Will the Supreme Court Strike Down Obamas NLRB Recess Appointments?

Will the Supreme Court Strike Down Obamas NLRB Recess Appointments?

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Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
Will the Supreme Court Strike Down Obamas NLRB Recess Appointments?

Come place your bets!


The audio of the argument will be posted here in a few days.


1. Was the Senate “ in recess” under the Recess Appointments Clause when President Obama appointed three people to the Board on January 4, 2012?

2. Does the Recess Appointments Clause grant the President the power to fill only vacancies that occur during the official recess of the Senate?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5g3r15xyS8Y]NLRB v. Noel Canning: Inside the Case - YouTube[/ame]

More http://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/national-labor-relations-board-v-noel-canning/
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The Supreme Court is a clown show packed with right wing stooges. Almost certainly they will do whatever is expected of them by their extremist masters.
The Supreme Court is a clown show packed with right wing stooges. Almost certainly they will do whatever is expected of them by their extremist masters.

Sounds like your lamenting the possibility to rejecting Obama's recess appointments?
The entire recess list of appointees will be presented for an up and down vote in the US Senate next month.

Guess who is going to win this battle?
The entire recess list of appointees will be presented for an up and down vote in the US Senate next month.

Guess who is going to win this battle?

My question is what happens to all of the NLRB rulings if Obamas appointees get booted?
The entire recess list of appointees will be presented for an up and down vote in the US Senate next month.

Guess who is going to win this battle?

My question is what happens to all of the NLRB rulings if Obamas appointees get booted?

If the appointments were deemed unconstitutional then the rulings made are null and void.
The entire recess list of appointees will be presented for an up and down vote in the US Senate next month.

Guess who is going to win this battle?

My question is what happens to all of the NLRB rulings if Obamas appointees get booted?

If the appointments were deemed unconstitutional then the rulings made are null and void.

That would be both funny and awesome. Obama loves his NLRB and has nominated some pretty radical people to the board.
Correct me if I am wrong...hasn't Obama made fewer recess appointments than the previous 4 Presidents?

I should hope so. He's had a larger majority in the Senate than the last 4 Presidents. To say otherwise would mean that even his party in the Senate thinks his appointments are too radical.
I'm sure they will find one justice to strong arm enough to give his abuse a stamp of approval the same way they did with ACA.
The Supreme Court is not concerned with "Obama's" appointments. It is concerned with executive power.

The problem with the right/left arguments here is that they usually miss the forest for the trees.

To be credible in support or hostility to the 'recess' appointments one must stand on a principle and not a party or personality. Dante supported many things Cheney and company pushed through their years in government because Dante supports a strong executive
The Supreme Court is not concerned with "Obama's" appointments. It is concerned with executive power.

The problem with the right/left arguments here is that they usually miss the forest for the trees.

To be credible in support or hostility to the 'recess' appointments one must stand on a principle and not a party or personality. Dante supported many things Cheney and company pushed through their years in government because Dante supports a strong executive

Holy Shit....someone check the temperature of hell...I think it is freezing.
I 100% agree with a Dante post.
This is why I asked the question about the number of recess appointments by previous Presidents. This is not about Obama, this is about the power of the office.
The Supreme Court is not concerned with "Obama's" appointments. It is concerned with executive power.

The problem with the right/left arguments here is that they usually miss the forest for the trees.

To be credible in support or hostility to the 'recess' appointments one must stand on a principle and not a party or personality. Dante supported many things Cheney and company pushed through their years in government because Dante supports a strong executive

Holy Shit....someone check the temperature of hell...I think it is freezing.
I 100% agree with a Dante post.
This is why I asked the question about the number of recess appointments by previous Presidents. This is not about Obama, this is about the power of the office.

All true, but I cannot think of another President who has either made recess appointments while the congress was in pro forma session or gone to war beyond the scope of the War Powers Act without consulting Congress. The second of these two have nothing to do with the recess appointments, however, is there simply to point out that this behavior is repetitive.
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The Supreme Court is not concerned with "Obama's" appointments. It is concerned with executive power.

The problem with the right/left arguments here is that they usually miss the forest for the trees.

To be credible in support or hostility to the 'recess' appointments one must stand on a principle and not a party or personality. Dante supported many things Cheney and company pushed through their years in government because Dante supports a strong executive

Holy Shit....someone check the temperature of hell...I think it is freezing.
I 100% agree with a Dante post.
This is why I asked the question about the number of recess appointments by previous Presidents. This is not about Obama, this is about the power of the office.

This is about the power of the office, but most here just like to here themselves produce wet farts :eek:
[MENTION=24610]iamwhatiseem[/MENTION] [MENTION=27496]Publius1787[/MENTION]
The Supreme Court is not concerned with "Obama's" appointments. It is concerned with executive power.

The problem with the right/left arguments here is that they usually miss the forest for the trees.

To be credible in support or hostility to the 'recess' appointments one must stand on a principle and not a party or personality. Dante supported many things Cheney and company pushed through their years in government because Dante supports a strong executive

Holy Shit....someone check the temperature of hell...I think it is freezing.
I 100% agree with a Dante post.
This is why I asked the question about the number of recess appointments by previous Presidents. This is not about Obama, this is about the power of the office.

All true, but I cannot think of another President who has either made recess appointments while the congress was in pro forma session or gone to war beyond the scope of the War Powers Act without consulting Congress. The second of these two have nothing to do with the recess appointments, however, is there simply to point out that this behavior is repetitive.

From US Senate website: U.S. Senate: Reference Home > Glossary > pro forma session
pro forma session - From the Latin, meaning “as a matter of form,” a pro forma session is a brief meeting of the Senate (sometimes only a few minutes in duration).

and: http://www.senate.gov/CRSReports/crs-publish.cfm?pid='0DP+P\W; P

and then...

Ahem! "In January 2012, Obama made three recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board to ensure that the agency had the quorum necessary to conduct business. At the time, the Senate was observing a 20-day break in which it would convene a "pro forma" session every three days. At these sessions no business was conducted and no senator was required to show up, except for the one who began and ended the perfunctory proceedings by pounding the gavel. (Ironically, pro forma sessions originated in 2007 as a way for Senate Democrats to prevent President George W. Bush from making recess appointments.)" - Let history rule on recess appointments - latimes.com

Do we smell hypocrisy coming out of your butt, err, mouth, ahhh, pen, uhm pea-brain?
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The SCOTUS will rule the appointments ILLEGAL and overturn all of it's rulings since the illegal appointments.

The Senate decides when it is in session, not the executive. It's the biggest no-brainer in the history of the court.
[MENTION=24610]iamwhatiseem[/MENTION] [MENTION=27496]Publius1787[/MENTION]
Holy Shit....someone check the temperature of hell...I think it is freezing.
I 100% agree with a Dante post.
This is why I asked the question about the number of recess appointments by previous Presidents. This is not about Obama, this is about the power of the office.

All true, but I cannot think of another President who has either made recess appointments while the congress was in pro forma session or gone to war beyond the scope of the War Powers Act without consulting Congress. The second of these two have nothing to do with the recess appointments, however, is there simply to point out that this behavior is repetitive.

From US Senate website: U.S. Senate: Reference Home > Glossary > pro forma session
pro forma session - From the Latin, meaning “as a matter of form,” a pro forma session is a brief meeting of the Senate (sometimes only a few minutes in duration).

and: http://www.senate.gov/CRSReports/crs-publish.cfm?pid='0DP+P\W; P

and then...

Ahem! "In January 2012, Obama made three recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board to ensure that the agency had the quorum necessary to conduct business. At the time, the Senate was observing a 20-day break in which it would convene a "pro forma" session every three days. At these sessions no business was conducted and no senator was required to show up, except for the one who began and ended the perfunctory proceedings by pounding the gavel. (Ironically, pro forma sessions originated in 2007 as a way for Senate Democrats to prevent President George W. Bush from making recess appointments.)" - Let history rule on recess appointments - latimes.com

Do we smell hypocrisy coming out of your butt, err, mouth, ahhh, pen, uhm pea-brain?

I'm sorry, I do not see where any other president but Obama has engaged in a recess appointment during a pro forma session. Here is what I said:

"I cannot think of another President who has either made recess appointments while the congress was in pro forma session..."

And I cannot think of one. Can you?

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