Will Trump supporters Finally Understand it is not OK to Lie about Everything?? Roger Stone Edition

If that jackass Stone had just told the truth, I am sure he would have been OK. BUT he chose to lie like a Trumper, not because he needed to (he could have taken the 5th), but just because lying comes more natural to Trumpers than telling the truth.

Trump tells about 5 lies a day. Foxnews, Alex Jones, all those fake bots on facebook, feed more lies to Trumpers. Trumpers are swimming in a sea of lies, they need the lies because it is easier than accepting reality.

Trumpers need to understand that it is not OK to lie over everything, and there are real deal consequences in the big boy world when you do.

The message here is simple, stop lying. But we know that will never happen.

Roger Stone: Trump associate found guilty of lies that protected Trump - CNNPolitics
Do you believe Americans have rights to be protected from perjury trap’s fake hoaxs biased judges biased jurors biased investigators?

There is no such thing as a "perjury trap", and nobody but a liar would worry about one. If you don't lie, you don't get "trapped".

When I worked for the bank, I was told that if I caught the applicant lying, I should decline his/her loan application immediately, regardless of how good the loan looked otherwise. When I worked in the law, I was learned that you never ever lie to the police or, the courts.

Ken Starr trapped Bill Clinton with his knowledge of the Lewinsky, but when faced with having his affair revealed, Clinton made the wrong decision. If he hadn't lied, they had nothing else to impeach him on.

American banks won't lend to Trump because he lies. Trump's lawyers wouldn't let him testify to Mueller because they KNEW he would lie.

That you trust this lying thief is beyond me. If he can't tell you the truth, how can you trust him to do the right thing.
Yeah, that was when an intern in the oval office of the white house was giving blow jobs to the president while a female captain of the air force was caught screwing around with a man other than her husband, she got canned from the military while Rapist Bill Clinton got kudos from you lefties when his impeachment was overturned. Then 16 years later the metoo movement came around and then you had issues with the rapist....Yep, you liberals, are just dirty as a whore on crack cocaine....

No one has ever made a single credible accusation of rape. Anita Broaddrick is not credible. She never once accused Bill Clinton of rape, but told both her husband and her secret lover that he did to cover her cheating. Rumours swirled and people started question her if this happened and she consistently denied Clinton raped her. She worked on his campaigns.

When she was asked for her testimony in the Paula Jones trial, she filed an affidavit saying Bill Clinton did not rape her, she was now married to her former lover, and wanted to be left alone about this. Ken Starr called her in and said he had witnesses who she had told that Clinton had raped her, and if she didn't recant her affidavit he was charged her with perjury and throw her in jail. Susan McDougall had been in jail for more than a year for refusing to testify against Clinton. Starr would give her immunity from perjury prosecution if she recanted. Broaddrick had already told two entirely different version of events, did as she was told, recanted her affidavit and said Clinton raped her.

Now I don't know what happened in that hotel room, was she telling the truth to her husband and the guy she was sleeping with after if happened, or was she trying to cover up the fact she had just cheated on both of them. She told another friend at that time that it was consensual and very enthusiastic, hence the mouse on her lip. But when asked to make a statement under oath, she said Bill Clinton did not rape her, the same thing she had been saying for years, and only changed her story when was threatened with a perjury charge and jail time by Ken Starr.

My inclination is always to believe the woman, but which story do we believe? The first one told to keep her other relationships from blowing up. The second one

Bill Clinton was a pig, and I don't like defending him on this issue. He was a sexual opportunist, but does not appear to be a predator who forced himself on multiple women, like Trump. There is a big difference between a predator and an opportunist. Every other woman who has turned him down said he stopped when told no. None of Epstein's girls have ever accused Clinton either.

I knew a guy like Clinton in my group of friends when I was young and single. Chased after every girl who walked past. Got his face slapped a lot. I was dating his best friend. He said Mikey got turned down 9 times out of 10, and he was OK with that. He was looking for that 10th girl. Mikey was a fuck boy and nobody I would ever want to date, but he was not a rapist. He was a young crown attorney with his whole career ahead of him, and there was no way he was going to lose his law license over a piece of ass. He wasn't stupid. Clinton was a lot like Mikey.

Trump is not that smart and he doesn't think there will ever be consequences. And he's mean. He gets off on abusing women and children, like the immigrant families on the border. He thinks can do whatever he wants because he's rich, and famous. And his history of abuse and predation. Three credible allegations of rape, one with an epstein staffer as witness. Lawsuits.
I guess you arent of the #metoo movement and totally deny the "TRUTH" that Bill Clinton was a rapist and pedophile..This is why the liberals are allowed to do to women the bad things they do....that my dear is Toxic Masculinity...

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