Why should Republicans be rewarded after shutting down the federal government?

the only time citizens are safe is when government is shut down.

Duh, the military is also government.

What a clown! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Yeah...they just park the ships..hop out of their tanks..land the planes and go home.


Very true - if Congress does not fund them during the shutdown. Google it...

-- Any employee or office that "provides for the national security, including the conduct of foreign relations essential to the national security or the safety of life and property." That means the U.S. military will keep operating, for one. So will embassies abroad.

The 1.4 million active-service military members, meanwhile, will get paid no matter how long the shutdown lasts. That's because the House and Senate specifically passed a bill to guarantee active-duty military pay even when the government is closed. Obama signed it into law Monday night.

Department of Defense: 50 percent of the 800,000 civilian employees would be sent home while all 1.4 million active-duty military members would stay on. (Environmental engineers, for instance, would get furloughed, and the agency could not sign any new defense contracts.)

Absolutely everything you need to know about how the government shutdown will work - The Washington Post

whatever, ace..you think you're clever and witty...the military isn't "shut down" if the gvmt does.
Post a wall of text I couldn't care less...you said something ridiculous.
They don't park the ships, they don't land the planes, they don't just go home...play all the word games you like.

NaziCons shut the government down over Obamacare. What have they offered in its place?

NaziCons shut the government down over Obamacare. What have they offered in its place?


Let's get this straight: You think the White man intentionally placed the small pox virus into blankets and gave them to Indians in hopes of killing them. You realize that's complete bullshit, right? There is ZERO evidence this actually occurred...but hey, who actually cares about facts?

You really are a fucking retard. Good luck with that.
I don't get it. Do people not care - or do they just have short memories? Why is it always Republicans who shut down the government - and threaten to many more times? I never hear of Democrats shutting down the government - or even threatening to shut it down. Why is that?

Ain't No Party Like A Shutdown Party: Your 2014 GOP

The democrats just don't have the balls to shut down government spending because it would disclose the fact that their programs created the problem.
NaziCons shut the government down over Obamacare. What have they offered in its place?


Let's get this straight: You think the White man intentionally placed the small pox virus into blankets and gave them to Indians in hopes of killing them. You realize that's complete bullshit, right? There is ZERO evidence this actually occurred...but hey, who actually cares about facts?

You really are a fucking retard. Good luck with that.

There are various accounts. Choose your own facts...
I don't get it. Do people not care - or do they just have short memories? Why is it always Republicans who shut down the government - and threaten to many more times? I never hear of Democrats shutting down the government - or even threatening to shut it down. Why is that?

Ain't No Party Like A Shutdown Party: Your 2014 GOP
maybe its because they have assholes like you and Dean and Guno and Dotcom telling everyone why they should vote Democrat.....just sayin.....
Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?
Because this election is about obama and how we are sick of him and liberals in general.

So, you don't care that Republicans have shut down the government and threatened to many more times? Is it really all about rightwing hatred for Obama? Many lefties, including me, aren't thrilled with Obama and Reid - but they have never shut the government down or even threatened to shut it down. Democrats are clearly the lesser of the two evils.
Democrats are clearly the lesser of the two evils.
Satan is more powerful than Dracula.....besides Dracula sucks.....
I don't get it. Do people not care - or do they just have short memories? Why is it always Republicans who shut down the government - and threaten to many more times? I never hear of Democrats shutting down the government - or even threatening to shut it down. Why is that?

Ain't No Party Like A Shutdown Party: Your 2014 GOP

the GOP didn't shut down big gubmint- the libs did because of their lies/ big spending and hiding evil left winger bills in other funding.
Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?
Because this election is about obama and how we are sick of him and liberals in general.

So, you don't care that Republicans have shut down the government and threatened to many more times? Is it really all about rightwing hatred for Obama? Many lefties, including me, aren't thrilled with Obama and Reid - but they have never shut the government down or even threatened to shut it down. Democrats are clearly the lesser of the two evils.
Democrats are clearly the lesser of the two evils.
Satan is more powerful than Dracula.....besides Dracula sucks.....

demonrats are not the lesser, that is for sure.
I don't get it. Do people not care - or do they just have short memories? Why is it always Republicans who shut down the government - and threaten to many more times? I never hear of Democrats shutting down the government - or even threatening to shut it down. Why is that?

Ain't No Party Like A Shutdown Party: Your 2014 GOP

the GOP didn't shut down big gubmint- the libs did because of their lies/ big spending and hiding evil left winger bills in other funding.

Please provide "credible" proof of your claims.
I don't get it. Do people not care - or do they just have short memories? Why is it always Republicans who shut down the government - and threaten to many more times? I never hear of Democrats shutting down the government - or even threatening to shut it down. Why is that?

Ain't No Party Like A Shutdown Party: Your 2014 GOP

It's no surprise that the liberal media and The Sun blame the government shutdown — or slim down — on Republicans, the tea party and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz ("Grow up, Congress," Oct. 14).

But The Sun comes up short when it comes to facts about the shutdown. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted the money required to keep all government activities going with the exception of Obamacare.



This is not a matter of opinion, it is in the Congressional Record. As for the House's right to grant or withhold money, that is not a matter of opinion either. Just check the Constitution: All spending bills must originate in the House, which means that lawmakers there have the right to decide whether or not they want to fund a particular government activity.

Whatever one's opinion of Obamacare, it is a fact that House members have the right to make such spending decisions.

The government workers who have been furloughed are not idle because the House did not vote enough money to pay their salaries or the other expenses of their agencies unless they were in an agency that would administer Obamacare.

We do know who had the option to keep the government running but chose not to. The money voted by the House covered everything that the government does except for Obamacare. The Senate chose not to vote to authorize that money to be spent, because it did not include money for Obamacare.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and President Barack Obama refused to accept the money required to run the government because it left out the money they wanted to run Obamacare.

Apportioning blame for the government shutdown - Baltimore Sun

the GOP didn't shut down big gubmint- the libs did because of their lies/ big spending and hiding evil left winger bills in other funding.

Please provide "credible" proof of your claims.
People don't understand the level of obstruction, nor the unprecedented number of filibusters. The goal was to obstruct Obama even when he tried to pass legislation that was formally supported by the Republican Party. The goal was obstruction at any cost. To give Obama's party even one legislative act or to pass even one lower level circuit court judicial nominee was not permitted. The goal was pure obstruction regardless of content. The Right is at war, which is why Obama could not be allowed any space to govern, even on stuff that is benign.
People don't understand the level of obstruction, nor the unprecedented number of filibusters. The goal was to obstruct Obama even when he tried to pass legislation that was formally supported by the Republican Party. The goal was obstruction at any cost. To give Obama's party even one legislative act or to pass even one lower level circuit court judicial nominee was not permitted. The goal was pure obstruction regardless of content. The Right is at war, which is why Obama could not be allowed any space to govern, even on stuff that is benign.

You grew up suckling at the Socialist tit nobody cares what you think.
People don't understand the level of obstruction, nor the unprecedented number of filibusters. The goal was to obstruct Obama even when he tried to pass legislation that was formally supported by the Republican Party. The goal was obstruction at any cost. To give Obama's party even one legislative act or to pass even one lower level circuit court judicial nominee was not permitted. The goal was pure obstruction regardless of content. The Right is at war, which is why Obama could not be allowed any space to govern, even on stuff that is benign.

That is 100% correct - so racist rightwingers want to reward these anti-American slugs.

I don't get it. Do people not care - or do they just have short memories? Why is it always Republicans who shut down the government - and threaten to many more times? I never hear of Democrats shutting down the government - or even threatening to shut it down. Why is that?

Ain't No Party Like A Shutdown Party: Your 2014 GOP
Because shutting down government is the right thing to do when government is controlled by people wasting trillions of dollars and the people know it.

It took us about 230 years to accumulate $10 trillion in debt. It took Obama and the Dumbocrats about 5 years to accumulate $7 trillion in debt. That is appalling. Instead of the facade of shutting down "government" (which was nothing more than temporarily suspending wasteful nonsense like national parks - which shouldn't even exist), the liberal Republican's really should have shut down government by shutting down everything except for defense. And that includes Obama's salary, the White House, etc.
Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?
Because this election is about obama and how we are sick of him and liberals in general.

So, you don't care that Republicans have shut down the government and threatened to many more times? Is it really all about rightwing hatred for Obama? Many lefties, including me, aren't thrilled with Obama and Reid - but they have never shut the government down or even threatened to shut it down. Democrats are clearly the lesser of the two evils.
Democrats are clearly the lesser of the two evils.
Satan is more powerful than Dracula.....besides Dracula sucks.....

demonrats are not the lesser, that is for sure.
to me they both are evil.....Satan,Dracula,Jason or Freddy.....not much of a difference....they both suck the life out of you....unless you have money....
People don't understand the level of obstruction, nor the unprecedented number of filibusters. The goal was to obstruct Obama even when he tried to pass legislation that was formally supported by the Republican Party. The goal was obstruction at any cost. To give Obama's party even one legislative act or to pass even one lower level circuit court judicial nominee was not permitted. The goal was pure obstruction regardless of content. The Right is at war, which is why Obama could not be allowed any space to govern, even on stuff that is benign.

That is 100% correct - so racist rightwingers want to reward these anti-American slugs.

So what are you going to say when Obama vetoes every piece of legislation the GOP Congress sends him? Oh, that's different?
Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?
Because they proved to the American people they were the only adults in the room when they stopped the hemorrhaging of trillions of dollars.

America is looking for some adults to run Washington and they know that they can't find any in the Democrat party which spends so recklessly, they have the U.S. on the verge of collapse.

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