap what you sow liberals and neo-cons.
Stick that useless shit back up your ass. Reagan sold weapons to Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. Operation Cyclone, Iran-Contra, CIA training and funding the Mujahideen, foreign aid to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, all helped create the modern jihad. Rumsfeld fondling Saddam's balls in 1983 while the Kurds were being gassed? Do Republicans just forget all of their contributions to this endless, unwinnable, Vietnam-style clusterfuck?

We are reaping what the GOP sowed.

Look, I know you are bitter as a communist, the USSR collapsed due to their fool hardy intervention in Afghanistan.

You think you lefties and neo-cons(Democrats and Republicans) would have learned how nation building failed after your commie buddies failed in Afghanistan. But no, you have to keep trying, in Afghanistan(again), Iraq(when Saddam was a secular stabilizing force against radicals), Libya(Qadaffi a secular force against radicals) in Syria(Assad, again a secular stabilizing force against radicals).

Notice a pattern. You idiots have a pattern of destabilizing regions, and having radicals arise in the place of strong men(or maybe that is the agenda all along, you don't want a stable middle east that might form a geopolitical bloc that doesn't 100% align with US interests. Rather than having a stable Iraq and Syria align with Iran, and indirectly with Russia, you would rather keep them in a state of civil war, and if you need to support radical islamists to do it so be it, if thousands of civilians need to continuously die, and the blood and treasure we spent is in vain, so be it.
And then there's O and mccain supporting the isis syrian rebels. I guess the saudis are being our allies, supporting the same enemy. Lol.

Obama Authorizes Sending Weapons To Syrian Rebels

right... and?

McCain and the bomb bomb bomb iran crowed were yelling that we should send troops.

that didn't happen, did it?


So you admit that the current administration is the one that gave ISIS weapons?

Along with help facilitate the Saudis and Qataris to do the same through the CIA?


The US, CIA, Israel, and Saudi/Qatar are the biggest threats to World peace.
All true, but the American government will never admit it.


Oh, and...

general hamid gul | Veterans Today

Ronald Reagan meets Afghan Mujahideen Commanders at the White House in 1985 (Reagan Archives)

Fool. No one denies that Reagan supported the mujahideen. That's why you can pull up pictures of Reagan with them you idiot.

But the Taliban and the AQ are different entities that the original tribal warriors who fought against the Russians.

You know. After Reagan left the WH.

Now to ISIS. Certainly backed by Qatar and Saudi Arabia. And it's no secret that Obama wants regime change in Syria.

So, Reagan palled around with terrorists? That IS what you're admitting, right?

No, just proving the US armed and funded the very freedom fighters/evil terrorists they're now fighting.
The various US governments have been very stupid.
Fool. No one denies that Reagan supported the mujahideen. That's why you can pull up pictures of Reagan with them you idiot.

But the Taliban and the AQ are different entities that the original tribal warriors who fought against the Russians.

You know. After Reagan left the WH.

Now to ISIS. Certainly backed by Qatar and Saudi Arabia. And it's no secret that Obama wants regime change in Syria.

So, Reagan palled around with terrorists? That IS what you're admitting, right?

No, just proving the US armed and funded the very freedom fighters/evil terrorists they're now fighting.
The various US governments have been very stupid.

ISIS now has US Humvees to use; who do we thank? Before 1/01, we watched Islamic extremists....then, that ceased. The Saudi favorite, our fair haired boy, made sure of that, then of course the US invaded Iraq, giving the militants both time & recruits.
ISIS now has US Humvees to use; who do we thank? Before 1/01, we watched Islamic extremists....then, that ceased. The Saudi favorite, our fair haired boy, made sure of that, then of course the US invaded Iraq, giving the militants both time & recruits.

They have, and a lot more.
Kop the photos here

??? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ?? ?????? ?... - justpaste.it

Mostly US made gear, including heavy weapons, all with Islamic flags on them.
When the US left Iraq to the fate Bush had left it with, the American left billions of dollars worth of equipment, much of this is now in the hands of extremists.

As is common, the US taxpayer is funding terrorism.
They also seem to have MANPADS, so careful if you send helicopters against them.
Faster jets may also be lost to ground fire.

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