Why do Republicans believe that Democrats commit voter fraud and ignore any Republican incidents of voter fraud.


Gold Member
Dec 22, 2018

People commit fraud. When they do then they will get caught, if people are doing their job. It is not a reason to frame an argument that the process is corrupt and to conveniently place blame. Ignoring history and the facts.

I believe that they are just upset by the number of democrat voters and cannot process why so many.

Yet rationally, who has the bigger numbers does not matter, its the electoral college. Its a chess game and how can you out maneuver the other guy. I do not know of any voter fraud that caused someone to lose a NATIONAL election in modern times. Trump won even if he did not get most of the votes. He seem to be upset about that.

The truth is that there is no proof of WIDESPREAD voter fraud that would affect a national election.

There are isolated incidents on the local level charging both parties.

So it is a myth that republicans like to spread with little proof. The mole hill and the mountain comes to mind.

Hey remember Trumps presidential advisory to find voter fraud. It disband after finding nothing. A waste of time and taxpayer money

The heritage foundation found only 1200 incidents since 1986. That is akin to a mosquito bother you. They get caught at some point in time. Even if it does happen it still less than .20 percent between the two parties. I believe it cannot affect an election on the national level. It happen mostly on the local level were there are a couple of thousand votes and a few votes can make a difference.

Kind of balance itself out there

After decades of the finger pointing, we now have a president who will endorse the notion of voter fraud. If he wins its fraud. If he loses its defiantly voter fraud.

What is more of a problem is redistricting. How can a party in power fairly redistrict without calculating how much of an advantage can they gain by redistricting?

I understand that the RNC agreement back in the 80's has expired and now they can go back to voter intimidation tactics. Relax and enjoy the process.
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People commit fraud. When they do then they will get caught, if people are doing their job. It is not a reason to frame an argument that the process is corrupt and to conveniently place blame. Ignoring history and the facts.

I believe that they are just upset by the number of democrat voters and cannot process why so many.

Yet rationally, who has the bigger numbers does not matter, its the electoral college. Its a chess game and how can you out maneuver the other guy I do not know of any voter fraud that cause someone to lose a NATIONAL election in modern times. Trump won even if he did not get more votes.

The truth is there is no proof of WIDESPREAD voter fraud that would affect a national election.

There are isolated incidents on the local level charging both parties.

So it is a myth that republicans like to spread with little proof. The mole hill and the mountain comes to mind.

Hey remember Trumps presidential advisory to find voter fraud. It disband after finding nothing. A waste of time and taxpayer money

The heritage foundation found only 1200 incidents since 1986. That is akin to a mosquito bother you. They get caught at some point in time. Even if it does happen it still less than .20 percent between the two parties. I believe it cannot affect an election on the national level. It happen mostly on the local level were there are a couple of thousand votes and a few votes can make a difference.

Kind of balance itself out there

After decades of search we now have a president who will endorse the notion of voter fraud. If he wins its fraud. If he loses its defiantly voter fraud.

What is more of a problem is redistricting. How can a party in power fairly redistrict without calculating how much of an advantage can they gain by redistricting?

I understand that the RNC agreement back in the 80's has expired and now they can go back to voter intimidation tactics.

They don't really believe it. They just want to win (like Democrats) or at least cast doubt on the winner (unlike Democrats).
They also don't really believe that illegal immigration is a huge problem. They just hate brown people.
They don't think that man has zero to do with global warming. They think that you can't have profitability and responsibility at the same time.

The blob has turned them into very dumb people who believe any conspiracy theory he tosses out there.

People commit fraud. When they do then they will get caught, if people are doing their job. It is not a reason to frame an argument that the process is corrupt and to conveniently place blame. Ignoring history and the facts.

I believe that they are just upset by the number of democrat voters and cannot process why so many.

Yet rationally, who has the bigger numbers does not matter, its the electoral college. Its a chess game and how can you out maneuver the other guy I do not know of any voter fraud that cause someone to lose a NATIONAL election in modern times. Trump won even if he did not get more votes.

The truth is there is no proof of WIDESPREAD voter fraud that would affect a national election.

There are isolated incidents on the local level charging both parties.

So it is a myth that republicans like to spread with little proof. The mole hill and the mountain comes to mind.

Hey remember Trumps presidential advisory to find voter fraud. It disband after finding nothing. A waste of time and taxpayer money

The heritage foundation found only 1200 incidents since 1986. That is akin to a mosquito bother you. They get caught at some point in time. Even if it does happen it still less than .20 percent between the two parties. I believe it cannot affect an election on the national level. It happen mostly on the local level were there are a couple of thousand votes and a few votes can make a difference.

Kind of balance itself out there

After decades of search we now have a president who will endorse the notion of voter fraud. If he wins its fraud. If he loses its defiantly voter fraud.

What is more of a problem is redistricting. How can a party in power fairly redistrict without calculating how much of an advantage can they gain by redistricting?

I understand that the RNC agreement back in the 80's has expired and now they can go back to voter intimidation tactics.

They don't really believe it. They just want to win (like Democrats) or at least cast doubt on the winner (unlike Democrats).
They also don't really believe that illegal immigration is a huge problem. They just hate brown people.
They don't think that man has zero to do with global warming. They think that you can't have profitability and responsibility at the same time.

The blob has turned them into very dumb people who believe any conspiracy theory he tosses out there.

I believe that it was always there and he just tapped into it effectively. The social media allows like minds to make some loud noise. The loser is rationality and the ability to think for oneself Once it is lost then it is hard to gain back. Why do people like the bad guys, the outlaw, the gangster. Robin Hood, so the story goes, stole from the rich and gave to the poor. I guess people like the bad guy so they pretend that he is a good guy.

People commit fraud. When they do then they will get caught, if people are doing their job. It is not a reason to frame an argument that the process is corrupt and to conveniently place blame. Ignoring history and the facts.

I believe that they are just upset by the number of democrat voters and cannot process why so many.

Yet rationally, who has the bigger numbers does not matter, its the electoral college. Its a chess game and how can you out maneuver the other guy. I do not know of any voter fraud that caused someone to lose a NATIONAL election in modern times. Trump won even if he did not get most of the votes. He seem to be upset about that.

The truth is that there is no proof of WIDESPREAD voter fraud that would affect a national election.

There are isolated incidents on the local level charging both parties.

So it is a myth that republicans like to spread with little proof. The mole hill and the mountain comes to mind.

Hey remember Trumps presidential advisory to find voter fraud. It disband after finding nothing. A waste of time and taxpayer money

The heritage foundation found only 1200 incidents since 1986. That is akin to a mosquito bother you. They get caught at some point in time. Even if it does happen it still less than .20 percent between the two parties. I believe it cannot affect an election on the national level. It happen mostly on the local level were there are a couple of thousand votes and a few votes can make a difference.

Kind of balance itself out there

After decades of the finger pointing, we now have a president who will endorse the notion of voter fraud. If he wins its fraud. If he loses its defiantly voter fraud.

What is more of a problem is redistricting. How can a party in power fairly redistrict without calculating how much of an advantage can they gain by redistricting?

I understand that the RNC agreement back in the 80's has expired and now they can go back to voter intimidation tactics. Relax and enjoy the process.
Because Democrats' whole existence is based on the voter fraud of millions of votes coming from tens of millions of illegal aliens, who, Democrats do everything they can to support. They vote in congress for amnesty, asylum, sanctuary, drivers' licenses, and even voting in local elections (still illegal in national elections).

Why Republicans let them get away with this, I still don't understand. It could be stopped by the enactment of a PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP requirement for voting. The Democrats, internationalist traitors that they are, of course would be against such a patriotic rule, and would vote it down in the house, but Trump should enact it in an executive order.

Sanctuary cities/counties/states are also all illegal, and every Democrat in local government voting for them should be arrested under US Code 8, Section 1324, and imprisoned in federal prison.

The lack of action on these things has encouraged Democrats to go even further with voter fraud, as they now are going wild with it in mail voting, as they did in Arizona's Senate election in 2018.

Another thing is that Democrats keep harping on the "most votes" idea. Sure, that's because their illegal alien vote system promotes a popular vote winner idea. Problem for them is the founding founders thought of it 200+ years ago, and took steps to prevent that, and protect the smaller states (ex. Wyoming, Idaho) from being swamped by the larger ones (ex, California, New York).
They don't really believe it. They just want to win (like Democrats) or at least cast doubt on the winner (unlike Democrats).
They also don't really believe that illegal immigration is a huge problem. They just hate brown people.
They don't think that man has zero to do with global warming. They think that you can't have profitability and responsibility at the same time.

The blob has turned them into very dumb people who believe any conspiracy theory he tosses out there.
Nonsense, and as a 1/2 "brown" person myself, and Republican, I resent your racist use of the phony race card, to try to advance your bullshit ideas. Republicans oppose illegal immigration because it most certainly IS a huge problem. And we oppose it regardless of what color the illegals are, or where they are coming from, just as Democrats support illegals, including white ones from European countries.


Harms of Illegal immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction to American low wage workers
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($148 Billion/year). Remittance flows worldwide in 2017
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs.

People commit fraud. When they do then they will get caught, if people are doing their job. It is not a reason to frame an argument that the process is corrupt and to conveniently place blame. Ignoring history and the facts.

I believe that they are just upset by the number of democrat voters and cannot process why so many.

Yet rationally, who has the bigger numbers does not matter, its the electoral college. Its a chess game and how can you out maneuver the other guy. I do not know of any voter fraud that caused someone to lose a NATIONAL election in modern times. Trump won even if he did not get most of the votes. He seem to be upset about that.

The truth is that there is no proof of WIDESPREAD voter fraud that would affect a national election.

There are isolated incidents on the local level charging both parties.

So it is a myth that republicans like to spread with little proof. The mole hill and the mountain comes to mind.

Hey remember Trumps presidential advisory to find voter fraud. It disband after finding nothing. A waste of time and taxpayer money

The heritage foundation found only 1200 incidents since 1986. That is akin to a mosquito bother you. They get caught at some point in time. Even if it does happen it still less than .20 percent between the two parties. I believe it cannot affect an election on the national level. It happen mostly on the local level were there are a couple of thousand votes and a few votes can make a difference.

Kind of balance itself out there

After decades of the finger pointing, we now have a president who will endorse the notion of voter fraud. If he wins its fraud. If he loses its defiantly voter fraud.

What is more of a problem is redistricting. How can a party in power fairly redistrict without calculating how much of an advantage can they gain by redistricting?

I understand that the RNC agreement back in the 80's has expired and now they can go back to voter intimidation tactics. Relax and enjoy the process.

Yeah, only 16.5 Thousand people were murdered last year in a nation of 360 Million. That is akin to a mosquito bothering you.

Why worry about crime? Hey, let's just defund the police. It's working in every city that is doing it.
By far, the largest case of voter fraud is being perpetrated by Donald and his pals.

As a nation, we’re not thinking nearly enough about the ways that fraud could affect or even swing the 2020 elections. No, I’m not talking about ballot-box-stuffing fantasies of President Trump, who told Fox News on Sunday that “mail-in voting is going to rig the election.” There remains no evidence that absentee ballots are the cause of mass voter fraud.​
Nor do we have much to fear from in-person voter fraud, which tarnishes about two out of every 35 million ballots cast. And one-off cases of potential absentee ballot fraud — such as the time Trump attempted to register in Florida while claiming that his official residence was in D.C., or White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany voting in Florida despite having a New Jersey driver’s license available only to Garden State residents — are vanishingly unlikely to swing an election.​
In truth, the real fraud occurring around the 2020 election is being committed by Trump and his allies, not through individual acts of malfeasance but on a nationwide scale. This type of election fraud is not about adding fake voters. Rather, it’s about subtracting real voters by using false claims of voter fraud to bar millions of eligible voters from the polls. And unlike the types of election misconduct the president likes to tweet about, the type of election misconduct he and members of his party engage in really do affect the vote tallies in — and at times, the outcomes of — our elections.​

By far, the largest case of voter fraud is being perpetrated by Donald and his pals.

As a nation, we’re not thinking nearly enough about the ways that fraud could affect or even swing the 2020 elections. No, I’m not talking about ballot-box-stuffing fantasies of President Trump, who told Fox News on Sunday that “mail-in voting is going to rig the election.” There remains no evidence that absentee ballots are the cause of mass voter fraud.​
Nor do we have much to fear from in-person voter fraud, which tarnishes about two out of every 35 million ballots cast. And one-off cases of potential absentee ballot fraud — such as the time Trump attempted to register in Florida while claiming that his official residence was in D.C., or White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany voting in Florida despite having a New Jersey driver’s license available only to Garden State residents — are vanishingly unlikely to swing an election.​
In truth, the real fraud occurring around the 2020 election is being committed by Trump and his allies, not through individual acts of malfeasance but on a nationwide scale. This type of election fraud is not about adding fake voters. Rather, it’s about subtracting real voters by using false claims of voter fraud to bar millions of eligible voters from the polls. And unlike the types of election misconduct the president likes to tweet about, the type of election misconduct he and members of his party engage in really do affect the vote tallies in — and at times, the outcomes of — our elections.​

You make an accusation here and you state NOTHING to back it up. Not a shred of evidence to substantiate your claims of false claims of voter fraud to bar millions of eligible voters from the polls.

Actually, "By far, the largest case of voter fraud is being perpetrated by" Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the whole Democratic Party in their decades long, systematic process of importing millions of illegal aliens, granting them amnesty, birthright citizenship, asylum, and sanctuary so as to get their gratitude VOTES.

This massive SCAM has been going on for decades, and Democrats having become more and more dependent on it, ae now so obsessed with it, they go around breaking federal laws (ex, US Code 8, Section 1324). This is one of the reasons they harp so much about "voter suppression" because they want the energy to go on the opposite direction of that. To excess voter tolerance, in this case, tolerance of illegal voting by illegal aliens, by opposition to voter ID law.

One look at the US map of voting requirements says it all. Generally, in the blue states no ID is required at all. In most red states, photo IDs are required, but even these are not strict enough.

Every state should have PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP ID required to vote, but not one state in America does. And they won't until Republicans control the Presidency and BOTH house of Congress. As long as Democrats control one of these 3, illegal aliens will continue to be able to illegally vote in US elections, by the millions.

If the Democrats were to lose this essential to them voter fraud, they would never win another election in US history, and they know it. This is why they go to the extremes of committing federal crimes, to give sanctuary to their precious illegal voters, as well as other favors.
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By far, the largest case of voter fraud is being perpetrated by Donald and his pals.

As a nation, we’re not thinking nearly enough about the ways that fraud could affect or even swing the 2020 elections. No, I’m not talking about ballot-box-stuffing fantasies of President Trump, who told Fox News on Sunday that “mail-in voting is going to rig the election.” There remains no evidence that absentee ballots are the cause of mass voter fraud.​
Nor do we have much to fear from in-person voter fraud, which tarnishes about two out of every 35 million ballots cast. And one-off cases of potential absentee ballot fraud — such as the time Trump attempted to register in Florida while claiming that his official residence was in D.C., or White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany voting in Florida despite having a New Jersey driver’s license available only to Garden State residents — are vanishingly unlikely to swing an election.​
In truth, the real fraud occurring around the 2020 election is being committed by Trump and his allies, not through individual acts of malfeasance but on a nationwide scale. This type of election fraud is not about adding fake voters. Rather, it’s about subtracting real voters by using false claims of voter fraud to bar millions of eligible voters from the polls. And unlike the types of election misconduct the president likes to tweet about, the type of election misconduct he and members of his party engage in really do affect the vote tallies in — and at times, the outcomes of — our elections.​

Ultimately the attacks based on a few incidents at low levels is the right trying to intimidate the voting process. They place blame on the democrats as proof of voter fraud yet you never hear them explain why republicans are caught doing it. My guess is that when republicans do it then it just evening the playing field. So they need to intimidate by casting doubt on the whole process.

Catch the people doing it and others will get the message. Playing the blame game is just intimidation.
By far, the largest case of voter fraud is being perpetrated by Donald and his pals.

As a nation, we’re not thinking nearly enough about the ways that fraud could affect or even swing the 2020 elections. No, I’m not talking about ballot-box-stuffing fantasies of President Trump, who told Fox News on Sunday that “mail-in voting is going to rig the election.” There remains no evidence that absentee ballots are the cause of mass voter fraud.​
Nor do we have much to fear from in-person voter fraud, which tarnishes about two out of every 35 million ballots cast. And one-off cases of potential absentee ballot fraud — such as the time Trump attempted to register in Florida while claiming that his official residence was in D.C., or White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany voting in Florida despite having a New Jersey driver’s license available only to Garden State residents — are vanishingly unlikely to swing an election.​
In truth, the real fraud occurring around the 2020 election is being committed by Trump and his allies, not through individual acts of malfeasance but on a nationwide scale. This type of election fraud is not about adding fake voters. Rather, it’s about subtracting real voters by using false claims of voter fraud to bar millions of eligible voters from the polls. And unlike the types of election misconduct the president likes to tweet about, the type of election misconduct he and members of his party engage in really do affect the vote tallies in — and at times, the outcomes of — our elections.​

You make an accusation here and you state NOTHING to back it up. Not a shred of evidence to substantiate your claims of false claims of voter fraud to bar millions of eligible voters from the polls.

Actually, "By far, the largest case of voter fraud is being perpetrated by" Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the whole Democratic Party in their decades long, systematic process of importing millions of illegal aliens, granting them amnesty, birthright citizenship, asylum, and sanctuary so as to get their gratitude VOTES.

This massive SCAM has been going on for decades, and Democrats having become more and more dependent on it, ae now so obsessed with it, they go around breaking federal laws (ex, US Code 8, Section 1324). This is one of the reasons they harp so much about "voter suppression" because they want the energy to go on the opposite direction of that. To excess voter tolerance, in this case, tolerance of illegal voting by illegal aliens, by opposition to voter ID law.

One look at the US map of voting requirements says it all. Generally, in the blue states no ID is required at all. In most red states, photo IDs are required, but even these are not strict enough.
View attachment 397311

Every state should have PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP ID required to vote, but not one state in America does. And they won't until Republicans control the Presidency and BOTH house of Congress. As long as Democrats control one of these 3, illegal aliens will continue to be able to illegally vote in US elections, by the millions.

If the Democrats were to lose this essential to them voter fraud, they would never win another election in US history, and they know it. This is why they go to the extremes of committing federal crimes, to give sanctuary to their precious illegal voters, as well as other favors.

at the beginning of this nation the right to vote was only for white males. It took amendments to change that. I do not understand why that was needed as it is obvious woman and other race should be able to vote if they are citizens.

When America open its border to allow immigrants to come it transform from a basic agricultural society to an industrial society.

Quote (importing millions of illegal aliens, granting them amnesty, birthright citizenship, asylum, and sanctuary so as to get their gratitude VOTES.)

They do not import, they grant the right to be here and eventually they can become citizens.

Birthright citizenship works for all born in the US not just the select few. It is in the constitution and affirmed by the supreme court.

gratitude vote well it is there decision ultimately. Do rich people vote republican because it benefits them financially? yet there are rich people who vote democrat. Gratitude has nothing to do with. It is a decision

Voter suppression you seem to deny that it happens when there is obvious proof that it does

Proof of citizenship is produced when applying for SSN, enhanced driver license

where is your proof that illegal aliens vote as they must register to vote and that the number is great enough to change a state or national election. It seem contradictory if your an illegal alien. When people register it is up to the state to determine eligibility to vote.

Service member station overseas can vote without flashing a picture voter ID card.

Mail in ballets do not require picture voter ID card.

Proof of Citizenship is done when applying for SSN and Passports.
Picture voter ID card is just a ploy when drivers licenses, state issued id cards, and military ID cards can be used.

  • Commonly accepted forms of ID include driver's licenses, state-issued identification cards, and military identification cards.

QUOTE ( they go around breaking federal laws (ex, US Code 8, Section 1324).)

if they are breaking the law then they will be prosecuted. You make a statement that show legality and then assume that it is being broken as proof that it is being broken. Yet you offer no proof of it being broken.

Your statements blaming Democrats sounds like a reason for republicans to break the law. Hey its alright if we do it because they do it.

If its wrong then it wrong for all parties.
at the beginning of this nation the right to vote was only for white males. It took amendments to change that. I do not understand why that was needed as it is obvious woman and other race should be able to vote if they are citizens.

When America open its border to allow immigrants to come it transform from a basic agricultural society to an industrial society.

Quote (importing millions of illegal aliens, granting them amnesty, birthright citizenship, asylum, and sanctuary so as to get their gratitude VOTES.)

They do not import, they grant the right to be here and eventually they can become citizens.

Birthright citizenship works for all born in the US not just the select few. It is in the constitution and affirmed by the supreme court.

gratitude vote well it is there decision ultimately. Do rich people vote republican because it benefits them financially? yet there are rich people who vote democrat. Gratitude has nothing to do with. It is a decision

Voter suppression you seem to deny that it happens when there is obvious proof that it does

Proof of citizenship is produced when applying for SSN, enhanced driver license

where is your proof that illegal aliens vote as they must register to vote and that the number is great enough to change a state or national election. It seem contradictory if your an illegal alien. When people register it is up to the state to determine eligibility to vote.

Service member station overseas can vote without flashing a picture voter ID card.

Mail in ballets do not require picture voter ID card.

Proof of Citizenship is done when applying for SSN and Passports.
Picture voter ID card is just a ploy when drivers licenses, state issued id cards, and military ID cards can be used.

  • Commonly accepted forms of ID include driver's licenses, state-issued identification cards, and military identification cards.

QUOTE ( they go around breaking federal laws (ex, US Code 8, Section 1324).)

if they are breaking the law then they will be prosecuted. You make a statement that show legality and then assume that it is being broken as proof that it is being broken. Yet you offer no proof of it being broken.

Your statements blaming Democrats sounds like a reason for republicans to break the law. Hey its alright if we do it because they do it.

If its wrong then it wrong for all parties.

You don't even know how to post, to make your post appear in the thread. I had to repair your mess myself, to make it appear in the quote box for my post.

Just as well, since everything you said was wrong and ridiculous. I wouldn't even bother answering it. Anyone reading it, can see you know nothing of what you're talking about.

Every word I stated in Post # 8 stands intact 100%, including the voter ID map from the National Council of State Legislatures.
Ultimately the attacks based on a few incidents at low levels is the right trying to intimidate the voting process. They place blame on the democrats as proof of voter fraud yet you never hear them explain why republicans are caught doing it. My guess is that when republicans do it then it just evening the playing field. So they need to intimidate by casting doubt on the whole process.

Catch the people doing it and others will get the message. Playing the blame game is just intimidation.
This is all poppycock. 90% of the voter fraud in America is from Democrats importing illegal aliens, falsely giving their kids born here birthright citizenship (contrary to the author of the 14th amendment, Sen. Jacob Howard, who said they should not get citizenship.)

Going against the law means noting to Democrats though, as they totally depend on illegal aliens voting (illegally) for them to win elections. If the House goes red next month, and everything stays the same, Democrats lose all legislative power and there will be a nationwide requirement of CITIZENSHIP PROOF. This will stop many illegal aliens from voting, but many will still vote with false citizenship ID. False documentation has long been a problem with illegal aliens, but at least there will be some mechanism to stop illegal alien voting, wheras right now, there still is nothing official in place to prevent their votes.

It's understandable why this isn't being done, but there is no excuse as to why there hasn't been enforcement of US Code 8, Section 1324, banning sanctuary cities, and all other harboring, shielding, concealing illegal aliens from detection. It's very surprising that the Trump administration DOJ has not taken action against sanctuary cities officials, and arrested them. Maybe it's because they've just been so damn busy with the Democrats' goofy attacks (impeachment, Russian collusion, coup d'etat, etc)

Hopefully, Trump will be re-elected, the Republicans will take back the House, retain the Senate, and everything will finally be done in accordance with law, properly.

well I tried to put your quote and respond to that specific quote but I guess it was to complicated

provide proof that 90 percent of voter fraud is by democrats who import aliens to vote beyond isolated incidents.

Provide proof that illegal aliens determine national elections

Denounce republican who were caught cheating

Your boy Trump set up a commission to fine vote fraud. They disband after finding nothing. I guess that was not proof enough for you

Constitution says

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.".

You use the work import aliens to vote

You fail to understand the definition of import and using the way you have is making your point so wrong on so many levels.

Democrats cannot import people

US Code 8, Section 1324

Trump companies have hired illegal aliens and denied it but yet they fire some people as undocumented workers that they hired

There is a reason Trump DOJ has not acted because they are need deep in it.

where is your outrage at Trump and why are you calling for him to go to jail.
well I tried to put your quote and respond to that specific quote but I guess it was to complicated

provide proof that 90 percent of voter fraud is by democrats who import aliens to vote beyond isolated incidents.

Provide proof that illegal aliens determine national elections

Denounce republican who were caught cheating

Your boy Trump set up a commission to fine vote fraud. They disband after finding nothing. I guess that was not proof enough for you

Constitution says

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.".

You use the work import aliens to vote

You fail to understand the definition of import and using the way you have is making your point so wrong on so many levels.

Democrats cannot import people

US Code 8, Section 1324

Trump companies have hired illegal aliens and denied it but yet they fire some people as undocumented workers that they hired

There is a reason Trump DOJ has not acted because they are need deep in it.

where is your outrage at Trump and why are you calling for him to go to jail.
why shou d
well I tried to put your quote and respond to that specific quote but I guess it was to complicated

provide proof that 90 percent of voter fraud is by democrats who import aliens to vote beyond isolated incidents.

Provide proof that illegal aliens determine national elections

Denounce republican who were caught cheating

Your boy Trump set up a commission to fine vote fraud. They disband after finding nothing. I guess that was not proof enough for you

Constitution says

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.".

You use the work import aliens to vote

You fail to understand the definition of import and using the way you have is making your point so wrong on so many levels.

Democrats cannot import people

US Code 8, Section 1324

Trump companies have hired illegal aliens and denied it but yet they fire some people as undocumented workers that they hired

There is a reason Trump DOJ has not acted because they are need deep in it.

where is your outrage at Trump and why are you calling for him to go to jail.
1. I don't have to provide proof regarding any particular numbers. The mere fact that there are millions of illegal aliens in the US, there are no proof of citizenship requirements for voting in any state, and that illegal aliens overwhelmingly support Democrats is enough. ALTHOUGH, that overwhelming support may abruptly change to overwhelming opposition, if Senate Judiciary hearings are held soon, with Democrats trashing Amy Coney Barrett for being Catholic. :biggrin:

2. Illegal aliens have already flipped some southwestern states (New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado)

3. Everybody knows that the election commission of fraud was stymied by states that refused to participate (mostly blue ones)

4. ."..[E]very person born within the limits of the United State, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the government of the United States, but will include every other class of person."[9] (Senator Jacob Howard, author of the 14th amendment)

5. Democrats have indeed imported people here to vote for them. Goerge Soros and Democrat organizations financed the caravans from Central America to do just that.

6. The charge of Trump hiring illegal aliens is ridiculous and stupid. Trump does not handle the hiring of people, he has employees who do that. even those employees cant be held responsible since the aliens use false documentation and trickery to get in. No criminal intent.

7. My outrage is against Hillary Clinton, Obama, and John Brennan for conspiring to "villify" Trump and falsely charge him with Russian collusion, newly declassified document reveal. jail is for Hillary, Obama, Brennan, and maybe Biden too.
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People commit fraud. When they do then they will get caught, if people are doing their job. It is not a reason to frame an argument that the process is corrupt and to conveniently place blame. Ignoring history and the facts.

I believe that they are just upset by the number of democrat voters and cannot process why so many.

Yet rationally, who has the bigger numbers does not matter, its the electoral college. Its a chess game and how can you out maneuver the other guy. I do not know of any voter fraud that caused someone to lose a NATIONAL election in modern times. Trump won even if he did not get most of the votes. He seem to be upset about that.

The truth is that there is no proof of WIDESPREAD voter fraud that would affect a national election.

There are isolated incidents on the local level charging both parties.

So it is a myth that republicans like to spread with little proof. The mole hill and the mountain comes to mind.

Hey remember Trumps presidential advisory to find voter fraud. It disband after finding nothing. A waste of time and taxpayer money

The heritage foundation found only 1200 incidents since 1986. That is akin to a mosquito bother you. They get caught at some point in time. Even if it does happen it still less than .20 percent between the two parties. I believe it cannot affect an election on the national level. It happen mostly on the local level were there are a couple of thousand votes and a few votes can make a difference.

Kind of balance itself out there

After decades of the finger pointing, we now have a president who will endorse the notion of voter fraud. If he wins its fraud. If he loses its defiantly voter fraud.

What is more of a problem is redistricting. How can a party in power fairly redistrict without calculating how much of an advantage can they gain by redistricting?

I understand that the RNC agreement back in the 80's has expired and now they can go back to voter intimidation tactics. Relax and enjoy the process.

I don't see them denying it at all. They are pretty vocal in locking up all vote fraud scumbags.

You people, on the other hand, deny its existence.
They don't really believe it. They just want to win (like Democrats) or at least cast doubt on the winner (unlike Democrats).
They also don't really believe that illegal immigration is a huge problem. They just hate brown people.
They don't think that man has zero to do with global warming. They think that you can't have profitability and responsibility at the same time.

The blob has turned them into very dumb people who believe any conspiracy theory he tosses out there.
Nonsense, and as a 1/2 "brown" person myself, and Republican, I resent your racist use of the phony race card, to try to advance your bullshit ideas. Republicans oppose illegal immigration because it most certainly IS a huge problem. And we oppose it regardless of what color the illegals are, or where they are coming from, just as Democrats support illegals, including white ones from European countries.

View attachment 396787

Harms of Illegal immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction to American low wage workers
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($148 Billion/year). Remittance flows worldwide in 2017
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs.

People commit fraud. When they do then they will get caught, if people are doing their job. It is not a reason to frame an argument that the process is corrupt and to conveniently place blame. Ignoring history and the facts.

I believe that they are just upset by the number of democrat voters and cannot process why so many.

Yet rationally, who has the bigger numbers does not matter, its the electoral college. Its a chess game and how can you out maneuver the other guy. I do not know of any voter fraud that caused someone to lose a NATIONAL election in modern times. Trump won even if he did not get most of the votes. He seem to be upset about that.

The truth is that there is no proof of WIDESPREAD voter fraud that would affect a national election.

There are isolated incidents on the local level charging both parties.

So it is a myth that republicans like to spread with little proof. The mole hill and the mountain comes to mind.

Hey remember Trumps presidential advisory to find voter fraud. It disband after finding nothing. A waste of time and taxpayer money

The heritage foundation found only 1200 incidents since 1986. That is akin to a mosquito bother you. They get caught at some point in time. Even if it does happen it still less than .20 percent between the two parties. I believe it cannot affect an election on the national level. It happen mostly on the local level were there are a couple of thousand votes and a few votes can make a difference.

Kind of balance itself out there

After decades of the finger pointing, we now have a president who will endorse the notion of voter fraud. If he wins its fraud. If he loses its defiantly voter fraud.

What is more of a problem is redistricting. How can a party in power fairly redistrict without calculating how much of an advantage can they gain by redistricting?

I understand that the RNC agreement back in the 80's has expired and now they can go back to voter intimidation tactics. Relax and enjoy the process.

I don't see them denying it at all. They are pretty vocal in locking up all vote fraud scumbags.

You people, on the other hand, deny its existence.

I clearly stated that both parties do this and pointing to those who continuously point in one direction. The fear of voter fraud that the right wants to make is something that happens on both sides. The issues is who making it a bigger issue that it really is and never point the finger at themselves. Who believes that a million demo votes are all illegal.
I clearly stated that both parties do this and pointing to those who continuously point in one direction. The fear of voter fraud that the right wants to make is something that happens on both sides. The issues is who making it a bigger issue that it really is and never point the finger at themselves. Who believes that a million demo votes are all illegal.
Not me. I estimate about 7 million (Democrat votes) are illegal. From illegal aliens alone. (20% of illegal alien population). Could easily be more.

People commit fraud. When they do then they will get caught, if people are doing their job. It is not a reason to frame an argument that the process is corrupt and to conveniently place blame. Ignoring history and the facts.

I believe that they are just upset by the number of democrat voters and cannot process why so many.

Yet rationally, who has the bigger numbers does not matter, its the electoral college. Its a chess game and how can you out maneuver the other guy. I do not know of any voter fraud that caused someone to lose a NATIONAL election in modern times. Trump won even if he did not get most of the votes. He seem to be upset about that.

The truth is that there is no proof of WIDESPREAD voter fraud that would affect a national election.

There are isolated incidents on the local level charging both parties.

So it is a myth that republicans like to spread with little proof. The mole hill and the mountain comes to mind.

Hey remember Trumps presidential advisory to find voter fraud. It disband after finding nothing. A waste of time and taxpayer money

The heritage foundation found only 1200 incidents since 1986. That is akin to a mosquito bother you. They get caught at some point in time. Even if it does happen it still less than .20 percent between the two parties. I believe it cannot affect an election on the national level. It happen mostly on the local level were there are a couple of thousand votes and a few votes can make a difference.

Kind of balance itself out there

After decades of the finger pointing, we now have a president who will endorse the notion of voter fraud. If he wins its fraud. If he loses its defiantly voter fraud.

What is more of a problem is redistricting. How can a party in power fairly redistrict without calculating how much of an advantage can they gain by redistricting?

I understand that the RNC agreement back in the 80's has expired and now they can go back to voter intimidation tactics. Relax and enjoy the process.

The DNXi is ON RECORD that even an accurate voter database is an "Existential threat"

People commit fraud. When they do then they will get caught, if people are doing their job. It is not a reason to frame an argument that the process is corrupt and to conveniently place blame. Ignoring history and the facts.

I believe that they are just upset by the number of democrat voters and cannot process why so many.

Yet rationally, who has the bigger numbers does not matter, its the electoral college. Its a chess game and how can you out maneuver the other guy. I do not know of any voter fraud that caused someone to lose a NATIONAL election in modern times. Trump won even if he did not get most of the votes. He seem to be upset about that.

The truth is that there is no proof of WIDESPREAD voter fraud that would affect a national election.

There are isolated incidents on the local level charging both parties.

So it is a myth that republicans like to spread with little proof. The mole hill and the mountain comes to mind.

Hey remember Trumps presidential advisory to find voter fraud. It disband after finding nothing. A waste of time and taxpayer money

The heritage foundation found only 1200 incidents since 1986. That is akin to a mosquito bother you. They get caught at some point in time. Even if it does happen it still less than .20 percent between the two parties. I believe it cannot affect an election on the national level. It happen mostly on the local level were there are a couple of thousand votes and a few votes can make a difference.

Kind of balance itself out there

After decades of the finger pointing, we now have a president who will endorse the notion of voter fraud. If he wins its fraud. If he loses its defiantly voter fraud.

What is more of a problem is redistricting. How can a party in power fairly redistrict without calculating how much of an advantage can they gain by redistricting?

I understand that the RNC agreement back in the 80's has expired and now they can go back to voter intimidation tactics. Relax and enjoy the process.
because the Corrupt Democrats are always trying to make Voter Fraud easier
Of course the accusations themselves lead people to say “Hell, since Democrats do this all the time, we need to do it too.” And so unproven allegations are likely to lead to greater disruption of simple civic norms, more and more actual fraud.

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