John Stossel & Judge Napolitano On Presidential War-Making Powers [VIDEO]...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
The Constitution requires Trump to get Congressional approval before going to war. Judge Nap on how all Presidents ignore this rule.

We went to war?
Shit. I miss everything.
/---- Steven Spielberg is finishing up the movie version as we speak. It will include some info on climate change.
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The Constitution requires Trump to get Congressional approval before going to war. Judge Nap on how all Presidents ignore this rule.

At this point I look to the system for nothing, the american political and economic system is based upon corruption and societal wealth extraction and the democratic party is just as involved and compliant as the republican party, sans the religious zealotry. Bear in mind that the Wall Street bailouts occurred under both “conservative” and “liberal” administrations despite 90% of the population being opposed; “the people” are irrelevant and the only thing exceptional about america is its penchant for denial, illusion and theater. The majority of the american population also supports a single payer healthcare system and opposes these endless wars of occupation, who the fuck cares, the substantial people will handle this, go back to your shopping. The system is nothing but a theater of the absurd at this point. America is what it has always been, a colonial wealth extraction enterprise, and this is all we have used our glorious military for post WWII; the economical colonization and subjugation of other lands.

There has indeed been a vast redistribution of wealth over the past half century, by design, just not in the direction the substantial people are always blathering about; that those poor darkies took all your shit. Sure, the poor and disenfranchised folk with no voice in the system must have fucked everything up. But the power structure requires and runs on orchestrated divisions among the masses. This goes all the way back to Bacon’s Rebellion in america which led to the power structure’s redesigning of a nascent slavery institution into one more strictly based upon and organized around “race” which is a fictional concept anyway, the human genome has been fully sequenced for fuck sake; six genes out of some 26,000 or so genes code for the three phenotypic traits we define “race” by (skin tone, hair texture, facial features). This was also the point of all the Cointellpro infiltrations of social movement organizations in the 50s-70s; create doubt, suspicion, anxiety, and confusion among the members of any organization opposing the power structure. Our society is awash in orchestrated divisions amongst the masses; guns, abortion, “race”, “libs-vs-cons”, religion, gays, wars; anything that will afford a distraction such that the economic cannibalization of the wealthiest society on the planet may continue unabated. One of my favorite talk show hosts at a privately owned black am radio station when I was in Nashville used to say, “Some of you folks better figure out we all niggra’s now”. But our “exceptionalism” belief system gets in the way of that, just as it was designed to.

We have returned to profiteering from bondage with privatized prisons whose stock is traded on Wall Street complete with a return to convict leasing and the unsubstantial people can be openly murdered, unarmed, on the streets by militarized state power goon squads which is in turn openly cheered on by vast segments of the population. The power structure decided we were no longer required for production, now we are no longer required for consumption, the “capitalist’s” opportunities lie elsewhere. The system can turn $40-50K per hominid per year in a prison cell, there’s your “bringing the jobs back” program. Anyone who opposes the system can easily be dispatched with; no William Kunstler is available to check the state on its own shyte any longer. All this results in a profit motive complete with prison industry lobbying for higher societal crime rates, more draconian sentencing, higher rates of recidivism, and more criminalized behavior of the masses.

As with all empires in decline, the violence and oppression projected outward eventually comes home to roost upon the subjects of the empire. As with all empires in decline, society becomes economically cannibalized to continue an obscene glorification of military might and every international issue is an opportunity for war. The US will be at constant war until it goes tits up now; war is just business and our illustrious generals end up in the multitrillion dollar “defense” contractor industry. Those 59 missiles lobbed at Syria were $1.4M each. Raytheon stock surged. The shot callers, I refer to them in that manner because they’re no different than shot callers in our growth industry prisons, own stock in Raytheon, Don included. “We” decided some time ago that we required another govt in Syria in order to get a natural gas pipeline built. And now we’re in the bogus run up phase just like we saw with Iraq, ‘course that miraculously escapes any talk of “fake news”, but the objective reality is that america has always been fake; from its very creation mythology onward.

And then there’s N Korea. Turns out we sold N Korea nuclear reactors a mere two years before we placed them on an “axis of evil” list. Sold from a company Don Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of. Under a plan initiated during the Clinton administration and completed under the Bush administration. And Bush ponied up US taxpayer funding to aid N Korea in completion of the deal. Utterly bipartisan. We do this a lot. Saddam? Osama? The US is the planet’s most ferocious purveyor of arms and violence, hands down, good thing we only do this for righteousness and the good of others.

Then there’s this “exceptionalism”. Much of what ails the US is the same thing that ails the thinking of groups such as ISIS; you’ll note we’re both always at war with evil, evil just happens at the moment to be each other. A core parallel is this notion of a belief system based upon the notion of a male dominator God who rules over a following (and the universe, virgin births, including eternal life, no really!), who in turn rule over everyone else; earth, all its resources, nonbelievers, sinners, pagans, savages, hookers, homosexuals, anyone who thinks abortion is only their business if it’s theirs, pot smokers, heavy drinkers but a “moderate” amount socially is ok, anyone who enjoys getting laid and whatnot. It’s all a patriarchal system of authority that of course presides over the economic system such that money/success, religion and power all become knotted up together. And so if you don’t have any of that money/success, religion and power, it must all go back to original sin, that business whereby you as a human being are damaged goods just for a successful arrival into life. And worse yet now, you apparently have not devoted yourself enough, submitted enough, to this male dominator God, you are the problem, there is something wrong with you, so you will be presided over by others. For your own good mind you, can’t have you loping around like that on your own, suffering is the way back into the fold. Seriously psychologically fucked up shit, but a wonderful tool of control and the colonization of others for resource extraction.

This virus, this perceptual reality made its way to this land mass, and has sodomized humanity ever since and humanity will eventually evolve away from “capitalism” just as it did from feudalism, and for pretty much the same reasons; they both wind up in the same place. As did Soviet style communism. And all a “liberty or death!” demanding feckless american public can muster is watching corporate state television and voting over who will allow Goldman Sachs back into the white house. Some of us would have felt better about Hilary being the one, but we would have wound up in the same place.

At this point, I see no answer working within the system, it got bought out just like the media machine did once the FCC was deregulated under Clinton.

This will now require a perturbation that cannot be ignored; bodies are going to have to pile up, it’s Parchman Farm all over again.
It will include some info on climate change

can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Perhaps Mr. Speilberg will answer the question

WHY does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9 times the ice of the other, the Arctic???
It will include some info on climate change

can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Perhaps Mr. Speilberg will answer the question

WHY does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9 times the ice of the other, the Arctic???
/---- Easy one. That's because Reagan cut taxes for the Uber rich and didn't cure AIDS.
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