Why did you vote for Trump...let's be blunt.

BrokeLoser if you think REAL AMERICANS are only those who agree with you, then you're not a REAL AMERICAN.

I am an American, too.

Just as all low-life piece of shit's would love nothing more than to be overlooked and included in the percentages with productive people...all humans standing on this soil would love to be considered American…SORRY...it doesn't work that way. You must first act American to be considered a REAL American!

What, you have some kind of "test" of your own do you?

No test....Simply standing on this soil with citizenship status should not allow one the right to hold the title of 'American'. Being a real American should be considered a privilege, an earned and not granted status...it should require certain behavior traits and a state of mind. REAL American's know what this means. If you came here illegally and dropped an anchor baby you're not a real American. If you fly another countries flag you're not a real American. If you're part of the problem and not the solution you're not a real American. If you steal from your neighbor you're not a real American....I could carry on but you probably get the gist of it by now.
un-American's will say I'm crazy and playing semantics and that "American" is a granted status...and it is by definition...but legit REAL American's won't call you an American on status alone...you must act AMERICAN!

If you don't vote the way BrokeLoser votes, you're not a REAL American.

If you don't think the way BrokeLoser thinks you're not a REAL American.

I can only conclude that BrokeLoser is a REAL FASCIST.

Look, you've made a total ass of yourself many times and made it crystal clear just how un-American you are. You're not suppose to "get it"...haha
Just as all low-life piece of shit's would love nothing more than to be overlooked and included in the percentages with productive people...all humans standing on this soil would love to be considered American…SORRY...it doesn't work that way. You must first act American to be considered a REAL American!

What, you have some kind of "test" of your own do you?

No test....Simply standing on this soil with citizenship status should not allow one the right to hold the title of 'American'. Being a real American should be considered a privilege, an earned and not granted status...it should require certain behavior traits and a state of mind. REAL American's know what this means. If you came here illegally and dropped an anchor baby you're not a real American. If you fly another countries flag you're not a real American. If you're part of the problem and not the solution you're not a real American. If you steal from your neighbor you're not a real American....I could carry on but you probably get the gist of it by now.
un-American's will say I'm crazy and playing semantics and that "American" is a granted status...and it is by definition...but legit REAL American's won't call you an American on status alone...you must act AMERICAN!

If you don't vote the way BrokeLoser votes, you're not a REAL American.

If you don't think the way BrokeLoser thinks you're not a REAL American.

I can only conclude that BrokeLoser is a REAL FASCIST.
Typical regressive deflection and playing the bigot card. you people are as predictable as ice cream melting on a hot day.

Playing the bigot card? BrokeLoser is actually displaying real fascist rhetoric.

But hey, mike? Chatting with you is always a pleasure, man. But you can shut the fuck up anytime.

You Libtards are such ladies...I feel so sorry for your husbands...do you play the fart game with him? Who has the larger penis?
BrokeLoser if you think REAL AMERICANS are only those who agree with you, then you're not a REAL AMERICAN.

I am an American, too.

Just as all low-life piece of shit's would love nothing more than to be overlooked and included in the percentages with productive people...all humans standing on this soil would love to be considered American…SORRY...it doesn't work that way. You must first act American to be considered a REAL American!

What, you have some kind of "test" of your own do you?

No test....Simply standing on this soil with citizenship status should not allow one the right to hold the title of 'American'. Being a real American should be considered a privilege, an earned and not granted status...it should require certain behavior traits and a state of mind. REAL American's know what this means. If you came here illegally and dropped an anchor baby you're not a real American. If you fly another countries flag you're not a real American. If you're part of the problem and not the solution you're not a real American. If you steal from your neighbor you're not a real American....I could carry on but you probably get the gist of it by now.
un-American's will say I'm crazy and playing semantics and that "American" is a granted status...and it is by definition...but legit REAL American's won't call you an American on status alone...you must act AMERICAN!

If you don't vote the way BrokeLoser votes, you're not a REAL American.

If you don't think the way BrokeLoser thinks you're not a REAL American.

I can only conclude that BrokeLoser is a REAL FASCIST.

Look, you've made a total ass of yourself many times and made it crystal clear just how un-American you are. You're not suppose to "get it"...haha

No, I've expressed opinions. I am an American, it's my right. Sorry that puts you in such a tizzy, but there are AMERICANS with many different viewpoints, Fascist.
fascists support

1. socialism
2. gun control/confiscation
3. government snooping - no privacy
4. state sponsored abortions
5. state sponsored racial/DNA/religious discrimination

in other words, they are Democrats today...
Here are my reasons in short and in no order:
To fight to restore law and order...he's done that
To bitch slap nut-job Liberals...he's done that
To govern on behalf of our best...he's done that
To fight to bring jobs back to the U.S....he's done that
To fight to secure our southern border...he's done that
To bring likeminded REAL American's back together...he's done that
To bitch slap crooked politicians that have refused to enforce our laws...he's done that
To restore shame in what should be shameful...he's done that
To restore American pride and patriotism...he's done that
To bring God back to our nation...he's done that
To fight to make our nation safer from foreign whacko's...he's done that

I barely give a shit about foreign policy, I barely give a shit about Hussein Care, I don't give a shit at all if he's blowin' Putin or the Chinese president or NATO.
Am I missing something here?
I'm having a real hard time wrapping my head around how or why anyone who voted Trump would feel disappointed....You didn't elect a Politician, you elected someone to operate outside the box in every way. Forget what you thought you knew about how a traditional President should operate and how a traditional President should act. There is nothing traditional about Trump...you knew that and you expected that.

Here are my reasons in short and in no order:...[list of reasons omitted; expand the quote above to see them]

My, but that's a mighty low bar you set for achievement. Trump's achievements to date consist mainly of talking about doing the things you've noted. To wit, what are the empirical measures that demonstrate achievement that can be specifically attributed to Trump and that show a marked difference between where those factors were on January 20, 2017 and now, April 15, 2017.

I'm having a real hard time wrapping my head around how or why anyone who voted Trump would feel disappointed....

Not surprising given that the the statements below are part of your mindset.

I barely give a shit about foreign policy, I barely give a shit about Hussein Care, I don't give a shit at all if he's blowin' Putin or the Chinese president or NATO.
Am I missing something here?
Your expression is sophomorically vulgar -- c'mon..."blowin'" Putin, Xi or NATO -- but even ignoring that, more importantly, their scope is on the level of a thirteen year-old's. It's no wonder, then, that you think Trump has accomplished all those things you've noted. Essentially, it appears as gauged by your expectations and stated nature of satisfaction -- having attested that as far as you're concerned, Trump has achieved all the listed items -- one who's merely an effective "Cheerleader in Chief," not a Commander in Chief and President, is good enough for you.

Make no mistake, I believe you do indeed think Trump has achieved the things you noted. Sadly, however, even Trump's most ardent supporters who also are imbued with strong observational and analytical abilities would not agree that Trump has actually accomplished those things. Trump himself also would deny having accomplished those things.. How so? Because anyone with better than an adolescent's approach to goal setting and achievement realizes that even as one may initiate an action, that does not success achieve. Trump knows that too and has been more than clear that winning, succeeding, is what matters, not merely trying or getting started. Starting and finishing with a win are two very different things, and it's clear from your OP that you cannot or do not distinguish between them.

I'd have had nothing to say about your OP had you not asserted that Trump has accomplished all the noted items. My remarks aren't about whether Trump has or has not done those things; they are about the puerile nature and extent of the bar to which you hold him.​

Look bud, I don't post here with any intent to WOW anyone with my choice of vocabulary. My goal is to speak with simplicity in order to quickly and effectively get a point across. I'll leave all the smart guy bullshit rhetoric to attorneys and the whack-jobs who define themselves with their literacy. Im not one to pretend to always be engaged in a contest of intellect.
I actually find it entertaining to read your posts full of lengthy vocabulary and mumbo-jumbo...it's fun to watch you lose people in your stupid fucking word play. I'm sure you're definitely not an introverted super nerd at all...haha.
Look bud, I don't post here with any intent to WOW anyone with my choice of vocabulary.
That isn't upon what I had something material to say. The lack of substantive thought that led to and is shown in the content of your OP is the focus of my post. My comment about your vulgar mode of expression is only secondary, and I included only so I'd be able to tell whether you would be of a mind to latch onto the most minor point of my post.
you're definitely not... introverted
I'm not an introvert.
My goal is to speak with simplicity in order to quickly and effectively get a point across.
Well, you achieved that. The issue upon which I remarked isn't about your ability to do so. It's the lack of depth that underpins them and leads to your having those things as points to make.
Just as all low-life piece of shit's would love nothing more than to be overlooked and included in the percentages with productive people...all humans standing on this soil would love to be considered American…SORRY...it doesn't work that way. You must first act American to be considered a REAL American!

What, you have some kind of "test" of your own do you?

No test....Simply standing on this soil with citizenship status should not allow one the right to hold the title of 'American'. Being a real American should be considered a privilege, an earned and not granted status...it should require certain behavior traits and a state of mind. REAL American's know what this means. If you came here illegally and dropped an anchor baby you're not a real American. If you fly another countries flag you're not a real American. If you're part of the problem and not the solution you're not a real American. If you steal from your neighbor you're not a real American....I could carry on but you probably get the gist of it by now.
un-American's will say I'm crazy and playing semantics and that "American" is a granted status...and it is by definition...but legit REAL American's won't call you an American on status alone...you must act AMERICAN!

If you don't vote the way BrokeLoser votes, you're not a REAL American.

If you don't think the way BrokeLoser thinks you're not a REAL American.

I can only conclude that BrokeLoser is a REAL FASCIST.
Typical regressive deflection and playing the bigot card. you people are as predictable as ice cream melting on a hot day.

Playing the bigot card? BrokeLoser is actually displaying real fascist rhetoric.

But hey, mike? Chatting with you is always a pleasure, man. But you can shut the fuck up anytime.
Yes playing the bigot. You even posted the word. Typical. Your kind always resorts to that kind of thing when you are losing.
What, you have some kind of "test" of your own do you?

No test....Simply standing on this soil with citizenship status should not allow one the right to hold the title of 'American'. Being a real American should be considered a privilege, an earned and not granted status...it should require certain behavior traits and a state of mind. REAL American's know what this means. If you came here illegally and dropped an anchor baby you're not a real American. If you fly another countries flag you're not a real American. If you're part of the problem and not the solution you're not a real American. If you steal from your neighbor you're not a real American....I could carry on but you probably get the gist of it by now.
un-American's will say I'm crazy and playing semantics and that "American" is a granted status...and it is by definition...but legit REAL American's won't call you an American on status alone...you must act AMERICAN!

If you don't vote the way BrokeLoser votes, you're not a REAL American.

If you don't think the way BrokeLoser thinks you're not a REAL American.

I can only conclude that BrokeLoser is a REAL FASCIST.
Typical regressive deflection and playing the bigot card. you people are as predictable as ice cream melting on a hot day.

Playing the bigot card? BrokeLoser is actually displaying real fascist rhetoric.

But hey, mike? Chatting with you is always a pleasure, man. But you can shut the fuck up anytime.
Yes playing the bigot. You even posted the word. Typical. Your kind always resorts to that kind of thing when you are losing.

Not here I didn't use the word. Are you hallucinating?
Here are my reasons in short and in no order:
To fight to restore law and order...he's done that
To bitch slap nut-job Liberals...he's done that
To govern on behalf of our best...he's done that
To fight to bring jobs back to the U.S....he's done that
To fight to secure our southern border...he's done that
To bring likeminded REAL American's back together...he's done that
To bitch slap crooked politicians that have refused to enforce our laws...he's done that
To restore shame in what should be shameful...he's done that
To restore American pride and patriotism...he's done that
To bring God back to our nation...he's done that
To fight to make our nation safer from foreign whacko's...he's done that

fascists support

1. socialism
2. gun control/confiscation
3. government snooping - no privacy
4. state sponsored abortions
5. state sponsored racial/DNA/religious discrimination

in other words, they are Democrats today...

Could you quote a source that supports this?
Here are my reasons in short and in no order:
To fight to restore law and order...he's done that
To bitch slap nut-job Liberals...he's done that
To govern on behalf of our best...he's done that
To fight to bring jobs back to the U.S....he's done that
To fight to secure our southern border...he's done that
To bring likeminded REAL American's back together...he's done that
To bitch slap crooked politicians that have refused to enforce our laws...he's done that
To restore shame in what should be shameful...he's done that
To restore American pride and patriotism...he's done that
To bring God back to our nation...he's done that
To fight to make our nation safer from foreign whacko's...he's done that

I barely give a shit about foreign policy, I barely give a shit about Hussein Care, I don't give a shit at all if he's blowin' Putin or the Chinese president or NATO.
Am I missing something here?
I'm having a real hard time wrapping my head around how or why anyone who voted Trump would feel disappointed....You didn't elect a Politician, you elected someone to operate outside the box in every way. Forget what you thought you knew about how a traditional President should operate and how a traditional President should act. There is nothing traditional about Trump...you knew that and you expected that.
I voted because I didn't want crooked Hillary and her family feeling entitled to run things. And I got Trump and his family feeling entitled to run things.
fascists support

1. socialism
2. gun control/confiscation
3. government snooping - no privacy
4. state sponsored abortions
5. state sponsored racial/DNA/religious discrimination

in other words, they are Democrats today...

Could you quote a source that supports this?

Regressive liberal gas bag tactics.

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/Bigot card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.
Mission One: Replace Scalia with someone who has apparently read the U.S. Constitution. Check.

Mission Two: Take U.S. Immigration laws seriously (fuck the Wall; WGAS?). Check.

Mission Three: Keep HRC out of the White House. Check.

Mission Four: Begin to slow or eliminate the degradation of the U. S. Military. Getting there.

Mission Five: Correct the disaster of O'Care. getting there.

All in all, I have no regrets whatsoever, in spite of the fact that Mr. Trump continues to be a narcissistic blowhard.

And by the way, there is a word for people who like to cite "approval polls" AFTER an election: Loser. there is only one type of poll that matters, and it usually occurs on a Tuesday in November. All others are just for general information, and have no real meaning, as PROVEN by the results of 2016, during which it was presented as FACT that HRC would be our next president.

Nope. Approval polls are just that --- approval polls. You can whine and stomp your feet all you like but his numbers are, literally, the worst ever. Deal with it.
You mean like the polls that showed Clinton winning the election? Those polls?
fascists support

1. socialism
2. gun control/confiscation
3. government snooping - no privacy
4. state sponsored abortions
5. state sponsored racial/DNA/religious discrimination

in other words, they are Democrats today...

Could you quote a source that supports this?

Regressive liberal gas bag tactics.

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/Bigot card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.
fascists support

1. socialism
2. gun control/confiscation
3. government snooping - no privacy
4. state sponsored abortions
5. state sponsored racial/DNA/religious discrimination

in other words, they are Democrats today...

Could you quote a source that supports this?

Regressive liberal gas bag tactics.

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/Bigot card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

You do 15 almost constantly.

So, is all the dick talk a conservative tactic, or just your little obsession?

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