Will Republicans own up to their mistake this midterm or continue on with the same?

Will Republican vote blue to fix their Trump mistake?

  • yes

  • nio

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In all of our lives we have made mistakes. Some of us recognize them immediately, others will deny, defend and deflect, in order to save face.

It is more than apparent by now, and I believe most Republicans know that Donald Trump is unfit to hold the highest office in the world. He is a continual threat to the very foundation of our democracy, continually attacking NATO & our allies, while snuggling up to tyrants, like Vladimir Putin. He has attacked, insulted and demeaned our Federal Agencies, institutions & the free press in this country. He has divided this country by spewing hate & fear amoung us.

He has started a Tariff war, exasberating the fear in our stock markets, while our allies have threatened 100's of billions in retalitory tariffs on American products. He is laughed at by the General Assembly of the United Nations and is the subject of a million jokes.


It's clear he has the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of US policy. Trump is the National Security threat.

At times, some things need to be destroyed before they can be rebuilt. The Republican party has been a complete disaster with Trump at the helm. Republicans have shown that they cannot control Trump, nor would they ever consider removing him from office under the 25th amendment as being unfit.

The only way to remove Trump from office is to vote BLUE this midterm.

A message from a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

This is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misosyny, hate, fear, anger & ignorance.

Our country is much more important than someone with an R behind their name.


A great article that every Republican should spend the next 20 minutes READING.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Your mistake is thinking that Republicans believe they made a mistake. They’re racist party, they didn’t make any mistakes.
Please vote blue before Oreo loses what’s left of has addled mind. He’s not happy with Trump and would like you to help sooth his hurt feelings.

You can laugh all you want but that was there is such a thing as a "never Trump" group who may just be thinking the same thing I am.

BECAUSE the longer Trump stays in office the worse it gets for the party.

Here is a great example of the Ass Clown that sits in the oval office. No President was EVER this stupid. Nothing like admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V. That Russserrrr thing really isn't going away anytime soon. 5 guillty plea's, 37 Federal Grand Jury Indictments and 100's of criminal charges say so.

In the video they are referencing this article which was confirmed by James Clapper under sworn testimony over a year ago. Here is the article.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of James Clapper testimony, scroll down this page until you see Diane Fienstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

So you get to look forward to endless investigations until he's gone, and how much is that going to cost the Republican party in credibility & trustworthyness? 20-30 years?


So a Republican with a full capacity working brain may be thinking much differently than you. They're thinking what is the future of the Republican party with Trump remaining in office, and maybe should I react to this NOW, versus watching the incoming CONSEQUENCES later.


Or maybe like me, they have already changed their party status? I changed mine to Independent--and will be voting blue all the way down the ballot--to force the crazies & right wing nut cases out of the Republican party--which would then require that the party rebuilds into a functiioning, respectable body again.

So personally, I think there are more out there, than you think there are.


LMFAO you might want to check your sig before playing partisan politics and willingly displaying your hypocrisy.

In all of our lives we have made mistakes. Some of us recognize them immediately, others will deny, defend and deflect, in order to save face.

It is more than apparent by now, and I believe most Republicans know that Donald Trump is unfit to hold the highest office in the world. He is a continual threat to the very foundation of our democracy, continually attacking NATO & our allies, while snuggling up to tyrants, like Vladimir Putin. He has attacked, insulted and demeaned our Federal Agencies & the free press in this country. He has divided this country by spewing hate & fear amoung us.

He has started a Tariff war, exasberating the fear in our stock markets, while our allies have threatened 100's of billions in retalitory tariffs on American products. He is laughed at by the General Assembly of the United Nations and is the subject of a million jokes.


It's clear he has the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of US policy. Trump is the National Security threat.

At times, some things need to be destroyed before they can be rebuilt. The Republican party has been a complete disaster with Trump at the helm. Republicans have shown that they cannot control Trump, nor would they ever consider removing him from office under the 25th amendment as being unfit.

The only way to remove Trump from office is to vote BLUE this midterm.

A message from a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

This is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misosyny, hate, fear, anger & ignorance.

Our country is much more important than someone with an R behind their name.


A great article that every Republican should spend the next 20 minutes READING.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Oh look, a Progressive moron telling everyone else how they should think.

Nope I was a lifelong Republican until you made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party. I have been on this board since 2008 and have over 17K posts to prove it. I followed the advice of the former staffer of RONALD REAGAN in the above video.

There's are millions of Republicans that don't LIKE Trump, and just because they are vocal about it doesn't mean, they're liberal's or progressives--:auiqs.jpg:

In fact in 2016, a whopping 7 million cast a vote for a 3rd party,and you can bet most of them were Republicans--that just couldn't bring themselves to vote for Trump. In fact, 54% of Republican primary voters cast a vote for another GOP candidate, but there were so many, votres and donations were being split everywhere, that the crap was able to float to the top to win the nomination. I think you remember that a lot of Republicans were trying to block Trump from the nomination. Republican senators, and the Bush's all were voting for Hillary Clinton in the general. They did not want TRUMP.

So this should get interesting.

LOL, the Bush's were voting for Hillary.....you labor under a false assumption, there is a difference between a Republican and a Conservative.

That's how much you don't know again. Yes all the Bush's voted for Hilllary Clinton.
George H W Bush voted for Hillary Clinton and called Donald Trump a 'blowhard'

In fact, first lady Barbara Bush had a mouthful to say about Trump.

THERE WAS NO ONE AT THE RNC NATIONAL CONVENTION IN CLEVELAND FOR DONALD TRUMP'S NOMINATION. They all refused to go including John Kasich governor of Ohio--even when the convention was in his home state, he refused to attend. A nominee that is really supported, EVERYONE is going to be at the convention. Past Presidents, Senators, Congressmen, etc . etc.

Who the FUCK cares? OMG the Bush family voted against Trump! AHHHHHHHHHHH what am I gonna do with my life now?!?!?
In all of our lives we have made mistakes. Some of us recognize them immediately, others will deny, defend and deflect, in order to save face.

It is more than apparent by now, and I believe most Republicans know that Donald Trump is unfit to hold the highest office in the world. He is a continual threat to the very foundation of our democracy, continually attacking NATO & our allies, while snuggling up to tyrants, like Vladimir Putin. He has attacked, insulted and demeaned our Federal Agencies, institutions & the free press in this country. He has divided this country by spewing hate & fear amoung us.

He has started a Tariff war, exasberating the fear in our stock markets, while our allies have threatened 100's of billions in retalitory tariffs on American products. He is laughed at by the General Assembly of the United Nations and is the subject of a million jokes.


It's clear he has the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of US policy. Trump is the National Security threat.

At times, some things need to be destroyed before they can be rebuilt. The Republican party has been a complete disaster with Trump at the helm. Republicans have shown that they cannot control Trump, nor would they ever consider removing him from office under the 25th amendment as being unfit.

The only way to remove Trump from office is to vote BLUE this midterm.

A message from a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

This is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misosyny, hate, fear, anger & ignorance.

Our country is much more important than someone with an R behind their name.


A great article that every Republican should spend the next 20 minutes READING.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Your mistake is thinking that Republicans believe they made a mistake. They’re racist party, they didn’t make any mistakes.

So if you don't vote for Democrats...you're a "racist"?

Idiotic claims like that one is why your name on this board has become "R-Derp"!

CNN thinks Trump is bad? OMG...stop the presses! This is HUGE, Doc! They've never come out against Trump! For them to write something negative is a game changer!

Oh wait...that's right...CNN's coverage of Trump is foaming at the mouth anti Trump rants!
So the best thing you can come up with to criticize Trump is that his booming economy is starting to slow? I hate to break this to you, Joey but it's STILL better than what Barry gave us and that's with the Fed giving the economy a steady dose of rate increases!

Trump started with a good economy and it's slowing.

Obama had the worst recession in 80 years and brought up back from the brink.

And, no, for most people, the economy isn't really that much better. Wage growth has been stagnant and inflation is going up due his tariffs.
So the best thing you can come up with to criticize Trump is that his booming economy is starting to slow? I hate to break this to you, Joey but it's STILL better than what Barry gave us and that's with the Fed giving the economy a steady dose of rate increases!

Trump started with a good economy and it's slowing.

Obama had the worst recession in 80 years and brought up back from the brink.

And, no, for most people, the economy isn't really that much better. Wage growth has been stagnant and inflation is going up due his tariffs.

Trump's done things with the economy that Obama didn't. I know that drives you liberals crazy but facts are facts. If Barry had the numbers that Trump has had you and every liberal media outlet on the planet would be declaring him the greatest President in history!

CNN thinks Trump is bad? OMG...stop the presses! This is HUGE, Doc! They've never come out against Trump! For them to write something negative is a game changer!

Oh wait...that's right...CNN's coverage of Trump is foaming at the mouth anti Trump rants!

CNN was merely citing Quinnipiac and other reputable pollsters.
QU Poll Release Detail
What about the rest of the defections?
Poor Oldie - Maybe this'll help


CNN thinks Trump is bad? OMG...stop the presses! This is HUGE, Doc! They've never come out against Trump! For them to write something negative is a game changer!

Oh wait...that's right...CNN's coverage of Trump is foaming at the mouth anti Trump rants!

CNN was merely citing Quinnipiac and other reputable pollsters.
QU Poll Release Detail
What about the rest of the defections?
Poor Oldie - Maybe this'll help


You thinks it's meaningful that the "Never Trumpers" in the GOP came out against him? Those "defections" happened before Trump was even elected! It's the old boy network of the GOP not wanting to give up their power to someone who isn't one of them.
You thinks it's meaningful that the "Never Trumpers" in the GOP came out against him? Those "defections" happened before Trump was even elected! It's the old boy network of the GOP not wanting to give up their power to someone who isn't one of them.

Dude, wake the fuck up and smell the coffee.
Trump is literally BLEEDING white, college educated suburban woman who voted for his pathetic orange ass.
Not to mention Independents.
Need links?
Trump's done things with the economy that Obama didn't.

That's true. He's given more money to the wealthy, engaged in the same kind of reckless deregulation that caused the last three recessions, and caused consumer inflation with ill-advised tariffs.

If Barry had the numbers that Trump has had you and every liberal media outlet on the planet would be declaring him the greatest President in history!

Again, Barry inherited a disaster and fixed it. Trump inherited a good situation and is slowly fucking it up.
You thinks it's meaningful that the "Never Trumpers" in the GOP came out against him? Those "defections" happened before Trump was even elected! It's the old boy network of the GOP not wanting to give up their power to someone who isn't one of them.

Dude, wake the fuck up and smell the coffee.
Trump is literally BLEEDING white, college educated suburban woman who voted for his pathetic orange ass.
Not to mention Independents.
Need links?
Don't think of the GOP as a party for only lock-step "conservatives". Bush/Cheney proved that there are no "pure conservative administrations". Even Reagan was not a "pure conservative". The toughest conservative "principle" to keep is "fiscal restraint". The GOP congress tried to use "rescission?" to limit Obama's spending, which hurt the Defense department. Other than fiscal restraint, I'm not aware of any other principles that are currently being sacrificed.

Oh, I disagree. MOST of life is compromise.

And Trump has shown no fiscal restraint.

So let's look at the other concepts being sacrificed.

Free markets- When you admit you can't compete with foreign goods and want tariffs, that's an abandonment of free markets.

Libertarian principles? Sorry, that went out the window when Trump started throwing kids into concentration camps?

Family values? Um, right, when you support a guy who fucks porn stars and has cheated on all three of his wives and has a creepy obsession with his daughter, "Family Values" have gone right out the window.

Strong National Defense? Well, he's alienated NATO, alienated South Korea, sucked up to North Korea and Russia.

New principles that are better than the old principles: fair trade, not free trade. This new principle is better for the US economy than the globalist view.

So the new "populist" GOP stands for "America first" and prosperity for all.

Not really. You see, America was all for free trade when we produced the best products in the world the rest of the world wanted to buy. Then we were all for "Free Trade".

If left to their druthers, American consumers would rather buy cheap Chinese made stuff now, or want to buy German or Japanese cars because they are of better quality.

Now, I give Reagan some credit, he's the one who held Japan's feet to the fire on "Dumping" (selling goods in America at minimal profits to drive American competitors out of business)...

"Fair Trade" is subjective. The only "Fair" Trade is one both sides agrees to.

Continuing with the discussion of "conservative principles lost" under the Trump admin:

Free markets- When you admit you can't compete with foreign goods and want tariffs, that's an abandonment of free markets.
When the globalists gave tax breaks to move US factories overseas, and Obama said those jobs aren't coming back, and the US trade deficit was $500b a year and rising, its time for Trump to use the largest economy in the world to advantage. As the globalists fuel China's military buildup, including theft of intellectual property, they will realize too late that the US has become a second rate power. Then its too late.

Libertarian principles? Sorry, that went out the window when Trump started throwing kids into concentration camps?
I've been a repub a long time and don't recall any "libertarian principles", just conservative ones. When 4 out of 5 illegal kids apprehended are unaccompanied, you can't blame Trump for lavishing care on them while being held, blame the parents that sent them north. The care being given to them is 1000x better than the living conditions in their home country. Please lookup the definition of a "concentration camp".

Family values? Um, right, when you support a guy who fucks porn stars and has cheated on all three of his wives and has a creepy obsession with his daughter, "Family Values" have gone right out the window.
Have you seen regular TV lately? There are no more family values, especially for politicians. You're either a church goer or not, but its not a requirement. As the pope said, "who are we to judge"? i.e. scratch family values from your GOP set of principles. Trump was a very sexually active guy, so what, his wife is cool with it?

Strong National Defense? Well, he's alienated NATO, alienated South Korea, sucked up to North Korea and Russia.
Trump kept this principle to the point of sacrificing fiscal restraint. The Defense Budget is $717b in 2018 up from $524b in 2016. NATO is not alienated, they were told that the US is not continuing the free ride, they need to meet their obligations. Trump is right to demand that they pony up. Also, Germany has an agreement to buy gas from Russia which gives them needed cash. Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Free Trade- America was all for free trade when we produced the best products in the world the rest of the world wanted to buy. Then we were all for "Free Trade".
Not sure when the US was a net manufacturing exporter, the 1950's?? Currently the US has a massive $500b trade deficit, which Trump is addressing by requiring "fair trade", and fair trade is what the voters want, since it means more good paying jobs.

Tariffs- American consumers would rather buy cheap Chinese made stuff, or buy German or Japanese cars because they are of better quality.
Not disagreeing with that claim, however, as Trump adds tariffs that levels the playing field. Foreign cars is the "mother-lode" for tariffs and no country wants tariffs on their cars, so we'll see how that plays out. Trump and the US has all the cards in this game, save for some farm subsidies. Populist tariffs for good jobs is a GOP win, not loss.

Now, I give Reagan some credit, he's the one who held Japan's feet to the fire on "Dumping" (selling goods in America at minimal profits to drive American competitors out of business)..."Fair Trade" is subjective. The only "Fair" Trade is one both sides agrees to
Agreed. Trump did the same anti-dumping tariffs on steel and aluminum. US union workers can't be more supportive, fair trade is as negotiated, such as with Mexico and Canada. We're still working on China. Bottom line: the US is no longer the trade chump of the world.

Looking at the new GOP "populist" principles:
Trade- fair trade as negotiated is a net positive for the US, free trade is a net negative unless its fair.
Family values- are encouraged, but no being judgmental. Pro-life is supported
Strong defense- supported
Fiscal restraint- encouraged, but not a requirement, supporting a strong economy is paramount
Enforce immigration laws-
Jobs- do whatever is necessary to develop and sustain well paying jobs
Strong foreign policy- fight terrorism, keep Russia at bay via sanctions, keep NK at bay with sanctions, manage China, manage the EU, etc.
Law & Justice- approve conservative judges and justices, keep the DOJ, IRS, and FBI from becoming arms of the democratic party, like under Obama
Energy & Environment- develop clean domestic energy sources, and avoid financial commitments like the Paris Climate Agreement
Healthcare- End Obamacare's high deductibles that prevents families from accessing healthcare
Infrastructure- need to see how the dems approach, may need to increase taxes to fund
Small government- need to shrink the size of the Federal government
Cut regulations- no admin in history has cut more regulations than the Trump admin
Last edited:
Please vote blue before Oreo loses what’s left of has addled mind. He’s not happy with Trump and would like you to help sooth his hurt feelings.

You can laugh all you want but that was there is such a thing as a "never Trump" group who may just be thinking the same thing I am.

BECAUSE the longer Trump stays in office the worse it gets for the party.

Here is a great example of the Ass Clown that sits in the oval office. No President was EVER this stupid. Nothing like admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V. That Russserrrr thing really isn't going away anytime soon. 5 guillty plea's, 37 Federal Grand Jury Indictments and 100's of criminal charges say so.

In the video they are referencing this article which was confirmed by James Clapper under sworn testimony over a year ago. Here is the article.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of James Clapper testimony, scroll down this page until you see Diane Fienstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

So you get to look forward to endless investigations until he's gone, and how much is that going to cost the Republican party in credibility & trustworthyness? 20-30 years?


So a Republican with a full capacity working brain may be thinking much differently than you. They're thinking what is the future of the Republican party with Trump remaining in office, and maybe should I react to this NOW, versus watching the incoming CONSEQUENCES later.


Or maybe like me, they have already changed their party status? I changed mine to Independent--and will be voting blue all the way down the ballot--to force the crazies & right wing nut cases out of the Republican party--which would then require that the party rebuilds into a functiioning, respectable body again.

So personally, I think there are more out there, than you think there are.


LMFAO you might want to check your sig before playing partisan politics and willingly displaying your hypocrisy.

View attachment 222373

That's just a sticker that I pulled off the internet, if you would have continued reading past that you would have noticed that I changed my party status from Republican to Independent as soon as you made the Ass Clown the poster boy of it.
You thinks it's meaningful that the "Never Trumpers" in the GOP came out against him? Those "defections" happened before Trump was even elected! It's the old boy network of the GOP not wanting to give up their power to someone who isn't one of them.

Dude, wake the fuck up and smell the coffee.
Trump is literally BLEEDING white, college educated suburban woman who voted for his pathetic orange ass.
Not to mention Independents.
Need links?

The blue wave is toast and Trump is on cruise control to a 2020 reelection. Watch the polls magically tighten over the next two weeks. The polling companies will bring them into line to save credibility.
Can you imagine how angry the Democrats are with Kanye West.
Why would anyone want to get rid of someone who's grown the economy...reduced unemployment to record lows...has reworked trade agreements so that American workers aren't getting screwed...who actually cares about border security...has held our NATO "allies" feet to the fire to get them to spend more on their own defense...and has nominated two highly qualified Supreme Court Justices? So you can give us another Barry Obama? The Choom Gang King? I'm sorry but I'll respectfully PASS on that!

Yes, if you are an insecure bully, Trump is the guy for you.

Of course, he really didn't change any of these problems, and economic growth is starting to slow... but never mind, you guys keep beating your chests until the recession comes, and then try to come up with ways how the recession was Obama's fault.
Frame it any way you want that makes you feel better. The truth will still be there, Americans are better off with Trump than Obungo.

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