Women who are raped repeatedly and forced to give birth.

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Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Women who are raped repeatedly and forced to give birth.

hBrides held until they give birth

Seng Moon was moved to another house, where she was tied up and locked in a room. Her new "husband" would bring her meals, after which he would rape her.

The abuse and the rape continued, and eventually Seng Moon became pregnant. After she gave birth to a baby boy, she asked to go home to Myanmar.
Moon says her husband said she was free to go -- but that she couldn't take her baby.

This is why we need a Democratic president. To stand up against this type of abuse. A republican president never would. He might even agree with it. Or maybe see nothing wrong.
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If this happened in this country, I bet Republicans would see nothing wrong with forcing the woman to have the baby.
Am I right?
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