Will American forces leaving Iraq forever a be an Iran win or TrumpO win?

Iraq parliament to convene amid calls to expel U.S. troops
Ahmed Rasheed
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi lawmakers said they would use a special parliamentary session on Sunday to push for a vote on a resolution requiring the government to ask Washington to withdraw U.S. troops from the country.

The session was called after a U.S. drone strike on Friday on a convoy at Baghdad airport that killed Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis

Since the killings, rival Shi'ite political leaders have called for U.S. troops to be expelled from Iraq in an unusual show of unity among factions that have squabbled for months.

Iraq parliament to convene amid calls to expel U.S. troops

Will TrumpO surrender to Iraq if Iraq’s lawmakers tell him to get every last American soldier and contractor out of Iraq forever?

And this cannot be considered good;

View attachment 298443

I think it would be great. Remove all our troops, all arms the US provided and every bit of the equipment we provided. Let Iraq have what they had before the Iraq war.

They already fought an eight year war with Iran with no winner. Let the assholes kill themselves.

Pull our troops out of the ME, sit back and watch the show. More than works for me.
Let Iran control the oil. Let then hold back supplies & drive up the price. US producers will raise their prices & it could hit our economy. You think US oil producers would not sell their oil to Europe if they paid more? His supporters think that is great.

Welcome WWIII & yojur children will get slaughterted on the battle field because you fools thought Trump knew what he was doing.

Stupid people like you will kill America. Fuck you.

Trump wants us to withdraw from the world. He
Oil is up less than $2 a barrel.

$2.58 at the pump.
Iran announced today that they are officially reneging on that idiot deal that was negotiated with Obama.

That means they have to give money back, doesn't it?

Oh wait, they aren't going to give the money back because that fucking moron Obama gave all the money to the Mullahs up front in cash.

My god what an idiot!

No, it never meant that had to give anything back. Funny how you expect Iran to stay in the deal when we left over a year ago. You're literally holding Iran to a higher standard than our own president.
When that dumbshit Obama made the nefarious deal with Iran there were three major criticisms of it:

1. That the Iranian Mullahs would not adhere to the treaty

2. That the money that Obama gave the Mullahs would be used for terrorism

3. That the deal empowered and legitimized the Iranians to become a regional power.

What we are seeing now in Iraq now is exactly what we feared would happen with Obama kissing the ass of the Mullahs.

The Moon Bats that voted for Obama were absolute idiots to put that asshole in charge of foreign policy.
Lying fuck.

Iran was living up to the agreement.

Mostly unfreezing Iran funds that you don't know where it was spent.

George W Bush gave Iran the standing it has today.
1. You have no credible proof that Iran was complying with anything...

2. Iran isn't going to do shit! Hell, they've come out and said "we're going to hit you, but we don't want you to strike back..." how funny is that?

3. Iran's economy is all but dead. Taking out their 3 remaining oil facilities would finish them.

So, this was the right move.

As for Iraq kicking us out, they do so at their own peril...

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
The Iran agreement had verification. Quit lying.

Trump is the one saying that "we hit you but don't hit us back"

We are hurting the Iranian people. For what purpose? Create new generations of hatred toward America?

We were on a path to end Iran's hard liner influence & Trump gave it all back.

We can't bully our way in this world.
Trump is the one saying that "we hit you but don't hit us back"

Technically he said if you hit back, we will hit you back harder. He told them it would be wise to negotiate at the table a deal rather than going toe to toe with us. They won't like that outcome. So, it is beholding to them to make the next move. Whatever that is, determines trump's next move. What is it you don't think strategic there?
So Comrade, you can show the ratification of the treaty by the Senate?

Nah, you're just lying, yet again.
It was an agreenment assfuck. Not a treaty. It was between Iran, US. GB, EU, Russia, France, Germany.

Agreement don't end when a President leaves office.

Indeed they do. This particular one was a private affair between Obama and the other parties involved. Such an agreement has absolutely no force of law.

Feel free to explain the force of law you seem to be claiming.

The agreement says that as long as Iran does what the agreement says, the sanctions remain lifted.

Violations from either sides ends the agreement.

That is what an agreement is. We are dealing with foreign entities, do you expect them to be jailed if they violate.

There is no logical reason for me to continue a debate with a brick wall.
When that dumbshit Obama made the nefarious deal with Iran there were three major criticisms of it:

1. That the Iranian Mullahs would not adhere to the treaty

2. That the money that Obama gave the Mullahs would be used for terrorism

3. That the deal empowered and legitimized the Iranians to become a regional power.

What we are seeing now in Iraq now is exactly what we feared would happen with Obama kissing the ass of the Mullahs.

The Moon Bats that voted for Obama were absolute idiots to put that asshole in charge of foreign policy.
Lying fuck.

Iran was living up to the agreement.

Mostly unfreezing Iran funds that you don't know where it was spent.

George W Bush gave Iran the standing it has today.
1. You have no credible proof that Iran was complying with anything...

2. Iran isn't going to do shit! Hell, they've come out and said "we're going to hit you, but we don't want you to strike back..." how funny is that?

3. Iran's economy is all but dead. Taking out their 3 remaining oil facilities would finish them.

So, this was the right move.

As for Iraq kicking us out, they do so at their own peril...

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
The Iran agreement had verification. Quit lying.

Trump is the one saying that "we hit you but don't hit us back"

We are hurting the Iranian people. For what purpose? Create new generations of hatred toward America?

We were on a path to end Iran's hard liner influence & Trump gave it all back.

We can't bully our way in this world.

If all Iranian military sites are off limits, there is no verification, Dummy.

No military installations?

Three weeks notice before an inspection?

No Americans allowed?

Yea, that dipshit Obama negotiated a real iron clad agreement, didn't he?
Hey Moon Bats, I have a question.

Now that Obama's buddies withdrew from the agreement do they have to give the money back?

Why did that asshole Obama give them cash up front? Was he an idiot or what?
Obama should have read Trump's book "The Art of the Deal".

That way he would have established verifiable milestones for the Iranians to get those billions of dollars.

But he didn't do it, did he?

Instead the stupid sonofabitch gave his Mullah buddies all the money up front. My god that was stupid, wasn't it?

The Mullahs had a real dumbass mark with Obama, didn't they?

They are still giggling about that, aren't they?
Iraq parliament to convene amid calls to expel U.S. troops
Ahmed Rasheed
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi lawmakers said they would use a special parliamentary session on Sunday to push for a vote on a resolution requiring the government to ask Washington to withdraw U.S. troops from the country.

The session was called after a U.S. drone strike on Friday on a convoy at Baghdad airport that killed Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis

Since the killings, rival Shi'ite political leaders have called for U.S. troops to be expelled from Iraq in an unusual show of unity among factions that have squabbled for months.

Iraq parliament to convene amid calls to expel U.S. troops

Will TrumpO surrender to Iraq if Iraq’s lawmakers tell him to get every last American soldier and contractor out of Iraq forever?

And this cannot be considered good;

View attachment 298443
It's a US loss if we have to exit Iraq. I didn't like W's war, but when Obama was elected I thought he should have found a way to keep enought troops to have prevented the eventul ISIS route of the Iraqi army.

Trump appears to be grasping this now. Reportedly his assissination move had people in the Pentagon and even WH going "fuck."

but if Trump has evidence Solemani had a near term plan to take over the embassy or something .... well, he better put up the evidence
That guy should have been popped years ago.

Leave. Maintain a presence in the Gulf and the Mediterranean. Let the tribes fight it out, then destroy the winner if necessary. Same in Afghanistan.

What with Iran's increasing influence over Iraq, I predict they too will be under sanctions by the end of the year.
Iran has lots of money (oil).
They no longer need to send money fighting Iraq (thanks to Bush).

4600 soldiers died trying to keep Iraqi oil in friendly hands & Trump just gave it to Iran.
Its a lie that we are in iraq only for oil

the invasion of iraq was a mistake but it was not only for the reasons you think

US didn't invade South Sudan or Zimbabwe.... Oil was the main motive, it is foolish to think otherwise... Israel played a minor role...
The world runs on oil so it will alway be a factor wherever it exists

but its wrong to believe we were motivated by greed


The whole Iraq war was a shakedown... There was a belief that Iraq Oil was going to pay for this whole shooting match, it turned out US taxpayers really foot the bill...

I am not saying Bush personally was on the take or was motivated by greed but there was a number of people under him who had wheelbarrows out looking for the cash.

Cheney was a main player in this with his old company ties... This was about controlling the world's most important resource...
You are mistaken

bush had no intention of stealing iraqi oil

he did want it to be available on the world market for the health of the international economy

bush was convinced that iraq could be civilized and saved from an evil dictator which was not possible

but thats as far as it went
Iraq parliament to convene amid calls to expel U.S. troops
Ahmed Rasheed
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi lawmakers said they would use a special parliamentary session on Sunday to push for a vote on a resolution requiring the government to ask Washington to withdraw U.S. troops from the country.

The session was called after a U.S. drone strike on Friday on a convoy at Baghdad airport that killed Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis

Since the killings, rival Shi'ite political leaders have called for U.S. troops to be expelled from Iraq in an unusual show of unity among factions that have squabbled for months.

Iraq parliament to convene amid calls to expel U.S. troops

Will TrumpO surrender to Iraq if Iraq’s lawmakers tell him to get every last American soldier and contractor out of Iraq forever?

And this cannot be considered good;

View attachment 298443

It would be a win for both but your fearless donnie said this morning he isn't pulling the troops out.
Will American forces leaving Iraq forever a be an Iran win or TrumpO win?

We should, but we won't. We need a complete 100% withdraw from Iraq, including permanently shutting down our embassy. The Iraqi military and local police refused to help our people when they were in trouble, so it's time to close up shop and leave for good.

The Iraq Parliament just voted to kick the US out. It’s not our decision.

You say we won’t abide by Iraqi law and their requirement that we get out, are you saying TrumpO will occupy Iraq against their sovereign will?

That's what he said this morning.
When that dumbshit Obama made the nefarious deal with Iran there were three major criticisms of it:

1. That the Iranian Mullahs would not adhere to the treaty

2. That the money that Obama gave the Mullahs would be used for terrorism

3. That the deal empowered and legitimized the Iranians to become a regional power.

What we are seeing now in Iraq now is exactly what we feared would happen with Obama kissing the ass of the Mullahs.

The Moon Bats that voted for Obama were absolute idiots to put that asshole in charge of foreign policy.
Lying fuck.

Iran was living up to the agreement.

Mostly unfreezing Iran funds that you don't know where it was spent.

George W Bush gave Iran the standing it has today.

Agreement of funneling monies to Hamas and Hezbollah? You're so uneducated.

Really? Who is the primary funding source for those two groups? You’re so uneducated. Clinton could have killed Bin Laddin but chose not to. Inaction can cause major casualties too. You act as
What do you mean "reconstructing?" They never stopped; Obama funded it for years.
Iran 4000 years old 2 wars
USA 300 years old, 250 wars
The epitome of the ugly american

2 wars? One war has lasted how many years with Iraq? 50+

You are so uneducated
Until Bush did Iran a huge favor. Maybe this is what Bush wanted - to create a new "enemy" for an excuse to pump up the military.
Iraq war was a huge mistake. Bush is an idiot. We all agree there.

So quit blaming Obama for the situation in Iraq. That is all you do & look to blame others for Trump's mistakes.
All I do? Show one post where I do that.
Iraq parliament to convene amid calls to expel U.S. troops
Ahmed Rasheed
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi lawmakers said they would use a special parliamentary session on Sunday to push for a vote on a resolution requiring the government to ask Washington to withdraw U.S. troops from the country.

The session was called after a U.S. drone strike on Friday on a convoy at Baghdad airport that killed Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis

Since the killings, rival Shi'ite political leaders have called for U.S. troops to be expelled from Iraq in an unusual show of unity among factions that have squabbled for months.

Iraq parliament to convene amid calls to expel U.S. troops

Will TrumpO surrender to Iraq if Iraq’s lawmakers tell him to get every last American soldier and contractor out of Iraq forever?

And this cannot be considered good;

View attachment 298443
It's a US loss if we have to exit Iraq. I didn't like W's war, but when Obama was elected I thought he should have found a way to keep enought troops to have prevented the eventul ISIS route of the Iraqi army.

Trump appears to be grasping this now. Reportedly his assissination move had people in the Pentagon and even WH going "fuck."

but if Trump has evidence Solemani had a near term plan to take over the embassy or something .... well, he better put up the evidence
Dimwingers: Killing the leader of a designated terrorist group is "assassination".
Will American forces leaving Iraq forever a be an Iran win or TrumpO win?

We should, but we won't. We need a complete 100% withdraw from Iraq, including permanently shutting down our embassy. The Iraqi military and local police refused to help our people when they were in trouble, so it's time to close up shop and leave for good.

The Iraq Parliament just voted to kick the US out. It’s not our decision.

You say we won’t abide by Iraqi law and their requirement that we get out, are you saying TrumpO will occupy Iraq against their sovereign will?

That's what he said this morning.

BBC report this morning. Rump has threatened Iraq over their vote to have the US troops removed from Iraq. Yah, that's the way to get someone to do something, threaten them. Take a good look.

Iraq parliament to convene amid calls to expel U.S. troops
Ahmed Rasheed
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi lawmakers said they would use a special parliamentary session on Sunday to push for a vote on a resolution requiring the government to ask Washington to withdraw U.S. troops from the country.

The session was called after a U.S. drone strike on Friday on a convoy at Baghdad airport that killed Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis

Since the killings, rival Shi'ite political leaders have called for U.S. troops to be expelled from Iraq in an unusual show of unity among factions that have squabbled for months.

Iraq parliament to convene amid calls to expel U.S. troops

Will TrumpO surrender to Iraq if Iraq’s lawmakers tell him to get every last American soldier and contractor out of Iraq forever?

And this cannot be considered good;

View attachment 298443
It's a US loss if we have to exit Iraq. I didn't like W's war, but when Obama was elected I thought he should have found a way to keep enought troops to have prevented the eventul ISIS route of the Iraqi army.

Trump appears to be grasping this now. Reportedly his assissination move had people in the Pentagon and even WH going "fuck."

but if Trump has evidence Solemani had a near term plan to take over the embassy or something .... well, he better put up the evidence
Dimwingers: Killing the leader of a designated terrorist group is "assassination".
It was one of your Trumpstteing fellow travellors who suggested othewise, dumfuck
Iraq parliament to convene amid calls to expel U.S. troops
Ahmed Rasheed
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi lawmakers said they would use a special parliamentary session on Sunday to push for a vote on a resolution requiring the government to ask Washington to withdraw U.S. troops from the country.

The session was called after a U.S. drone strike on Friday on a convoy at Baghdad airport that killed Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis

Since the killings, rival Shi'ite political leaders have called for U.S. troops to be expelled from Iraq in an unusual show of unity among factions that have squabbled for months.

Iraq parliament to convene amid calls to expel U.S. troops

Will TrumpO surrender to Iraq if Iraq’s lawmakers tell him to get every last American soldier and contractor out of Iraq forever?

And this cannot be considered good;

View attachment 298443
It's a US loss if we have to exit Iraq. I didn't like W's war, but when Obama was elected I thought he should have found a way to keep enought troops to have prevented the eventul ISIS route of the Iraqi army.

Trump appears to be grasping this now. Reportedly his assissination move had people in the Pentagon and even WH going "fuck."

but if Trump has evidence Solemani had a near term plan to take over the embassy or something .... well, he better put up the evidence
Dimwingers: Killing the leader of a designated terrorist group is "assassination".
It was one of your Trumpstteing fellow travellors who suggested othewise, dumfuck

One sentence, one incoherent made up word, three misspellings.

And you try to call me a dumbfuck.:21::21:
Iraq parliament to convene amid calls to expel U.S. troops
Ahmed Rasheed
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi lawmakers said they would use a special parliamentary session on Sunday to push for a vote on a resolution requiring the government to ask Washington to withdraw U.S. troops from the country.

The session was called after a U.S. drone strike on Friday on a convoy at Baghdad airport that killed Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis

Since the killings, rival Shi'ite political leaders have called for U.S. troops to be expelled from Iraq in an unusual show of unity among factions that have squabbled for months.

Iraq parliament to convene amid calls to expel U.S. troops

Will TrumpO surrender to Iraq if Iraq’s lawmakers tell him to get every last American soldier and contractor out of Iraq forever?

And this cannot be considered good;

View attachment 298443
It's a US loss if we have to exit Iraq. I didn't like W's war, but when Obama was elected I thought he should have found a way to keep enought troops to have prevented the eventul ISIS route of the Iraqi army.

Trump appears to be grasping this now. Reportedly his assissination move had people in the Pentagon and even WH going "fuck."

but if Trump has evidence Solemani had a near term plan to take over the embassy or something .... well, he better put up the evidence
Dimwingers: Killing the leader of a designated terrorist group is "assassination".

Ugly American
" is a stereotype depicting American citizens as exhibiting loud, arrogant, demeaning, thoughtless, ignorant, and ethnocentric behavior mainly abroad, but also at home.[2][3][4][5][
And fat may I add
Will American forces leaving Iraq forever a be an Iran win or TrumpO win?

We should, but we won't. We need a complete 100% withdraw from Iraq, including permanently shutting down our embassy. The Iraqi military and local police refused to help our people when they were in trouble, so it's time to close up shop and leave for good.

The Iraq Parliament just voted to kick the US out. It’s not our decision.

You say we won’t abide by Iraqi law and their requirement that we get out, are you saying TrumpO will occupy Iraq against their sovereign will?

That's what he said this morning.

BBC report this morning. Rump has threatened Iraq over their vote to have the US troops removed from Iraq. Yah, that's the way to get someone to do something, threaten them. Take a good look.

From our 5 deferment king of the uglies hero
Ugly American" is a stereotype depicting American citizens as exhibiting loud, arrogant, demeaning, thoughtless, ignorant, and ethnocentric behavior mainly abroad, but also at home.[2][3][4][5][
Will American forces leaving Iraq forever a be an Iran win or TrumpO win?

We should, but we won't. We need a complete 100% withdraw from Iraq, including permanently shutting down our embassy. The Iraqi military and local police refused to help our people when they were in trouble, so it's time to close up shop and leave for good.

The Iraq Parliament just voted to kick the US out. It’s not our decision.

You say we won’t abide by Iraqi law and their requirement that we get out, are you saying TrumpO will occupy Iraq against their sovereign will?

That's what he said this morning.

BBC report this morning. Rump has threatened Iraq over their vote to have the US troops removed from Iraq. Yah, that's the way to get someone to do something, threaten them. Take a good look.

The "vote" was a bunch of Iranian backed Shiites. Not even a majority in the Iraqi parliament. It was for a non binding resolution.

Nothing for you American hating Moon Bats to get your panties in a wad about.

Trump has everything under control. Go back to marching around in your pink pussy hats and howling at the sky. We have an adult in the White House now. The worthless Muslim loving Neggra is gone.
Will American forces leaving Iraq forever a be an Iran win or TrumpO win?

We should, but we won't. We need a complete 100% withdraw from Iraq, including permanently shutting down our embassy. The Iraqi military and local police refused to help our people when they were in trouble, so it's time to close up shop and leave for good.

The Iraq Parliament just voted to kick the US out. It’s not our decision.

You say we won’t abide by Iraqi law and their requirement that we get out, are you saying TrumpO will occupy Iraq against their sovereign will?

That's what he said this morning.

BBC report this morning. Rump has threatened Iraq over their vote to have the US troops removed from Iraq. Yah, that's the way to get someone to do something, threaten them. Take a good look.

The "vote" was a bunch of Iranian backed Shiites. Not even a majority in the Iraqi parliament. It was for a non binding resolution.

Nothing for you American hating Moon Bats to get your panties in a wad about.

Trump has everything under control. Go back to marching around in your pink pussy hats and howling at the sky. We have an adult in the White House now. The worthless Muslim loving Neggra is gone.

And I thought you was a devoted commie?
Enjoy your white zero college KKK meetings

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