
Confront reality
Oct 25, 2016
If God willed us into existence then our existence is contingent upon God and if God is beyond material such that the closest we can come to describing his nature is spirit, then our material existence in and of itself is not the end but a means to an end.
If God is spirit, then we are a means to an end? What is that supposed to even mean?
According to my gawd, the flying spaghetti monster, no one knows. Not even him, as he was drunk as fuck during creation.
You're making a lot of unrelated statements. I asked what your claim that we are a means to an end was supposed to mean. What is it about your belief that God is spirit have to do with our physical existence? Sounds like you are just assigning arbitrary definitions of reality with nothing to justify your definitions.
You're making a lot of unrelated statements. I asked what your claim that we are a means to an end was supposed to mean. What is it about your belief that God is spirit have to do with our physical existence? Sounds like you are just assigning arbitrary definitions of reality with nothing to justify your definitions.
I am not attempting to speak for Ding, only making an observation. God is spirit. As such, why didn't he just create mankind in the form of spirit only? Why did God give us a physical existence to experience before we entered into a spirit existence?

Genesis hints that as God is pure love and goodness, a material existence gives us, His children, an opportunity to choose love and goodness over other qualities. It appears that some of the angels felt that an existence in the sole presence of love and goodness was somewhat lacking.
You're making a lot of unrelated statements. I asked what your claim that we are a means to an end was supposed to mean. What is it about your belief that God is spirit have to do with our physical existence? Sounds like you are just assigning arbitrary definitions of reality with nothing to justify your definitions.
I am not attempting to speak for Ding, only making an observation. God is spirit. As such, why didn't he just create mankind in the form of spirit only? Why did God give us a physical existence to experience before we entered into a spirit existence?

Genesis hints that as God is pure love and goodness, a material existence gives us, His children, an opportunity to choose love and goodness over other qualities. It appears that some of the angels felt that an existence in the sole presence of love and goodness was somewhat lacking.

At least that is a coherent theory. Even if you accept that a God does exist, there are still a lot of unknowns, and you can't just start spouting crap because it popped into your head, like Ding is doing.
You're making a lot of unrelated statements. I asked what your claim that we are a means to an end was supposed to mean. What is it about your belief that God is spirit have to do with our physical existence? Sounds like you are just assigning arbitrary definitions of reality with nothing to justify your definitions.
I am not attempting to speak for Ding, only making an observation. God is spirit. As such, why didn't he just create mankind in the form of spirit only? Why did God give us a physical existence to experience before we entered into a spirit existence?

Genesis hints that as God is pure love and goodness, a material existence gives us, His children, an opportunity to choose love and goodness over other qualities. It appears that some of the angels felt that an existence in the sole presence of love and goodness was somewhat lacking.

At least that is a coherent theory. Even if you accept that a God does exist, there are still a lot of unknowns, and you can't just start spouting crap because it popped into your head, like Ding is doing.
It’s not a good look on you to be an asshole all of the time.
If God willed us into existence...
Big 'if'. Maybe the universe doesn't have 'why', maybe life is a gift given to us like a birthday present we get just for being lucky enough to be born.

Then again, maybe not.
I like getting gifts, I'll go with that until there is evidence to the contrary.
Your call.

This thread isn’t about you being convinced. It’s about the implications of spirit creating the material world.
You're making a lot of unrelated statements. I asked what your claim that we are a means to an end was supposed to mean. What is it about your belief that God is spirit have to do with our physical existence? Sounds like you are just assigning arbitrary definitions of reality with nothing to justify your definitions.
I am not attempting to speak for Ding, only making an observation. God is spirit. As such, why didn't he just create mankind in the form of spirit only? Why did God give us a physical existence to experience before we entered into a spirit existence?

Genesis hints that as God is pure love and goodness, a material existence gives us, His children, an opportunity to choose love and goodness over other qualities. It appears that some of the angels felt that an existence in the sole presence of love and goodness was somewhat lacking.

At least that is a coherent theory. Even if you accept that a God does exist, there are still a lot of unknowns, and you can't just start spouting crap because it popped into your head, like Ding is doing.
It’s not a good look on you to be an asshole all of the time.

And I regularly lose sleep worrying about if you think I'm an asshole.
We are made in His image:
He walked in the Garden in the cool of the evening. He didn't float. He has feet.
He put Moses in a crevice and put His hand in front of Moses' face. He has hands.
He sat with Abraham around the campfire. He has bendable knees.
He spoke. He has a voice box.
He smelled a sweet aroma. He has a nose.
He ate stew that Sarah made. He has teeth and a digestive tract.
He used physics to create dimensions. He is scientific.
He chose the color of the sky, the seas, the grass. He is artistic.

We are here because God wanted children that look like their dad.
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If God willed us into existence then our existence is contingent upon God and if God is beyond material such that the closest we can come to describing his nature is spirit, then our material existence in and of itself is not the end but a means to an end.
When humans go to Mars and engineer life to live there are humans now God?

Why or why not as those who believe in God claim this is what God did here....

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