Why does the Rightwing Conservatives Hate Unions?

Mindless Dittoheads chirping in with their right wing echo chamber propaganda.

Total saps.

Go suck some CEO dick, losers.
The animosity is chilling, but never the less consistent and irritating. Maybe we could actually have a discussion without the name calling, and find out exactly what is the right cons problem with Unions.

It seems to me Unions are a role model for what Capitalism stands for. To exploit the corporation for fair living wages & benefits, in exchange for an honest days work. And to get a fair working package a negotiation takes place and a contract written explaining what each side expects from the other side (labor vs. business). Nothing is hidden.

Capitalism allows workers to negotiate their own wage & benefits as individuals or as a collective, with the idea of extracting the maximum from the employer for each hour of work performed. The employer hires as many people as he wishes, from those that will work for him, and exploits workers for the lowest wages & benefit packages he can get for his hour of labor.

So the Union member or private sector worker gives an honest days work, and the employer gives an honest days wages & benefits.

So why do rightys hate Unions? They support America and prefer capitalism?

I hate what they have become.

A vast power source that has crushed and will crush anything and anyone that doesn't cater to it's demands.

In Ill the coal miners threatened to strike, the owners said they would not be able to sell the coal at a profit if they paid more and upped bennies, and that if they struck they would just shut down the mines.

Those idiots struck of course. and they pranced around in front of locked down mines for 3 months before it dawned on them that no one gave a fuck.

so the union used it pull to fuck over everyone else in the state by getting a ruling passed that any company that hired a miner, weather they could do the job or not would get so much money that is was still profitable for them to send the miner to college and not hire someone with the degree and know how on the spot.

So when I say unions can suck my cock b/c they are a vast source of evil. You better believe it.
I dislike them because it often rewards the laziest employees on the backs of the hardest working ......

For real?

I thought vice presidential candidate, and former half-term governor Sarah Palin introduced her husband Todd to america at the 2008 GOP convention as a proud, card-carrying member of the Steel Workers Union. She seemed pretty psyched about playing up his blue collar, union association.

From what I recall, Alaska's "First Dude" spent 18 years in the steel workers union. Must have built up quite the hefty union pension, and racked up some killer benefits after nearly two decades as a union member!

Did former half term governor, Ms. Palin ever demand that British Petroleum cut Todd's pension benefits, his compensation, and his other union perks? Inquiring minds want to know!
The new troll can't tell the difference between the Private Sector and the Government.

Public Employee Unions negotiate with Career Pols who are basically on the same side of the table. Those who will pay for the excessive pay and benefits are not properly represented. It's a rigged game, bub. That's why the vast majority of taxpayers oppose public employee unions.
The animosity is chilling, but never the less consistent and irritating. Maybe we could actually have a discussion without the name calling, and find out exactly what is the right cons problem with Unions.

It seems to me Unions are a role model for what Capitalism stands for. To exploit the corporation for fair living wages & benefits, in exchange for an honest days work. And to get a fair working package a negotiation takes place and a contract written explaining what each side expects from the other side (labor vs. business). Nothing is hidden.

Capitalism allows workers to negotiate their own wage & benefits as individuals or as a collective, with the idea of extracting the maximum from the employer for each hour of work performed. The employer hires as many people as he wishes, from those that will work for him, and exploits workers for the lowest wages & benefit packages he can get for his hour of labor.

So the Union member or private sector worker gives an honest days work, and the employer gives an honest days wages & benefits.

So why do rightys hate Unions? They support America and prefer capitalism?

I hate what they have become.

A vast power source that has crushed and will crush anything and anyone that doesn't cater to it's demands.

In Ill the coal miners threatened to strike, the owners said they would not be able to sell the coal at a profit if they paid more and upped bennies, and that if they struck they would just shut down the mines.

Those idiots struck of course. and they pranced around in front of locked down mines for 3 months before it dawned on them that no one gave a fuck.

so the union used it pull to fuck over everyone else in the state by getting a ruling passed that any company that hired a miner, weather they could do the job or not would get so much money that is was still profitable for them to send the miner to college and not hire someone with the degree and know how on the spot.

So when I say unions can suck my cock b/c they are a vast source of evil. You better believe it.

This post is almost laughable.

When was the last time an energy company lost money?

And how many miners have died in the mines in the last five years?
The new troll can't tell the difference between the Private Sector and the Government.

Public Employee Unions negotiate with Career Pols who are basically on the same side of the table. Those who will pay for the excessive pay and benefits are not properly represented. It's a rigged game, bub. That's why the vast majority of taxpayers oppose public employee unions.

And you have proof of that statement? Really? It so happens the vast majority of Americans supports PEUs.
The new troll can't tell the difference between the Private Sector and the Government.

Public Employee Unions negotiate with Career Pols who are basically on the same side of the table. Those who will pay for the excessive pay and benefits are not properly represented. It's a rigged game, bub. That's why the vast majority of taxpayers oppose public employee unions.

Why should steel workers be represented by unions, but firefighters and public nurses can't?

So you're in favor on strong and vibrant labor unions in the private workforce, and do all you can to support their cause?
If the Right was in power in this country, the corporations would pretty much control everything.

The Right would destroy unionism, get rid of the minimum wage, allow Corporations to put as much money as they pleased into getting the people they wanted elected.

The Right would destroy as much regulation and restriction on the Corporations as they could; corporate supported conservatives dominating the government would be able to do so. Workers' rights would disappear, because there would be no ability of the advocates of workers' rights to get people elected.

That is the conservative vision for America. A country run by Corporate America.

It always has been their 'vision'...

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."

Now, my friends, that is the Wall Street Republican way of life. But there is another way--there is another way--the Democratic way, the way of the Democratic Party.

Of course, the Democratic Party is not perfect. Nobody ever said it was. But the Democratic Party believes in the people. It believes in freedom and progress, and it is fighting for its beliefs right now.

In the Democratic Party, you won't find the kind of unity where everybody thinks what the boss tells him to think, and nothing else.

But you will find an overriding purpose to work for the good of mankind. And you will find a program--a concrete, realistic, and practical program that is worth believing in and fighting for.
President Harry S. Truman
The new troll can't tell the difference between the Private Sector and the Government.

Public Employee Unions negotiate with Career Pols who are basically on the same side of the table. Those who will pay for the excessive pay and benefits are not properly represented. It's a rigged game, bub. That's why the vast majority of taxpayers oppose public employee unions.

And you have proof of that statement? Really? It so happens the vast majority of Americans supports PEUs.

I quote myself:


64% of the respondents in a recent poll of registered voters opposed public employee unions.

Methinks this will increase as the Fracas continues.

A new poll from the Washington-based Clarus Group asked:

Do you think government employees should be represented by labor unions that bargain for higher pay, benefits and pensions ... or do you think government employees should not be represented by labor unions?

A full 64% of the respondents said "no."

That includes 42% of Democrats, and an overwhelming majority of Republicans. Only 49% of Democrats think public workers should be in unions at all.

Poll: Public unions a hard sell - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Mindless Dittoheads chirping in with their right wing echo chamber propaganda.

Total saps.

Go suck some CEO dick, losers.

And the mind-numbed drone says what? Hey, here's an idea.. go get s a skill set that's in demand and maybe you won't have to join a job club to earn a decent living.

Go suck some union boss dick... LOSER.

The new troll can't tell the difference between the Private Sector and the Government.

Public Employee Unions negotiate with Career Pols who are basically on the same side of the table. Those who will pay for the excessive pay and benefits are not properly represented. It's a rigged game, bub. That's why the vast majority of taxpayers oppose public employee unions.

Why should steel workers be represented by unions, but firefighters and public nurses can't?

So you're in favor on strong and vibrant labor unions in the private workforce, and do all you can to support their cause?

No, I'm not in support of any labor unions, just noting that private vs. public are of very different natures.

I'm for individual rights and responsibilities - concepts that a pathetic troll such as yourself likely doesn't grok.
I disagree with the premise that firefighters, public nurses, and state park rangers are lazy slobs who are looking to rip off the tax payer and live the easy life. Wisconsin state workers, and state workers across the nation have already demonstrated over and over that they are willing to take furloughs, pay cuts, and benefits cuts to help out with state budgets. Have corporations, the Koch brothers, and wealthy people chipped in likewise, and offered to pay a few more taxes to help the budget? Aren't we all in this together? Or is it just average working people being asked to sacrifice?

I agree with the Green Bay Packers, on public workers.

Statement from Green Bay Packers on Wisconsin Public Workers

Feb. 11, 2011

We know that it is team work on and off the field that makes the Packers and Wisconsin great. As a publicly owned team we wouldn't have been able to win the Super Bowl without the support of our fans.

It is the same dedication of our public workers every day that makes Wisconsin run. They are the teachers, nurses and child care workers who take care of us and our families. But now in an unprecedented political attack Governor Walker is trying to take away their right to have a voice and bargain at work.

The right to negotiate wages and benefits is a fundamental underpinning of our middle class. When workers join together it serves as a check on corporate power and helps ALL workers by raising community standards. Wisconsin's long standing tradition of allowing public sector workers to have a voice on the job has worked for the state since the 1930s. It has created greater consistency in the relationship between labor and management and a shared approach to public work.

These public workers are Wisconsin's champions every single day and we urge the Governor and the State Legislature to not take away their rights.


Green Bay Packers
I don't form my view of economics and proper governance upon the opinions of professional athletes.
But you didn't answer if you think the Koch Brothers, Bankers, and fortune 500 corporations should chip in a few more tax dollars. Why is all the burden to fix state budgets being asked of firefighters, cops, and nurses? They've already taken a hit through furloughs and pay cuts.

And this economic recession was caused mostly by Bankers, fat cat speculators, and corporate malfeasance, resulting in large part from under regulation. A teacher's union didn't cause this recession.

Don't you agree that the people most responsible for the economic meltdown - wall street, bankers, and mega-corporations - chip in to help with the fiscal crisis? Or do you think the sacrifice should pretty much be borne by firefighters, nurses, and teachers?
Oh Blah Blah Blah Blah.

I am not going to condense my POV which is well documented in my posting history here for a troll. Anyone who examines it will not find any evidence of supporting Big Government Cronyism of any type.
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I disagree with the premise that firefighters, public nurses, and state park rangers are lazy slobs who are looking to rip off the tax payer and live the easy life. Wisconsin state workers, and state workers across the nation have already demonstrated over and over that they are willing to take furloughs, pay cuts, and benefits cuts to help out with state budgets. Have corporations, the Koch brothers, and wealthy people chipped in likewise, and offered to pay a few more taxes to help the budget? Aren't we all in this together? Or is it just average working people being asked to sacrifice?

I agree with the Green Bay Packers, on public workers.

Statement from Green Bay Packers on Wisconsin Public Workers

Feb. 11, 2011

We know that it is team work on and off the field that makes the Packers and Wisconsin great. As a publicly owned team we wouldn't have been able to win the Super Bowl without the support of our fans.

It is the same dedication of our public workers every day that makes Wisconsin run. They are the teachers, nurses and child care workers who take care of us and our families. But now in an unprecedented political attack Governor Walker is trying to take away their right to have a voice and bargain at work.

The right to negotiate wages and benefits is a fundamental underpinning of our middle class. When workers join together it serves as a check on corporate power and helps ALL workers by raising community standards. Wisconsin's long standing tradition of allowing public sector workers to have a voice on the job has worked for the state since the 1930s. It has created greater consistency in the relationship between labor and management and a shared approach to public work.

These public workers are Wisconsin's champions every single day and we urge the Governor and the State Legislature to not take away their rights.


Green Bay Packers

If there's a link to that I will forever withdraw my support of the Packers. Sports teams along with other entertainers have no business sticking their noses into politics unless they are placing their names on a ballot.
Oh Blah Blah Blah Blah.

I am not going to condense my POV which is well documented in my posting history here for a troll. Anyone who examines it will not fine any evidence of supporting Big Government Cronyism of any type.

I don't understand why you're afraid to state if you think the bankers and corporations who caused this recession should chip in to fix the fiscal crisis if firefighters are being asked to sacrifice toward that end. Its a very simple question.
I disagree with the premise that firefighters, public nurses, and state park rangers are lazy slobs who are looking to rip off the tax payer and live the easy life. Wisconsin state workers, and state workers across the nation have already demonstrated over and over that they are willing to take furloughs, pay cuts, and benefits cuts to help out with state budgets. Have corporations, the Koch brothers, and wealthy people chipped in likewise, and offered to pay a few more taxes to help the budget? Aren't we all in this together? Or is it just average working people being asked to sacrifice?

I agree with the Green Bay Packers, on public workers.

Statement from Green Bay Packers on Wisconsin Public Workers

Feb. 11, 2011

We know that it is team work on and off the field that makes the Packers and Wisconsin great. As a publicly owned team we wouldn't have been able to win the Super Bowl without the support of our fans.

It is the same dedication of our public workers every day that makes Wisconsin run. They are the teachers, nurses and child care workers who take care of us and our families. But now in an unprecedented political attack Governor Walker is trying to take away their right to have a voice and bargain at work.

The right to negotiate wages and benefits is a fundamental underpinning of our middle class. When workers join together it serves as a check on corporate power and helps ALL workers by raising community standards. Wisconsin's long standing tradition of allowing public sector workers to have a voice on the job has worked for the state since the 1930s. It has created greater consistency in the relationship between labor and management and a shared approach to public work.

These public workers are Wisconsin's champions every single day and we urge the Governor and the State Legislature to not take away their rights.


Green Bay Packers

If there's a link to that I will forever withdraw my support of the Packers. Sports teams along with other entertainers have no business sticking their noses into politics unless they are placing their names on a ballot.

I don't think I can link till I have a certain number of posts, but I might be wrong about that. The Pack obviously is down with collective bargaining as the last defense against a wholesale corporate takeover of our government.

So your position is that a private citizen who sells books and does paid speaking engagements - aka, Sarah Palin - can pontificate on a labor issue, but private american citizens who play sports can't?
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