Why is antisemitism more pronounced among. Muslims?

That's Zionism for you.

Jews are to blame for the insanity and violence perpetuated by the radical Islamic revolution?

Are you insane? Did Zionism make you that way? lol

You are Christian of Dutch and Irish heritage? I have to hand it to you, thats really very funny.
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Jews are to blame for the insanity and violence perpetuated by the radical Islamic revolution?

Are you insane? Did Zionism make you that way? lol

You are Christian of Dutch and Irish heritage? I have to hand it to you, thats really very funny.
She's as much of a Christian as you are which is to say not at all.
She's as much of a Christian as you are which is to say not at all.

No kidding? Unlike surada I have said it openly to you many times before. Remember? No?

I do not believe in an almighty, yet edible, triune god made man made matzo made by human hands that is worshipped and eaten for spiritual life and then crapped down the toilet. Derp.

whoomp, there it is...

Don't get me wrong, Its a beautiful religion with mesmerizing chanting and candles and bells and actors in costume, sinners, blood lust, sacrifice, and bread and wine. What's not to like?

And all for a nominal service charge! (10% of your income for life, your soul, your sanity, submission to evil.... and all of your children)
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Jews are to blame for the insanity and violence perpetuated by the radical Islamic revolution?

Are you insane? Did Zionism make you that way? lol

You are Christian of Dutch and Irish heritage? I have to hand it to you, thats really very funny.

who's kidding who ...

Itamar Ben-Gvir, who once was convicted of incitement to racism and supporting a terrorist organization, has been appointed security minister -- a new position that will place him in charge of the national police force.

the new israeli gov't - the boy scouts everyone adores ... jewish rightwing religious fanatics. no one to blame but themselves, the ensuing calamity.
No kidding? Unlike surada I have said it openly to you many times before. Remember? No?

I do not believe in an almighty, yet edible, triune god made man made matzo made by human hands that is worshipped and eaten for spiritual life and then crapped down the toilet. Derp.

whoomp, there it is...

Don't get me wrong, Its a beautiful religion with mesmerizing chanting and candles and bells and actors in costume, sinners, blood lust, sacrifice, and bread and wine. What's not to like?

And all for a nominal service charge! (10% of your income for life, your soul, your sanity, submission to evil.... and all of your children)
Secular Jesus pontificates again. Go secular Jesus, Go!!!
the new israeli gov't - the boy scouts everyone adores ... jewish rightwing religious fanatics. no one to blame but themselves, the ensuing calamity.
I do not support religious fanaticism. That being said, if you were a part of a people that has been persecuted by every superpower in the world for the past 5000 years hell bent on their destruction, with no end in sight, you might be more diligent about things than some kook blubbering about self determination who doesn't have the slightest idea about the cost.

You might as well persecute Mexicans for being Mexican and then accuse them of being radical fanatics when they stand up for their rights as human beings and blame them for a violent backlash from the same racial bigots who were persecuting them in the first place.

Forget about right wing religious fanatics. Fuck this insanity..
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I really do not support religious fanaticism of any species. That being said, if you were a part of a people that has been persecuted by every superpower in the world for the past 5000 years, with no end in sight, you might be more diligent about things than some numbskull speaking about self determination who doesn't have the slightest idea about the cost.
Thank you! I will acknowledge that the Israelis may, at times, be a little too aggressive, but after what Jewish people have suffered for millennia, combined with the fact that they are surrounded by antisemitic Arab countries that would love to see them driven into the sea, it’s quite understandable - and I appreciate that you do.

That others do NOT, and in fact hold Israel to a higher than standard and condemn them for actions that they overlook from other countries, is indicative of their intolerance for or outright bigotry toward Jews.
Thank you! I will acknowledge that the Israelis may, at times, be a little too aggressive, but after what Jewish people have suffered for millennia, combined with the fact that they are surrounded by antisemitic Arab countries that would love to see them driven into the sea, it’s quite understandable - and I appreciate that you do.

Thank you, but I haven't decided if they have been too aggressive at times or not aggressive enough. I don't think that any people, nation, should be too soft when surrounded by more numerous and powerful nations who openly expresses hatred and intention to destroy them.

I mean, its no secret that the destruction of Israel is the expressed goal of several countries.

So, with that in mind, is too aggressive under these circumstances even possible? Can a person be too aggressive fighting back when someone is trying to kill them?
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Thank you, but I haven't decided if they have been too aggressive at times or not aggressive enough. I don't think that any people, nation, should be too soft when surrounded by more numerous and powerful nations who openly expresses hatred and intention to destroy them.

I mean, its no secret that the destruction of Israel is the expressed goal of several countries.

So, with that in mind, is too aggressive under these circumstances even possible? Can a person be too aggressive fighting back when someone is trying to kill them?
The only part where I think they MAY be too aggressive is with the settlements. I would be fully behind a standing army there, with housing for the soldiers and their families, to let the Arabs know they Israel will defend its land - to the death. Beyond that, maybe ease up.

Other than that, they need to stand firm. This demonization of Israel - even among leftist American Jews - is a tactic the left uses against those who don’t submit to their wishes. We’ve seen it from them for years now, here in this country, as the leftists screech RACIST!!….. WHITE SUPREMACIST!!…..TRAITOR!!….. etc. at those on the opposing side.

Israelis are way too smart to submit to the pressures of the pro-Arab American Democrats, and will continue to defend against the Arabs who seek her destruction.
The only part where I think they MAY be too aggressive is with the settlements. I would be fully behind a standing army there, with housing for the soldiers and their families, to let the Arabs know they Israel will defend its land - to the death. Beyond that, maybe ease up.

Other than that, they need to stand firm. This demonization of Israel - even among leftist American Jews - is a tactic the left uses against those who don’t submit to their wishes. We’ve seen it from them for years now, here in this country, as the leftists screech RACIST!!….. WHITE SUPREMACIST!!…..TRAITOR!!….. etc. at those on the opposing side.

Israelis are way too smart to submit to the pressures of the pro-Arab American Democrats, and will continue to defend against the Arabs who seek her destruction.
the jews kicked islamic ass in a couple of wars....apparently god likes jews better
the jews kicked islamic ass in a couple of wars....apparently god likes jews better
They sure showed the three Arab countries that surrounded them in 1967, ready to attack the next day, who is better. And now the Arabs cry they want the Jews to give back the land they lost to war?

As far as the 1972 War, yup…..it was a miracle that the Jews won, being attacked without warning on Yom Kippur. G-d was definitely on our side in that one!
They sure showed the three Arab countries that surrounded them in 1967, ready to attack the next day, who is better. And now the Arabs cry they want the Jews to give back the land they lost to war?

As far as the 1972 War, yup…..it was a miracle that the Jews won, being attacked without warning on Yom Kippur. G-d was definitely on our side in that one!

Read Moishe Dayan.
The only part where I think they MAY be too aggressive is with the settlements. I would be fully behind a standing army there, with housing for the soldiers and their families, to let the Arabs know they Israel will defend its land - to the death. Beyond that, maybe ease up.

Other than that, they need to stand firm. This demonization of Israel - even among leftist American Jews - is a tactic the left uses against those who don’t submit to their wishes. We’ve seen it from them for years now, here in this country, as the leftists screech RACIST!!….. WHITE SUPREMACIST!!…..TRAITOR!!….. etc. at those on the opposing side.

Israelis are way too smart to submit to the pressures of the pro-Arab American Democrats, and will continue to defend against the Arabs who seek her destruction.

If you are going to worry about leftist American Jews you should worry more about right wing republican Christians who identify as patriotic Christian nationalists, with their thinly veiled nazi propaganda, and have corrupted political whores from both parties even at the highest levels of government, acting like they are friends of the Jews while plotting their destruction.
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If you are going to worry about leftist American Jews you should worry more about right wing republican Christians who identify as patriotic Christian nationalists, with their thinly veiled nazi propaganda, and have corrupted political whores from both parties even at the highest levels of government, acting like they are friends of the Jews while plotting their destruction.
I worry about both. Jews are surrounded by antisemites on both sides. But in recent years, the Republican elected officials have and are taking steps to ramp it down (including Trump), while Democrats have blocked it.

We would careen too far off topic for me to explain more.
But in recent years, the Republican elected officials have and are taking steps to ramp it down (including Trump),
I disagree. Trump couldn't be more antisemitic if he tried.

The tactic now, by far more sinister than open antisemitism, is for politicians to act like they support Israel for votes with meaningless words, pointless gestures, and false claims of peace deals, only to get close enough to stab them in the back when then time comes.

Mark my words.
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If you are going to worry about leftist American Jews you should worry more about right wing republican Christians who identify as patriotic Christian nationalists, with their thinly veiled nazi propaganda, and have corrupted political whores from both parties even at the highest levels of government, acting like they are friends of the Jews while plotting their destruction.

That comes from Cyrus Scofield and Samuel Untermyer. That's the source of the Dominionists and Dispensationists.. and Dallas Theological Seminary.
I disagree. Trump couldn't be more antisemitic if he tried.

Then answer me this: Why did he issue an EO withholding federal funds from colleges that do nothing to ramp down on antisemitism? And why, when he wanted to make it permanent legislation, were the Republican in support of it and the Democrats, fearful of offending Muslims, block it?

And why did Trump cut off the aid to the Palestinians when he learned that the Islamic terrorists were taking that money for rockets to bombard Israel? Just as importantly, why did Biden restore the money to HAMAS on Day #1 of his presidency?

I am guessing at this point you are a Democrat who doesn’t know the full story and has bought into the lies. As a Jew, I have been told that it isn’t so much what a person says that counts as much as what he DOES. Trump has been the best president for the Jews in my lifetime.
The tactic now, by far more sinister than open antisemitism, is for politicians to act like they support Israel for votes with meaningless words, pointless gestures, and false claims of peace deals, only to get close enough to stab them in the back when then time comes.

Mark my words.
False claims of peace deals? Trump started a new era of diplomatic relations between Arab countries (the more moderate ones) and Israel, and that is going a long way to dispel the demonization and delegitimization of Israel.
The thread discrediting the Exodus from Egypt, which Passover commemorates, was started by a Muslim (or Muslim sympathizer) who has made anti-Jew remarks in the past, and started an offensive thread to insult Jews and their beliefs.

That antisemitism is more pronounced among Muslims is a fact. We all remember the Islamic terrorist who pushed an elderly Holocaust survivor off a roof in France, while yelling Ali Akhbar, and studies have shown that Muslims are more antisemitic than not only the general population in France, but more antisemitic than the far-right. (Page 11 of the attached study.)

As the Muslim population increases in America, and they bring their antisemitism here, this becomes a concern. So the question is: what is the root of the Jew-hate? Is it because the Quran teaches that Jews are the offspring of apes and pigs? That they are taught to kill Jews from where they hide behind the bushes? Is it jealousy or resentment that Jews have overcome horrible persecution to become successful?

Let’s hear thoughts from normal people (not the Muslim antisemites) as to what drives the Jew-hatred among Muslims.

Because Mo told them the truth. ?

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