Why did you vote for Trump...let's be blunt.

An idea worthy of consideration I'd say. I believe it would require a constitutional amendment though and that's a big deal that those in power from both parties would most certainly resist.
Wags Wearing Wigs

See how the 18th Century Constitution blocks progress? It should have been a temporary start-up document to be superseded by all subsequent legislation.

Imagine if the computer had a Constitution that said it was to be used for secretarial work, because that's all anybody thought it would be good for back at the beginning. Any advancement would have to have the approval of a nine-person tribunal or go through the long drawn-out process of getting amendment by the top brass at 50 major computer companies.

The Constitution takes away the voters' right to think for themselves. It is a self-appointed decision-maker. Our submissiveness to that Master carries over to all our other thinking; we have been set up to choose only between what is offered by the know-it-all media, few of which questioned the winner-take-all.

Disagree... If the amendment process is too much for your idea to overcome, perhaps it's not as great an idea as you think.

Pass on the 'subsequent legislation' idea. .


I don't have any respect for political bullies. You bootlickers are pathetically slavish to the ruling class's Constitution, so despite your smug, self-important tough-guy act, you really don't have any respect for yourselves. You call the will of the majority "mob rule" only so you can feel superior to the majority, because the 1% (who actually despise you) tell you you are. If you feel that way about your fellow Americans, that contempt leads to treason, as your infallible father-figure plutocrats have been committing for over 200 years.

Your logical fallacies aside, I still disagree with you.

A Republic Is an Elitist Hereditary Oligarchy

You bootlicking mind-slaves are so ignorant about logic that you probably think Begging the Question means "which leads to this question."

You really need a refresher in logical fallacies. And the history of tyranny.

Get thee to a library.
Here are my reasons in short and in no order:
To fight to restore law and order...he's done that
To bitch slap nut-job Liberals...he's done that
To govern on behalf of our best...he's done that
To fight to bring jobs back to the U.S....he's done that
To fight to secure our southern border...he's done that
To bring likeminded REAL American's back together...he's done that
To bitch slap crooked politicians that have refused to enforce our laws...he's done that
To restore shame in what should be shameful...he's done that
To restore American pride and patriotism...he's done that
To bring God back to our nation...he's done that
To fight to make our nation safer from foreign whacko's...he's done that

I barely give a shit about foreign policy, I barely give a shit about Hussein Care, I don't give a shit at all if he's blowin' Putin or the Chinese president or NATO.
Am I missing something here?
I'm having a real hard time wrapping my head around how or why anyone who voted Trump would feel disappointed....You didn't elect a Politician, you elected someone to operate outside the box in every way. Forget what you thought you knew about how a traditional President should operate and how a traditional President should act. There is nothing traditional about Trump...you knew that and you expected that.
Well, this is the issue that many Trumpsters face.

They celebrated and defended the fact he's unpredictable, unorthodox and all over the place.

They can't expect him to be both that, and a good little conservative or Alt Right soldier.

So they'll look a little silly if they're not willing to put up with him.
Every week I see a more mature acting Trump. More reserved. Less likely to shoot from the lip.
Someone who put extremely mature experienced qualified men and women in the most important positions in the administration. A man who is famous for listening to sound expert advice.
No more humble man.
Has anyone ever seen a President work so hard?
Yes he goes golfing some weekends but just as any President has been he is 24/7 on the job.
A few months in and already the fucking LIB MSM are scraping at the bottom of the barrel to concoct anything negative about Trump. Even his little boy and wife have been viciously attacked. (Never think for a second President Trump will EVER forget who made these attacks BTW).
Trump has put the fear of God into a few terrorist supporting countries already.
Next week the new and improved health care bill will pass.
And the budget.
Watch the blood spurt out of the BONOBO asslickers eyeballs at MSNBC.
Wags Wearing Wigs

See how the 18th Century Constitution blocks progress? It should have been a temporary start-up document to be superseded by all subsequent legislation.

Imagine if the computer had a Constitution that said it was to be used for secretarial work, because that's all anybody thought it would be good for back at the beginning. Any advancement would have to have the approval of a nine-person tribunal or go through the long drawn-out process of getting amendment by the top brass at 50 major computer companies.

The Constitution takes away the voters' right to think for themselves. It is a self-appointed decision-maker. Our submissiveness to that Master carries over to all our other thinking; we have been set up to choose only between what is offered by the know-it-all media, few of which questioned the winner-take-all.

Disagree... If the amendment process is too much for your idea to overcome, perhaps it's not as great an idea as you think.

Pass on the 'subsequent legislation' idea. .


I don't have any respect for political bullies. You bootlickers are pathetically slavish to the ruling class's Constitution, so despite your smug, self-important tough-guy act, you really don't have any respect for yourselves. You call the will of the majority "mob rule" only so you can feel superior to the majority, because the 1% (who actually despise you) tell you you are. If you feel that way about your fellow Americans, that contempt leads to treason, as your infallible father-figure plutocrats have been committing for over 200 years.

Your logical fallacies aside, I still disagree with you.

A Republic Is an Elitist Hereditary Oligarchy

You bootlicking mind-slaves are so ignorant about logic that you probably think Begging the Question means "which leads to this question."

You really need a refresher in logical fallacies. And the history of tyranny.

Get thee to a library.
"Intimidating Timmy" Is Really SpongeBob SquarePants

Spoken like a true authoritarian. Your desperate pushiness proves that you have nothing to stand on and have to parrot your Masters' bullying. That makes you a birdbrain.
Disagree... If the amendment process is too much for your idea to overcome, perhaps it's not as great an idea as you think.

Pass on the 'subsequent legislation' idea. .


I don't have any respect for political bullies. You bootlickers are pathetically slavish to the ruling class's Constitution, so despite your smug, self-important tough-guy act, you really don't have any respect for yourselves. You call the will of the majority "mob rule" only so you can feel superior to the majority, because the 1% (who actually despise you) tell you you are. If you feel that way about your fellow Americans, that contempt leads to treason, as your infallible father-figure plutocrats have been committing for over 200 years.

Your logical fallacies aside, I still disagree with you.

A Republic Is an Elitist Hereditary Oligarchy

You bootlicking mind-slaves are so ignorant about logic that you probably think Begging the Question means "which leads to this question."

You really need a refresher in logical fallacies. And the history of tyranny.

Get thee to a library.
"Intimidating Timmy" Is Really SpongeBob SquarePants

Spoken like a true authoritarian. Your desperate pushiness proves that you have nothing to stand on and have to parrot your Masters' bullying. That makes you a birdbrain.

Good luck with that Constitutional amendment. :alcoholic:

I don't have any respect for political bullies. You bootlickers are pathetically slavish to the ruling class's Constitution, so despite your smug, self-important tough-guy act, you really don't have any respect for yourselves. You call the will of the majority "mob rule" only so you can feel superior to the majority, because the 1% (who actually despise you) tell you you are. If you feel that way about your fellow Americans, that contempt leads to treason, as your infallible father-figure plutocrats have been committing for over 200 years.

Your logical fallacies aside, I still disagree with you.

A Republic Is an Elitist Hereditary Oligarchy

You bootlicking mind-slaves are so ignorant about logic that you probably think Begging the Question means "which leads to this question."

You really need a refresher in logical fallacies. And the history of tyranny.

Get thee to a library.
"Intimidating Timmy" Is Really SpongeBob SquarePants

Spoken like a true authoritarian. Your desperate pushiness proves that you have nothing to stand on and have to parrot your Masters' bullying. That makes you a birdbrain.

Good luck with that Constitutional amendment. :alcoholic:

SCROTUS's decisions are Constitutional amendments. We, the people, are the supreme law of the land and have the right to nullify that dictatorship's power. Good luck with continuing your authoritarian rule.
Here are my reasons in short and in no order:
To fight to restore law and order...he's done that
To bitch slap nut-job Liberals...he's done that
To govern on behalf of our best...he's done that
To fight to bring jobs back to the U.S....he's done that
To fight to secure our southern border...he's done that
To bring likeminded REAL American's back together...he's done that
To bitch slap crooked politicians that have refused to enforce our laws...he's done that
To restore shame in what should be shameful...he's done that
To restore American pride and patriotism...he's done that
To bring God back to our nation...he's done that
To fight to make our nation safer from foreign whacko's...he's done that

I barely give a shit about foreign policy, I barely give a shit about Hussein Care, I don't give a shit at all if he's blowin' Putin or the Chinese president or NATO.
Am I missing something here?
I'm having a real hard time wrapping my head around how or why anyone who voted Trump would feel disappointed....You didn't elect a Politician, you elected someone to operate outside the box in every way. Forget what you thought you knew about how a traditional President should operate and how a traditional President should act. There is nothing traditional about Trump...you knew that and you expected that.
We'll go one at a time...
How in the world has trump "restored law and order"??

our crime rates have been dropping for years. Also I do not believe a pres can have an impact on something as big as crime in the first few months in office, especially an ineffective one who has enacted almost no new legislation in his first 100 days.
Your logical fallacies aside, I still disagree with you.

A Republic Is an Elitist Hereditary Oligarchy

You bootlicking mind-slaves are so ignorant about logic that you probably think Begging the Question means "which leads to this question."

You really need a refresher in logical fallacies. And the history of tyranny.

Get thee to a library.
"Intimidating Timmy" Is Really SpongeBob SquarePants

Spoken like a true authoritarian. Your desperate pushiness proves that you have nothing to stand on and have to parrot your Masters' bullying. That makes you a birdbrain.

Good luck with that Constitutional amendment. :alcoholic:

SCROTUS's decisions are Constitutional amendments. We, the people, are the supreme law of the land and have the right to nullify that dictatorship's power. Good luck with continuing your authoritarian rule.

You advocate overthrow of the rule of law and I'm the authoritarian? You go with that comrade.

Supreme Court.

Get ready for welfare rolls to boom. Get out your wallet cuz' you're going to pay through the nose.

You say this as though keeping welfare spending down would be justification enough for denying Constitutional rights to the children killed.

It shows how shallow your thinking really is.

Nope. Lowering taxes was one promise Trump made to you redneck idiots. Reversing Roe v Wade is BIG GOV'T controlling people's lives and putting more people on federal assistance. And if you equivocate a child with a zygote then You possess no ability to think at all.
Here are my reasons in short and in no order:
To fight to restore law and order...he's done that
To bitch slap nut-job Liberals...he's done that
To govern on behalf of our best...he's done that
To fight to bring jobs back to the U.S....he's done that
To fight to secure our southern border...he's done that
To bring likeminded REAL American's back together...he's done that
To bitch slap crooked politicians that have refused to enforce our laws...he's done that
To restore shame in what should be shameful...he's done that
To restore American pride and patriotism...he's done that
To bring God back to our nation...he's done that
To fight to make our nation safer from foreign whacko's...he's done that

I barely give a shit about foreign policy, I barely give a shit about Hussein Care, I don't give a shit at all if he's blowin' Putin or the Chinese president or NATO.
Am I missing something here?
I'm having a real hard time wrapping my head around how or why anyone who voted Trump would feel disappointed....You didn't elect a Politician, you elected someone to operate outside the box in every way. Forget what you thought you knew about how a traditional President should operate and how a traditional President should act. There is nothing traditional about Trump...you knew that and you expected that.
Well, this is the issue that many Trumpsters face.

They celebrated and defended the fact he's unpredictable, unorthodox and all over the place.

They can't expect him to be both that, and a good little conservative or Alt Right soldier.

So they'll look a little silly if they're not willing to put up with him.
Every week I see a more mature acting Trump. More reserved. Less likely to shoot from the lip.
Someone who put extremely mature experienced qualified men and women in the most important positions in the administration. A man who is famous for listening to sound expert advice.
No more humble man.
Has anyone ever seen a President work so hard?
Yes he goes golfing some weekends but just as any President has been he is 24/7 on the job.
A few months in and already the fucking LIB MSM are scraping at the bottom of the barrel to concoct anything negative about Trump. Even his little boy and wife have been viciously attacked. (Never think for a second President Trump will EVER forget who made these attacks BTW).
Trump has put the fear of God into a few terrorist supporting countries already.
Next week the new and improved health care bill will pass.
And the budget.
Watch the blood spurt out of the BONOBO asslickers eyeballs at MSNBC.

Wow, so much bullshit in a single post.
Supreme Court.

Get ready for welfare rolls to boom. Get out your wallet cuz' you're going to pay through the nose.

You say this as though keeping welfare spending down would be justification enough for denying Constitutional rights to the children killed.

It shows how shallow your thinking really is.

Nope. Lowering taxes was one promise Trump made to you redneck idiots. Reversing Roe v Wade is BIG GOV'T controlling people's lives and putting more people on federal assistance. And if you equivocate a child with a zygote then You possess no ability to think at all.

Our fetal homicide laws define "children in the womb" as human beings in ANY stage of development while in the womb.

Your denials have already been largely defeated and they will continue to be defeated as we continue to build on those definitions and then use rhea to fight for the Constitutional rights of those children you are trying to deny.
Here are my reasons in short and in no order:
To fight to restore law and order...he's done that
To bitch slap nut-job Liberals...he's done that
To govern on behalf of our best...he's done that
To fight to bring jobs back to the U.S....he's done that
To fight to secure our southern border...he's done that
To bring likeminded REAL American's back together...he's done that
To bitch slap crooked politicians that have refused to enforce our laws...he's done that
To restore shame in what should be shameful...he's done that
To restore American pride and patriotism...he's done that
To bring God back to our nation...he's done that
To fight to make our nation safer from foreign whacko's...he's done that

I barely give a shit about foreign policy, I barely give a shit about Hussein Care, I don't give a shit at all if he's blowin' Putin or the Chinese president or NATO.
Am I missing something here?
I'm having a real hard time wrapping my head around how or why anyone who voted Trump would feel disappointed....You didn't elect a Politician, you elected someone to operate outside the box in every way. Forget what you thought you knew about how a traditional President should operate and how a traditional President should act. There is nothing traditional about Trump...you knew that and you expected that.

Didn't want the Democratic Party's criminal syndicate leader to win, didn't want the GOP criminal syndicate's candidate to win, didn't want either Party's top hacks appointing SC Judges with no opposition. Trump can nap, sun himself in Florida, read the paper, do nothing at all for the next years for all I care; Hillary and the DNC vermin don't get to appoint more racist traitors to Federal benches for a few years, and that is far more than enough to make Trump the best President since FDR.
Here are my reasons in short and in no order:
To fight to restore law and order...he's done that
To bitch slap nut-job Liberals...he's done that
To govern on behalf of our best...he's done that
To fight to bring jobs back to the U.S....he's done that
To fight to secure our southern border...he's done that
To bring likeminded REAL American's back together...he's done that
To bitch slap crooked politicians that have refused to enforce our laws...he's done that
To restore shame in what should be shameful...he's done that
To restore American pride and patriotism...he's done that
To bring God back to our nation...he's done that
To fight to make our nation safer from foreign whacko's...he's done that

I barely give a shit about foreign policy, I barely give a shit about Hussein Care, I don't give a shit at all if he's blowin' Putin or the Chinese president or NATO.
Am I missing something here?
I'm having a real hard time wrapping my head around how or why anyone who voted Trump would feel disappointed....You didn't elect a Politician, you elected someone to operate outside the box in every way. Forget what you thought you knew about how a traditional President should operate and how a traditional President should act. There is nothing traditional about Trump...you knew that and you expected that.

Didn't want the Democratic Party's criminal syndicate leader to win, didn't want the GOP criminal syndicate's candidate to win, didn't want either Party's top hacks appointing SC Judges with no opposition. Trump can nap, sun himself in Florida, read the paper, do nothing at all for the next years for all I care; Hillary and the DNC vermin don't get to appoint more racist traitors to Federal benches for a few years, and that is far more than enough to make Trump the best President since FDR.
If all Trump does during however long he is President is put one/two, possibly three more strict Constitutionalists on the SC bench then he can play golf the rest of the time and yes he will be the greatest US President in history.
Here are my reasons in short and in no order:
To fight to restore law and order...he's done that
To bitch slap nut-job Liberals...he's done that
To govern on behalf of our best...he's done that
To fight to bring jobs back to the U.S....he's done that
To fight to secure our southern border...he's done that
To bring likeminded REAL American's back together...he's done that
To bitch slap crooked politicians that have refused to enforce our laws...he's done that
To restore shame in what should be shameful...he's done that
To restore American pride and patriotism...he's done that
To bring God back to our nation...he's done that
To fight to make our nation safer from foreign whacko's...he's done that

I barely give a shit about foreign policy, I barely give a shit about Hussein Care, I don't give a shit at all if he's blowin' Putin or the Chinese president or NATO.
Am I missing something here?
I'm having a real hard time wrapping my head around how or why anyone who voted Trump would feel disappointed....You didn't elect a Politician, you elected someone to operate outside the box in every way. Forget what you thought you knew about how a traditional President should operate and how a traditional President should act. There is nothing traditional about Trump...you knew that and you expected that.

Rump "restored law and order" did he?

Link? Start there.

I just knew this thread would be a hoot. :popcorn:

Ignore, reject and offend the Constitution... he's done that.
Obsess over The Himself, making up idiotic fantasies about crowd sizes, "illegal voters", yammer yammer .. he's done that;
Send whiny tweets accusing his predecessor of a felony .... he's done that;
Fuck up a simple phone call to a longstanding friendly country ....... he's done that;
Rack up the lowest approval ratings in history..... he's done that. Bigly.
More fantasy from CNN.
Here are my reasons in short and in no order:
To fight to restore law and order...he's done that
To bitch slap nut-job Liberals...he's done that
To govern on behalf of our best...he's done that
To fight to bring jobs back to the U.S....he's done that
To fight to secure our southern border...he's done that
To bring likeminded REAL American's back together...he's done that
To bitch slap crooked politicians that have refused to enforce our laws...he's done that
To restore shame in what should be shameful...he's done that
To restore American pride and patriotism...he's done that
To bring God back to our nation...he's done that
To fight to make our nation safer from foreign whacko's...he's done that

I barely give a shit about foreign policy, I barely give a shit about Hussein Care, I don't give a shit at all if he's blowin' Putin or the Chinese president or NATO.
Am I missing something here?
I'm having a real hard time wrapping my head around how or why anyone who voted Trump would feel disappointed....You didn't elect a Politician, you elected someone to operate outside the box in every way. Forget what you thought you knew about how a traditional President should operate and how a traditional President should act. There is nothing traditional about Trump...you knew that and you expected that.

Seems the only one of those that has actually been accomplished, rather than just postering and making it look like something it isn't, is pissing the left off. Yeah, he's done that.
A Republic Is an Elitist Hereditary Oligarchy

You bootlicking mind-slaves are so ignorant about logic that you probably think Begging the Question means "which leads to this question."

You really need a refresher in logical fallacies. And the history of tyranny.

Get thee to a library.
"Intimidating Timmy" Is Really SpongeBob SquarePants

Spoken like a true authoritarian. Your desperate pushiness proves that you have nothing to stand on and have to parrot your Masters' bullying. That makes you a birdbrain.

Good luck with that Constitutional amendment. :alcoholic:

SCROTUS's decisions are Constitutional amendments. We, the people, are the supreme law of the land and have the right to nullify that dictatorship's power. Good luck with continuing your authoritarian rule.

You advocate overthrow of the rule of law and I'm the authoritarian? You go with that comrade.

Marx Was From Your Own Hereditary Ruling Classes, Which Is Why He Imposed State Capitalism

The "rule of law" is the rule of lawyers whose Daddies buy them their "education." You use high-sounding phrases to lay us low. The Commie scum who rule the campuses are the sons of the rich you worship. The university is an obsolete aristocratic institution and must be replaced by highly paid professional job training.
You really need a refresher in logical fallacies. And the history of tyranny.

Get thee to a library.
"Intimidating Timmy" Is Really SpongeBob SquarePants

Spoken like a true authoritarian. Your desperate pushiness proves that you have nothing to stand on and have to parrot your Masters' bullying. That makes you a birdbrain.

Good luck with that Constitutional amendment. :alcoholic:

SCROTUS's decisions are Constitutional amendments. We, the people, are the supreme law of the land and have the right to nullify that dictatorship's power. Good luck with continuing your authoritarian rule.

You advocate overthrow of the rule of law and I'm the authoritarian? You go with that comrade.

Marx Was From Your Own Hereditary Ruling Classes, Which Is Why He Imposed State Capitalism

The "rule of law" is the rule of lawyers whose Daddies buy them their "education." You use high-sounding phrases to lay us low. The Commie scum who rule the campuses are the sons of the rich you worship. The university is an obsolete aristocratic institution and must be replaced by highly paid professional job training.

If I 'worship' anything, it's free markets and free minds. You advocate neither. Done with you comrade.
Well. I've said it many times before. Why not reiterate upon reiteration again. Perhaps I could get a job with the Department of Redundancy Department.

I voted for Trump because Hillary was the other choice. IMO there was nothing worse than a Hillary administration. Trump was my first time voting Republican.
"Intimidating Timmy" Is Really SpongeBob SquarePants

Spoken like a true authoritarian. Your desperate pushiness proves that you have nothing to stand on and have to parrot your Masters' bullying. That makes you a birdbrain.

Good luck with that Constitutional amendment. :alcoholic:

SCROTUS's decisions are Constitutional amendments. We, the people, are the supreme law of the land and have the right to nullify that dictatorship's power. Good luck with continuing your authoritarian rule.

You advocate overthrow of the rule of law and I'm the authoritarian? You go with that comrade.

Marx Was From Your Own Hereditary Ruling Classes, Which Is Why He Imposed State Capitalism

The "rule of law" is the rule of lawyers whose Daddies buy them their "education." You use high-sounding phrases to lay us low. The Commie scum who rule the campuses are the sons of the rich you worship. The university is an obsolete aristocratic institution and must be replaced by highly paid professional job training.

If I 'worship' anything, it's free markets and free minds. .
This Little Piggy Went to Market

You're a pathetic puppet of plutocratic parasites. A "free market" means that those who control a market are free to do whatever they want. Your mind is numbed by the loudness of those who control the media and education You have been manipulated by false-flag "Leftists"; they are agents of the Right Wing who purposely screech things that will drive you into the Right Wing, which they only pretend to oppose.

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