Why the Tea Party Can't Govern


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Another interesting post from Blogger Gunny that links to a piece that hits the nail on the head. Here's the part that caught my attention:
Tea Party has an answer: RINOs—liberal Republicans in Name Only—have sabotaged the right, most recently in October when they collaborated with Democrats to raise the debt ceiling and end the government shutdown. Once RINOs are extinct, true Tea Party conservatives like Ted Cruz will prevail. They will close down the federal bureaucracy and stop Washington from borrowing a penny more until Obamacare is defunded and the welfare state brought to heel. If this is extremism, it’s what Barry Goldwater called extremism in defense of liberty.

The original piece can be found here. The American Conservative » Why the Tea Party Can?t GovernThe American Conservative » Print
How odd that, once upon a time, the Constitution was a radical move to the left. Now, the advocates of this centrist document are considered radical right.

The left has commandeered the language. Indoctrination begins with the language, and the left knew that.

Without reading the link, that's what I have to say. The left has commandeered the language.
The Tea Party, the RINOs of the far right, have sabotaged the mainstream party.

That is why their champions had their spears broken and their butts kicked in October and December.

The TeaPs who don't toe the line will be primaried out.

The TPM power is over.
I am all for 3rd parties, but a third party system is all about making compromises...Tea Party members don't, and that's why the party will most likely never amount to much, (by means of getting a majority elected and in high positions).
The Tea Party is not a Political Party.

It is a political movement, resting upon the objective truths set forth in the US Declaration of Independence and the fact that the US Constitution was written to defend the adherence to those principles.

What's more, the Movement was viciously attacked by the Executive Office, which has tasked the IRS to suppress the means of the Tea Party to organize, raise money and mount an effort required to form a political Party. An abusive effort which has simultaneously taken th public stance that "the Tea Party is loosing popularity".

It's subversion, it's treason and it's WHY THE ADHERENTS TO THE TEA PARTY MUST GO FOWARD.


Same with GOP precincts and GOP polls, because the power brokers in the GOP, the old guard, are just as 'progressive' meaning just as relativist (crooked) as the socialists.

And is truly no more complex, than that.
Another interesting post from Blogger Gunny that links to a piece that hits the nail on the head. Here's the part that caught my attention:
Tea Party has an answer: RINOs—liberal Republicans in Name Only—have sabotaged the right, most recently in October when they collaborated with Democrats to raise the debt ceiling and end the government shutdown. Once RINOs are extinct, true Tea Party conservatives like Ted Cruz will prevail. They will close down the federal bureaucracy and stop Washington from borrowing a penny more until Obamacare is defunded and the welfare state brought to heel. If this is extremism, it’s what Barry Goldwater called extremism in defense of liberty.

The original piece can be found here. The American Conservative » Why the Tea Party Can?t GovernThe American Conservative » Print

Read the article and its total bullshit.

More of the same 'We gotta be more like them' nonsense.

Screw that.

What we have to do is to:


They 'feel' they know, but they're wrong.
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The problem with the major political parties is their lack of integrity. Noone can honestly live by their so-called ideals. Just a bunch of talking heads, with no real claim to real solutions, or even an idea of how to get there. If the tea party can maintain a rational philosophy, one that honest, hard-working people can live by, we will continue to gain converts, and eventually a major political presence. May take some time, but there is no rational alternative.
Excellent article. My favourite passage.

The tendency throughout the right is for the extreme view to crowd out all others because the criteria of debate were set long ago by conditions of opposition, not governing. ...

From the Moral Majority to the Tea Party, a right forged in opposition offers only images of a mythic past in place of present economic and cultural realities. Instead of a modern conservatism competing against what is in fact a creaky liberalism—whose corporate cronyism and cultural atomism have engendered wide dissatisfaction—we have only the conservatism of what was versus the liberalism of what is.

This accounts for why the Republican Party, even as it has grown more right-leaning and “extreme,” has failed for 25 years to nominate a conservative for president. No one can take the no-compromise ideology of libertarianism or Christian conservatism and make it electorally viable, let alone a philosophy of government. Rather than find leaders who can build plausible resumes in elected office before running for president, the activists of the right lend their support to symbolic candidacies that represent negative ideals—the ideals not of government but of protest.

Because ideological conservatives cannot accept the compromising complexities of a positive philosophy, the Republican old guard wins every time. The result is doubly perverse: instead of a serious conservative who speaks softly, Republicans wind up with unprincipled figures who become shrill in attempting to appeal to the right.
Another interesting post from Blogger Gunny that links to a piece that hits the nail on the head. Here's the part that caught my attention:
Tea Party has an answer: RINOs—liberal Republicans in Name Only—have sabotaged the right, most recently in October when they collaborated with Democrats to raise the debt ceiling and end the government shutdown. Once RINOs are extinct, true Tea Party conservatives like Ted Cruz will prevail. They will close down the federal bureaucracy and stop Washington from borrowing a penny more until Obamacare is defunded and the welfare state brought to heel. If this is extremism, it’s what Barry Goldwater called extremism in defense of liberty.

The original piece can be found here. The American Conservative » Why the Tea Party Can?t GovernThe American Conservative » Print

the tea party can't govern because it hates government.
No one hates more than the liberal/progressives we see today. Especially the elite Hollywood crowd. The vile, hateful, mean comments spewing from their "tolerant" mouths is repulsive and should be unacceptable in a civil society.

I am a conservative Christian woman, a Tea Party member and proud American.

The Tea Party movement has been unfairly attacked and misrepresented by the crooked media who have forgotten their journalistic oath to report the news fairly, honestly and showing no bias for any group.

I've been to several Tea Party rallies, and they have all been peaceful, non-violent events. In D.C. we were invaded by buses of left wing crashers wearing Tea Party shirts and hats, and wielding signs with offensive, racist words. We noticed their "organizers" instructing the media to keep the cameras on them and their offensive signs and not on the thousands of real Tea Partiers being peaceful and respectful. The media, of course, complied. MSNBC and their ilk ran with the negative story, oblivious to the fact it was fabricated by the corrupt left.

So don't tell me we are haters. All that proves is you don't have a clue what is reality and what is liberal propaganda.

Saying our Constitution was a sharp move left from Great Britain is a flawed statement. George lll was an absolute monarch, and emperor. Monarchies are based on a superior ruling class running the show generation after generation. Our revolution enabled us to break away from oppressive rule, excessive taxation (without representation) hence the Boston Tea Party and the basis for our movement. We became a Democratic Republic, a society run by the people for the people. A leap to the left would be giving that freedom, that control back to the elite ruling class. So you are very wrong with your statement that our Constitution was a move left.

Seeing people making statements like that, explains why our nation is in such a terrible mess.
No one hates more than the liberal/progressives we see today. Especially the elite Hollywood crowd. The vile, hateful, mean comments spewing from their "tolerant" mouths is repulsive and should be unacceptable in a civil society.

I am a conservative Christian woman, a Tea Party member and proud American.

The Tea Party movement has been unfairly attacked and misrepresented by the crooked media who have forgotten their journalistic oath to report the news fairly, honestly and showing no bias for any group.

I've been to several Tea Party rallies, and they have all been peaceful, non-violent events. In D.C. we were invaded by buses of left wing crashers wearing Tea Party shirts and hats, and wielding signs with offensive, racist words. We noticed their "organizers" instructing the media to keep the cameras on them and their offensive signs and not on the thousands of real Tea Partiers being peaceful and respectful. The media, of course, complied. MSNBC and their ilk ran with the negative story, oblivious to the fact it was fabricated by the corrupt left.

So don't tell me we are haters. All that proves is you don't have a clue what is reality and what is liberal propaganda.

Saying our Constitution was a sharp move left from Great Britain is a flawed statement. George lll was an absolute monarch, and emperor. Monarchies are based on a superior ruling class running the show generation after generation. Our revolution enabled us to break away from oppressive rule, excessive taxation (without representation) hence the Boston Tea Party and the basis for our movement. We became a Democratic Republic, a society run by the people for the people. A leap to the left would be giving that freedom, that control back to the elite ruling class. So you are very wrong with your statement that our Constitution was a move left.

Seeing people making statements like that, explains why our nation is in such a terrible mess.

Gee, that's odd. On all the townhall meetings and teabagger rallies that were posted on Youtube the plants were teabaggers. They were outed on assorted tv and internet news sites.

Here's a tip: If you're a plant making multiple appearances in videos, change your clothes and wear wigs. You're harder to spot that way.
George lll was an absolute monarch, and emperor. Look up the term and the definitions.

A leap to the left would be giving that freedom, that control back to the elite ruling class. It would have been giving it to the mob. It was a political revolution xfring power from the elites in the UK to generally the elites in America.
The basic message of the teabaggers is: cut my taxes; don't cut my benefits; balance the budget. A Republican politician can win an election promising to do that. Nevertheless, it cannot be done. Except for foreign aid, which is one percent of the federal budget there is not majority support for cutting any significant aspect of government spending.

What the teabaggers lack in realism they more than compensate for in energy. I can imagine a Republican Party dominated by the teabaggers winning the White House and both houses of Congress in 2016. The result would be an explosion in the national debt.

Teabaggers like to complain about the deficit now. It would get far worse if they put their cranky ideas into effect. :eek:
George lll was an absolute monarch, and emperor. Look up the term and the definitions.

A leap to the left would be giving that freedom, that control back to the elite ruling class. It would have been giving it to the mob. It was a political revolution xfring power from the elites in the UK to generally the elites in America.

During the eighteenth century the British monarchy had more power than it does now, but it still shared power with the House of Lords, and the House of Commons.
The Tea Party is not a Political Party.

It is a political movement, resting upon the objective truths set forth in the US Declaration of Independence and the fact that the US Constitution was written to defend the adherence to those principles.

What's more, the Movement was viciously attacked by the Executive Office, which has tasked the IRS to suppress the means of the Tea Party to organize, raise money and mount an effort required to form a political Party. An abusive effort which has simultaneously taken th public stance that "the Tea Party is loosing popularity".

It's subversion, it's treason and it's WHY THE ADHERENTS TO THE TEA PARTY MUST GO FOWARD.


Same with GOP precincts and GOP polls, because the power brokers in the GOP, the old guard, are just as 'progressive' meaning just as relativist (crooked) as the socialists.

And is truly no more complex, than that.

The Tea Party is what happens when you stop thinking about others and only focus on yourself. The moment you spit on "United We Stand". But the video shows proof. You still have allies.
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