Why smug atheists are wrong

Atheist regimes are responsible for the worst wholesale bloodshed the world has ever seen.

And it's still going on...ignored by progressives, who by and large, approve.
Google, helping QW feel intelligent since 1998.
Problem is you never site your information. Most intelligent people know how to site their information.

Most intelligent people know what a dictionary is. I actually have two on my Kindle.

Not what I am referring to.
I am referring to the fact during a debate you present information quite often that isn't your own, but do not site your source.
And why do you continue to claim you are intelligent? If you were actually intelligent you would be able to stay on the topic you first presented during the debate.
Debating you is like a cluster fuck. You change your argument, or even what you are arguing about half way through, then declare yourself a winner. It's actually aggravating and hilarious at the same time.

No one owns any information. does that mean that everyone has to take notes every time they come across something so that when they mention it idiots that like to think they are smart can contest where they learned it? If I picked up the fact that, for example, robots are nothing more than the sum of their programming from reading Isaac Asimov's series, and you got it from a an engineer, that your source for that information is more valid than mine? Or does mine trump yours because that engineer originally got that same bit of information from reading the same science fiction stories I read?

One would think that a person who is educated, and smarter than I am, would know that.
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Google, helping QW feel intelligent since 1998.
Problem is you never site your information. Most intelligent people know how to site their information.

"Cite", Luissa. "Cite". As in citation, and recite.


Oh! You got me.
At least I don't claim to be intelligent. ;)

Of course, I will never think a religious person is intelligent. They may have some knowledge, but anyone who follows the Christian religion isn't intelligent in my book.

I guess we can throw away everything we learned from Michelangelo and Newton, they weren't as smart as we think they were since they were deeply religious. Or, maybe, you aren't as smart as you think you are.
I did have God in my life once, I don't miss it. And religion doesn't solve your problems, it only helps you cover them up.

Careful of your wording. To say you once had God in your life would indicate an acknowledgment of existence.

I can see that you have a personal bone to pick with Christianity. So what happened? I know there's a story, or multiple.

I was once a Christian too. While I have my own issues with revealed religion, sooner or later you want to move on with your life. You say you don't miss it, but you do appear to have a good deal of anger and bitterness about it. I've always felt that atheism tends to foster that. Are there exceptions? I don't doubt it, but based on the posts by most atheists that I see on USMB they are an angry, bitter, depressed lot, and yes, in some cases, smug. I may argue with Christians a lot on this site, but I at least understand that there is a certain level of earnestness among them, while with atheists I rarely see anything other than scorn and derision. Christians may attack your beliefs, but I always get that they at least don't hate or wish me harm (most of the time anyway). This is why I have never really turned my back on God, and why I continue to feel a relationship with my Creator.

Nothing happened, I just realized one day why religion was created and that there is no way god exists. I also didn't want to waste my life trying to make sure I got into heaven. Life is too short to waste it on religion.
And Christians hate people for their beliefs all the time. The only time I address them about their religion is when they use it judge someone, or deny them a right.

There is no way God exists, or there is no way the God you created in your head exists?
"Cite", Luissa. "Cite". As in citation, and recite.


Oh! You got me.
At least I don't claim to be intelligent. ;)

Of course, I will never think a religious person is intelligent. They may have some knowledge, but anyone who follows the Christian religion isn't intelligent in my book.

I guess we can throw away everything we learned from Michelangelo and Newton, they weren't as smart as we think they were since they were deeply religious. Or, maybe, you aren't as smart as you think you are.

The brothers who are responsible for the development of the human genome....devout Orthodox.

Lol..toss out all that genetic stuff, they're just big dummies, according to Luissa.
Atheist regimes are responsible for the worst wholesale bloodshed the world has ever seen.

And it's still going on...ignored by progressives, who by and large, approve.

Yawn. More empty-headed pablum from the forum's historically illiterate simp.

Atheism didn't kill anyone.

That the regimes you are referring to had official atheism is irrelevant to the murderous histories.

And, before you ask, no, I don't think you're even remotely intellectually honest enough to understand that simple fact.
Most intelligent people know what a dictionary is. I actually have two on my Kindle.

Not what I am referring to.
I am referring to the fact during a debate you present information quite often that isn't your own, but do not site your source.
And why do you continue to claim you are intelligent? If you were actually intelligent you would be able to stay on the topic you first presented during the debate.
Debating you is like a cluster fuck. You change your argument, or even what you are arguing about half way through, then declare yourself a winner. It's actually aggravating and hilarious at the same time.

No one owns any information. does that mean that everyone has to take notes every time they come across something so that when they mention it idiots that like to think they are smart can contest where they learned it? If I picked up the fact that, for example, robots are nothing more than the sum of their programming from reading Isaac Asimov's series, and you got it from a an engineer, that your source for that information is more valid than mine? Or does mine trump yours because that engineer originally got that same bit of information from reading the same science fiction stories I read?

One would think that a person who is educated, and smarter than I am, would know that.

That is fine and dandy if that is what you did. I never claimed I was smarter than you, but I am smart enough to know my limits, you on the other hand are not.
Just the other day you posted information from the a DSHS site almost verbatim and you didn't cite your source until I asked. You actually do it all the time. You make statement, and I google it, and you have usually ripped it off from some site.
Like I said google has been helping you feel smart since 1998.
Careful of your wording. To say you once had God in your life would indicate an acknowledgment of existence.

I can see that you have a personal bone to pick with Christianity. So what happened? I know there's a story, or multiple.

I was once a Christian too. While I have my own issues with revealed religion, sooner or later you want to move on with your life. You say you don't miss it, but you do appear to have a good deal of anger and bitterness about it. I've always felt that atheism tends to foster that. Are there exceptions? I don't doubt it, but based on the posts by most atheists that I see on USMB they are an angry, bitter, depressed lot, and yes, in some cases, smug. I may argue with Christians a lot on this site, but I at least understand that there is a certain level of earnestness among them, while with atheists I rarely see anything other than scorn and derision. Christians may attack your beliefs, but I always get that they at least don't hate or wish me harm (most of the time anyway). This is why I have never really turned my back on God, and why I continue to feel a relationship with my Creator.

Nothing happened, I just realized one day why religion was created and that there is no way god exists. I also didn't want to waste my life trying to make sure I got into heaven. Life is too short to waste it on religion.
And Christians hate people for their beliefs all the time. The only time I address them about their religion is when they use it judge someone, or deny them a right.

There is no way God exists, or there is no way the God you created in your head exists?

Oh! You got me.
At least I don't claim to be intelligent. ;)

Of course, I will never think a religious person is intelligent. They may have some knowledge, but anyone who follows the Christian religion isn't intelligent in my book.

I guess we can throw away everything we learned from Michelangelo and Newton, they weren't as smart as we think they were since they were deeply religious. Or, maybe, you aren't as smart as you think you are.

The brothers who are responsible for the development of the human genome....devout Orthodox.

Lol..toss out all that genetic stuff, they're just big dummies, according to Luissa.

Did I say that liar?
No I said Christians can be knowledgable but not intelligent.
My friend got into MIT but she is a complete dumb ass.
Actually a better way to explain it, Christians are not wise.
Careful of your wording. To say you once had God in your life would indicate an acknowledgment of existence.

I can see that you have a personal bone to pick with Christianity. So what happened? I know there's a story, or multiple.

I was once a Christian too. While I have my own issues with revealed religion, sooner or later you want to move on with your life. You say you don't miss it, but you do appear to have a good deal of anger and bitterness about it. I've always felt that atheism tends to foster that. Are there exceptions? I don't doubt it, but based on the posts by most atheists that I see on USMB they are an angry, bitter, depressed lot, and yes, in some cases, smug. I may argue with Christians a lot on this site, but I at least understand that there is a certain level of earnestness among them, while with atheists I rarely see anything other than scorn and derision. Christians may attack your beliefs, but I always get that they at least don't hate or wish me harm (most of the time anyway). This is why I have never really turned my back on God, and why I continue to feel a relationship with my Creator.

Nothing happened, I just realized one day why religion was created and that there is no way god exists. I also didn't want to waste my life trying to make sure I got into heaven. Life is too short to waste it on religion.
And Christians hate people for their beliefs all the time. The only time I address them about their religion is when they use it judge someone, or deny them a right.

There is no way God exists, or there is no way the God you created in your head exists?

I do love how you have to look for some deep reason or meaning as to why I don't believe in God.
I did have God in my life once, I don't miss it. And religion doesn't solve your problems, it only helps you cover them up.

Careful of your wording. To say you once had God in your life would indicate an acknowledgment of existence.

I can see that you have a personal bone to pick with Christianity. So what happened? I know there's a story, or multiple.

I was once a Christian too. While I have my own issues with revealed religion, sooner or later you want to move on with your life. You say you don't miss it, but you do appear to have a good deal of anger and bitterness about it. I've always felt that atheism tends to foster that. Are there exceptions? I don't doubt it, but based on the posts by most atheists that I see on USMB they are an angry, bitter, depressed lot, and yes, in some cases, smug. I may argue with Christians a lot on this site, but I at least understand that there is a certain level of earnestness among them, while with atheists I rarely see anything other than scorn and derision. Christians may attack your beliefs, but I always get that they at least don't hate or wish me harm (most of the time anyway). This is why I have never really turned my back on God, and why I continue to feel a relationship with my Creator.

Nothing happened, I just realized one day why religion was created and that there is no way god exists. I also didn't want to waste my life trying to make sure I got into heaven. Life is too short to waste it on religion.
And Christians hate people for their beliefs all the time. The only time I address them about their religion is when they use it judge someone, or deny them a right.


Religion and ‘god’ are creations of man, likely the consequence of his being aware of his own mortality and the realization of what a powerful political weapon religion can be.

Those free from faith are neither ‘smug’ nor ‘arrogant,’ nor do they ‘hate religion.’ They simply wish to be left alone and allowed to live life as they see fit.
I guess we can throw away everything we learned from Michelangelo and Newton, they weren't as smart as we think they were since they were deeply religious. Or, maybe, you aren't as smart as you think you are.

The brothers who are responsible for the development of the human genome....devout Orthodox.

Lol..toss out all that genetic stuff, they're just big dummies, according to Luissa.

Did I say that liar?
No I said Christians can be knowledgable but not intelligent.
My friend got into MIT but she is a complete dumb ass.
Actually a better way to explain it, Christians are not wise.

That isn't what you said. It might be what you meant, who knows. You can't distinguish between emotion and coherent thought. All you do is show up your own ignorance and narrowmindedness when you make such ridiculous bigoted claims. "Christians can't be smart cuz dey believes in de BIBLE!"
Atheist regimes are responsible for the worst wholesale bloodshed the world has ever seen.

And it's still going on...ignored by progressives, who by and large, approve.

:lol: kosher with this nonsense again... Mind elaborating on this one. Which regimes killed because they were atheists? Is it possible to disagree with you without being equated to a nazi or a proponent of some other murderous regime?
Atheist regimes are responsible for the worst wholesale bloodshed the world has ever seen.

And it's still going on...ignored by progressives, who by and large, approve.

:lol: kosher with this nonsense again... Mind elaborating on this one. Which regimes killed because they were atheists? Is it possible to disagree with you without being equated to a nazi or a proponent of some other murderous regime?

She hasn't the intellectual horsepower for that, and she's dishonest from her oink to her curly little tail.

Expect her only to regurgitate she's borrowed from those who made her a willing slave.
Not what I am referring to.
I am referring to the fact during a debate you present information quite often that isn't your own, but do not site your source.
And why do you continue to claim you are intelligent? If you were actually intelligent you would be able to stay on the topic you first presented during the debate.
Debating you is like a cluster fuck. You change your argument, or even what you are arguing about half way through, then declare yourself a winner. It's actually aggravating and hilarious at the same time.

No one owns any information. does that mean that everyone has to take notes every time they come across something so that when they mention it idiots that like to think they are smart can contest where they learned it? If I picked up the fact that, for example, robots are nothing more than the sum of their programming from reading Isaac Asimov's series, and you got it from a an engineer, that your source for that information is more valid than mine? Or does mine trump yours because that engineer originally got that same bit of information from reading the same science fiction stories I read?

One would think that a person who is educated, and smarter than I am, would know that.

That is fine and dandy if that is what you did. I never claimed I was smarter than you, but I am smart enough to know my limits, you on the other hand are not.
Just the other day you posted information from the a DSHS site almost verbatim and you didn't cite your source until I asked. You actually do it all the time. You make statement, and I google it, and you have usually ripped it off from some site.
Like I said google has been helping you feel smart since 1998.

Believe it or not, I am not perfect. Unlike you, I make mistakes, and forget to put in links at times.

Almost verbatim is a pretty fluid term nowadays. I don't recall the incident you seem to have your panties in a wad about, probably because I was talking about a government program. If I had copied and pasted the information without providing a link that would have been violating board rules. On the other hand, reading it and regurgitating the pablum does not violate the rules, nor is it against the law.

All I use Google for is to make other people look stupid. Most of the stuff I know comes from years of reading long before anyone heard of Google.
The brothers who are responsible for the development of the human genome....devout Orthodox.

Lol..toss out all that genetic stuff, they're just big dummies, according to Luissa.

Did I say that liar?
No I said Christians can be knowledgable but not intelligent.
My friend got into MIT but she is a complete dumb ass.
Actually a better way to explain it, Christians are not wise.

That isn't what you said. It might be what you meant, who knows. You can't distinguish between emotion and coherent thought. All you do is show up your own ignorance and narrowmindedness when you make such ridiculous bigoted claims. "Christians can't be smart cuz dey believes in de BIBLE!"

This is priceless coming from you Kosher every time I've seen you posting you were calling liberals, muslims, atheists, pogressive, etc.. nazis.

bigot: "a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance"

Bigot - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The way you sling this vitriol around is the epitome of bigotry Kosher.
As long as you use the same tactics and support the same ideology, you will continue to be compared.

Kosher a fair bit or warning in the context of the forum you may be able to get away with comparing others with nazis without basis but in real life some may find it to be slanderous.

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