Why does the Rightwing Conservatives Hate Unions?

I disagree with the premise that firefighters, public nurses, and state park rangers are lazy slobs who are looking to rip off the tax payer and live the easy life. Wisconsin state workers, and state workers across the nation have already demonstrated over and over that they are willing to take furloughs, pay cuts, and benefits cuts to help out with state budgets. Have corporations, the Koch brothers, and wealthy people chipped in likewise, and offered to pay a few more taxes to help the budget? Aren't we all in this together? Or is it just average working people being asked to sacrifice?

I agree with the Green Bay Packers, on public workers.

Statement from Green Bay Packers on Wisconsin Public Workers

Feb. 11, 2011

We know that it is team work on and off the field that makes the Packers and Wisconsin great. As a publicly owned team we wouldn't have been able to win the Super Bowl without the support of our fans.

It is the same dedication of our public workers every day that makes Wisconsin run. They are the teachers, nurses and child care workers who take care of us and our families. But now in an unprecedented political attack Governor Walker is trying to take away their right to have a voice and bargain at work.

The right to negotiate wages and benefits is a fundamental underpinning of our middle class. When workers join together it serves as a check on corporate power and helps ALL workers by raising community standards. Wisconsin's long standing tradition of allowing public sector workers to have a voice on the job has worked for the state since the 1930s. It has created greater consistency in the relationship between labor and management and a shared approach to public work.

These public workers are Wisconsin's champions every single day and we urge the Governor and the State Legislature to not take away their rights.


Green Bay Packers

If there's a link to that I will forever withdraw my support of the Packers. Sports teams along with other entertainers have no business sticking their noses into politics unless they are placing their names on a ballot.

I don't think I can link till I have a certain number of posts, but I might be wrong about that.

So your position is that a private citizen who sells books and does paid speaking engagements - aka, Sarah Palin - can pontificated on a labor issue, but private citizens who play sports can't?

Sarah Palin has had her name on the ballot, She is fair game. Entertainers are nothing more than ordinary people with a soapbox who may or may not have any knowledge of what they speak. When they put their name on the ballot I'll listen to what they have to say.

You think I believe anything I say on here is being taken seriously by anyone? :lol:
If the Right was in power in this country, the corporations would pretty much control everything.

The Right would destroy unionism, get rid of the minimum wage, allow Corporations to put as much money as they pleased into getting the people they wanted elected.

The Right would destroy as much regulation and restriction on the Corporations as they could; corporate supported conservatives dominating the government would be able to do so. Workers' rights would disappear, because there would be no ability of the advocates of workers' rights to get people elected.

That is the conservative vision for America. A country run by Corporate America.

the Corporations are already in charge....big money has been in charge since last Century....
Blaming the teacher's union for the destruction of the American economy is like blaming a flower for a shark attack.

It was Wall Street's derivative Ponzi scheme that ruined the American economy, not the teacher's union.

whats the matter Chris ....you make statements then cant or wont elaborate on them or back up your bullshit?.....you havent changed in the 2 years i have been posting here.....still a pussy...
Of course, the Democratic Party is not perfect. Nobody ever said it was. But the Democratic Party believes in the people. It believes in freedom and progress, and it is fighting for its beliefs right now.

In the Democratic Party, you won't find the kind of unity where everybody thinks what the boss tells him to think, and nothing else.

But you will find an overriding purpose to work for the good of mankind. And you will find a program--a concrete, realistic, and practical program that is worth believing in and fighting for.
President Harry S. Truman

:lol: If you thnk the Democrat party is the same as it was in Truman's day you are sadly mistaken

I dislike them because it often rewards the laziest employees on the backs of the hardest working with a collective group contract. If I outwork the guy next to me, I deserve more than him. In fact, I will not go on strike to save his job. If I work harder and better, my employer should reward me, not him. If a business is interested in success and being competitive, it rewards it's best workers while getting rid of it's worst workers. Common sense.

Unions go against all of the above.

You do not know what you are talking about. The hardest working and most productive workers are frequently given bonuses and other incentive compensation. They are also the ones chosen for overtime. The unions have nothing to do with these management decisions.
Union membership sank because they negotiated themselves right out of jobs.

This is laughable.

No, management moved the jobs overseas where desperate people will work for pennies an hour.

Exactly, because your precious unions wanted so much the companies couldn't pay it and still make a profit. This is not rocket science. I mean I'm sorry but the guy sweeping the floor is not worth $27 an hour. And a guy on an assembly line pushing a button is not worth $36 an hour. But I don't expect you to understand this.


As a former union member,maybe I can shed some light on the subject. From 98-00 I worked for the highest paying union metal fabrication company in the country. I wasn't making near $27 or $36 an hour(except for weekends working for time & half & double time)but I was making give or take $6 more an hour more than others I knew for the same work non union. We got overtime for a straight year & at the time full medical.
In the fall before 00',we went on strike because the company wanted to lower our coverage to 80%. This was my first union job & going on strike seemed exciting at the time so I jumped on the bandwagon. After 2 weeks of not getting paid & a lot of time to think,I got to thinking this shit sucks. All this for a 20%? The strike was instigated by our hardest worker but he was also the clumsiest accident prone worker we had as well. Including his accidents & the dies he destroyed,he cost the company well over a mil & that was just in the 2 years I worked there. He had been working there for over 12 years at the time but he was just 1 example of many idiots working there. Shortly after the new year hit in 00',the company started laying off which grew to be almost 80% of the workforce. Here's the real kicker though. We had workers that came from the far corners of the state as well as out of state workers.I remember 1 guy that had a 12 hour round trip commute. One of these slugs who had been with the company for quite some time & had high seniority figured out that if he got laid off,he would actually make more sitting on his ass collecting unemployment when cutting out the cost of his commute,food,vehicle maintenance,etc. So he traded out his seniority with other workers lower on the seniority totem pole so he could take a layoff in their place. Many others followed suit & were quite happy with themselves & their "paid indefinitely extended vacations" as one so eloquently put it. What a bunch of swell unselfish good guys,right? These are the type of idiots & lazy ass slugs unions protect & produce. 6 years later,I ran into a guy that had been with the company for over 25 years. He told me they just started bringing people back but the estimate was that only 40% of the laid off would get their jobs back. That 40% only came out to be 28% in the end out of 80% of 2600+ employees that were laid off. A once giant in the industry was reduced to 1 out of 8 plants because they could barely keep 1 shop going & fraction of their original workforce employed. If the owner wasn't a republican before all that,I would be willing to bet he sure as hell was after. Who's to blame in this scenario? Who & what spawned this type of mentality that eventually as an end result cost many jobs & the near shutting down of an industry leading company in both pay & production? For those who took the time to read my long winded story & are still having trouble putting 2 & 2 together,I will give you a hint,it starts with u & ends in s.

One could argue that many things started out as something good or at least with good intentions. The road to hell was paved with good intentions. Unions are not unlike our government that got too big for it's britches & corrupted by power & greed. What could of been,should of been, the what should be or what once was is irrelevant to the what is & the reality of what's happening now today. It's long past due for the sleeping to wake the fuck up. Seriously,your country needs you.
no you did not.....you answered the financial part which i said i understand.....you did not even touch upon what i asked about.....how people are treated and working conditions......as a matter of fact you said to start off....."My statement has nothing to do with that"......why?.....so if you happen to work for the Govt you have to put up with being treated like shit?.....there is a reason some postal employees shot up a few Post Offices.....and it had nothing to do with pay or benefits...most of it had to do with how they were treated at work.....i have worked for a few pretty fucked individuals in my 31 years in the PO...

OK, the answer to your question is the same though. Free markets. When you chose to work for an employer who has no competition by law, you should look before you leap. Why do you work for an employer who treats you that way? There is no way the public should be:

Denied choice (in this case postal competition) by the force of government guns
- Subject to Unions demanding unreasonable wages and benefits when the public is not represented at the table to negotiate

If you want Post Office Unions, then the post office should be removed from government control and government eliminated competition. If it's not, then YOU have a choice to work for them or not. But you should not be able to unionize and then have government bureaucrats write checks that they don't have to pay, the public does, and they have no ramifications for because they still have no competition, government gun enforced.

Again, government unions are on the path of bankrupting almost every State this country. I'm not making some sort of theoretical libertarian argument.

When you chose to work for an employer who has no competition by law, you should look before you leap. Why do you work for an employer who treats you that way? There is no way the public should be:

why do i work for the PO?.....you dont know how anyone gets treated until you work there a while......and when you have a family to feed and you go from a shitty job to a good paying job working basically in the outdoors,you kinda dont throw that away because you have a shitty boss......the first asshole that my office got was when i was like 10 years in.....and at that time there had already been a few shootings around the Country.....and besides....just because the PO is the only entity allowed to deliver mail......the workers there should be treated like shit?....

Denied choice (in this case postal competition) by the force of government guns

there is a reason that only one entity delivers the mail.....i would not want 5-6 different people with a key to my box.....if someone isnt lets say "watched", mail and small packages are fairly easy to steal....

If you want Post Office Unions, then the post office should be removed from government control

this is something the higher ups in the PO have been trying to do for some time now
thanx to Congress it aint happening.....

. But you should not be able to unionize and then have government bureaucrats write checks that they don't have to pay, the public does, and they have no ramifications for because they still have no competition, government gun enforced.

the PO is not Tax supported and the Upper Management negotiates with the Unions
not some Govt Bureaucrats........its just that they cant make a major Business Decision without 10 Congressional Committees giving the ok.....
The animosity is chilling, but never the less consistent and irritating. Maybe we could actually have a discussion without the name calling, and find out exactly what is the right cons problem with Unions.

It seems to me Unions are a role model for what Capitalism stands for. To exploit the corporation for fair living wages & benefits, in exchange for an honest days work. And to get a fair working package a negotiation takes place and a contract written explaining what each side expects from the other side (labor vs. business). Nothing is hidden.

Capitalism allows workers to negotiate their own wage & benefits as individuals or as a collective, with the idea of extracting the maximum from the employer for each hour of work performed. The employer hires as many people as he wishes, from those that will work for him, and exploits workers for the lowest wages & benefit packages he can get for his hour of labor.

So the Union member or private sector worker gives an honest days work, and the employer gives an honest days wages & benefits.

So why do rightys hate Unions? They support America and prefer capitalism?

I hate what they have become.

A vast power source that has crushed and will crush anything and anyone that doesn't cater to it's demands.

In Ill the coal miners threatened to strike, the owners said they would not be able to sell the coal at a profit if they paid more and upped bennies, and that if they struck they would just shut down the mines.

Those idiots struck of course. and they pranced around in front of locked down mines for 3 months before it dawned on them that no one gave a fuck.

so the union used it pull to fuck over everyone else in the state by getting a ruling passed that any company that hired a miner, weather they could do the job or not would get so much money that is was still profitable for them to send the miner to college and not hire someone with the degree and know how on the spot.

So when I say unions can suck my cock b/c they are a vast source of evil. You better believe it.

This post is almost laughable.

When was the last time an energy company lost money?

And how many miners have died in the mines in the last five years?

In Ill? None that I know of.

How many poor people need help from the government to pay their heating bills?

Where does that money come from?

You are such a child. You have been dyed in the cloth and have no idea what the world is like.

All you know; Liberal = good, liberaler = better, anything not = bad
The new troll can't tell the difference between the Private Sector and the Government.

Public Employee Unions negotiate with Career Pols who are basically on the same side of the table. Those who will pay for the excessive pay and benefits are not properly represented. It's a rigged game, bub. That's why the vast majority of taxpayers oppose public employee unions.

And you have proof of that statement? Really? It so happens the vast majority of Americans supports PEUs.

got a link to that claim?
so are you saying if the Republicans break up the Unions....these people will no longer vote?.....or are you saying they wont vote because WITHOUT the Union,they wont know who to vote for?.....which one do we got here?....

You are suggesting a false dilemma here, of course, Harry Dresden, but you do, in my opinion, understand so much than the JROCs, who have no clue at all. The citizens will vote against the GOP. They will know who exactly to vote against if the GOP deserts populism and the working yoik.

This is what will happen. The Democratic senators from WI will hold a public press conference with armed security and Illinois SP to keep WI LEO out of Illinois. They will make known to the world that a reduction of wages and benefits is on the table for the WI GOP to consider. They will flatly refuse to allow the GOP to restrict collective bargaining in WI. Walker may well refuse. If that happens, the government unions will shut down state government, then see if the people support them.

What is the purpose of collective bargaining? Mostly what the unions have been using it for is to drive up wages and increase benefits. Now it's at the point where the state cannot afford the massive debt it's causing. Each employee has health coverage that costs the state $22,000 a year. They can't afford that anymore because they're broke. They want the union members to pitch in like everyone in the private sector does.

So they have a choice. Ether cut back on their agreement and pay a little into their health care program like everyone else, or the state has to lay off at least 5000 teachers and school employees. It sounds fair, but the unions aren't interested in fairness.

The unions decided to disregard the options and are currently holding an illegal walkout. Many of them are having doctors write phony letters claiming illnesses so they can skip out from teaching.

My response if I was Governor would be to fire anyone who is calling in sick without an illness. Let them collect unemployment.

That is certainly the other side of the argument. I wonder if Walker has the authority to fire anyone other than for cause. Going on strike is probably not cause in WI.
The new troll can't tell the difference between the Private Sector and the Government.

Public Employee Unions negotiate with Career Pols who are basically on the same side of the table. Those who will pay for the excessive pay and benefits are not properly represented. It's a rigged game, bub. That's why the vast majority of taxpayers oppose public employee unions.


as if the Right has any less hatred for private sector unions...

...jeezus you are so full of shit.
The new troll can't tell the difference between the Private Sector and the Government.

Public Employee Unions negotiate with Career Pols who are basically on the same side of the table. Those who will pay for the excessive pay and benefits are not properly represented. It's a rigged game, bub. That's why the vast majority of taxpayers oppose public employee unions.

And you have proof of that statement? Really? It so happens the vast majority of Americans supports PEUs.

got a link to that claim?

Why didn't you ask the other poster who claimed the opposite for a link?
If the Right was in power in this country, the corporations would pretty much control everything.

The Right would destroy unionism, get rid of the minimum wage, allow Corporations to put as much money as they pleased into getting the people they wanted elected.

The Right would destroy as much regulation and restriction on the Corporations as they could; corporate supported conservatives dominating the government would be able to do so. Workers' rights would disappear, because there would be no ability of the advocates of workers' rights to get people elected.

That is the conservative vision for America. A country run by Corporate America.

the Corporations are already in charge....big money has been in charge since last Century....

Corporatist would surely wish to have an America pre-1901 with no real government regulation on behalf of the public interest.
The new troll can't tell the difference between the Private Sector and the Government.

Public Employee Unions negotiate with Career Pols who are basically on the same side of the table. Those who will pay for the excessive pay and benefits are not properly represented. It's a rigged game, bub. That's why the vast majority of taxpayers oppose public employee unions.

Teachers around here negotiate with school boards, who are elected officials.
Oh, and in somewhat related news,

my governor, Andrew Cuomo, DEMOCRAT, is proposing tough cuts and sacrifices, but is doing so reasonably, and rationally, and with the decency and class you just can't get out of a REPUBLICAN governor...

...and Cuomo has a 77% APPROVAL RATING.

One more example of why conservatism is dead.
"whoever imagines, upon this account, that masters rarely combine, is as ignorant of the world as of the subject. Masters are always and everywhere in a sort of tacit, but constant and uniform combination, not to raise the wages of labor above their actual rate... The masters, being fewer in number, can combine much more easily; and the law, besides, authorizes, or at least does not prohibit their combinations, while it prohibits those of the workmen. We have no acts of parliament against combining to lower the price of work; but many against combining to raise it. In all such disputes the masters can hold out much longer. A landlord, a farmer, a master manufacturer, a merchant, though they did not employ a single workman, could generally live a year or two upon the stocks which they have already acquired. Many workmen could not subsist a week, few could subsist a month, and scarce any a year without employment. In the long run the workman may be as necessary to his master as his master is to him; but the necessity is not so immediate."
-- Adam Smith from 'Wealth of Nations' Book I, ch 8
Oh, and in somewhat related news,

my governor, Andrew Cuomo, DEMOCRAT, is proposing tough cuts and sacrifices, but is doing so reasonably, and rationally, and with the decency and class you just can't get out of a REPUBLICAN governor...

...and Cuomo has a 77% APPROVAL RATING.

One more example of why conservatism is dead.

Yeah that must be why they retook the House Last November.
The new troll can't tell the difference between the Private Sector and the Government.

Public Employee Unions negotiate with Career Pols who are basically on the same side of the table. Those who will pay for the excessive pay and benefits are not properly represented. It's a rigged game, bub. That's why the vast majority of taxpayers oppose public employee unions.


as if the Right has any less hatred for private sector unions...

...jeezus you are so full of shit.

You are such an idiot it's not even possible to speak in language you could possibly understand.
The new troll can't tell the difference between the Private Sector and the Government.

Public Employee Unions negotiate with Career Pols who are basically on the same side of the table. Those who will pay for the excessive pay and benefits are not properly represented. It's a rigged game, bub. That's why the vast majority of taxpayers oppose public employee unions.

Teachers around here negotiate with school boards, who are elected officials.

Yes, elected officials who are on the same side of the table as the teachers. It is not a fair negotiation, as even FDR recognized.
The animosity is chilling, but never the less consistent and irritating. Maybe we could actually have a discussion without the name calling, and find out exactly what is the right cons problem with Unions.

It seems to me Unions are a role model for what Capitalism stands for. To exploit the corporation for fair living wages & benefits, in exchange for an honest days work. And to get a fair working package a negotiation takes place and a contract written explaining what each side expects from the other side (labor vs. business). Nothing is hidden.

Capitalism allows workers to negotiate their own wage & benefits as individuals or as a collective, with the idea of extracting the maximum from the employer for each hour of work performed. The employer hires as many people as he wishes, from those that will work for him, and exploits workers for the lowest wages & benefit packages he can get for his hour of labor.

So the Union member or private sector worker gives an honest days work, and the employer gives an honest days wages & benefits.

So why do rightys hate Unions? They support America and prefer capitalism?

"Conservatives" is plural so I think you should say "Why do" instead of "Why does" didn't your teachers teach?

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