Why doesn't God make himself obvious to us all?

God has made Himself obvious to everyone. Some choose to ignore God and believe lies. It's really as simple as that.
When I say "obvious" I mean he is in plain site every day. Is it because he wants us to live our lives without knowing for sure that he exists? It would seem so, but why?
I don't know maybe it is because a good percentage of humans are ass holes!
"The Final Proof of the non-Existence of God was proved by a Babel Fish.

Now, it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that anything so mind-bogglingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some have chosen to see it as the final proof of the NON-existence of God. The argument goes something like this:

"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."

"But," says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves that You exist, and so therefore, by Your own arguments, You don't. QED"

"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic"

Douglas Adams -- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
When I say "obvious" I mean he is in plain site every day. Is it because he wants us to live our lives without knowing for sure that he exists? It would seem so, but why?
No it's against God's will for any human to look upon the face of God...Yeah he must be ugmo...

I think Moonglow is transcendantly channelling pagan after life messages again.
When I say "obvious" I mean he is in plain site every day. Is it because he wants us to live our lives without knowing for sure that he exists? It would seem so, but why?

Jesus said, "Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God." In those days people believed that consciousness was seated in the heart. We now know that consciousness is seated in the brain. It follows then what he meant is "Blessed are the pure of mind for they shall see God."

When a person wants to improve the function of an old computer, what do they do? Run a program that removes junk files unused cookies and malicious malware? True?

Theres your answer.

God isn't hiding. Purify your own mind and you will see God.
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When I say "obvious" I mean he is in plain site every day. Is it because he wants us to live our lives without knowing for sure that he exists? It would seem so, but why?
No it's against God's will for any human to look upon the face of God...Yeah he must be ugmo...

I think Moonglow is transcendantly channelling pagan afterlife messages again.
I was a Judean/Christian cleric slave..

Who do you think had to do all that damn calligraphy?
The notion of ‘free will’ is inconsistent with an omnipotent deity worthy of worship and in possession of divine authority.

You can be omnipotent and choose NOT to act. Just as a parent will allow a child to make its own decisions on certain things.
When I say "obvious" I mean he is in plain site every day. Is it because he wants us to live our lives without knowing for sure that he exists? It would seem so, but why?
No it's against God's will for any human to look upon the face of God...Yeah he must be ugmo...

I think Moonglow is transcendantly channelling pagan afterlife messages again.
I was a Judean/Christian cleric slave..

Who do you think had to do all that damn calligraphy?

A scribe in your previous life?

Odds are, a person only gets one shot at living.
When I say "obvious" I mean he is in plain site every day. Is it because he wants us to live our lives without knowing for sure that he exists? It would seem so, but why?
No it's against God's will for any human to look upon the face of God...Yeah he must be ugmo...

I think Moonglow is transcendantly channelling pagan afterlife messages again.
I was a Judean/Christian cleric slave..

Who do you think had to do all that damn calligraphy?

A scribe in your previous life?

Odds are, a person only gets one shot at living.
I'm reincarnated just like Jesus was....He lived before he died and then was reborn..
When I say "obvious" I mean he is in plain site every day. Is it because he wants us to live our lives without knowing for sure that he exists? It would seem so, but why?

God brought Moses to Egypt to deliver the Hebrew nation. It was there that he cast a rod on the ground that turned into a snake, turned the Nile into blood, cast plague after plague on the Egyptian nation until they relented to set them free. Then God spit the Red Sea in two so they could cross and escape the wrath of the Egyptian army following them only to watch them all drown as God closed the sea on them in pursuit.

No people could be more sure of a God that exists than the Hebrew nation, so the next thing they do is lose faith by building a golden calf to worship in his stead.


Also look at the story of Adam and Eve who walked and talked to God in the garden, yet they lost faith and ate the forbidden apple anyway.

So as we can see, it has done God precious little in proving that he exists. No, he wants us to place our faith in him instead.
When I say "obvious" I mean he is in plain site every day. Is it because he wants us to live our lives without knowing for sure that he exists? It would seem so, but why?
No it's against God's will for any human to look upon the face of God...Yeah he must be ugmo...

I think Moonglow is transcendantly channelling pagan afterlife messages again.
I was a Judean/Christian cleric slave..

Who do you think had to do all that damn calligraphy?

A scribe in your previous life?

Odds are, a person only gets one shot at living.
I'm reincarnated just like Jesus was....He lived before he died and then was reborn..

So this is a club. You and Jesus. Sounds exclusive....

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