Why do the anti-gun folks believe our children are not important enough to protect?

Why do the anti-gun folks support not protecting our children?

It is simple, by allowing kids to be intentionally killed by psychopaths, they feel we'll cave and they can take our guns. If they take our guns, will they no longer need folks WITH GUNS to protect them?

This is a lie – no one is ‘anti-gun.’

No one seeks to ‘take’ anyone’s guns.

"Why do the anti-gun folks believe our children are not important enough to protect?"​

Why do libs make these stupid breathless 12 year old girl arguments and expect to be taken seriously?
Israel limits gun ownership to one gun and 50 bullets.

I didn't say anything about the young man and was addressing a post about hunting ...
Just like the Second Amendment isn't about hunting or going to the range.

If you need to mischaracterize everything to even try to make a point, you lose credibility ... Please continue.

I’m not trying to mischaracterize anything….The reason this conversation is even relevant today is because of THIS current event, and the desperate need for democrats to have something to fire up their base.

In todays climate, where crime is rampant, homocides are out of control, and the economy in the tank, this horrible event raises some good questions.

Now I, as a CCP holder, 2a advocate, and constitutional conservative would like to see these tragedies end, and since my reps don’t seem to take what IMO is the real issue, mental health seriously, and not wanting to abridge rights, think that putting an age limit on weapons that can be used for situations like this may be appropriate…

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