Why smug atheists are wrong

What the fuck are you talking about? I didn't interpret or respond to your post in any other way than it was written and intended.

You're just flat out fucking wrong. You said that Atheists, ever cocky and confident insist that there is no room for wonder and that what they believe is the only thing that is relevant.

It's all fucking FALSE. Individuals who are not religious, if they have a great love for science and the mysteries and spectacles of the universe, can be absolutely filled with wonder. I am.

So try again, Windbag.

Also, you should check into you own god damn smugness, you fucking hypocrite.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is a product of the US Public School system, and is absolute proof that more money and more teachers is not the answer.

Sorry, but unless you fucking explain yourself, and explain exactly HOW I am reading what you are saying wrong, shut the fuck up.

Do you really not know what you fucking said, and how many sane person would fucking interpret it? You're focusing in on the "smug atheists" part and saying I am somehow not understanding the adjective smug.

So please, enlighten everybody and make me feel like an idiot by explaining exactly what the fuck you are talking about.

But you can't... because you know you're going off on a tangent because you don't have any better fucking defense for the bullshit you were spouting and what I had to say in response to it.

If only they taught basic grammar in school.


[aj-ik-tiv] Show IPA
noun 1. Grammar . any member of a class of words that modify nouns and pronouns, primarily by describing a particular quality of the word they are modifying, as wise in a wise grandmother, or perfect in a perfect score, or handsome in He is extremely handsome. Other terms, as numbers ( one cup; twelve months ), certain demonstrative pronouns ( this magazine; those questions ), and terms that impose limits ( each person; no mercy ) can also function adjectivally, as can some nouns that are found chiefly in fixed phrases where they immediately precede the noun they modify, as bottle in bottle cap and bus in bus station. Synonyms: modifier, qualifier, identifier, describer, describing word.
What the fuck are you talking about? I didn't interpret or respond to your post in any other way than it was written and intended.

You're just flat out fucking wrong. You said that Atheists, ever cocky and confident insist that there is no room for wonder and that what they believe is the only thing that is relevant.

It's all fucking FALSE. Individuals who are not religious, if they have a great love for science and the mysteries and spectacles of the universe, can be absolutely filled with wonder. I am.

So try again, Windbag.

Also, you should check into you own god damn smugness, you fucking hypocrite.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is a product of the US Public School system, and is absolute proof that more money and more teachers is not the answer.

Got it! Keeping Americans dumb is the only way religious views can survive.

That explains why Cowman is a devout Christian.

Google, helping QW feel intelligent since 1998.
Problem is you never site your information. Most intelligent people know how to site their information.

Most intelligent people know what a dictionary is. I actually have two on my Kindle.
I love to swear. It makes me feel GOD DAMN POWERFUL, like what you said.

Now are you going to fucking come to Quantum Windbag's defense? Because surely with your intellectual power you can tell me how exactly he's right and I'm wrong.

Come on wiz kid. Or is your only fucking existence in this thread to bitch about somebody using the word fuck a lot?

Further evidence of my earlier post:

Most atheists I have come across in person or in online debates come across as bitter, depressed, and/or angry.

Quantum is a big boy. He can take care of himself. If you think he and I are two birds of a feather you've obviously never seen us square off.
It basically comes down to one word, wonder. Smug atheists insist there is no room for wonder in the universe, and that their experience is the only valid one. The simple fact is that, a sense of wonder makes us humble, and anyone that approaches the universe without wonder and humility is crazier than the guy who thinks he is in charge.

One can be in awe of the universe and still not believe a magic man in the sky made it.
Google, helping QW feel intelligent since 1998.
Problem is you never site your information. Most intelligent people know how to site their information.

Most intelligent people know what a dictionary is. I actually have two on my Kindle.

Not what I am referring to.
I am referring to the fact during a debate you present information quite often that isn't your own, but do not site your source.
And why do you continue to claim you are intelligent? If you were actually intelligent you would be able to stay on the topic you first presented during the debate.
Debating you is like a cluster fuck. You change your argument, or even what you are arguing about half way through, then declare yourself a winner. It's actually aggravating and hilarious at the same time.
People without God in their lives cannot comprehend what they're missing...except to feel the ache and misery that humans separated from God must feel.
Google, helping QW feel intelligent since 1998.
Problem is you never site your information. Most intelligent people know how to site their information.

"Cite", Luissa. "Cite". As in citation, and recite.


Oh! You got me.
At least I don't claim to be intelligent. ;)

Of course, I will never think a religious person is intelligent. They may have some knowledge, but anyone who follows the Christian religion isn't intelligent in my book.
People without God in their lives cannot comprehend what they're missing...except to feel the ache and misery that humans separated from God must feel.

I did have God in my life once, I don't miss it. And religion doesn't solve your problems, it only helps you cover them up.
That's what you may have used him for. But once you have God, you don't lose him. So either you didn't have him before, or you haven't lost him.
Google, helping QW feel intelligent since 1998.
Problem is you never site your information. Most intelligent people know how to site their information.

"Cite", Luissa. "Cite". As in citation, and recite.


And here we have the smug Christian.

Smug and arrogant, for that matter.

Although most Christians are neither smug nor arrogant, enough are to cast the Faith in a bad light.

Otherwise, KG is in no position to correct someone on ‘cite,’ as she’s failed to cite any law or ordinance prohibiting religious expression or providing a penalty thereof, proving the ‘war on Christians’ is a myth.
That's what you may have used him for. But once you have God, you don't lose him. So either you didn't have him before, or you haven't lost him.

I don't believe in God, so it doesn't matter.
And I sure as hell don't use him to judge other people. ;) I may judge people but I don't use a made up God and made up religion to do so.
People without God in their lives cannot comprehend what they're missing...except to feel the ache and misery that humans separated from God must feel.

I did have God in my life once, I don't miss it. And religion doesn't solve your problems, it only helps you cover them up.

Careful of your wording. To say you once had God in your life would indicate an acknowledgment of existence.

I can see that you have a personal bone to pick with Christianity. So what happened? I know there's a story, or multiple.

I was once a Christian too. While I have my own issues with revealed religion, sooner or later you want to move on with your life. You say you don't miss it, but you do appear to have a good deal of anger and bitterness about it. I've always felt that atheism tends to foster that. Are there exceptions? I don't doubt it, but based on the posts by most atheists that I see on USMB they are an angry, bitter, depressed lot, and yes, in some cases, smug. I may argue with Christians a lot on this site, but I at least understand that there is a certain level of earnestness among them, while with atheists I rarely see anything other than scorn and derision. Christians may attack your beliefs, but I always get that they at least don't hate or wish me harm (most of the time anyway). This is why I have never really turned my back on God, and why I continue to feel a relationship with my Creator.

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