Why did the Democrats vote against designating the Taliban as terrorists?


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), on the Senate floor Tuesday, slammed the Democrats for blocking a bill that would have designated the Taliban a terrorist organization.​

Do Democrats identify with the Taliban?
Are the Taliban now part of the Democrat Party's coalition of hate?
Why do Democrats call people who are opposed to Islamic terrorism "intolerant", but not the actual terrorist who machine gun people and butcher people alive "intolerant"?

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), on the Senate floor Tuesday, slammed the Democrats for blocking a bill that would have designated the Taliban a terrorist organization.​

Do Democrats identify with the Taliban?
Are the Taliban now part of the Democrat Party's coalition of hate?
Why do Democrats call people who are opposed to Islamic terrorism "intolerant", but not the actual terrorist who machine gun people and butcher people alive "intolerant"?
Why? Were you wanting the US to go into some country and fight terrorists?
If so, have they had TV and Newspapers where you come from for the last 20 years?

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), on the Senate floor Tuesday, slammed the Democrats for blocking a bill that would have designated the Taliban a terrorist organization.​

Do Democrats identify with the Taliban?
Are the Taliban now part of the Democrat Party's coalition of hate?
Why do Democrats call people who are opposed to Islamic terrorism "intolerant", but not the actual terrorist who machine gun people and butcher people alive "intolerant"?
He was for the pullout before he was against it. But to be really fair, he is a neocon who was never really for it.
Why? Were you wanting the US to go into some country and fight terrorists?
If so, have they had TV and Newspapers where you come from for the last 20 years?

No, fuckwit. If the Taliban are designated terrorists, we can do things like freeze their financial assets in international markets, put their members on no-fly lists, and block them from seeking legitimacy from shithole organizations like the UN. But since Joe Biden, like his boss Barack Obama, is the Taliban's chief sugar daddy, his minions in congress want to enable them to do everything they want.
No, fuckwit. If the Taliban are designated terrorists, we can do things like freeze their financial assets in international markets, put their members on no-fly lists, and block them from seeking legitimacy from shithole organizations like the UN. But since Joe Biden, like his boss Barack Obama, is the Taliban's chief sugar daddy, his minions in congress want to enable them to do everything they want.
You figure the rest of the world would go along with an economic attack on what will most likely be the government of Afghanistan, fuckwit? Maybe it would be a way to exert leadership and control over that country? At this time, why would we want to spend the political capital to do so? This would help the people of Afghanistan how, exactly? It would do what, again, for the United States? I would just as soon, we washed our hands of Afghanistan for a while, to tell the truth.
You figure the rest of the world would go along with an economic attack on what will most likely be the government of Afghanistan, fuckwit? Maybe it would be a way to exert leadership and control over that country? At this time, why would we want to spend the political capital to do so? This would help the people of Afghanistan how, exactly? It would do what, again, for the United States? I would just as soon, we washed our hands of Afghanistan for a while, to tell the truth.

I just told you what it would do for us, but it seems, like Joe Biden, you're a friend of the Taliban instead.
The democrats will not answer questions about what they want for the country. That's because they cannot afford to let you know what they want.
I just told you what it would do for us, but it seems, like Joe Biden, you're a friend of the Taliban instead.
No. You told me what it would allow us to do to them. You skipped the benefit to us. Or the benefit to the Afghan people. Go deeper. What is it you want and why?

The OP title is a lie:​

"Why did the Democrats vote against designating the Taliban as terrorists?"​

This is from the OP reference:

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) objected to Cotton’s motion in the Senate, asking for unanimous consent for his bill to require the State Department to designate the Taliban as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO).

It was only one democrat that objected: Murphy objected to the unanimous consent requirement, he did not to object to declaring the Taliban as terrorists.

No, fuckwit. If the Taliban are designated terrorists, we can do things like freeze their financial assets in international markets, put their members on no-fly lists, and block them from seeking legitimacy from shithole organizations like the UN. But since Joe Biden, like his boss Barack Obama, is the Taliban's chief sugar daddy, his minions in congress want to enable them to do everything they want.

Is this the same Taliban that Trump invited to Camp David for negotiations?

Is this the same Taliban that Trump made a peace agreement with?

Are you saying that Trump was a partner with terrorists?

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