Why Bill Gates & Co want to kill humanity by the manipulated 'vaccine'. A diagram shows it.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The explanation look below.

It is too much people on the Earth, not good enough for climate protection.The instrument of 'improvement' will be of course a mainipulated vaccine which destroys your immune system and makes your body defenseless against the next manmade virus.
Interesting fact: only those who had made the flu vaccine before gotta be infected by Corona virus.
A coincidence?


Greta likes Bill Gates

The explanation look below.

It is too much people on the Earth, not good enough for climate protection.The instrument of 'improvement' will be of course a mainipulated vaccine which destroys your immune system and makes your body defenseless against the next manmade virus.
Interesting fact: only those who had made the flu vaccine before gotta be infected by Corona virus.
A coincidence?


Greta likes Bill Gates

The explanation look below.

It is too much people on the Earth, not good enough for climate protection.The instrument of 'improvement' will be of course a mainipulated vaccine which destroys your immune system and makes your body defenseless against the next manmade virus.
Interesting fact: only those who had made the flu vaccine before gotta be infected by Corona virus.
A coincidence?


Greta likes Bill Gates


Been watching McGyver lately? Because that is the goal of Codex, to "reset" the population and get things back down to manageable labels.

Are you saying that Gates is like Codex and wants to cull the population by killing people with a virus?
The explanation look below.

It is too much people on the Earth, not good enough for climate protection.The instrument of 'improvement' will be of course a mainipulated vaccine which destroys your immune system and makes your body defenseless against the next manmade virus.
Interesting fact: only those who had made the flu vaccine before gotta be infected by Corona virus.
A coincidence?


Greta likes Bill Gates


Sanofi Pasteur has 13 letters. Clearly that coincides with the bad luck number. But if you look at the bigger picture; it’s clear what they are up to.
Whenever I return here I truly wonder if the conservatives and right wing Trumpettes are overdoing the stupid pills. Come on guys are you trolls or fools, there is no third choice.

'What Bill Gates is afraid of'

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder

Oh imagine that--

The Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP), on Monday, alleged that it has intercepted a human intelligence report that the Nigeria House of Representatives leadership was poised to forcefully pass the compulsory vaccine bill without subjecting it to the traditions of legislative proceedings.
What makes Bill Gates an expert on vaccines? He isn’t even a medical doctor. He got rich off a software company. I don’t respect his opinion and suspect he has ulterior motives.

Which is the same question I ask about that goofy ass guy who claims to be a scientist and he's not a scientist the leftist idiot has no clue...

What's his nname Bill Nyes I think it is.
What makes Bill Gates an expert on vaccines? He isn’t even a medical doctor. He got rich off a software company. I don’t respect his opinion and suspect he has ulterior motives.

Which is the same question I ask about that goofy ass guy who claims to be a scientist and he's not a scientist the leftist idiot has no clue...

What's his nname Bill Nyes I think it is.

Really? He's not a scientist? Then what in the hell do you think an engineer for Boeing is? He invented some of the parts that they use on their 747s.
What makes Bill Gates an expert on vaccines? He isn’t even a medical doctor. He got rich off a software company. I don’t respect his opinion and suspect he has ulterior motives.

Which is the same question I ask about that goofy ass guy who claims to be a scientist and he's not a scientist the leftist idiot has no clue...

What's his nname Bill Nyes I think it is.
Haven't you heard?
Expertise, training and competence are no longer a requirement for credibility.
In fact, they are actually suspicious attributes.
Credibility comes from being on tv, having a flashy blog with lots of exclamation marks in the headlines, being a member of Mara A Lago or being related to the Trumps
Learn What’s Coming Next in the Covid-19 Takeover Plan or Submit And Die. lol and youu sheep won't ever see it coming ........ we're going to laugh our asses off watching you morons drop like flies being swatted oh it might not happen the instant you get that vaccine or anything-------- but there's other ways they're coming for you morons it's called an economy that's gone belly up bahahhah.
What makes Bill Gates an expert on vaccines? He isn’t even a medical doctor. He got rich off a software company. I don’t respect his opinion and suspect he has ulterior motives.

Which is the same question I ask about that goofy ass guy who claims to be a scientist and he's not a scientist the leftist idiot has no clue...

What's his nname Bill Nyes I think it is.
Haven't you heard?
Expertise, training and competence are no longer a requirement for credibility.
In fact, they are actually suspicious attributes.
Credibility comes from being on tv, having a flashy blog with lots of exclamation marks in the headlines, being a member of Mara A Lago or being related to the Trumps

Check this out I heard on some show a week or two ago where they are graduating nurses and or doctors via ONLINE those going for their MD. They cut corners so they can graduate faster.

I'll have to see if I can find the article on it..
What makes Bill Gates an expert on vaccines? He isn’t even a medical doctor. He got rich off a software company. I don’t respect his opinion and suspect he has ulterior motives.

Which is the same question I ask about that goofy ass guy who claims to be a scientist and he's not a scientist the leftist idiot has no clue...

What's his nname Bill Nyes I think it is.
Haven't you heard?
Expertise, training and competence are no longer a requirement for credibility.
In fact, they are actually suspicious attributes.
Credibility comes from being on tv, having a flashy blog with lots of exclamation marks in the headlines, being a member of Mara A Lago or being related to the Trumps

Check this out I heard on some show a week or two ago where they are graduating nurses and or doctors via ONLINE those going for their MD. They cut corners so they can graduate faster.

I'll have to see if I can find the article on it..

Oh this is what the article was about of course it's sugar coated .. but first one that came up.

What makes Bill Gates an expert on vaccines? He isn’t even a medical doctor. He got rich off a software company. I don’t respect his opinion and suspect he has ulterior motives.
You sound like you haven’t discovered that there is no virus,greatest hoax ever put on mankind.ay first I thought that the cia had created a virus,that evil organization is always behind all evil so I was saying they were behind it all and that the politicians had the vaccine but we did not.that was until a couple of days agowhen I tuned into a livestream event of London real that had over a million people online :clap: :thup:,David icke was on,he told the truth that there is no virus,that it is a worldwide hoax pulled over on people around the world as part of their new world order plan that both bush and clinton and Obama as well have spoke of in speeches,to depopulate the world,something the elite have had planned for decades now.dont believe any of the media’s reports of all these people dying,the numbers,they are totally inflated,sure there are people dying, correct me if I’m wrong,but havent thousands if not millions been dying since mankind existed.:biggrin: Sure there are people dying but all these deaths are from people who died from other previous causes that they are saying came from a fake virus. The hospitals around the world are being paid off and pressured to say these deaths are from a virus. The government has been planning to have us all vaccinated for at least three decades now with a vaccine that is poison.do not take the vaccine.also start researching ways on what to do if they try and force vaccinate you, i guarantee that is right around the corner for the people that resist,schools have mandatory Vaccines now. It’s not a choice anymore.thats a red flag right there they want to kill off children.
That was a long post there so will continue here,as I was saying,the elite which bill gates is a part of,are all high fiving each other right now cause they not only have the whole world fooled,convinced there is a virus that does not exist,having them wear masks,but also cause they have achieved their objectives,they have ruined millions of people’s livilhoods around the world because of this fake virus by destroying the economy.plus they have achieved dividing us up with social distancing and banning us from going to churches or visiting neighbors homes. Some states will arrest you if they see friends talking to each other and visiting each other’s houses and not following the quarantine. They even arrested a guy for being out in the ocean all by himself in canoe,if all that is not facism and dreconian, and violating our civil rights,I don’t know what is:biggrin: They were not a threat to anybody especially the guy in the ocean by himself,Jesus Christ,the gestapo police at its best. we have lost freedoms and civil libertys since the virus,just like we did in 9/11, it follows the same pattern,create a problem,get a panic reaction,then offer a solution but hide it from them that the solution takes away our civil libertys and freedoms,it’s happening all over again but worse this time because people are losing their livihoods this time,oh and did you know that gates was a mass murderer of many Africans with a phony vaccine as well. Doesn’t sound like it
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What makes Bill Gates an expert on vaccines? He isn’t even a medical doctor. He got rich off a software company. I don’t respect his opinion and suspect he has ulterior motives.

Which is the same question I ask about that goofy ass guy who claims to be a scientist and he's not a scientist the leftist idiot has no clue...

What's his nname Bill Nyes I think it is.

Really? He's not a scientist? Then what in the hell do you think an engineer for Boeing is? He invented some of the parts that they use on their 747s.
You do realize you just proved for her he is not a medical doctor therefore no more qualified to make a virus than she is right.? You got egg all over you face as always,comedy gold from you as always shill.:abgg2q.jpg::lmao:you are obviously clueless how that motherfucker murdered thousands in Africa as well also with a fake virus you stupid fuck :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao:

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