Why should Republicans be rewarded after shutting down the federal government?

People don't understand the level of obstruction, nor the unprecedented number of filibusters. The goal was to obstruct Obama even when he tried to pass legislation that was formally supported by the Republican Party. The goal was obstruction at any cost. To give Obama's party even one legislative act or to pass even one lower level circuit court judicial nominee was not permitted. The goal was pure obstruction regardless of content. The Right is at war, which is why Obama could not be allowed any space to govern, even on stuff that is benign.

That is 100% correct - so racist rightwingers want to reward these anti-American slugs.
So what are you going to say when Obama vetoes every piece of legislation the GOP Congress sends him? Oh, that's different?
Sadly, that's exactly what they will say. When I posted the video of Obama insisting emphatically as a Senator that raising the debt ceiling was "dangerous" and "unpatriotic" and then voting it against it after he demanded it as President, the libs here on USMB all screamed that it was "different".

It was the most appalling form of hypocrisy I've ever seen and yet the USMB libs not only wouldn't condemn it, they actually humiliated themselves vehemently trying to defend it. They are what is wrong with America today. Accept and defend any behavior by your side of the aisle instead of demanding integrity and accountability.
Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?
Because they proved to the American people they were the only adults in the room when they stopped the hemorrhaging of trillions of dollars.

America is looking for some adults to run Washington and they know that they can't find any in the Democrat party which spends so recklessly, they have the U.S. on the verge of collapse.

You retarded NaziCon, answer the following question:

How much debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies?
People don't understand the level of obstruction, nor the unprecedented number of filibusters. The goal was to obstruct Obama even when he tried to pass legislation that was formally supported by the Republican Party. The goal was obstruction at any cost. To give Obama's party even one legislative act or to pass even one lower level circuit court judicial nominee was not permitted. The goal was pure obstruction regardless of content. The Right is at war, which is why Obama could not be allowed any space to govern, even on stuff that is benign.

That is 100% correct - so racist rightwingers want to reward these anti-American slugs.
So what are you going to say when Obama vetoes every piece of legislation the GOP Congress sends him? Oh, that's different?
Sadly, that's exactly what they will say. When I posted the video of Obama insisting emphatically as a Senator that raising the debt ceiling was "dangerous" and "unpatriotic" and then voting it against it after he demanded it as President, the libs here on USMB all screamed that it was "different".

It was the most appalling form of hypocrisy I've ever seen and yet the USMB libs not only wouldn't condemn it, they actually humiliated themselves vehemently trying to defend it. They are what is wrong with America today. Accept and defend any behavior by your side of the aisle instead of demanding integrity and accountability.

How could Senator Obama vote against it after he demanded it as President? Is that a Zen riddle?
Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?
Because they proved to the American people they were the only adults in the room when they stopped the hemorrhaging of trillions of dollars.

America is looking for some adults to run Washington and they know that they can't find any in the Democrat party which spends so recklessly, they have the U.S. on the verge of collapse.

You retarded NaziCon, answer the following question:

How much debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies?

Uh. A LOT!
Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?
Because they proved to the American people they were the only adults in the room when they stopped the hemorrhaging of trillions of dollars.

America is looking for some adults to run Washington and they know that they can't find any in the Democrat party which spends so recklessly, they have the U.S. on the verge of collapse.

You retarded NaziCon, answer the following question:

How much debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies?

Once he was President - the Dumbocrats had complete and total control of the federal government (House and Senate as well). He could have stopped any "war", cut any spending, etc.

So what did he do? Start throwing trillions of dollars around America like a drunken sailor in a desperate attempt to buy votes and re-elections. "Obamaphone" cell phones for people? Really? Now cell phones are a "necessity" in the mind of unhinged libs? Unconstitutional Obamacare that will add $1.4 trillion to the national debt in only 10 years?

Sorry friend, no matter how hard you try, you can't blame Bush for Obama's failures or his radical spending.
Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?
Because they proved to the American people they were the only adults in the room when they stopped the hemorrhaging of trillions of dollars.

America is looking for some adults to run Washington and they know that they can't find any in the Democrat party which spends so recklessly, they have the U.S. on the verge of collapse.

You retarded NaziCon, answer the following question:

How much debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies?

Uh. A LOT!

Typical NaziCon non-answer.
Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?
Because they proved to the American people they were the only adults in the room when they stopped the hemorrhaging of trillions of dollars.

America is looking for some adults to run Washington and they know that they can't find any in the Democrat party which spends so recklessly, they have the U.S. on the verge of collapse.

You retarded NaziCon, answer the following question:

How much debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies?

Uh. A LOT!

Typical NaziCon non-answer.

Typical butthurt response ^^^^
People don't understand the level of obstruction, nor the unprecedented number of filibusters. The goal was to obstruct Obama even when he tried to pass legislation that was formally supported by the Republican Party. The goal was obstruction at any cost. To give Obama's party even one legislative act or to pass even one lower level circuit court judicial nominee was not permitted. The goal was pure obstruction regardless of content. The Right is at war, which is why Obama could not be allowed any space to govern, even on stuff that is benign.

That is 100% correct - so racist rightwingers want to reward these anti-American slugs.
So what are you going to say when Obama vetoes every piece of legislation the GOP Congress sends him? Oh, that's different?
Sadly, that's exactly what they will say. When I posted the video of Obama insisting emphatically as a Senator that raising the debt ceiling was "dangerous" and "unpatriotic" and then voting it against it after he demanded it as President, the libs here on USMB all screamed that it was "different".

It was the most appalling form of hypocrisy I've ever seen and yet the USMB libs not only wouldn't condemn it, they actually humiliated themselves vehemently trying to defend it. They are what is wrong with America today. Accept and defend any behavior by your side of the aisle instead of demanding integrity and accountability.

How could Senator Obama vote against it after he demanded it as President? Is that a Zen riddle?
The VIDEO was posted after he demanded the debt ceiling be raised as President. It's called reading comprehension friend.
Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?
Because they proved to the American people they were the only adults in the room when they stopped the hemorrhaging of trillions of dollars.

America is looking for some adults to run Washington and they know that they can't find any in the Democrat party which spends so recklessly, they have the U.S. on the verge of collapse.

You retarded NaziCon, answer the following question:

How much debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies?

Once he was President - the Dumbocrats had complete and total control of the federal government (House and Senate as well). He could have stopped any "war", cut any spending, etc.

So what did he do? Start throwing trillions of dollars around America like a drunken sailor in a desperate attempt to buy votes and re-elections. "Obamaphone" cell phones for people? Really? Now cell phones are a "necessity" in the mind of unhinged libs? Unconstitutional Obamacare that will add $1.4 trillion to the national debt in only 10 years?

Sorry friend, no matter how hard you try, you can't blame Bush for Obama's failures or his radical spending.

Just answer the fucking question, NaziCon! Here it is again:

How much debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies?


Bush wars and tax cuts are the primary drivers of our current debt.
Last edited:
How long did Democrats have total control of Congress (House & Senate) under Obama?

Two years?

One year?

Six months?

Three months?
People, especially republicans, are idiots. All the republicans did was run against Obama and not on any ideas of governance. Blamed Obama for their own obstruction. It's like watching the asylum being run by the psychos.
People, especially republicans, are idiots. All the republicans did was run against Obama and not on any ideas of governance. Blamed Obama for their own obstruction. It's like watching the asylum being run by the psychos.

I predicted Dem's would have a meltdown ^^^
I don't get it. Do people not care - or do they just have short memories? Why is it always Republicans who shut down the government - and threaten to many more times? I never hear of Democrats shutting down the government - or even threatening to shut it down. Why is that?

Ain't No Party Like A Shutdown Party: Your 2014 GOP

Interestingly Chief Shitting Bull is Still pretending that the republicans shut down the gubmint.


Nobody shut down the gubmint. It didn't even get shut down.

And it was the GOP that offered a bill. Obumbler rejected it.
Getting nervous are you ?

Not really, but my thread is asking an honest question. I really don't get it. The polls do sound like Republicans will take the Senate - but why should they be rewarded after such gross obstruction?
Because they proved to the American people they were the only adults in the room when they stopped the hemorrhaging of trillions of dollars.

America is looking for some adults to run Washington and they know that they can't find any in the Democrat party which spends so recklessly, they have the U.S. on the verge of collapse.

You retarded NaziCon, answer the following question:

How much debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies?

Once he was President - the Dumbocrats had complete and total control of the federal government (House and Senate as well). He could have stopped any "war", cut any spending, etc.

So what did he do? Start throwing trillions of dollars around America like a drunken sailor in a desperate attempt to buy votes and re-elections. "Obamaphone" cell phones for people? Really? Now cell phones are a "necessity" in the mind of unhinged libs? Unconstitutional Obamacare that will add $1.4 trillion to the national debt in only 10 years?

Sorry friend, no matter how hard you try, you can't blame Bush for Obama's failures or his radical spending.

Just answer the fucking question, NaziCon! Here it is again:

How much debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies?


Bush wars and tax cuts are the primary drivers of our current debt.
Dude - holy shit. I did answer it. Can you read? The first thing I typed was 100%.
How long did Democrats have total control of Congress (House & Senate) under Obama?

Two years?

One year?

Six months?

Three months?
Two years chief (now here comes the part where the lib tries to make the case that losing their super-majority after a month means they lost control of government). They still had complete & total control with the GOP unable to stop anything. All that losing the super-majority meant was that the GOP could then filibuster (which doesn't stop the legislation - it simply prolongs the passing of it).

Let's simplify it for the libs. The majorities in the House & Senate get the speakers. How long after Obama was elected did Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid remain speakers? 'Nough said chief!
People, especially republicans, are idiots. All the republicans did was run against Obama and not on any ideas of governance. Blamed Obama for their own obstruction. It's like watching the asylum being run by the psychos.
Democrats are just as stupid.....and if you dont believe that....then you are one of those idiots...
NaziCons shut the government down over Obamacare. What have they offered in its place?


Let's get this straight: You think the White man intentionally placed the small pox virus into blankets and gave them to Indians in hopes of killing them. You realize that's complete bullshit, right? There is ZERO evidence this actually occurred...but hey, who actually cares about facts?

You really are a fucking retard. Good luck with that.

There are various accounts. Choose your own facts...

Lying sack of shit. ZERO EVIDENCE EXISTS.

Ah well, what do you expect from someone whose people couldn't manage to evolve out of the stone age? You should be happy you're bright enough to turn the computer on. Doesn't excuse your outright lies, but one does have sympathy for the pathetic.

Good luck with all that.
Why should Republicans be rewarded after shutting down the federal government?

So empty pants, here's the question I ask you every time you go back to this tired claim you don't have the manhood to answer. Pull down your dress, your lady parts are showing and step up to the plate.

Give me examples of what Democrats did that you want Republicans to do that they didn't do. Since the obstruction was according to you the Republicans, the Democrats did something they didn't, right? The Democrats tried to work things out reasonably, right? You wouldn't have a ... double standard ... would you Lakota?

Hmm.maybe that's why you keep running away from the question. Just a thought...
I don't get it. Do people not care - or do they just have short memories? Why is it always Republicans who shut down the government - and threaten to many more times? I never hear of Democrats shutting down the government - or even threatening to shut it down. Why is that?

Ain't No Party Like A Shutdown Party: Your 2014 GOP

It was not the Republicans that chose to keep WWII veterans at the gate of the WWII Memorial while illegal immigrants and supporters got to have a rally on the National Mall a block away a couple of days later. That was a choice and an order that Republicans could not call even if they wanted to.

When Republicans shut down the government, there were no guards. It was unsafe.
Pegging the bullshit meter there rderp.
People don't understand the level of obstruction, nor the unprecedented number of filibusters. The goal was to obstruct Obama even when he tried to pass legislation that was formally supported by the Republican Party. The goal was obstruction at any cost. To give Obama's party even one legislative act or to pass even one lower level circuit court judicial nominee was not permitted. The goal was pure obstruction regardless of content. The Right is at war, which is why Obama could not be allowed any space to govern, even on stuff that is benign.

That is 100% correct - so racist rightwingers want to reward these anti-American slugs.

So what are you going to say when Obama vetoes every piece of legislation the GOP Congress sends him? Oh, that's different?

Ima gonna say; Good job Mr. President. What goes round comes round. It's gonna be so cool.

Like your kind said all the time. When the government is doing nothing that means they aren't hurting the rest of us.

Remember rabbit, you are fully in support of obstruction. Dems turn to "protect" us from our government.

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