Why haven't they Left the U.S.?

The biggest Welfare Queen States are the south eastern states per capita.
Do you honestly think the welfare mums in Red states are republicans?


lets end federal welfare and make it a state and local responsibility only

that’ll teach us repubs a thing or two wont it?

what do you say?
With all the talk about President Trump being the worst thing to ever happen to the U.S. and all the threats to leave it, why hasn't this happened? The answer is that it was (and continues to be) nothing more than blow hard partisan BS. This presents a huge challenge for Democrats in 2020: If the last four years were so bad, how can the next four years be even worse? In the midst of the current pandemic, their ludicrous investigations and impeachment look all the more petty and nonproductive. And vainly trying to pin the blame for it on President Trump makes them look even worse.

The bottom line is that almost all of our population (including Democrats) had done very well over the past four years, despite the hysterical rhetoric they have been exposed to on a daily basis. Do any of them still believe this crap? If so, why haven't they Left the U.S.?
Your headline made me ask:

why have t all the illegal aliens gone home?

liberals tell us they are only here for the jobs

But now there are no jobs

so we should be seeing 20 million illegal aliens migrating south
They are waiting for the $1200 just like legal citizens are.....

One problem with your BS statements. Illegals aren't eligible for those checks. Only American Citizens. This is what happens when the old Herbert Hoover affect goes completely otu of whack.
I would like to think so

but knowing how incompetent the government is I wouldnt be surprised if immigration cheaters find a way to cheat on the stimulus also
My youngest daughter got letters from the IRS and the state of Virginia's revenue office saying there's a problem with the returns she filed.

There's a problem, all right. She's never filed a return with the IRS and she's never even been to Virginia, let alone worked there.

Some piece of shit has stolen her identity. And with the COVID hysteria, the IRS's fraud lines aren't being answered. Hopefully, no stimulus checks will be sent to the piece of shit's account until the bureaucracy's confirmed my daughter's identity.
Probably an illegal alien will get her stimulus check and laugh at America all the way to the bank
With all the talk about President Trump being the worst thing to ever happen to the U.S. and all the threats to leave it, why hasn't this happened? The answer is that it was (and continues to be) nothing more than blow hard partisan BS. This presents a huge challenge for Democrats in 2020: If the last four years were so bad, how can the next four years be even worse? In the midst of the current pandemic, their ludicrous investigations and impeachment look all the more petty and nonproductive. And vainly trying to pin the blame for it on President Trump makes them look even worse.

The bottom line is that almost all of our population (including Democrats) had done very well over the past four years, despite the hysterical rhetoric they have been exposed to on a daily basis. Do any of them still believe this crap? If so, why haven't they Left the U.S.?
Is this a BS partisan opinion?

Seems that I don't recall hearing anyone threaten to leave if Obama was elected. Yet there were a shitload of leftard Hollywood types who promised to leave, if Trump was elected.

But they never did.

Does that mean liberals are liars?
You talking to me?

Do you see anyone else involved in my response?

Are liberals liars or are they petulant little crybabies?

With all the talk about President Trump being the worst thing to ever happen to the U.S. and all the threats to leave it, why hasn't this happened? The answer is that it was (and continues to be) nothing more than blow hard partisan BS. This presents a huge challenge for Democrats in 2020: If the last four years were so bad, how can the next four years be even worse? In the midst of the current pandemic, their ludicrous investigations and impeachment look all the more petty and nonproductive. And vainly trying to pin the blame for it on President Trump makes them look even worse.

The bottom line is that almost all of our population (including Democrats) had done very well over the past four years, despite the hysterical rhetoric they have been exposed to on a daily basis. Do any of them still believe this crap? If so, why haven't they Left the U.S.?
Your headline made me ask:

why have t all the illegal aliens gone home?

liberals tell us they are only here for the jobs

But now there are no jobs

so we should be seeing 20 million illegal aliens migrating south
They are waiting for the $1200 just like legal citizens are.....
I’m afraid you are right

Also welfare bums who are American citizens

And since it's ALL Citizens, those welfare bums and perenial homeless also will deserve those checks. This is what happens when you allow the Federal Government to manage anything.
welfare bums and perenial homeless also will deserve those checks.
They dont deserve shit...They should get off their lazy liberal fucking asses and get a fucking job. Before FDR and the new deal, people either worked or sought charity, today the left steals the money from those working and doles out to the assholes money they dont fucking deserve. Daryl ****, is a brainless idiot, who most likely is on the dole, and wants more of what you got.....


Funny you should describe it like that. I can see you are unaware that there are just as many people that voted for Rump that are on welfare as those that voted the other way. The biggest Welfare Queen States are the south eastern states per capita. The states you keep pointing at has funds redistributed by the US Government to help pay for that Welfare. It should not be a Democrat Problem. It's everyone's problem. I suggest that one of the requirements for NOT getting those checks should be anyone that votes Republican then you can have a leg to stand on.
You dickwads always say it is the red states with the most welfare in them, but you look really, really deep, and you see, that it is the inner cites of those red states, run by worthless liberals that have the highest welfare problems. Always has, always will, when a liberal is in charge, they just love giving other people's money away....
Let's see here:

Lena Dunham, Miley Cyrus, Bryan Cranston, Amy Schumer, Cher, Katy Perry, Rosie O'Donnell, Jay Z, Barbara Streisand, Samuel L. Jackson, Chelsea Handler, Bryan Cranston, Jon Stewart, Rev. Al Sharpton, Whoopi Goldberg, Neve Campbell, Raven-Symone, Armie Hammer, Amber Rose, Keegan Michael Key, George Lopez, Eddie Griffin, Snoop Dogg, Omari Hardwick, Chloe Sevigny, Barry Diller, Katie Hopkins....

What do these shitheads have in common? Anyone want to take a guess?
Maybe come November, they will make good on it.
Let's see here:

Lena Dunham, Miley Cyrus, Bryan Cranston, Amy Schumer, Cher, Katy Perry, Rosie O'Donnell, Jay Z, Barbara Streisand, Samuel L. Jackson, Chelsea Handler, Bryan Cranston, Jon Stewart, Rev. Al Sharpton, Whoopi Goldberg, Neve Campbell, Raven-Symone, Armie Hammer, Amber Rose, Keegan Michael Key, George Lopez, Eddie Griffin, Snoop Dogg, Omari Hardwick, Chloe Sevigny, Barry Diller, Katie Hopkins....

What do these shitheads have in common? Anyone want to take a guess?
Maybe come November, they will make good on it.
They wont. Just more lies from liberals who have no honor. At one time, it would not be wise to lie, because no one believes you, just look at the Lame Stream Media, Congress has a higher approval rating than the LSM.
Donald Trump...:), the guy that's had more jokes and one liners said about him for almost 4 decades. And he hasn't disappointed me at all. He's been every bit (and more) the train wreck I thought he'd be. He makes all of his own problems and then tries to deflect blame or straight up bully his way out of responsibility for them. That's not a leader.

As usual, a complete lack of substance. And why are you so in need of a "leader?" Is it because you are nothing more than a follower?

No. Because his supporters and followers remind me of the People's Temple cult in the 70's. Blind faith and devotion to someone undeserving of it.

No, you're confused with obama and his jonestown followers.
The biggest Welfare Queen States are the south eastern states per capita.
Do you honestly think the welfare mums in Red states are republicans?


lets end federal welfare and make it a state and local responsibility only

that’ll teach us repubs a thing or two wont it?

what do you say?

I live in a deep red part of a state. When you go to the food bank, you see quite a few MAGA hats displayed. In a blue saturated area, I am sure that an abscents of MAGA hats. to hammer about the Dems being the majority of the Welfare recipients only means that the Dems make up the majority of the citizens.

I agree that the States should handle all Welfare. I am stated this many times. As long as the richer states that just happen to be blue are having money sent to the poorer red states through the federals then I don't foresee the red states every making the changes they need to do. And the Blue States will have more money for their own welfare programs. In Colorado, our index is at 1.3 while the Alabama index is .7. That means WE pay to get Alabama to the 1.0 index. While our Welfare doesn't really need the adjustment, our Bridges and such could really appreciate the boost.
With all the talk about President Trump being the worst thing to ever happen to the U.S. and all the threats to leave it, why hasn't this happened? The answer is that it was (and continues to be) nothing more than blow hard partisan BS. This presents a huge challenge for Democrats in 2020: If the last four years were so bad, how can the next four years be even worse? In the midst of the current pandemic, their ludicrous investigations and impeachment look all the more petty and nonproductive. And vainly trying to pin the blame for it on President Trump makes them look even worse.

The bottom line is that almost all of our population (including Democrats) had done very well over the past four years, despite the hysterical rhetoric they have been exposed to on a daily basis. Do any of them still believe this crap? If so, why haven't they Left the U.S.?
Your headline made me ask:

why have t all the illegal aliens gone home?

liberals tell us they are only here for the jobs

But now there are no jobs

so we should be seeing 20 million illegal aliens migrating south
They are waiting for the $1200 just like legal citizens are.....
I’m afraid you are right

Also welfare bums who are American citizens

And since it's ALL Citizens, those welfare bums and perenial homeless also will deserve those checks. This is what happens when you allow the Federal Government to manage anything.
welfare bums and perenial homeless also will deserve those checks.
They dont deserve shit...They should get off their lazy liberal fucking asses and get a fucking job. Before FDR and the new deal, people either worked or sought charity, today the left steals the money from those working and doles out to the assholes money they dont fucking deserve. Daryl ****, is a brainless idiot, who most likely is on the dole, and wants more of what you got.....


Funny you should describe it like that. I can see you are unaware that there are just as many people that voted for Rump that are on welfare as those that voted the other way. The biggest Welfare Queen States are the south eastern states per capita. The states you keep pointing at has funds redistributed by the US Government to help pay for that Welfare. It should not be a Democrat Problem. It's everyone's problem. I suggest that one of the requirements for NOT getting those checks should be anyone that votes Republican then you can have a leg to stand on.
You dickwads always say it is the red states with the most welfare in them, but you look really, really deep, and you see, that it is the inner cites of those red states, run by worthless liberals that have the highest welfare problems. Always has, always will, when a liberal is in charge, they just love giving other people's money away....

Yet the welfare system is run by the Red State Government. Imagine that.
I live in a deep red part of a state. When you go to the food bank, you see quite a few MAGA hats displayed. In a blue saturated area, I am sure that an abscents of MAGA hats.

i dont visit food banks so we’ll have to take your word for that

its a sad truism that we cant throw rocks at democrats without hitting some republicans

I know that in rural parts of red states a lot of white girls on meth get pregnant and on welfare

but every time I suggest ending welfare and forcing welfare bums to get clean and reform their lives its liberals and minorities who object
I live in a deep red part of a state. When you go to the food bank, you see quite a few MAGA hats displayed. In a blue saturated area, I am sure that an abscents of MAGA hats.

i dont visit food banks so we’ll have to take your word for that

its a sad truism that we cant throw rocks at democrats without hitting some republicans

I know that in rural parts of red states a lot of white girls on meth get pregnant and on welfare

but every time I suggest ending welfare and forcing welfare bums to get clean and reform their lives its liberals and minorities who object

Is it the Liberals that you only hear or the lack of enthusiasm that the Party of the Rump displays? In the south (and I am including West Virginia) the majority of the voters at the polls vote republican yet they have the highest per capita of welfare recipients. You can put all the blame on the Liberals but I suggest you take a really good look at the "Party of the Rump". Notice, I didn't say "Conservatives". These people are looking for a savior and Rump presents himself as that savior. In the end, the only thing they will have is that hope.

The problem is, both sides want to find someone to place blame rather than accept responsibility for themselves. It's an age old process. If you follow history, you will find that the Brown People were once used to hide the fact that Hoover and his bunch were woefully running the nation into the ground. They blamed all the ills on the Mexicans. Even Puerto Ricans. At that time Puerto Rica did not have US Citizenship since it was a Possession and the laws protecting them weren't passed yet. They were rounded up in the hundreds and put on boats and ships and dumped just across the border. Even naturalized citizens got caught up in the process. Then the deep part of the Depression hit and Hoover and his bunch could no longer hide the fact just how destructive they were. Hoover and his bunch went from Saviors to what they really were at that point.

Then there was the "Red Scare" of 1917 where the same bunch went on the witch hunt for "Communists" due to the Bolshevik Revolution. Then the second "Red Scare" in 1953. We are nearing the end of the 3rd "Red Scare" done by pretty much the same type of people.

There isn't a whole lot of truth in any of it but it gets people elected or allows people that otherwise would be run out of town on a rail to stay in power. What's sad is, it's the same old crap over and over and it's extremely effective.

I don't fear Conservatives. I would like to see the Conservatives back in power for a 4 year period. As in the Fiscal Conservatives. Imagine a balanced budget for a change with cuts in the right places in the Federal Government. The Things that claim to be Conservatives right now aren't conservatives at all. The Party of the Rump has more in common with the Green Party with the conservation thrown out the window. It's easier to find someone else to blame than fix the problems since they have no real idea what the problems are much less how to fix them. The Berniemaniacs aren't much different. It's just the two sides of the same coin.

I push the 1956 Republican Platform when Republicans were Fiscal Conservatives and really did care about ALL Americans. But since that time, there has been no real Conservatives in power. And the Democrats of the 50s were also in tune with Americans with Truman. But sometime in the 60s, both parties went to hell in a hand basket and sold their souls to two groups of old white men who really run everything from a back room.
I live in a deep red part of a state. When you go to the food bank, you see quite a few MAGA hats displayed. In a blue saturated area, I am sure that an abscents of MAGA hats.

i dont visit food banks so we’ll have to take your word for that

its a sad truism that we cant throw rocks at democrats without hitting some republicans

I know that in rural parts of red states a lot of white girls on meth get pregnant and on welfare

but every time I suggest ending welfare and forcing welfare bums to get clean and reform their lives its liberals and minorities who object

Is it the Liberals that you only hear or the lack of enthusiasm that the Party of the Rump displays? In the south (and I am including West Virginia) the majority of the voters at the polls vote republican yet they have the highest per capita of welfare recipients. You can put all the blame on the Liberals but I suggest you take a really good look at the "Party of the Rump". Notice, I didn't say "Conservatives". These people are looking for a savior and Rump presents himself as that savior. In the end, the only thing they will have is that hope.

The problem is, both sides want to find someone to place blame rather than accept responsibility for themselves. It's an age old process. If you follow history, you will find that the Brown People were once used to hide the fact that Hoover and his bunch were woefully running the nation into the ground. They blamed all the ills on the Mexicans. Even Puerto Ricans. At that time Puerto Rica did not have US Citizenship since it was a Possession and the laws protecting them weren't passed yet. They were rounded up in the hundreds and put on boats and ships and dumped just across the border. Even naturalized citizens got caught up in the process. Then the deep part of the Depression hit and Hoover and his bunch could no longer hide the fact just how destructive they were. Hoover and his bunch went from Saviors to what they really were at that point.

Then there was the "Red Scare" of 1917 where the same bunch went on the witch hunt for "Communists" due to the Bolshevik Revolution. Then the second "Red Scare" in 1953. We are nearing the end of the 3rd "Red Scare" done by pretty much the same type of people.

There isn't a whole lot of truth in any of it but it gets people elected or allows people that otherwise would be run out of town on a rail to stay in power. What's sad is, it's the same old crap over and over and it's extremely effective.

I don't fear Conservatives. I would like to see the Conservatives back in power for a 4 year period. As in the Fiscal Conservatives. Imagine a balanced budget for a change with cuts in the right places in the Federal Government. The Things that claim to be Conservatives right now aren't conservatives at all. The Party of the Rump has more in common with the Green Party with the conservation thrown out the window. It's easier to find someone else to blame than fix the problems since they have no real idea what the problems are much less how to fix them. The Berniemaniacs aren't much different. It's just the two sides of the same coin.

I push the 1956 Republican Platform when Republicans were Fiscal Conservatives and really did care about ALL Americans. But since that time, there has been no real Conservatives in power. And the Democrats of the 50s were also in tune with Americans with Truman. But sometime in the 60s, both parties went to hell in a hand basket and sold their souls to two groups of old white men who really run everything from a back room.
thats a great soft shoe that you do

you throw welfare in my face

but when I point out who wants to end welfare (largely white conservatives) and who is clinging to it with grim determination (democrat liberals and minorities) you give me the 1956 republican platform
I live in a deep red part of a state. When you go to the food bank, you see quite a few MAGA hats displayed. In a blue saturated area, I am sure that an abscents of MAGA hats.

i dont visit food banks so we’ll have to take your word for that

its a sad truism that we cant throw rocks at democrats without hitting some republicans

I know that in rural parts of red states a lot of white girls on meth get pregnant and on welfare

but every time I suggest ending welfare and forcing welfare bums to get clean and reform their lives its liberals and minorities who object

Is it the Liberals that you only hear or the lack of enthusiasm that the Party of the Rump displays? In the south (and I am including West Virginia) the majority of the voters at the polls vote republican yet they have the highest per capita of welfare recipients. You can put all the blame on the Liberals but I suggest you take a really good look at the "Party of the Rump". Notice, I didn't say "Conservatives". These people are looking for a savior and Rump presents himself as that savior. In the end, the only thing they will have is that hope.

The problem is, both sides want to find someone to place blame rather than accept responsibility for themselves. It's an age old process. If you follow history, you will find that the Brown People were once used to hide the fact that Hoover and his bunch were woefully running the nation into the ground. They blamed all the ills on the Mexicans. Even Puerto Ricans. At that time Puerto Rica did not have US Citizenship since it was a Possession and the laws protecting them weren't passed yet. They were rounded up in the hundreds and put on boats and ships and dumped just across the border. Even naturalized citizens got caught up in the process. Then the deep part of the Depression hit and Hoover and his bunch could no longer hide the fact just how destructive they were. Hoover and his bunch went from Saviors to what they really were at that point.

Then there was the "Red Scare" of 1917 where the same bunch went on the witch hunt for "Communists" due to the Bolshevik Revolution. Then the second "Red Scare" in 1953. We are nearing the end of the 3rd "Red Scare" done by pretty much the same type of people.

There isn't a whole lot of truth in any of it but it gets people elected or allows people that otherwise would be run out of town on a rail to stay in power. What's sad is, it's the same old crap over and over and it's extremely effective.

I don't fear Conservatives. I would like to see the Conservatives back in power for a 4 year period. As in the Fiscal Conservatives. Imagine a balanced budget for a change with cuts in the right places in the Federal Government. The Things that claim to be Conservatives right now aren't conservatives at all. The Party of the Rump has more in common with the Green Party with the conservation thrown out the window. It's easier to find someone else to blame than fix the problems since they have no real idea what the problems are much less how to fix them. The Berniemaniacs aren't much different. It's just the two sides of the same coin.

I push the 1956 Republican Platform when Republicans were Fiscal Conservatives and really did care about ALL Americans. But since that time, there has been no real Conservatives in power. And the Democrats of the 50s were also in tune with Americans with Truman. But sometime in the 60s, both parties went to hell in a hand basket and sold their souls to two groups of old white men who really run everything from a back room.
thats a great soft shoe that you do

you throw welfare in my face

but when I point out who wants to end welfare (largely white conservatives) and who is clinging to it with grim determination (democrat liberals and minorities) you give me the 1956 republican platform

One huge problem. Each side only wants to end Welfare for the other side while getting more for themselves. You pointed out the problem and I pointed out the solution. I can't help it you have never read the 1956 Republican Platform. And if you haven't noticed, there are plenty of MAGA hats getting welfare as well. You just want to blame the other group rather than sucking up and accepting that it's both sides doing the same damned thing. You want to fix Welfare, read the 1956 Republican Plank and then get behind throwing out the crap that's the so called "Republican Manifesto" today and work to get the old plank back in vogue. Careful, if the Dems adopt the old Republican Plank they will sweep the government. If the Republicans (Party of the Rump) continues like they are, 2024 to 2028 will be a rebuilding year for the House, Senate and Presidential. Right now, neither party is even close to that Plank. And 1956 was the Gold Standard for the Republican Party.

Now, accept some blame for your party while others need to accept blame for theirs and move to fix things. Until the blame game is stopped, nothing can ever be fixed. Welfare is always the other guys fault as is everything else. And stop calling "The Party of the Rump" conservative.
The biggest Welfare Queen States are the south eastern states per capita.
Do you honestly think the welfare mums in Red states are republicans?


lets end federal welfare and make it a state and local responsibility only

that’ll teach us repubs a thing or two wont it?

what do you say?

I live in a deep red part of a state. When you go to the food bank, you see quite a few MAGA hats displayed. In a blue saturated area, I am sure that an abscents of MAGA hats. to hammer about the Dems being the majority of the Welfare recipients only means that the Dems make up the majority of the citizens.

I agree that the States should handle all Welfare. I am stated this many times. As long as the richer states that just happen to be blue are having money sent to the poorer red states through the federals then I don't foresee the red states every making the changes they need to do. And the Blue States will have more money for their own welfare programs. In Colorado, our index is at 1.3 while the Alabama index is .7. That means WE pay to get Alabama to the 1.0 index. While our Welfare doesn't really need the adjustment, our Bridges and such could really appreciate the boost.
Sounds like you are up close and personal with the welfare state, do you participate along with those you bash? I guess you dont understand the SALT tax do you? Where states that have the uber rich liberals, would get tax deductions from Federal thus making the poorer states pick up the bill. Are you really that ignorant of how liberals love to fuck you? Dont answer that, i already know.

I live in a deep red part of a state. When you go to the food bank, you see quite a few MAGA hats displayed. In a blue saturated area, I am sure that an abscents of MAGA hats.

i dont visit food banks so we’ll have to take your word for that

its a sad truism that we cant throw rocks at democrats without hitting some republicans

I know that in rural parts of red states a lot of white girls on meth get pregnant and on welfare

but every time I suggest ending welfare and forcing welfare bums to get clean and reform their lives its liberals and minorities who object

Is it the Liberals that you only hear or the lack of enthusiasm that the Party of the Rump displays? In the south (and I am including West Virginia) the majority of the voters at the polls vote republican yet they have the highest per capita of welfare recipients. You can put all the blame on the Liberals but I suggest you take a really good look at the "Party of the Rump". Notice, I didn't say "Conservatives". These people are looking for a savior and Rump presents himself as that savior. In the end, the only thing they will have is that hope.

The problem is, both sides want to find someone to place blame rather than accept responsibility for themselves. It's an age old process. If you follow history, you will find that the Brown People were once used to hide the fact that Hoover and his bunch were woefully running the nation into the ground. They blamed all the ills on the Mexicans. Even Puerto Ricans. At that time Puerto Rica did not have US Citizenship since it was a Possession and the laws protecting them weren't passed yet. They were rounded up in the hundreds and put on boats and ships and dumped just across the border. Even naturalized citizens got caught up in the process. Then the deep part of the Depression hit and Hoover and his bunch could no longer hide the fact just how destructive they were. Hoover and his bunch went from Saviors to what they really were at that point.

Then there was the "Red Scare" of 1917 where the same bunch went on the witch hunt for "Communists" due to the Bolshevik Revolution. Then the second "Red Scare" in 1953. We are nearing the end of the 3rd "Red Scare" done by pretty much the same type of people.

There isn't a whole lot of truth in any of it but it gets people elected or allows people that otherwise would be run out of town on a rail to stay in power. What's sad is, it's the same old crap over and over and it's extremely effective.

I don't fear Conservatives. I would like to see the Conservatives back in power for a 4 year period. As in the Fiscal Conservatives. Imagine a balanced budget for a change with cuts in the right places in the Federal Government. The Things that claim to be Conservatives right now aren't conservatives at all. The Party of the Rump has more in common with the Green Party with the conservation thrown out the window. It's easier to find someone else to blame than fix the problems since they have no real idea what the problems are much less how to fix them. The Berniemaniacs aren't much different. It's just the two sides of the same coin.

I push the 1956 Republican Platform when Republicans were Fiscal Conservatives and really did care about ALL Americans. But since that time, there has been no real Conservatives in power. And the Democrats of the 50s were also in tune with Americans with Truman. But sometime in the 60s, both parties went to hell in a hand basket and sold their souls to two groups of old white men who really run everything from a back room.
thats a great soft shoe that you do

you throw welfare in my face

but when I point out who wants to end welfare (largely white conservatives) and who is clinging to it with grim determination (democrat liberals and minorities) you give me the 1956 republican platform

One huge problem. Each side only wants to end Welfare for the other side while getting more for themselves. You pointed out the problem and I pointed out the solution. I can't help it you have never read the 1956 Republican Platform. And if you haven't noticed, there are plenty of MAGA hats getting welfare as well. You just want to blame the other group rather than sucking up and accepting that it's both sides doing the same damned thing. You want to fix Welfare, read the 1956 Republican Plank and then get behind throwing out the crap that's the so called "Republican Manifesto" today and work to get the old plank back in vogue. Careful, if the Dems adopt the old Republican Plank they will sweep the government. If the Republicans (Party of the Rump) continues like they are, 2024 to 2028 will be a rebuilding year for the House, Senate and Presidential. Right now, neither party is even close to that Plank. And 1956 was the Gold Standard for the Republican Party.

Now, accept some blame for your party while others need to accept blame for theirs and move to fix things. Until the blame game is stopped, nothing can ever be fixed. Welfare is always the other guys fault as is everything else. And stop calling "The Party of the Rump" conservative.
Oh , and we on the right have been blaming the establishment Republicrats called the swamp and many of the creatures there have been removed. But your side, just keeps on going and going. Maybe you should actually do what you say the rest of US do, and vote out your liberal uber elite loving politicians.....
With all the talk about President Trump being the worst thing to ever happen to the U.S. and all the threats to leave it, why hasn't this happened? The answer is that it was (and continues to be) nothing more than blow hard partisan BS. This presents a huge challenge for Democrats in 2020: If the last four years were so bad, how can the next four years be even worse? In the midst of the current pandemic, their ludicrous investigations and impeachment look all the more petty and nonproductive. And vainly trying to pin the blame for it on President Trump makes them look even worse.

The bottom line is that almost all of our population (including Democrats) had done very well over the past four years, despite the hysterical rhetoric they have been exposed to on a daily basis. Do any of them still believe this crap? If so, why haven't they Left the U.S.?
In terms of government the American people can clearly see the Democratic Party is incompetent and incapable of dealing with our national problem.
I live in a deep red part of a state. When you go to the food bank, you see quite a few MAGA hats displayed. In a blue saturated area, I am sure that an abscents of MAGA hats.

i dont visit food banks so we’ll have to take your word for that

its a sad truism that we cant throw rocks at democrats without hitting some republicans

I know that in rural parts of red states a lot of white girls on meth get pregnant and on welfare

but every time I suggest ending welfare and forcing welfare bums to get clean and reform their lives its liberals and minorities who object

Is it the Liberals that you only hear or the lack of enthusiasm that the Party of the Rump displays? In the south (and I am including West Virginia) the majority of the voters at the polls vote republican yet they have the highest per capita of welfare recipients. You can put all the blame on the Liberals but I suggest you take a really good look at the "Party of the Rump". Notice, I didn't say "Conservatives". These people are looking for a savior and Rump presents himself as that savior. In the end, the only thing they will have is that hope.

The problem is, both sides want to find someone to place blame rather than accept responsibility for themselves. It's an age old process. If you follow history, you will find that the Brown People were once used to hide the fact that Hoover and his bunch were woefully running the nation into the ground. They blamed all the ills on the Mexicans. Even Puerto Ricans. At that time Puerto Rica did not have US Citizenship since it was a Possession and the laws protecting them weren't passed yet. They were rounded up in the hundreds and put on boats and ships and dumped just across the border. Even naturalized citizens got caught up in the process. Then the deep part of the Depression hit and Hoover and his bunch could no longer hide the fact just how destructive they were. Hoover and his bunch went from Saviors to what they really were at that point.

Then there was the "Red Scare" of 1917 where the same bunch went on the witch hunt for "Communists" due to the Bolshevik Revolution. Then the second "Red Scare" in 1953. We are nearing the end of the 3rd "Red Scare" done by pretty much the same type of people.

There isn't a whole lot of truth in any of it but it gets people elected or allows people that otherwise would be run out of town on a rail to stay in power. What's sad is, it's the same old crap over and over and it's extremely effective.

I don't fear Conservatives. I would like to see the Conservatives back in power for a 4 year period. As in the Fiscal Conservatives. Imagine a balanced budget for a change with cuts in the right places in the Federal Government. The Things that claim to be Conservatives right now aren't conservatives at all. The Party of the Rump has more in common with the Green Party with the conservation thrown out the window. It's easier to find someone else to blame than fix the problems since they have no real idea what the problems are much less how to fix them. The Berniemaniacs aren't much different. It's just the two sides of the same coin.

I push the 1956 Republican Platform when Republicans were Fiscal Conservatives and really did care about ALL Americans. But since that time, there has been no real Conservatives in power. And the Democrats of the 50s were also in tune with Americans with Truman. But sometime in the 60s, both parties went to hell in a hand basket and sold their souls to two groups of old white men who really run everything from a back room.
thats a great soft shoe that you do

you throw welfare in my face

but when I point out who wants to end welfare (largely white conservatives) and who is clinging to it with grim determination (democrat liberals and minorities) you give me the 1956 republican platform

One huge problem. Each side only wants to end Welfare for the other side while getting more for themselves. You pointed out the problem and I pointed out the solution. I can't help it you have never read the 1956 Republican Platform. And if you haven't noticed, there are plenty of MAGA hats getting welfare as well. You just want to blame the other group rather than sucking up and accepting that it's both sides doing the same damned thing. You want to fix Welfare, read the 1956 Republican Plank and then get behind throwing out the crap that's the so called "Republican Manifesto" today and work to get the old plank back in vogue. Careful, if the Dems adopt the old Republican Plank they will sweep the government. If the Republicans (Party of the Rump) continues like they are, 2024 to 2028 will be a rebuilding year for the House, Senate and Presidential. Right now, neither party is even close to that Plank. And 1956 was the Gold Standard for the Republican Party.

Now, accept some blame for your party while others need to accept blame for theirs and move to fix things. Until the blame game is stopped, nothing can ever be fixed. Welfare is always the other guys fault as is everything else. And stop calling "The Party of the Rump" conservative.
Oh , and we on the right have been blaming the establishment Republicrats called the swamp and many of the creatures there have been removed. But your side, just keeps on going and going. Maybe you should actually do what you say the rest of US do, and vote out your liberal uber elite loving politicians.....
Good points on both sides. Why I enjoy U.S. Message Board. I agree with the 1956 party platform as well as a point I will throw out there: "How would America have dealt with coronavirus in 1956?"
I live in a deep red part of a state. When you go to the food bank, you see quite a few MAGA hats displayed. In a blue saturated area, I am sure that an abscents of MAGA hats.

i dont visit food banks so we’ll have to take your word for that

its a sad truism that we cant throw rocks at democrats without hitting some republicans

I know that in rural parts of red states a lot of white girls on meth get pregnant and on welfare

but every time I suggest ending welfare and forcing welfare bums to get clean and reform their lives its liberals and minorities who object

Is it the Liberals that you only hear or the lack of enthusiasm that the Party of the Rump displays? In the south (and I am including West Virginia) the majority of the voters at the polls vote republican yet they have the highest per capita of welfare recipients. You can put all the blame on the Liberals but I suggest you take a really good look at the "Party of the Rump". Notice, I didn't say "Conservatives". These people are looking for a savior and Rump presents himself as that savior. In the end, the only thing they will have is that hope.

The problem is, both sides want to find someone to place blame rather than accept responsibility for themselves. It's an age old process. If you follow history, you will find that the Brown People were once used to hide the fact that Hoover and his bunch were woefully running the nation into the ground. They blamed all the ills on the Mexicans. Even Puerto Ricans. At that time Puerto Rica did not have US Citizenship since it was a Possession and the laws protecting them weren't passed yet. They were rounded up in the hundreds and put on boats and ships and dumped just across the border. Even naturalized citizens got caught up in the process. Then the deep part of the Depression hit and Hoover and his bunch could no longer hide the fact just how destructive they were. Hoover and his bunch went from Saviors to what they really were at that point.

Then there was the "Red Scare" of 1917 where the same bunch went on the witch hunt for "Communists" due to the Bolshevik Revolution. Then the second "Red Scare" in 1953. We are nearing the end of the 3rd "Red Scare" done by pretty much the same type of people.

There isn't a whole lot of truth in any of it but it gets people elected or allows people that otherwise would be run out of town on a rail to stay in power. What's sad is, it's the same old crap over and over and it's extremely effective.

I don't fear Conservatives. I would like to see the Conservatives back in power for a 4 year period. As in the Fiscal Conservatives. Imagine a balanced budget for a change with cuts in the right places in the Federal Government. The Things that claim to be Conservatives right now aren't conservatives at all. The Party of the Rump has more in common with the Green Party with the conservation thrown out the window. It's easier to find someone else to blame than fix the problems since they have no real idea what the problems are much less how to fix them. The Berniemaniacs aren't much different. It's just the two sides of the same coin.

I push the 1956 Republican Platform when Republicans were Fiscal Conservatives and really did care about ALL Americans. But since that time, there has been no real Conservatives in power. And the Democrats of the 50s were also in tune with Americans with Truman. But sometime in the 60s, both parties went to hell in a hand basket and sold their souls to two groups of old white men who really run everything from a back room.
thats a great soft shoe that you do

you throw welfare in my face

but when I point out who wants to end welfare (largely white conservatives) and who is clinging to it with grim determination (democrat liberals and minorities) you give me the 1956 republican platform

One huge problem. Each side only wants to end Welfare for the other side while getting more for themselves. You pointed out the problem and I pointed out the solution. I can't help it you have never read the 1956 Republican Platform. And if you haven't noticed, there are plenty of MAGA hats getting welfare as well. You just want to blame the other group rather than sucking up and accepting that it's both sides doing the same damned thing. You want to fix Welfare, read the 1956 Republican Plank and then get behind throwing out the crap that's the so called "Republican Manifesto" today and work to get the old plank back in vogue. Careful, if the Dems adopt the old Republican Plank they will sweep the government. If the Republicans (Party of the Rump) continues like they are, 2024 to 2028 will be a rebuilding year for the House, Senate and Presidential. Right now, neither party is even close to that Plank. And 1956 was the Gold Standard for the Republican Party.

Now, accept some blame for your party while others need to accept blame for theirs and move to fix things. Until the blame game is stopped, nothing can ever be fixed. Welfare is always the other guys fault as is everything else. And stop calling "The Party of the Rump" conservative.
Ok, I’ll take the bait

what is the 1956 republican plank in your own words?
If so, why haven't they Left the U.S.?
Maybe it's the same reason you didn't leave during Obama's eight years.

After all, we heard the "hysterical rhetoric" from you guys that he was a gay commie Muslim Hitler who was born in Kenya and sent to destroy 'murica and turn it into Venezuela.

Was this a serious question?
Obama did his best to destroy the best parts of America

but he failed

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