Will Conservatives 'resist' or will they roll over and let Libs trample all over them like usual?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
It's really no secret.....Conservatives have always been terrible, worthless activists....They couldn't keep white men, God and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded, built funded and run by white, religious, heterosexual men.....So what do they intend to do for the next four years, how will they behave...is it payback time.....OR?
It's really no secret.....Conservatives have always been terrible, worthless activists....They couldn't keep white men, God and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded, built funded and run by white, religious, heterosexual men.....So what do they intend to do for the next four years, how will they behave...is it payback time.....OR?

I pick "OR"
It's really no secret.....Conservatives have always been terrible, worthless activists....They couldn't keep white men, God and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded, built funded and run by white, religious, heterosexual men.....So what do they intend to do for the next four years, how will they behave...is it payback time.....OR?
The problem is most conservatives have something to lose, a job, a life savings, a family. The degenerates on the radical left are drug addicts and cross dressing queers, usually with a criminal record. People that have nothing to lose are usually far more willing to get violent and break the rules.
It's really no secret.....Conservatives have always been terrible, worthless activists....They couldn't keep white men, God and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded, built funded and run by white, religious, heterosexual men.....So what do they intend to do for the next four years, how will they behave...is it payback time.....OR?

I am not wearing a pussy hat bro.
It's really no secret.....Conservatives have always been terrible, worthless activists....They couldn't keep white men, God and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded, built funded and run by white, religious, heterosexual men.....So what do they intend to do for the next four years, how will they behave...is it payback time.....OR?
The problem is most conservatives have something to lose, a job, a life savings, a family. The degenerates on the radical left are drug addicts and cross dressing queers, usually with a criminal record. People that have nothing to lose are usually far more willing to get violent and break the rules.

Spot on.
It's really no secret.....Conservatives have always been terrible, worthless activists....They couldn't keep white men, God and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded, built funded and run by white, religious, heterosexual men.....So what do they intend to do for the next four years, how will they behave...is it payback time.....OR?
The problem is most conservatives have something to lose, a job, a life savings, a family. The degenerates on the radical left are drug addicts and cross dressing queers, usually with a criminal record. People that have nothing to lose are usually far more willing to get violent and break the rules.
Taking a stand and resisting doesn't always mean getting violent and breaking rules.
The fact is; Conservatives can't / don't / haven't conserved or preserved a fucking thing.
Shit has to change...they must locate their balls.
It's really no secret.....Conservatives have always been terrible, worthless activists....They couldn't keep white men, God and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded, built funded and run by white, religious, heterosexual men.....So what do they intend to do for the next four years, how will they behave...is it payback time.....OR?

WE, meaning mostly white, heterosexual, Christian men maintained the American way of life from 1776 to approximately 1960—a long span of 184 years. Myself, I am three-quarters descended from white European lineage and about one quarter Susquehannock Native, but that's beside the point. The point is conservative/nationalist/Christian/patriots have ALWAYS tended to follow the lead of their elected leaders and war heroes; always. So it follows that after most of our greatest war heroes have died off and most all of our elected conservative leaders have sold out to Satan, well, nowadays in following our elected officials we are following them right off a cliff into Hell.

What we conservative Americans direly need are heroes (real American ones who are fearless in the face of spreading evil) AND elected leaders who are genuine Christian, nationalist, America loving human beings; men and women who get the shivers when reading about the Revolutionary war. Men and women like we have not elected in many, many decades. Look, I bought into the Trump as a unique American hero tale as well and while I am not quite yet ready to abandon my President, suspicions he could have been in on "it" from the get-go are circulating among the most patriotic.

So, in short and without writing another novel of a post, what we must have in order for America to survive is one or more Great American Hero(s). George Washington and Paul Revere. U.S. Grant. Audie Murphy. Carlos Hathcock. Barry Sadler. John Wayne. Lee Marvin. Robert Mitchum. We need Real American Heroes to rally around. Will America fight back against the tightening stranglehold of tyranny without them? I do not believe so.
It's really no secret.....Conservatives have always been terrible, worthless activists....They couldn't keep white men, God and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded, built funded and run by white, religious, heterosexual men.....So what do they intend to do for the next four years, how will they behave...is it payback time.....OR?
The problem is most conservatives have something to lose, a job, a life savings, a family. The degenerates on the radical left are drug addicts and cross dressing queers, usually with a criminal record. People that have nothing to lose are usually far more willing to get violent and break the rules.
Taking a stand and resisting doesn't always mean getting violent and breaking rules.
The fact is; Conservatives can't / don't / haven't conserved or preserved a fucking thing.
Shit has to change...they must locate their balls.

I'll have to borrow some
It's really no secret.....Conservatives have always been terrible, worthless activists....They couldn't keep white men, God and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded, built funded and run by white, religious, heterosexual men.....So what do they intend to do for the next four years, how will they behave...is it payback time.....OR?

How exactly do you "resist" losing by six million votes? New math?
It's really no secret.....Conservatives have always been terrible, worthless activists....They couldn't keep white men, God and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded, built funded and run by white, religious, heterosexual men.....So what do they intend to do for the next four years, how will they behave...is it payback time.....OR?
The problem is most conservatives have something to lose, a job, a life savings, a family. The degenerates on the radical left are drug addicts and cross dressing queers, usually with a criminal record. People that have nothing to lose are usually far more willing to get violent and break the rules.
Taking a stand and resisting doesn't always mean getting violent and breaking rules.
The fact is; Conservatives can't / don't / haven't conserved or preserved a fucking thing.
Shit has to change...they must locate their balls.

That'll never happen until conservatives see their life's work threatened.
I dont want to go out and risk all I've worked for until I see it being taken away.
If it comes to that katy bar the door because it's on!!!!!!
It's really no secret.....Conservatives have always been terrible, worthless activists....They couldn't keep white men, God and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded, built funded and run by white, religious, heterosexual men.....So what do they intend to do for the next four years, how will they behave...is it payback time.....OR?
The problem is most conservatives have something to lose, a job, a life savings, a family. The degenerates on the radical left are drug addicts and cross dressing queers, usually with a criminal record. People that have nothing to lose are usually far more willing to get violent and break the rules.
Taking a stand and resisting doesn't always mean getting violent and breaking rules.
The fact is; Conservatives can't / don't / haven't conserved or preserved a fucking thing.
Shit has to change...they must locate their balls.

The American Left has been throwing violent tantrums for six decades; tantrums which have killed thousands of fellow Americans (billions if you count the effects of Roe v. Wade), destroyed tens of billions in private property and destroyed countless livelihoods. As long as so-called conservatives continue to preach "take the high road" the radical American Left will grow, spread and engulf everyone and everything that was American.
It's really no secret.....Conservatives have always been terrible, worthless activists....They couldn't keep white men, God and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded, built funded and run by white, religious, heterosexual men.....So what do they intend to do for the next four years, how will they behave...is it payback time.....OR?
If you can't prove anything.. Then... You have nothing. With that said... If a group tries to burn down a federal building in my area ( I can't believe that would ever happen ) I'd be there with a gun. Just saying.

But as for the election... No proof... Nothing to do about it. Promote a better way to do elections.
I'm only glad that I will not likely live to see the worst of it.

It's really no secret.....Conservatives have always been terrible, worthless activists....They couldn't keep white men, God and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded, built funded and run by white, religious, heterosexual men.....So what do they intend to do for the next four years, how will they behave...is it payback time.....OR?
Resist what exactly loser?
It's really no secret.....Conservatives have always been terrible, worthless activists....They couldn't keep white men, God and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded, built funded and run by white, religious, heterosexual men.....So what do they intend to do for the next four years, how will they behave...is it payback time.....OR?
Resisting takes a lot of courage, strength, integrity, & backbone....things that were in short supply before Trump. The GOP liked to be in the minority where they could bitch but not be expected to really do anything while enriching themselves and focus on re-election. My guess is most will go back to that position they are more comfortable in...
That'll never happen until conservatives see their life's work threatened.
I dont want to go out and risk all I've worked for until I see it being taken away.
If it comes to that katy bar the door because it's on!!!!!!

I can assure you IT WILL.
Agenda 21 is coming to fruition.
This stolen election is the turning point that will usher in the final transformation.

All those things you treasure are up for grabs. AFTER they take your guns.

You will be pushed to REGISTER your guns.....and all this does is let them know you have them for later.

You will be "offered" an amnesty period.......but the end result has ALWAYS been death at the end one way of the other.

If you register.....you paint a bullseye on your back.
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It's really no secret.....Conservatives have always been terrible, worthless activists....They couldn't keep white men, God and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded, built funded and run by white, religious, heterosexual men.....So what do they intend to do for the next four years, how will they behave...is it payback time.....OR?
Resist what exactly loser?
You sure are pretty cocky now that you don't have to run out into the street and scream at the sky again...

That'll never happen until conservatives see their life's work threatened.
I dont want to go out and risk all I've worked for until I see it being taken away.
If it comes to that katy bar the door because it's on!!!!!!

I can assure you IT WILL.
Agenda 21 is coming to fruition.
This stolen election is the turning point that will usher in the final transformation.

All those things you treasure are up for grabs. AFTER they take your guns.

I know if the left tries to take all I've worked for all my life I dont have anything to lose.

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