Will We Become a Divided Country?


We could call it a Revolution if we ever managed to overthrow the Authoritarian Fascists in government on both sides.
My guess is most people still want a Civil War, and the security blanket of the Fascists.

God forbid they ever had to do anything themselves and couldn't blame someone else for their failures.

I had just casually mentioned some place around here the other day that revolution is impossible without first achieving renaissance. Was probably a waste of keystrokes, just because it really does seem to be true that, collectively speaking, so many do indeed look to, as you put it, the security blanket of fascists. And, of course, this naturally reflects the importance of your latter thought there. Which goes back full circle to the prerequisites of so-called revolution.

It's a heck of a thing.
As was pointed out above, even most states are divided so what good would it do to seceded. The divide still exist.

And even if all the Right leaning people went to one set of states and all the left leaning people went to the other set of states, after a few years the same divide would again be present. Those in the Right leaning states would start going after those not "right" enough and those in the left states would go after those not "left" enough
Dems are trying to drive all dissenting conservative opinion from the public square

If they succeed our republic is finished
Dems are trying to drive all dissenting conservative opinion from the public square

If they succeed our republic is finished
40 years ago, if you asked me if fascism were to ever come to this country, I would have said it would arrive clutching a Bible.

Today, it HAS arrived to a great degree, and it sure didn't arrive clutching that bible, but utilizing algorithms, instead.
40 years ago, if you asked me if fascism were to ever come to this country, I would have said it would arrive clutching a Bible.

Today, it HAS arrived to a great degree, and it sure didn't arrive clutching that bible, but utilizing algorithms, instead.
I dont know why people fear Christians so much
I had just casually mentioned some place around here the other day that revolution is impossible without first achieving renaissance. Was probably a waste of keystrokes, just because it really does seem to be true that, collectively speaking, so many do indeed look to, as you put it, the security blanket of fascists. And, of course, this naturally reflects the importance of your latter thought there. Which goes back full circle to the prerequisites of so-called revolution.

It's a heck of a thing.

A Cultural Renaissance can occur without Violence, but only if it is facilitated by an Enlightenment based in Principles and by the Individuals.
Otherwise ... The Individual retreats to the safety of Accepted Norms, and the spark of Enlightenment is smothered by the demand for Mediocrity.

The Authoritarian Fascists use forced Acceptance in Ideology, and Compliance legally to facilitate their own Power.
Their goal is never Enlightenment or achieving a Cultural Renaissance.


Eventually (sometime in the next century), the two majority ethnicities (African Americans & Hispanics) will sit down with the three main minorities (Asians, Caucasians, & Native Americans).

The meeting will be 100% friendly.

The keynote speaker will say something like: "We have been trying since the 20th century to have a harmonious multicultural society. It is now the 22nd century, and things have never been so bad. So let's sit down together and draw up an amicable divorce."

There will be loud applause and smiles and handshakes all around.

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