Why did Robert E. Lee push into the North?


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
After a few days of review, I came to the conclusion that the Confederacy should have fortified their positions and just sued for peace.

Why did Robert E. Lee continue advancing north?

For the South a "draw" would have also been a win.

Noted that Lee's tactical blunders invading the north also led to the English observer recommending that the Crown withdraw their support for an effort that was going to fail.
After a few days of review, I came to the conclusion that the Confederacy should have fortified their positions and just sued for peace.

Why did Robert E. Lee continue advancing north?

For the South a "draw" would have also been a win.

Noted that Lee's tactical blunders invading the north also led to the English observer recommending that the Crown withdraw their support for an effort that was going to fail.
Because tactically for Lee if he could surround the capitol, from the North and South, then the Rebels could demand the surrender of the US. But God didnt want the south to win, which was why so many things went wrong at Gettysburg....
Interesting,, especially with slavery ending in the south
Why did Robert E. Lee push into the North?

Because he was an over-rated dumbass who believed his own press.
Lee would be today’s Matis.. a democrat that would fight for A leave of the Union by California, Washington, Oregon, NEW York Massachusetts.. and mattis would
After a few days of review, I came to the conclusion that the Confederacy should have fortified their positions and just sued for peace.

Why did Robert E. Lee continue advancing north?

For the South a "draw" would have also been a win.

Noted that Lee's tactical blunders invading the north also led to the English observer recommending that the Crown withdraw their support for an effort that was going to fail.

Lee intended to do what all successful commanders attempt when facing an enemy of equal or greater force: cut the head off the snake. In this case he forgot to wait until after sundown.
After a few days of review, I came to the conclusion that the Confederacy should have fortified their positions and just sued for peace.

Why did Robert E. Lee continue advancing north?

For the South a "draw" would have also been a win.

Noted that Lee's tactical blunders invading the north also led to the English observer recommending that the Crown withdraw their support for an effort that was going to fail.
My heart is with the Confederacy

I love the south as much as I love America today

But two nations would not have been the best outcome knowing the danger that was coming in the 20th century from Russia, germany and japan

and now china
Lee had very solid reasons for sending his forces into Maryland and Pennsylvania, and attempted the exercise during each of the summer campaign seasons of 1862, 1863 and 1864.

The first invasion was in the late summer of 1862 and likely had the best chance of the three. Lee had in mind strategic, logistical, and political factors and the most important of those goals focused on logistics. Facing critical shortages of food, Lee knew that a movement into the untouched agricultural regions of Maryland and Pennsylvania’s Cumberland Valley held significant promise. If positioned northwest of Washington, Lee could force the Federals to remain between him and their capital, thus liberating war-exhausted northern and north-central Virginia, as well as the Shenandoah Valley, from the presence of the contending armies.

Southern farms that had suffered from the presence of scores of thousands of troops could recover, crops could be harvested safely, and civilians could enjoy a respite from the stress of constant uncertainty about their persons and property. Meanwhile, Lee’s army would gather vital food, fodder, and other supplies from Maryland and perhaps from southern Pennsylvania. This double-sided logistical bonus, by itself, would be sufficient to render the Maryland campaign a success.

Beyond maintaining the strategic offensive and improving his logistical situation, Lee sensed an opportunity to affect political events in the Northern states. He read Northern newspapers carefully and knew that bitter debates raged between Republicans and Northern Democrats about civil liberties, the conduct of the war, and emancipation. If the campaign north of the Potomac went as Lee hoped, the North’s fall elections would take place while the Army of Northern Virginia maneuvered in Maryland or Pennsylvania. The presence of the premier Rebel army on Northern soil would hurt Lincoln and the Republicans, believed Lee, making it easier for Democrats to press for some type of negotiated settlement.

Lee and Jefferson Davis also held out some hope that the state of Maryland could be compelled to secede and join the Confederacy or that at least, new recruits from the state would join his forces.

He did not march northward with the expectation of persuading England and France to extend formal diplomatic recognition to the Confederacy. Although leaders in London and Paris, who in September 1862 edged closer to some type of diplomatic intervention than at any other time during the war, watched closely to see whether the Army of Northern Virginia would win another triumph, Lee always insisted that the Confederacy should never count on help from Europe to achieve its independence. None of his correspondence at the time of the Maryland campaign mentioned the possibility of influencing foreign observers.
My heart is with the Confederacy

I love the south as much as I love America today

But two nations would not have been the best outcome knowing the danger that was coming in the 20th century from Russia, germany and japan

and now china
i was born in Floor E Da. i moved to the north where i lived most of the rest of my life, excluding the Military and my 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia. I have retired to the south, but when i learned all about the Southern White Democrats(who believed in subjugating people) and fought to keep them subjugated, i have learned to despise those "rebels" as with my friends around me, black, white, yellow, or brown, there would never have been equality for everyone, just like we see the Democrats today how believe they are above the law, that the rest of US must follow. Animal Farm, where some animals are more equal than others..

i have learned to despise those "rebels"
I used to say its a free country

meaning if you disagree with me so be it

but these days you can get away with your opinion, but I put my future in danger by expressing my opinion

so go for it

there is nothing to stop you
I used to say its a free country

meaning if you disagree with me so be it

but these days you can get away with your opinion, but I put my future in danger by expressing my opinion

so go for it

there is nothing to stop you
And i appreciate your opinion also, that is again what made this country great....
lee surenders 1.jpg
"A good offense is the best defense". Lee went to the same schools as the Yankee generals and he served with them. He knew many were reluctant to fight and the South could never conquer the North. His objective was to convince the civilians to put pressure on the politicians to end the carnage and let the South leave the Union.
Lee’s Mistake: Learning from the Decision to Order Pickett’s Charge, reasons that Grant's victories in the West made Lee's push into the North necessary...
A military stalemate would not do. Federal forces were gaining in the West, thanks mainly to the success of General Ulysses S. Grant. Eventually, the North’s larger population and industrial base would wear down the agricultural South. The key was to shatter Northern public support for Lincoln’s war before these advantages tipped the military balance. So Lee entered Pennsylvania as convinced of the need for victory as he was sure of its prospect.​
After a few days of review, I came to the conclusion that the Confederacy should have fortified their positions and just sued for peace.

Why did Robert E. Lee continue advancing north?

For the South a "draw" would have also been a win.

Noted that Lee's tactical blunders invading the north also led to the English observer recommending that the Crown withdraw their support for an effort that was going to fail.

Well I think Lee knew he had to end the war quickly and sue for peace
Antitem ?? Was a big error and he made huge blunders in Gettysburg, but he really made few errors other than Those

Gettysburg cost them Vicksburg battle - which made success small
After a few days of review, I came to the conclusion that the Confederacy should have fortified their positions and just sued for peace.

Why did Robert E. Lee continue advancing north?

For the South a "draw" would have also been a win.

Noted that Lee's tactical blunders invading the north also led to the English observer recommending that the Crown withdraw their support for an effort that was going to fail.
Because tactically for Lee if he could surround the capitol, from the North and South, then the Rebels could demand the surrender of the US. But God didnt want the south to win, which was why so many things went wrong at Gettysburg....
The British took the capitol and burned the White House in the War of 1812. We didn’t surrender, we just vacated.

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