Every time Socialist start talking about a billionaire tax(not millionaire as many in congress now are) the billionaires will leave as history shows.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
'Billionaires tax' tension threatens to sap Dems' momentum for $1T-plus deal
The idea is straightforward enough. In the final days of frenetic dealmaking on the party's roughly $1.5 trillion spending bill, Senate Democrats are hoping to use the billionaires tax as a partial financing replacement for tax increases opposed by moderate Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.).

Rich people can afford to leave, which is exactly what happened to Detroit in the 1960s and when the government started taxing the middle class, because the rich had left, soon the poor were the only ones left. Progressive slaves have a very short memory and this is why they get screwed in the long run.

How have they worked out? In 1950, Detroit was the wealthiest city in America on a per capita income basis. Today, the Census Bureau reports that it is the nation's 2nd poorest major city, just "edging out" Cleveland.

Detroit: The Triumph of Progressive Public Policy ...


..........This is American now................This will be America soon........if you keep voting Democrat

Of course they will. To them it's all about the bottom line. They will weigh the options and go with the one where they stand to lose the least amount of money over X amount of time.

I don't blame them, I do the same thing on a much smaller scale. If I spend my money at one place but discover I can save money by buying the same thing from somewhere else I will do it.
'Billionaires tax' tension threatens to sap Dems' momentum for $1T-plus deal

Rich people can afford to leave, which is exactly what happened to Detroit in the 1960s and when the government started taxing the middle class, because the rich had left, soon the poor were the only ones left. Progressive slaves have a very short memory and this is why they get screwed in the long run.

How have they worked out? In 1950, Detroit was the wealthiest city in America on a per capita income basis. Today, the Census Bureau reports that it is the nation's 2nd poorest major city, just "edging out" Cleveland.

Detroit: The Triumph of Progressive Public Policy ...


..........This is American now................This will be America soon........if you keep voting Democrat
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The trouble with the left is they can't think past "take from the rich and give to the poor". It sounds so simple but they can't see that their policies just don't work. If I remember, there were 10 democratic socialist countries in Europe (the left's heros) who enacted wealth taxes on the super rich and eventually 9 out of the 10 ended the wealth taxes because they just didn't work. They didn't actually bring in enough new taxes to make it worth the extreme effort and cost they had to put into it. I don't think that 10th country is swimming in the dough either.

What I'm trying to figure out is if Democrats actually know this and want to use it as a political rallying cry (like Make America Great Again) or if they are just too stupid to see that it has been tried many times already and failed and that they just can't see past their own blind partisanship. And, they seem to have it engrained in them that if something doesn't work then just do more of what doesn't work and eventually it will work.

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