CDZ Wisdom From The Virus


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger is an old saying. Virologists today are frantically working on some kind of anti-viral medication to stop Covid. Dr. Segal says the FDA is rolling out an antibody test. 70 different companies have applied for FDA approval. The NIH vaccine is going to phase 2 trial. Months away. Fauci says the vaccine could actually cause more problems and side effects.

Now that being said, maybe scientists are learning more about the human natural immune system which may possibly lead to a greater understanding of how to enhance it.
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger is an old saying. Virologists today are frantically working on some kind of anti-viral medication to stop Covid. Dr. Segal says the FDA is rolling out an antibody test. 70 different companies have applied for FDA approval. The NIH vaccine is going to phase 2 trial. Months away. Fauci says the vaccine could actually cause more problems and side effects.

Now that being said, maybe scientists are learning more about the human natural immune system which may possibly lead to a greater understanding of how to enhance it.

What doesn't kill you usually leaves you injured and much weaker, and less capable of enduring what you could easily endure before. There are hundreds of thousands of people who didn't die, but are forever in a much weaker state for the rest of their lives.
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger is an old saying. Virologists today are frantically working on some kind of anti-viral medication to stop Covid. Dr. Segal says the FDA is rolling out an antibody test. 70 different companies have applied for FDA approval. The NIH vaccine is going to phase 2 trial. Months away. Fauci says the vaccine could actually cause more problems and side effects.

Now that being said, maybe scientists are learning more about the human natural immune system which may possibly lead to a greater understanding of how to enhance it.
The virus is the solution to our Social Security problem.
Darwinism, kill the weak so the strong can thrive.
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger is an old saying. Virologists today are frantically working on some kind of anti-viral medication to stop Covid. Dr. Segal says the FDA is rolling out an antibody test. 70 different companies have applied for FDA approval. The NIH vaccine is going to phase 2 trial. Months away. Fauci says the vaccine could actually cause more problems and side effects.

Now that being said, maybe scientists are learning more about the human natural immune system which may possibly lead to a greater understanding of how to enhance it.
The virus is the solution to our Social Security problem.
Darwinism, kill the weak so the strong can thrive.
20% killed are under 65. Probably a bunch of weakies. Huh?
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger is an old saying. Virologists today are frantically working on some kind of anti-viral medication to stop Covid. Dr. Segal says the FDA is rolling out an antibody test. 70 different companies have applied for FDA approval. The NIH vaccine is going to phase 2 trial. Months away. Fauci says the vaccine could actually cause more problems and side effects.

Now that being said, maybe scientists are learning more about the human natural immune system which may possibly lead to a greater understanding of how to enhance it.
The virus is the solution to our Social Security problem.
Darwinism, kill the weak so the strong can thrive.
20% killed are under 65. Probably a bunch of weakies. Huh?
cull the weak from the herd so the strong aren't held back by them.
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger is an old saying. Virologists today are frantically working on some kind of anti-viral medication to stop Covid. Dr. Segal says the FDA is rolling out an antibody test. 70 different companies have applied for FDA approval. The NIH vaccine is going to phase 2 trial. Months away. Fauci says the vaccine could actually cause more problems and side effects.

Now that being said, maybe scientists are learning more about the human natural immune system which may possibly lead to a greater understanding of how to enhance it.
The virus is the solution to our Social Security problem.
Darwinism, kill the weak so the strong can thrive.
20% killed are under 65. Probably a bunch of weakies. Huh?
cull the weak from the herd so the strong aren't held back by them.
Herd immunity is being thwarted today.
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger is an old saying. Virologists today are frantically working on some kind of anti-viral medication to stop Covid. Dr. Segal says the FDA is rolling out an antibody test. 70 different companies have applied for FDA approval. The NIH vaccine is going to phase 2 trial. Months away. Fauci says the vaccine could actually cause more problems and side effects.

Now that being said, maybe scientists are learning more about the human natural immune system which may possibly lead to a greater understanding of how to enhance it.
Wisdom is telling you to change your habits, to keep a healthy style of life.

The government was well prepared to tell you "isolate from others" in front of a next virus attack.

The current virus should have affected solely people over 65 years old and people with weak health condition of any age, but other people have also died.

The problem is that poor diet and smoking are two other main reasons which make people candidates to die because the virus. And, the government is not doing any preventive measurement about it. The reason is because doing the right thing will cause the abolition of a law allowing people to smoke marijuana, as an example.

And worst, hospitals receiving lots of free junk food (pizzas) where cheese is not legitimate cheese but oils imitating it, and causing great damage to digestive and consanguineous systems, no wonder why weakened nurses bodies contacted the virus and died.

No one wants to listen wisdom, and the obstinate position of authorities and lots of people to change for better to become strong and need not vaccines or similar, this is why the pandemics always win.

Remember 1918 pandemic, so you can understand clearly what I say today, that pandemic comes in times of an ending war where soldiers with weak bodies because bad nutrition were victims of a virus which also killed entire populations of weak health inhabitants.

The current deaths in NY and NJ are telling you that a bunch of people in those States suffer of weak health status, but... who will accept this sad and crude reality?

Just keep eating pizza and fried chicken, smoke cigarettes and marijuana, fill yourself with sodas and lots of alcohol... because wisdom is not for you.
Confucius Did Not Say:

Man who wants pretty nurse must be patient.

Passionate kiss, like spider web, leads to undoing of fly.

Lady who goes camping with man must beware of evil intent.

Man who leaps off cliff jumps to conclusion.

Man who runs in front of car gets tired, but man who runs behind car gets exhausted.

Man who eats many prunes get good run for money.

War does not determine who is right; it determines who is left.

Man who fights with wife all day get no piece at night.

It takes many nails to build a crib, but only one screw to fill it.

Man who drives like hell is bound to get there.

Man who stands on toilet is high on pot.

Wise man does not keep sledge hammer and slow computer in same room.

Man who lives in glass house should change clothes in basement.

And, Confucius Did Not Say. . .

"A lion will not cheat on his wife, but a Tiger Wood!"

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