Rino hunt


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
The RINO'S are getting set up for a battle with the TEA Party again...........

Chamber of Commerce and people like Rove are gearing up for the battle.........

That's all fine and dandy................

The TEA PARTY loves to RINO HUNT................

Which is exactly why the RINO'S are fighting the TEA Party.

Anyway, TAG THEM AND BAG THEM...............

Post TROPHY Mounts of past RINO'S hanging on TEA Party Walls.

TAG them and BAG them.............

No Bag limit. No License to Hunt needed................

Specter get's head mounted. Tries to disguise himself as a Dem.
Bitter loser Arlen Specter's farewell speech: RINOs that lost primaries is a form of ?sophisticated cannibalism?

35 year Senator Lugar gets mounted.

Richard Lugar: The Fall of a RINO

Choose a RINO to hunt in your state.

The RINOs | The RINO List

Tennessee Mounts 5 RINO'S in the state Leg........

Tea Party, NRA throw 5 RINOS out of Tennessee Legislature

Mr. Cruz, 41, is the latest conservative rebel to bring down an established party leader, tapping into frustration within the Republican ranks nationwide. These dissident triumphs include, in this year’s primaries, the defeat of Senator Richard G. Lugar of Indiana by Richard E. Mourdock and Deb Fischer’s win over a veteran Republican for the Senate nomination in Nebraska. They also echo Marco Rubio’s Senate victory in 2010 over a Republican governor, Charlie Crist of Florida.

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, Mounted on the TEA Party Wall..

...to the delight of Democrats everywhere.

Democraps are easy to amuse.

Just put a laser on the floor and they will chase it for hours.

As you get amused chasing a laser, there is a RINO HUNT going on.............

Can you name more RINO'S mounted on the wall.

Perhaps you can go to your own HALL OF SHAME and see what happened to the Blue Dogs.
In order for the Tea Party to ever make significant gains they would have to go less extreme.
The Tea Party certainly looks to be losing any momentum they once had as the favorable and unfavorable numbers show in a recent poll.
The Tea Party needs to expand their voter base and broaden their appeal, however they have done the opposite. Their enemy list includes, moderate Republicans, moderate Independents and of course Democrats. That doesn't leave them with much to work with.
The Tea Party seems to have illusions of grandeur instead of the realization of how the real concerns of the American voter.
It appears, the more people know about the Tea Party, the less they like the Tea Party.
Tea Party’s Image Turns More Negative
The Tea Party is less popular than ever, with even many Republicans now viewing the movement negatively. Overall, nearly half of the public (49%) has an unfavorable opinion of the Tea Party, while 30% have a favorable opinion.
The balance of opinion toward the Tea Party has turned more negative since June, when 37% viewed it favorably and 45% had an unfavorable opinion. And the Tea Party’s image is much more negative today than it was three years ago, shortly after it emerged as a conservative protest movement against Barack Obama’s policies on health care and the economy.
In February 2010, when the Tea Party was less well known, the balance of opinion toward the movement was positive (33% favorable vs. 25% unfavorable). Unfavorable opinion spiked to 43% in 2011 after Republicans won a House majority and Tea Party members played a leading role in that summer’s debt ceiling debate.
Tea Party?s Image Turns More Negative | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press


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In order for the Tea Party to ever make significant gains they would have to go less extreme.
The Tea Party certainly looks to be losing any momentum they once had as the favorable and unfavorable numbers show in a recent poll.
The Tea Party needs to expand their voter base and broaden their appeal, however they have done the opposite. Their enemy list includes, moderate Republicans, moderate Independents and of course Democrats. That doesn't leave them with much to work with.
The Tea Party seems to have illusions of grandeur instead of the realization of how the real concerns of the American voter.
It appears, the more people know about the Tea Party, the less they like the Tea Party.
Tea Party’s Image Turns More Negative
The Tea Party is less popular than ever, with even many Republicans now viewing the movement negatively. Overall, nearly half of the public (49%) has an unfavorable opinion of the Tea Party, while 30% have a favorable opinion.
The balance of opinion toward the Tea Party has turned more negative since June, when 37% viewed it favorably and 45% had an unfavorable opinion. And the Tea Party’s image is much more negative today than it was three years ago, shortly after it emerged as a conservative protest movement against Barack Obama’s policies on health care and the economy.
In February 2010, when the Tea Party was less well known, the balance of opinion toward the movement was positive (33% favorable vs. 25% unfavorable). Unfavorable opinion spiked to 43% in 2011 after Republicans won a House majority and Tea Party members played a leading role in that summer’s debt ceiling debate.
Tea Party?s Image Turns More Negative | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

That's only because of the media, and attacks by both parties................

They challenge the status Quo, and have fired some of them..............

They will stick to their core principles of LESS GOV'T, BALANCED BUDGET, and TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY...............

Unlike the Status Quo, they refuse to OBEY THE STATUS QUO...........
The mainstream is now engaged in the great RiNO TeaP hunt as the TPM is driven into the political wilderness forever.

The far right may not have the soul or the platform of the GOP: that's over.
The mainstream is now engaged in the great RiNO TeaP hunt as the TPM is driven into the political wilderness forever.

The far right may not have the soul or the platform of the GOP: that's over.


The Status Quo has made the challenge as some dare to tread on the RINO'S and Career Politicians power..............

They fight to hold that power, and the TEA Party wants to remove them............

Thus a RINO HUNT...........The TEA Party will put more RINO'S on the wall.


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