Why DO you or why DONT you bash AOC?

Meaning what exactly?

Seriously? Does an education make someone "smart"?
AOC has an education but she is as stupid as they come.

You don't legitimately graduate cum laude in international relations at Boston University if you are an idiot. Virtually impossible.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that she is stupid?

Highly intelligent people can have stupid/unrealistic ideas? If you don't know that, then you have not known many highly intelligent people.

I have known many EXTREMELY intelligent people with degrees up the yang yang and IQ's to match who have come up with absolutely, insane ideas sometimes.
And this especially happens to people who live their lives in sheltered environments...like universities or in organizations like she has been involved with.

Look at the Fed? Full of brilliant people who are largely TOTALLY out of touch with macroeconomic reality. At the beginning of the 2008 crash - when all hell was breaking out - th minutes from their meetings show they were almost completely unaware of the situation. Because they had insulated thems lives from reality.

Sorry son, she is a twit. Nearly everything she says is stupid. You hold Academia in a high regard, I do not.

So you have seen everything she has said?
Yes or no?

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that intelligent people never have erroneous ideas?

And what is your highest level of education attainment?

LOL, you ain't my first rodeo son. You assume that like you, EVERYONE is "biased". I am indeed a Conservative ( But not a Pub) but I listen, read, and research. AOC's last job was a bartender, hardly a stellar accomplishment given her "education".

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that intelligent people never have erroneous ideas?"

Um wow.....nobody ever said that. I said she is an idiot.

And Einstein worked in a patent office. Smart people often work simple jobs...you honestly don't know that?

And yes, you said that...just above:

'Nearly everything she says is stupid.'

I will ask again:

Have you seen/heard everything she has said? Because if you have not, then you have no idea what percentage of her ideas are 'stupid'.

And which of her ideas were 'stupid'? Not naive or unrealistic or out-of-touch with reality....but 'stupid'?

the definition of stupid
ANOTHER AOC topic started.

You guys are obsessed with her because your overlords in the right-wing media told you to be obsessed with her.

Honestly, I've never seen freshman representative get this much attention. And the attention she gets is all generic non-specific insults. "Derp, she's so dumb."

she thought NYS now had 3 billion dollars to spend


Link please.

it was already posted by another poster a few pages back

I just checked. No it wasn't.

You guys really have a hard time coming up with SPECIFIC issues with her. It's just memes and right-wing bullshit.

Its on page 6

and in her own words

"You know, I think it’s really important that we understand that we need to invest in our economy, but we need to invest in our people, and to give away $3 billion to a company that has a history of worker exploitation that’s paying below what the cost of New York City is not acceptable for us."

she wants to invest the 3 billion in tax breaks that new york would of given way over time
MONEY that doesn't exist

Shes an economics major ....from bu

Seriously? Does an education make someone "smart"?
AOC has an education but she is as stupid as they come.

You don't legitimately graduate cum laude in international relations at Boston University if you are an idiot. Virtually impossible.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that she is stupid?

Highly intelligent people can have stupid/unrealistic ideas? If you don't know that, then you have not known many highly intelligent people.

I have known many EXTREMELY intelligent people with degrees up the yang yang and IQ's to match who have come up with absolutely, insane ideas sometimes.
And this especially happens to people who live their lives in sheltered environments...like universities or in organizations like she has been involved with.

Look at the Fed? Full of brilliant people who are largely TOTALLY out of touch with macroeconomic reality. At the beginning of the 2008 crash - when all hell was breaking out - th minutes from their meetings show they were almost completely unaware of the situation. Because they had insulated thems lives from reality.

Sorry son, she is a twit. Nearly everything she says is stupid. You hold Academia in a high regard, I do not.

So you have seen everything she has said?
Yes or no?

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that intelligent people never have erroneous ideas?

And what is your highest level of education attainment?

LOL, you ain't my first rodeo son. You assume that like you, EVERYONE is "biased". I am indeed a Conservative ( But not a Pub) but I listen, read, and research. AOC's last job was a bartender, hardly a stellar accomplishment given her "education".

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that intelligent people never have erroneous ideas?"

Um wow.....nobody ever said that. I said she is an idiot.

And Einstein worked in a patent office. Smart people often work simple jobs...you honestly don't know that?

And yes, you said that...just above:

'Nearly everything she says is stupid.'

I will ask again:

Have you seen/heard everything she has said? Because if you have not, then you have no idea what percentage of her ideas are 'stupid'.

And which of her ideas were 'stupid'? Not naive or unrealistic or out-of-touch with reality....but 'stupid'?

the definition of stupid

LOL, hey, I'm fine with your AOC worship. She is still an idiot and her "body of statements proves it. Semantics are for very weak progressives. You know...hey I'll bet you don't think a blow job is sex?
"She is a twit" "She is dumb" "Everything she says is stupid."

I tried. Let me know when you guys have something to actually say about her instead of just parroting what your overlords tell you to think.

Pay no attention to the words she utters.....I tried....you just aren't up to a real discussion. Let me know when you can actually think for yourself.

Put something up for discussion.

You write a lot of words without actually saying anything.
You don't legitimately graduate cum laude in international relations at Boston University if you are an idiot. Virtually impossible.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that she is stupid?

Highly intelligent people can have stupid/unrealistic ideas? If you don't know that, then you have not known many highly intelligent people.

I have known many EXTREMELY intelligent people with degrees up the yang yang and IQ's to match who have come up with absolutely, insane ideas sometimes.
And this especially happens to people who live their lives in sheltered environments...like universities or in organizations like she has been involved with.

Look at the Fed? Full of brilliant people who are largely TOTALLY out of touch with macroeconomic reality. At the beginning of the 2008 crash - when all hell was breaking out - th minutes from their meetings show they were almost completely unaware of the situation. Because they had insulated thems lives from reality.

Sorry son, she is a twit. Nearly everything she says is stupid. You hold Academia in a high regard, I do not.

So you have seen everything she has said?
Yes or no?

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that intelligent people never have erroneous ideas?

And what is your highest level of education attainment?

LOL, you ain't my first rodeo son. You assume that like you, EVERYONE is "biased". I am indeed a Conservative ( But not a Pub) but I listen, read, and research. AOC's last job was a bartender, hardly a stellar accomplishment given her "education".

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that intelligent people never have erroneous ideas?"

Um wow.....nobody ever said that. I said she is an idiot.

And Einstein worked in a patent office. Smart people often work simple jobs...you honestly don't know that?

And yes, you said that...just above:

'Nearly everything she says is stupid.'

I will ask again:

Have you seen/heard everything she has said? Because if you have not, then you have no idea what percentage of her ideas are 'stupid'.

And which of her ideas were 'stupid'? Not naive or unrealistic or out-of-touch with reality....but 'stupid'?

the definition of stupid

LOL, hey, I'm fine with your AOC worship. She is still an idiot and her "body of statements proves it. Semantics are for very weak progressives. You know...hey I'll bet you don't think a blow job is sex?

If you had bothered to read my post above you would see that I think her Green New Deal is sheer madness and I am against most progressive ideas because they are IMPOSSIBLE to pay for long term...I am a free enterprise, small government guy.
But I think she has good (if incredibly naive) intentions and I don't like seeing people erroneously attack another.

Now you are the one who made the statement calling her stupid...it is up to you to back it up.

Have you seen/heard everything she has said? Because if you have not, then you have no idea what percentage of her ideas are 'stupid'.

And which of her ideas were 'stupid'? Not naive or unrealistic or out-of-touch with reality....but 'stupid'?

the definition of stupid
Why DO you or why DONT you bash AOC?

She is young and dumb and I feel sorry for her. I remember being young and dumb.

But I hate what she is helping to do to America.

I hate that she is so alarmingly attractive to so many people.

And I believe Rush is right when he says Pelosi will some day knock her off her pedestal.

I am sad for this dumb young Woman, but I'd be glad to have her discredited in the eyes of her supporters.


I bash her mindless ideas... because they are insane.

Reminds me of people being interviewed about the Green New Deal... at first everyone is like "This is great!" and then they hear what is in it, and everyone backs off.

The ideas she spouts are insane.

Her as a person? I don't know her. I feel kind of sorry for her.
The Horseless Carriage is a gimmick. It can never catch on
There are no paved roads, no fuel distribution, autos cost too much and they are dangerous

Without massive government investment, it will never work

With people on your side in power, we'll be back to horses, WITH massive government investment.
Our infrastructure has crumbled thanks to Republican Supply Side Economics

That's not even a logical statement.

Supply Side Economics, says nothing about infrastructure investment.

Moreover, endless investment does not actually improve the economy. We know this from North Korea's empty 6 lane roads, and China's ghost cities, and Spain's ghost housing complexes.

So while I'm sure you have endless empty claims that Supply Side Economics is somehow connected to infrastructure, there is no real connection between the two.

Further, the vast majority of all infrastructure spending, is, and should be, state level funding.

If your state needs a bridge to cross a river somewhere... it's not the job of the federal government to fund, or fix, or replace, your bridge. It is YOUR job, of YOUR state, with YOUR state and local taxes, to fund such a project.

I'm a bit tired of this non-stop 10-year-old "everyone else should pay for my stuff" left-wing arguments. No, you pay for your stuff. If your bridge is falling down, how about you elect people into your state government, or your city government, to fix it.

Lastly, this BS crap about how we need to Feds to fix everything, and if only we had Democraps in office, everything would be peachy.... you people are lying trash.

You had Obama, and Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid. The House, the Senate, and the presidency.

You could have done anything you wanted. You did do anything you wanted.

Did you lying trash fix all the BS crap you claimed was in dire trouble? No you did not. You blew over $800 Billion, and we had deficit spending of over $1 Trillion per year, for almost 4 years.

What did you accomplish? Nothing. The stimulus didn't fix anything. Where did those Trillions go? To fix all the dire critical national infrastructure you claim was on the verge of destruction? Nope. You paid of special interest groups, unions, green energy groups and their billionaire supporters, and a host of other BS crap.

So when you spew your puss filled disgusting snot on this forum... why should be believe you? Huh? You did this same song and dance in 2009, about how we had to blow all this money to fix infrastructure... we blew through it... and now all the same problem remain?

Tell us, Why should we believe you now? Why didn't you fix everything, like you claim you Democraps always do, when you had completely control of the entire government? Why did you not fix everything with that $800 Billion? Or those Trillions in deficit spending?

Explain! Were all those dire, critical, national emergency infrastructure projects back then, all lies? IF not, then why didn't you spend that money on fixing those 'dire critical infrastructure projects'?

If they were lies, then we can't trust you. If they were not lies, and you simply didn't use the money to fix those problems, then we can't trust you.

Either way, we can't trust you. You left-wingers are all... ALL... utter and total liars. That's why you hate Trump when he lies, because he makes you face yourself. He forces you to be hypocrites, and complain about lying, while you lie absolutely every single time you talk.
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Why DO you or why DONT you bash AOC?

She is young and dumb and I feel sorry for her. I remember being young and dumb.

But I hate what she is helping to do to America.

I hate that she is so alarmingly attractive to so many people.

And I believe Rush is right when he says Pelosi will some day knock her off her pedestal.

I am sad for this dumb young Woman, but I'd be glad to have her discredited in the eyes of her supporters.


Because she is like a child trying to split the atom with all necessary ingredients. Left unchecked, she will self-destruct--and take the rest of us with her. She is the most dangerous kind of ideologue; a brainless fool. AOC is the Stalin of our age or rather she will become that if we allow it.

I don't think AOC could ever be Stalin. I'm more worried about the mindless idiots that praise her.

That said.... where we are now as a country... I think AOC is a great thing. She is saying openly, what other lying trash democrats are smart enough to hide. Which is why the Democraps are losing ground thanks to morons like her.

Again, the problem is long term, if we don't start educating people on WHY socialism fails, there will be a better, more intelligent version of AOC in the future that will be dangerous.
Why DO you or why DONT you bash AOC?

She is young and dumb and I feel sorry for her. I remember being young and dumb.

But I hate what she is helping to do to America.

I hate that she is so alarmingly attractive to so many people.

And I believe Rush is right when he says Pelosi will some day knock her off her pedestal.

I am sad for this dumb young Woman, but I'd be glad to have her discredited in the eyes of her supporters.


Everyone was a Rookie once and Rookies always catch hell.
Cortez is not very humble, so that makes it doubly fun.
i dont hate AOC because she's a woman, i hate her because she's GREEN

"the 2020 candidates cower to AOC, Omar, and Tlaib"
We the People of the United States, in order to create a more perfect union....

You lose

"We the People of the United States, in order to create a more perfect union...."

Hereby decree that should:
Rebuild every bldg. in the Country.
Outlaw the internal combustion engine and Jet travel within 10 years.
Step cow's from farting.
Make everyone use 100% renewable energy within 10 years.

I win.
Linky, linky

LOL....so she DIDN'T put that out there?

If you linky, linky you will see she didn’t

Sorry son, she did. Then she had to lie about it. First they claimed Pubs did it, then they claimed it wasn't a "finished" product. She said all of those things and more, she is a certified moron.
No mention of cow farts, outlawing jet travel or internal combustion in ten years
Why DO you or why DONT you bash AOC?

She is young and dumb and I feel sorry for her. I remember being young and dumb.

But I hate what she is helping to do to America.

I hate that she is so alarmingly attractive to so many people.

And I believe Rush is right when he says Pelosi will some day knock her off her pedestal.

I am sad for this dumb young Woman, but I'd be glad to have her discredited in the eyes of her supporters.


She is young and stupid. Scary part is that a lot of ignorant people put her in office. And she is pushing her radical agenda. She is the typical leftist these days. She is more open about her extreme ideas but other than that, there is little difference between her and some of the radical Dems.
Why DO you or why DONT you bash AOC?

She is young and dumb and I feel sorry for her. I remember being young and dumb.

But I hate what she is helping to do to America.

I hate that she is so alarmingly attractive to so many people.

And I believe Rush is right when he says Pelosi will some day knock her off her pedestal.

I am sad for this dumb young Woman, but I'd be glad to have her discredited in the eyes of her supporters.

What I don't get is the right's unnecessary obsessions with her.
Were just amazed the left elected a moron socialist neo commie like her
Seriously? Does an education make someone "smart"?
AOC has an education but she is as stupid as they come.

You don't legitimately graduate cum laude in international relations at Boston University if you are an idiot. Virtually impossible.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that she is stupid?

Highly intelligent people can have stupid/unrealistic ideas? If you don't know that, then you have not known many highly intelligent people.

I have known many EXTREMELY intelligent people with degrees up the yang yang and IQ's to match who have come up with absolutely, insane ideas sometimes.
And this especially happens to people who live their lives in sheltered environments...like universities or in organizations like she has been involved with.

Look at the Fed? Full of brilliant people who are largely TOTALLY out of touch with macroeconomic reality. At the beginning of the 2008 crash - when all hell was breaking out - th minutes from their meetings show they were almost completely unaware of the situation. Because they had insulated thems lives from reality.

Sorry son, she is a twit. Nearly everything she says is stupid. You hold Academia in a high regard, I do not.

So you have seen everything she has said?
Yes or no?

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that intelligent people never have erroneous ideas?

And what is your highest level of education attainment?

LOL, you ain't my first rodeo son. You assume that like you, EVERYONE is "biased". I am indeed a Conservative ( But not a Pub) but I listen, read, and research. AOC's last job was a bartender, hardly a stellar accomplishment given her "education".

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that intelligent people never have erroneous ideas?"

Um wow.....nobody ever said that. I said she is an idiot.

And Einstein worked in a patent office. Smart people often work simple jobs...you honestly don't know that?

And yes, you said that...just above:

'Nearly everything she says is stupid.'

I will ask again:

Have you seen/heard everything she has said? Because if you have not, then you have no idea what percentage of her ideas are 'stupid'.

And which of her ideas were 'stupid'? Not naive or unrealistic or out-of-touch with reality....but 'stupid'?

the definition of stupid
Stupid is ignoring that millions of Americans have been left behind in our economy
Stupid is not realizing that healthcare costs are destroying working families
Stupid is thinking that global warming is a hoax
Stupid is giving tax cuts to billionaires
People insulted Trump, too.

It might not be a bad idea to pay attention to her popularity.

She’s no Trump

Trump was Smart....

Trump out foxed the “biggest baddest” libtarded political machine in history…

He made fools of the libtarded media while they helped to elect him………

Last but not least he destroyed the Rinos….

The hot tamale is dumber than a sack of hammers, just like her supporters..
Her own party is out to get her now shes that stupid
I just think she is young and naive and has no real idea how life in the real world really works.
She understands her constituency and their struggles

More than most Congressmen

READ: She understands her constituency and know hows to exploit that to gain power. PERIOD.
She is a user. She wants power. It is easy to see. And if you can't - you are blind by your partisanship.

Thanks for the psychological evaluation, how do you evaluate Donald Trump?
People insulted Trump, too.

It might not be a bad idea to pay attention to her popularity.

She’s no Trump

Trump was Smart....

Trump out foxed the “biggest baddest” libtarded political machine in history…

He made fools of the libtarded media while they helped to elect him………

Last but not least he destroyed the Rinos….

The hot tamale is dumber than a sack of hammers, just like her supporters..
Her own party is out to get her now shes that stupid

What she articulates is not what wins in a national election, yet. But as more greed and the lust for power by the reactionary right continues, more and more voters will see through the lies of trickle down economics as the cost of living far exceeds the ability for families to thrive.
People insulted Trump, too.

It might not be a bad idea to pay attention to her popularity.

She’s no Trump

Trump was Smart....

Trump out foxed the “biggest baddest” libtarded political machine in history…

He made fools of the libtarded media while they helped to elect him………

Last but not least he destroyed the Rinos….

The hot tamale is dumber than a sack of hammers, just like her supporters..
Her own party is out to get her now shes that stupid

What she articulates is not what wins in a national election, yet. But as more greed and the lust for power by the reactionary right continues, more and more voters will see through the lies of trickle down economics as the cost of living far exceeds the ability for families to thrive.

Losers like yourself will always defame Old Fashion Capitalism

because you are either too stupid or too lazy to make it on your own…

Answer me this Tard…

Has a poor man ever offered you a job?

The intelligent and the motivated create jobs and improve technology

and medicine for all. The smarter you are, and the harder you work, the

more money you make TARD……

It does in fact trickle down Dip Shit……
I just think she is young and naive and has no real idea how life in the real world really works.
She understands her constituency and their struggles

More than most Congressmen

READ: She understands her constituency and know hows to exploit that to gain power. PERIOD.
She is a user. She wants power. It is easy to see. And if you can't - you are blind by your partisanship.

Thanks for the psychological evaluation, how do you evaluate Donald Trump?

Trump is a Genius…

How else can you explain his rise to power?

I know you dumb ass Tards will say Russia, but we all know

you are just Butt Hurt STUPID……..

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