Why DO you or why DONT you bash AOC?

Cortez is fun to watch. I like her, she is exposing the hypocrisy of the left wing nuts. She is probably the best Democrat in Congress.
Why do you say that?

Because she is fun to watch and exposes the hypocrisy of the left wing nuts. Do you need me to type slower?
the right wing still extols the virtues of tax cut economics in public venues, so what.

Then why the hell did you ask, if you claim "so what"? I'll continue to like Cortez.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Tax cut economics are worthless if they don't cover spending.
Cortez is fun to watch. I like her, she is exposing the hypocrisy of the left wing nuts. She is probably the best Democrat in Congress.
Why do you say that?

Because she is fun to watch and exposes the hypocrisy of the left wing nuts. Do you need me to type slower?
the right wing still extols the virtues of tax cut economics in public venues, so what.

Then why the hell did you ask, if you claim "so what"? I'll continue to like Cortez.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Tax cut economics are worthless if they don't cover spending.

Are you going to continue to make irrational and irrelevant post to my comments? If so, I’m out, I don’t care for trolls.
Why do you say that?

Because she is fun to watch and exposes the hypocrisy of the left wing nuts. Do you need me to type slower?
the right wing still extols the virtues of tax cut economics in public venues, so what.

Then why the hell did you ask, if you claim "so what"? I'll continue to like Cortez.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Tax cut economics are worthless if they don't cover spending.

Are you going to continue to make irrational and irrelevant post to my comments? If so, I’m out, I don’t care for trolls.
only in right wing fantasy is AOC more of a hypocrite than the right wing.
Because she is fun to watch and exposes the hypocrisy of the left wing nuts. Do you need me to type slower?
the right wing still extols the virtues of tax cut economics in public venues, so what.

Then why the hell did you ask, if you claim "so what"? I'll continue to like Cortez.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Tax cut economics are worthless if they don't cover spending.

Are you going to continue to make irrational and irrelevant post to my comments? If so, I’m out, I don’t care for trolls.
only in right wing fantasy is AOC more of a hypocrite than the right wing.

I don’t think Cortez is a hypocrite, I like her. She is a thorn in the side of the House. Not sure what your problem is with me liking her style.
Why DO you or why DONT you bash AOC?

She is young and dumb and I feel sorry for her. I remember being young and dumb.

But I hate what she is helping to do to America.

I hate that she is so alarmingly attractive to so many people.

And I believe Rush is right when he says Pelosi will some day knock her off her pedestal.

I am sad for this dumb young Woman, but I'd be glad to have her discredited in the eyes of her supporters.


I bash her because she is a new brand of stupid among all the other failures congress and that includes republicans.
Why DO you or why DONT you bash AOC?

She is young and dumb and I feel sorry for her. I remember being young and dumb.

But I hate what she is helping to do to America.

I hate that she is so alarmingly attractive to so many people.

And I believe Rush is right when he says Pelosi will some day knock her off her pedestal.

I am sad for this dumb young Woman, but I'd be glad to have her discredited in the eyes of her supporters.

I kind of feel bad for her too. It seems like every time she speaks, she has me shaking my head thinking “oh no honey, don’t say that out loud.”

It’s like she represents the strawman (in reality the lefts ideas taken to their logical conclusion) of what the right would characterize the left as 4 or so years ago...but she actually got elected. Not only did she get elected, she’s killing it in the social media world, and seems to be the only dem who can draw a crowd. At SBSW, she drew a bigger than all of the dem presidential candidates that showed up there.

She needs to be mic’d up like they do with certain football players on the field. Let her keep speaking please.
She's the youngest congressional representative,

completely green... with no government experience,

is only 1 Representative out of 435 House Representatives and only gets 1 vote...

I'm for the ''Live and learn'' model, when it comes to young ones... and dream the impossible dream as long as you can, because some day, those dreams will be crushed, and crushed so often that you no longer believe in dreams, or have visions of utopia, at all, and eventually become old, whiny, blue haired, sour pusses. :p

True enough, but is the House of Representatives really where we want a lot of OTJ training?
AOC is young and brilliant. She just needs more experience before she rises to the top. She scares the hell out of NaziCons. She should...

Name some of these people who are afraid of her. I keep hearing about them and have been searching high and low for them because I want to assure them that she's completely harmless, just a little comedic relief, but I simply can't find them. Everyone I check with just laughs about her. No one is afraid of her. Oh, and who are "Nazicons"? Weren't they the half time show at the last DNC convention?
Why DO you or why DONT you bash AOC?

Because I have a life and better things to do. Bitching about her is the current hobby of old, dumb partisan hacks I never listen to anyway. I find her naive. As a freshman in congress she has limited power to make the hyper leftist social issues she champions a reality. However, the fact that the very mention of her name gives Cult45 the vapors and constipation is a source of great pleasure to me.

She is young and dumb and I feel sorry for her. I remember being young and dumb.

Okay, but who are you to criticize? Are you currently elected or have you served in Congress? Do you have any qualifications to judge her beyond 'feelinz' of your party and its pundits? Because all of the latter is worthless partisan bullshit.

But I hate what she is helping to do to America.

Well, I detest what Cult45 and the Orange Virus are helping to do to America, so call it a wash.

I hate that she is so alarmingly attractive to so many people.

LOL. What an utterly retarded thing to say you hate someone for. Ugly people gonna hate, I suppose. Sounds more like envy to me.

And I believe Rush is right

And I believe you're an easily led moron.

I am sad for this dumb young Woman, but I'd be glad to have her discredited in the eyes of her supporters.

You aren't sad, and no one cares about your concern trolling.

^^ This is the level of 'political' discourse of the 'politics' forum these days: "I HATE AOC!!!! SOSHULIZM!! REeeeeeeeeee! It's at rock bottom now.
She's the youngest congressional representative,

completely green... with no government experience,

is only 1 Representative out of 435 House Representatives and only gets 1 vote...

I'm for the ''Live and learn'' model, when it comes to young ones... and dream the impossible dream as long as you can, because some day, those dreams will be crushed, and crushed so often that you no longer believe in dreams, or have visions of utopia, at all, and eventually become old, whiny, blue haired, sour pusses. :p

True enough, but is the House of Representatives really where we want a lot of OTJ training?

Hate to tell you dude, but being elected to Congress or the Senate for the first time is definitely an OJT type of job. The only ones with experience are the ones that keep getting reelected, but it appears they are more like the problem.
She's the youngest congressional representative,

completely green... with no government experience,

is only 1 Representative out of 435 House Representatives and only gets 1 vote...

I'm for the ''Live and learn'' model, when it comes to young ones... and dream the impossible dream as long as you can, because some day, those dreams will be crushed, and crushed so often that you no longer believe in dreams, or have visions of utopia, at all, and eventually become old, whiny, blue haired, sour pusses. :p

True enough, but is the House of Representatives really where we want a lot of OTJ training?

Hate to tell you dude, but being elected to Congress or the Senate for the first time is definitely an OJT type of job. The only ones with experience are the ones that keep getting reelected, but it appears they are more like the problem.
One would hope that the newly elected would at least have a basic understanding of the three branches of government and economics. Oh, and that islands are not likely to tip over because people live on them.
Why is it considered bashing when anyone calls her on her own statements? She has so many things wrong and lacks even a basic understanding of economics. Are we supposed to humor her, as if she is the emperor with no clothes? Is that what we are supposed to settle for in our public servants? It's not racism or bigotry to criticize her ridiculous ideas. Her green new deal is so ill-conceived that even a 5th grader could find the problems with it.

Funny that so many graduates these days don't understand our system of government or why our forefathers wrote the constitution and Bill of Rights the way they did. Too many seem to believe the government gives us rights. They fail to understand that the people were meant to hold the power and our founding documents were designed to keep government in check, not the people.

Politicians like AOC seem to believe that they are rulers, our bosses, and that they should hold all power and allow us the freedoms that they deem fit. That goes for everything from guns to free speech. They seek to control all of that and are now eyeing all businesses. Socialism supposedly puts all people equally in control but we all know it has never worked like that. It puts government in control of everything- food, energy, healthcare and production. They always tout this impossible "equality", which to them means equal outcomes. One person has no more than the next despite the amount of effort they put into building their lives. The socialists push this false notion that some are poor only because the wealthy have taken more than their fair share. Many young people hold the belief that there is but one pie and the wealthy have taken the lion's share of it, leaving little for the rest.

How can people go through 12 years of school and many an additional 4 years of college and yet still not understand how capitalism works? Of course, thanks to government interference, we have too much crony capitalism, which is the real problem here. Government creates problems so they can offer bigger government as a solution. It's obvious that our schools aren't teaching an accurate history and it's alarming that kids graduate without any understanding of this country. They don't know why our forefathers did what they did. They graduate believing that socialism is good and capitalism is bad.

Why don't they know that there isn't just one pie for all the people to share? Capitalism allows anyone to make their own. We have a lot of wealthy people in this country, many of them who are Democrats. The fact that someone else has money doesn't affect any of us. That is something too many just don't get. The people in the big house down the street didn't take a dime from any of us. And our successes or failures aren't affect by them.

Yet, the wealthy are bashed as if they created poor people.

In San Francisco, few can afford housing and that's if they can find any. That isn't because of evil wealthy landlords. It's because local governments won't allow more housing to be built. When someone is scarce, the price goes up. That is economics.

AOC says the way to pay the ridiculously high price for her ideas is to "just pay it." She must think it's as easy as the government printing more money or just stealing more from the people. Even if they confiscated all the wealth in the country, it wouldn't cover the cost. The money would be gone and no more would be created under socialism.

The left tries to claim that she poses a threat to the right. She and her ilk actually pose a threat to the entire country because the plans put forth by these radicals would end us. So, I will criticize her because she deserves it. She is in over her head and needs to go back to bar tending. And our schools need to get back to teaching the truth about history or we will have more mindless socialists in this country and they are so amazingly ignorant that our Republic would be doomed if they ever became the majority.

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