With Today’s Racist Ouburst, Joe Biden is now Almost Beyond Parody


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
With Today’s Racist Ouburst, Joe Biden is now Almost Beyond Parody

6 Aug 2020 ~~ By David Blackmon
Ok, now, this really is real. – Watch as the Democrat Party’s Unfrozen Caveman Presumptive Nominee reveals what he truly does think about America’s Black community:

And here’s the truth: This is not just how Joe Biden really thinks of African Americans – that they’re monolithic thinkers, all the same, all should vote Democrat or “they ain’t Black” as he stated a few weeks ago – it’s really and truly what the Democrat Party as a whole thinks of them, and has for…well, pretty much forever.
The problem Biden as nominee presents to the Democrat Party – well, one of the thousands of problems – is not merely that he is racist: It’s that these old ways of ‘talkin’ to black folks’ are so ingrained in his diminishing mind that he is not able to break the habit. He can’t be trained to engage in the leftist double-speak that now dominates Democrat Party condescension to the Black community.
This is why you likely will never see Biden on a stage debating President Donald Trump for 2 or 3 hours this fall. I saw one TV talking head defend Biden the other day by pointing out the fact that he has already participated in half a dozen televised debates with his Democrat opponents over the past year. There are several reasons why Biden’s participation in those debates does little to prepare him for a debate with the President:
– He was debating fellow Democrats with questions coming only from fawning Democrat activists pretending to be “journalists;”​
– His total speaking time during any one of those debates never amounted to more than about 10 minutes and was far less than that in several of them; and​
– He was not getting hit with pointed rejoinders by a hostile opponent, with the lone exception coming when Kamala Harris cynically pretended to have been one of the children of the 1970s who was impacted by Biden’s opposition to forced busing [she wasn’t].​
It is one thing for an elderly man with a declining mind to keep things together well enough to survive about 10 minutes of actual participation in a debate with a dozen other people. It is pretty easy to just sit back and hide in such a situation, which Biden did throughout most of those debates. And we need to remember that, even with all of that, he still horrifically embarrassed himself time after time after time.
It is quite another thing entirely for such a man to hold things together for 2 or 3 hours on a stage with a single opponent with no place to hide. As we have seen three times now in just the last 24 hours, Biden is simply not capable of avoiding saying embarrassing things even when faced with pure softball questions. On the rare occasion he is faced with an actual semi-tough question – as he was yesterday when the Black reporter asked him if he has ever taken a cognitive test – he is prone to having irrational outbursts and childish temper tantrums.
This is who Joe Biden is, folks. He was a walking gaffe machine decades ago, long before his mind started to decline. Now he has pretty much completely lost his filter, and we see all the racist stuff just come pouring out of his mouth before he even realizes he’s doing it.

Even many Democrats are wondering if Biden is the right candidate, especially after the tirade against the Black Jouralist, or his downgrading Black people as monolithic thinkers, that all should vote Democrat or “they ain’t Black” as he stated a few weeks ago – it’s really and truly what the Democrat Party as a whole thinks of them, and has for…well, pretty much forever.
Then there's Joe's denigrating Black people as unproductive in comparison to people South of the border....
Actually what Joe say's off the top of his head is what the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left believe about Black people.
Joe in his obviously racist mind believes all blacks are the same, and they lack diversity. I personally think his opinion is racist, but at least when it comes to politics why would Biden think any differently. The PMS/DSA Democrats have done almost nothing to improve the lives of black citizens, and yet they continue voting for Democrats. Some people, including me think that Joe “Plugs" Biden in a POS, but in this latest instance Joe was just calling it as he sees it.
The msm simply will not do their job. Thus this madness with biden continues.

That's one way of looking at it. My thoughts differ.... The biased MSM is working overtime to hide the verbal picadilloes Joe utters on a daily basis.
Just look at how much they've lied and buried about Joey... From the extortion of the Ukraine, his son's deal with bursima, Hunter's deal with China after a trip on Airforce 2, Joe's assault on Tara Reade, and his myriad of false stories related to the hair on his legs to the razor and Corn Pop....

The msm simply will not do their job. Thus this madness with biden continues.

That's one way of looking at it. My thoughts differ.... The biased MSM is working overtime to hide the verbal picadilloes Joe utters on a daily basis.
Just look at how much they've lied and buried about Joey... From the extortion of the Ukraine, his son's deal with bursima, Hunter's deal with China after a trip on Airforce 2, Joe's assault on Tara Reade, and his myriad of false stories related to the hair on his legs to the razor and Corn Pop....

Democrats have graduated from "Low information voters" to "No information voters."
It think the biggest concern facing the Democratic Party is whether Joe Biden is stupid and offensive enough. Clearly that kind of thing appeals to voters, but does he have what it takes to out do Trump?
With Today’s Racist Ouburst, Joe Biden is now Almost Beyond Parody

6 Aug 2020 ~~ By David Blackmon
Ok, now, this really is real. – Watch as the Democrat Party’s Unfrozen Caveman Presumptive Nominee reveals what he truly does think about America’s Black community:

And here’s the truth: This is not just how Joe Biden really thinks of African Americans – that they’re monolithic thinkers, all the same, all should vote Democrat or “they ain’t Black” as he stated a few weeks ago – it’s really and truly what the Democrat Party as a whole thinks of them, and has for…well, pretty much forever.
The problem Biden as nominee presents to the Democrat Party – well, one of the thousands of problems – is not merely that he is racist: It’s that these old ways of ‘talkin’ to black folks’ are so ingrained in his diminishing mind that he is not able to break the habit. He can’t be trained to engage in the leftist double-speak that now dominates Democrat Party condescension to the Black community.
This is why you likely will never see Biden on a stage debating President Donald Trump for 2 or 3 hours this fall. I saw one TV talking head defend Biden the other day by pointing out the fact that he has already participated in half a dozen televised debates with his Democrat opponents over the past year. There are several reasons why Biden’s participation in those debates does little to prepare him for a debate with the President:
– He was debating fellow Democrats with questions coming only from fawning Democrat activists pretending to be “journalists;”​
– His total speaking time during any one of those debates never amounted to more than about 10 minutes and was far less than that in several of them; and​
– He was not getting hit with pointed rejoinders by a hostile opponent, with the lone exception coming when Kamala Harris cynically pretended to have been one of the children of the 1970s who was impacted by Biden’s opposition to forced busing [she wasn’t].​
It is one thing for an elderly man with a declining mind to keep things together well enough to survive about 10 minutes of actual participation in a debate with a dozen other people. It is pretty easy to just sit back and hide in such a situation, which Biden did throughout most of those debates. And we need to remember that, even with all of that, he still horrifically embarrassed himself time after time after time.
It is quite another thing entirely for such a man to hold things together for 2 or 3 hours on a stage with a single opponent with no place to hide. As we have seen three times now in just the last 24 hours, Biden is simply not capable of avoiding saying embarrassing things even when faced with pure softball questions. On the rare occasion he is faced with an actual semi-tough question – as he was yesterday when the Black reporter asked him if he has ever taken a cognitive test – he is prone to having irrational outbursts and childish temper tantrums.
This is who Joe Biden is, folks. He was a walking gaffe machine decades ago, long before his mind started to decline. Now he has pretty much completely lost his filter, and we see all the racist stuff just come pouring out of his mouth before he even realizes he’s doing it.

Even many Democrats are wondering if Biden is the right candidate, especially after the tirade against the Black Jouralist, or his downgrading Black people as monolithic thinkers, that all should vote Democrat or “they ain’t Black” as he stated a few weeks ago – it’s really and truly what the Democrat Party as a whole thinks of them, and has for…well, pretty much forever.
Then there's Joe's denigrating Black people as unproductive in comparison to people South of the border....
Actually what Joe say's off the top of his head is what the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left believe about Black people.
Joe in his obviously racist mind believes all blacks are the same, and they lack diversity. I personally think his opinion is racist, but at least when it comes to politics why would Biden think any differently. The PMS/DSA Democrats have done almost nothing to improve the lives of black citizens, and yet they continue voting for Democrats. Some people, including me think that Joe “Plugs" Biden in a POS, but in this latest instance Joe was just calling it as he sees it.

This will change no Blacks vote. The Blacks voting for Trump know the democRat party founded the KKK and have fought against every equal rights bill including anti-lynching bills. The rest just voting for democRats show they are just like all democRats that are to stupid to ever know ignorance.
With Today’s Racist Ouburst, Joe Biden is now Almost Beyond Parody

6 Aug 2020 ~~ By David Blackmon
Ok, now, this really is real. – Watch as the Democrat Party’s Unfrozen Caveman Presumptive Nominee reveals what he truly does think about America’s Black community:

And here’s the truth: This is not just how Joe Biden really thinks of African Americans – that they’re monolithic thinkers, all the same, all should vote Democrat or “they ain’t Black” as he stated a few weeks ago – it’s really and truly what the Democrat Party as a whole thinks of them, and has for…well, pretty much forever.
The problem Biden as nominee presents to the Democrat Party – well, one of the thousands of problems – is not merely that he is racist: It’s that these old ways of ‘talkin’ to black folks’ are so ingrained in his diminishing mind that he is not able to break the habit. He can’t be trained to engage in the leftist double-speak that now dominates Democrat Party condescension to the Black community.
This is why you likely will never see Biden on a stage debating President Donald Trump for 2 or 3 hours this fall. I saw one TV talking head defend Biden the other day by pointing out the fact that he has already participated in half a dozen televised debates with his Democrat opponents over the past year. There are several reasons why Biden’s participation in those debates does little to prepare him for a debate with the President:
– He was debating fellow Democrats with questions coming only from fawning Democrat activists pretending to be “journalists;”​
– His total speaking time during any one of those debates never amounted to more than about 10 minutes and was far less than that in several of them; and​
– He was not getting hit with pointed rejoinders by a hostile opponent, with the lone exception coming when Kamala Harris cynically pretended to have been one of the children of the 1970s who was impacted by Biden’s opposition to forced busing [she wasn’t].​
It is one thing for an elderly man with a declining mind to keep things together well enough to survive about 10 minutes of actual participation in a debate with a dozen other people. It is pretty easy to just sit back and hide in such a situation, which Biden did throughout most of those debates. And we need to remember that, even with all of that, he still horrifically embarrassed himself time after time after time.
It is quite another thing entirely for such a man to hold things together for 2 or 3 hours on a stage with a single opponent with no place to hide. As we have seen three times now in just the last 24 hours, Biden is simply not capable of avoiding saying embarrassing things even when faced with pure softball questions. On the rare occasion he is faced with an actual semi-tough question – as he was yesterday when the Black reporter asked him if he has ever taken a cognitive test – he is prone to having irrational outbursts and childish temper tantrums.
This is who Joe Biden is, folks. He was a walking gaffe machine decades ago, long before his mind started to decline. Now he has pretty much completely lost his filter, and we see all the racist stuff just come pouring out of his mouth before he even realizes he’s doing it.

Even many Democrats are wondering if Biden is the right candidate, especially after the tirade against the Black Jouralist, or his downgrading Black people as monolithic thinkers, that all should vote Democrat or “they ain’t Black” as he stated a few weeks ago – it’s really and truly what the Democrat Party as a whole thinks of them, and has for…well, pretty much forever.
Then there's Joe's denigrating Black people as unproductive in comparison to people South of the border....
Actually what Joe say's off the top of his head is what the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left believe about Black people.
Joe in his obviously racist mind believes all blacks are the same, and they lack diversity. I personally think his opinion is racist, but at least when it comes to politics why would Biden think any differently. The PMS/DSA Democrats have done almost nothing to improve the lives of black citizens, and yet they continue voting for Democrats. Some people, including me think that Joe “Plugs" Biden in a POS, but in this latest instance Joe was just calling it as he sees it.

Excellent analysis
With Today’s Racist Ouburst, Joe Biden is now Almost Beyond Parody

6 Aug 2020 ~~ By David Blackmon
Ok, now, this really is real. – Watch as the Democrat Party’s Unfrozen Caveman Presumptive Nominee reveals what he truly does think about America’s Black community:

And here’s the truth: This is not just how Joe Biden really thinks of African Americans – that they’re monolithic thinkers, all the same, all should vote Democrat or “they ain’t Black” as he stated a few weeks ago – it’s really and truly what the Democrat Party as a whole thinks of them, and has for…well, pretty much forever.
The problem Biden as nominee presents to the Democrat Party – well, one of the thousands of problems – is not merely that he is racist: It’s that these old ways of ‘talkin’ to black folks’ are so ingrained in his diminishing mind that he is not able to break the habit. He can’t be trained to engage in the leftist double-speak that now dominates Democrat Party condescension to the Black community.
This is why you likely will never see Biden on a stage debating President Donald Trump for 2 or 3 hours this fall. I saw one TV talking head defend Biden the other day by pointing out the fact that he has already participated in half a dozen televised debates with his Democrat opponents over the past year. There are several reasons why Biden’s participation in those debates does little to prepare him for a debate with the President:
– He was debating fellow Democrats with questions coming only from fawning Democrat activists pretending to be “journalists;”​
– His total speaking time during any one of those debates never amounted to more than about 10 minutes and was far less than that in several of them; and​
– He was not getting hit with pointed rejoinders by a hostile opponent, with the lone exception coming when Kamala Harris cynically pretended to have been one of the children of the 1970s who was impacted by Biden’s opposition to forced busing [she wasn’t].​
It is one thing for an elderly man with a declining mind to keep things together well enough to survive about 10 minutes of actual participation in a debate with a dozen other people. It is pretty easy to just sit back and hide in such a situation, which Biden did throughout most of those debates. And we need to remember that, even with all of that, he still horrifically embarrassed himself time after time after time.
It is quite another thing entirely for such a man to hold things together for 2 or 3 hours on a stage with a single opponent with no place to hide. As we have seen three times now in just the last 24 hours, Biden is simply not capable of avoiding saying embarrassing things even when faced with pure softball questions. On the rare occasion he is faced with an actual semi-tough question – as he was yesterday when the Black reporter asked him if he has ever taken a cognitive test – he is prone to having irrational outbursts and childish temper tantrums.
This is who Joe Biden is, folks. He was a walking gaffe machine decades ago, long before his mind started to decline. Now he has pretty much completely lost his filter, and we see all the racist stuff just come pouring out of his mouth before he even realizes he’s doing it.

Even many Democrats are wondering if Biden is the right candidate, especially after the tirade against the Black Jouralist, or his downgrading Black people as monolithic thinkers, that all should vote Democrat or “they ain’t Black” as he stated a few weeks ago – it’s really and truly what the Democrat Party as a whole thinks of them, and has for…well, pretty much forever.
Then there's Joe's denigrating Black people as unproductive in comparison to people South of the border....
Actually what Joe say's off the top of his head is what the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left believe about Black people.
Joe in his obviously racist mind believes all blacks are the same, and they lack diversity. I personally think his opinion is racist, but at least when it comes to politics why would Biden think any differently. The PMS/DSA Democrats have done almost nothing to improve the lives of black citizens, and yet they continue voting for Democrats. Some people, including me think that Joe “Plugs" Biden in a POS, but in this latest instance Joe was just calling it as he sees it.

Xi doesn't care, Biden's his guy
Biden is a RACIST CLOWN, but he is protected by the FAKE NEWS, with FAKE NEWS also being what the MSM Does Not tell the American people.

Good example would be the RACIST War in Libya, where the GLOBALISTS ordered the Obama/Biden Administration to take out Gaddafi to stop the creation of a new African currency that would be like the EURO.
We always need to connect the dots. The ms in MSNBC is Microsoft. Microsoft is Bill Gates. Bill gates has spearheaded the move to destroy small businesses and MSNBC is encouraging unfettered looting and arson of businesses.

There is a plan there, folks.

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