Why are there so many dishonest journalists?


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Nov 21, 2017
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Liberal arts graduates....barely informed...and even less educated....
No doubt....but I think it runs deeper as in....news organizations became more concerned about ratings than the truth.....add to that all the pretty faces they hired.

Not even to mention how the msm has colluded with the democratic party to such an extent they now refuse to deviate from the 'party line' aka reminiscent of how 'Pravda' always followed the party line in Stalinist Russia.

Thus the alphabet media in reality is nothing more than a propaganda arm for the democratic party.

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They're not journalists, they're PR hacks and propagandists. 'Journalism' schools are major infestations of Reds and deviants, same with 'Psychology' and 'Sociology' depts.. now worthless as academic disciplines and need to be defunded as far as Federal and state education expenditures are concerned.
It seems the higher up they are the more dishonest they are......anyhow.....there was a time not all that long ago when journalists actually tried to ferret out the truth.....what happened?

The stupid masks confused the journalists.
All National "News" organizations suffer from SYSTEMIC BIAS. All of them are firmly entrenched with one of the two political parties. That is why the the only real journalism happening today is from rogue independents doing there own reporting with little support. That is the dangerous and pathetic state of American Media. Goodnight.
All National "News" organizations suffer from SYSTEMIC BIAS. All of them are firmly entrenched with one of the two political parties. That is why the the only real journalism happening today is from rogue independents doing there own reporting with little support. That is the dangerous and pathetic state of American Media. Goodnight.
That's better than suffering a brain freeze.
It seems the higher up they are the more dishonest they are......anyhow.....there was a time not all that long ago when journalists actually tried to ferret out the truth.....what happened?

Because the CIA controls them.
It seems the higher up they are the more dishonest they are......anyhow.....there was a time not all that long ago when journalists actually tried to ferret out the truth.....what happened?

Liberal arts graduates....barely informed...and even less educated....
No doubt....but I think it runs deeper as in....news organizations became more concerned about ratings than the truth.....add to that all the pretty faces they hired.

Not even to mention how the msm has colluded with the democratic party to such an extent they now refuse to deviate from the 'party line' aka reminiscent of how 'Pravda' always followed the party line in Stalinist Russia.

Thus the alphabet media in reality is nothing more than a propaganda arm for the democratic party.

Liberal arts graduates....barely informed...and even less educated....
No doubt....but I think it runs deeper as in....news organizations became more concerned about ratings than the truth.....add to that all the pretty faces they hired.

Not even to mention how the msm has colluded with the democratic party to such an extent they now refuse to deviate from the 'party line' aka reminiscent of how 'Pravda' always followed the party line in Stalinist Russia.

Thus the alphabet media in reality is nothing more than a propaganda arm for the democratic party.

"No doubt....but I think it runs deeper as in....news organizations became more concerned about ratings than the truth.....add to that all the pretty faces they hired".

FOX "news" is living proof.
It seems the higher up they are the more dishonest they are......anyhow.....there was a time not all that long ago when journalists actually tried to ferret out the truth.....what happened?

The higher up they are the more they get paid. They get paid from ratings and audience engagement... audiences engage more with mindless drama and fear. That’s what the top media companies provide. These are businesses. It’s supply and demand and maximizing profits.
Fake news has Been around for a long time in this nation. (That doesn’t in any way make it right.)

Do something about it, write your congressman.
I could write my republican Congressman but what good would that do? The democrats control Congress and the main stream media and its fake news is on their side.
Like it or not, the media continues to steer public opinion and support.

As such, they care less about ratings.

It's more about power.
Like it or not, the media continues to steer public opinion and support.

As such, they care less about ratings.

It's more about power.
The MSM is merely a tool of the elite. It is totally controlled. Americans like many in this thread, have no understanding of this and many outright dispute it, yet the Church Committee from 19...FUCKING...75 proved it.

Many Americans are willfully blind to the truth.

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