Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM?

That and the fact that there's nothing these old fashioned bigots hate more than an "uppity ******".
This is how you shut MAC up! HAAAA HAAAAA!!!!!!
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
Whats not to hate about a violent group of racists who never do anything positive? All they do is destroy cities, yell dumb shit into megaphones, and block traffic.
Has BLM said that whites are inferior? That's what racism actually is.

Please provide a link. Thanks in advance.
Cool, you found one.

I could probably find a few more from that end.

The exceptions prove the rules. And white racism still exists to a significant degree:

Please comment on these. Thanks in advance.

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.
How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
“We swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and we’ll come for your guns one day” Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.
Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!
Engage me and die, n'gr.
Folks, you couldn't today pay me enough to live anywhere near a large black population.
I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Come on people you blacks are better than this shit every fucking week....stand BEHIND your police, you do the crime you get locked up...you fuck with THE MAN, he has every right to beat the shit out of you, and your community standing behind you just shows what stupid, low life idiots you are!
Fuck off House Negro. Shine my boots bitch
You're talking about balkanization. I'm all for it. I'm also for restoring the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the first Congress making only White people U.S. Citizens.
Hasn't it been proven, in the last few days, that blacks are incapable of living in the environment of civilization? Send them back to Africa.
..just like Africa is the shithole of the world, the black US communities mirror that
You can take a negro out of the ghetto. But you can't take the ghetto out of the negro.
WOW! You just spent a lot of time finding the "exceptions to the rule" you asshole!
You are looking desperate now. Unscrew another bottle of cheap cooking sherry and post some more "exceptions to the rule" HAAAA! HAAAAA!
It's like shooting fish in a barrel with you bitch!
Lol, you sound a little desperate.

Why is that?
Don't act like you don't know. When you claim someone is innocent, and it's not, that is fake incident. When you claim someone was not resisting arrest, and video shows otherwise, that is a fake incident. When you claim someone was not high on drugs, while he could barely stand and blood work shows he was, that is a fake incident. Only thing that is not fake is that thug died. Unfortunately, it happened, very rarely.

Got it?

It shouldn't be happening at all. That's the point.
What shouldn't be happening? Resisting arrest? Or trying to pay with counterfeit money? Or being high in public?

Now, if you're truthful, you wouldn't be complaining about black lives lost only, since whites are getting killed too.
Don't act like you don't know. When you claim someone is innocent, and it's not, that is fake incident. When you claim someone was not resisting arrest, and video shows otherwise, that is a fake incident. When you claim someone was not high on drugs, while he could barely stand and blood work shows he was, that is a fake incident. Only thing that is not fake is that thug died. Unfortunately, it happened, very rarely.

Got it?

It shouldn't be happening at all. That's the point.
What shouldn't be happening? Resisting arrest? Or trying to pay with counterfeit money? Or being high in public?

Now, if you're truthful, you wouldn't be complaining about black lives lost only, since whites are getting killed too.

What should not be happening at all are communists in freedom loving nation called America.
is passionately supported by a wide range of white nationalists, white separatists and white supremacists, and that is obviously not just a coincidence.
Umm... This thread is called "Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM"... Made by you. Now I've said it in the past, and I absolutely stand by it... You are a good egg. But... This ... was a mistake.

If you don't want them to hold the Left accountable for the actions of BLM, perhaps you should also extend that same thinking.

Or... Is my brain still too foggy?

What I want is for the Trumpsters to hold the RIGHT -- it's own side -- accountable for the clear white racism that still exists in this country. All I see them doing right now is deflecting, denying, distorting and downplaying.

What I also want is the Left to hold ITS own side accountable for the way it has weaponized PC and Identity Politics and enabled Black Americans' worst behaviors by coddling them and lowering standards for a couple of generations now.

Both sides just feed into the other. THAT'S the race problem as I see it.

That's always your final conclusion...both sides....both sides....both sides; you Commie cocksucker!!!
His purpose is to divert blame to the other side from the actions of the animals from the left........

It's what he always does........it's his mission here.
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
..so fighting against injustice is wrong???!!
BLM wants to KILL white people
etc many links

Yes, there definitely some radicals in that group.

BLM is promoting the lies and promoting HATE against whites and cops---
..so hating people of other races is ok with you???!!!

All people should despise racism. No further qualifiers are necessary.

In addition, all people should despise criminals.

Wait a minute BLM............he didn't say that...........He said Peaceful protest.......You see this BLM thing has me all confused.........How the left changes History and Praise a Real Hero for the blacks........and misrepresent everything he did........

Imagine that.

If sarcasm escapes you............suggest you walk on by.

If he was alive today, MLK would probably say that people have been judged by the content of their character all along.
is passionately supported by a wide range of white nationalists, white separatists and white supremacists, and that is obviously not just a coincidence.
Umm... This thread is called "Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM"... Made by you. Now I've said it in the past, and I absolutely stand by it... You are a good egg. But... This ... was a mistake.

If you don't want them to hold the Left accountable for the actions of BLM, perhaps you should also extend that same thinking.

Or... Is my brain still too foggy?

What I want is for the Trumpsters to hold the RIGHT -- it's own side -- accountable for the clear white racism that still exists in this country. All I see them doing right now is deflecting, denying, distorting and downplaying.

What I also want is the Left to hold ITS own side accountable for the way it has weaponized PC and Identity Politics and enabled Black Americans' worst behaviors by coddling them and lowering standards for a couple of generations now.

Both sides just feed into the other. THAT'S the race problem as I see it.
Ahhh good. All is right with my world again.

Side note... Maybe it's Covid still, but I had to google who David... Um.. Whatever his name is. I didn't know who he was either. I don't know if that means anything to the topic, things are getting hard to follow. And my give a shit seems to be going down by the hour. Can you guys like pause this topic until... I dont' know... maybe Tuesday? I don't seem to be getting worse, but I'm not getting any better the last three days either. I figure that'll be a good upswing day.

"I had to Google"


If you're relying on Google, you're probably checking your facts on Snopes, and getting informed by CNN. :D

Media, especially leftist media is pure propaganda. If anyone is wondering how did we get here...

Back in 1948, propaganda was banned by Smith-Mundt Act. However, at the end of 2012, President Barry signed HR 4310 that in section 1078 authorizes use of propaganda inside of US.
Most white americans have a hard time accepting the fact that Blacks have been long terrorized by the police and instead claim its just a few bad apples.

Once again, these folks live in denial. Some people have natural aversions to the icky side of history and attempt to pass along homogenized revisions. All races do this to some degree. Plus, I've lived with white guilt my whole life. It is a bitch and does Caucasians no favors to make inroads sometimes. I don't do white guilt. I don't walk this earth with a balloon over my head that says to minorities: 'see? I'm one of the good ones! Nope, no sir. Not a racist here!'. That's bananas. I believe pandering is a direct insult to everyone's intelligence. Hence, I'm not a big fan of Al Sharpton.

Its going to require a majority of whites coming to the conclusion that racism exists in this country before we can start having a dialogue about solutions that whites can be effective at bringing about.

Sure. But, how do we create a barometer for that? A giant poll? If so, how do we keep everyone honest? Until that magical day, I think we can certainly discuss it as individuals or in small groups.

For example the concept of reparations to repair the wealth gap seems to be a hurdle whites cant quite get over.

It's distribution of wealth, and I don't believe it's just Caucasians that have a problem with it.
"It's distribution of wealth, and I don't believe it's just Caucasians that have a problem with it."

Its not distribution of wealth for a couple of reasons.

1. Its unpaid wages and punitive damages.

2. It requires no monetary loss on the part of caucasians.

As far as anyone else having a problem with reparations that's not my concern.
Unpaid wages and punitive damages?

Who is owed unpaid wages? Who owes them? Who owes punitive damages?

The statute of limitations ran at least 100 years ago. Nobody alive owes and nobody alive is owed.

Of course it will not result in monetary loss to Caucasians. Why would Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians, Turks pay American slave reparations? Unless, of course, they immigrate here and start paying taxes. If it will be taken from taxes (it will), it will be a monetary loss on the part of white people and others who probably never owned slaves or benefited directly from said ownership.

But, I will compromise. I am a BIG proponent of business loans and education. Teach a man to fish...
" Who is owed unpaid wages? Who owes them? Who owes punitive damages? "

The US owes us. Owes us for the period of slavery up to present day due to continued racism.

All whites have benefited from slavery and racism. Thats the whole point of racism.

I respect your opinion, but I see absolutely no truth in it. Expand on this point, and maybe I can see your POV.
Which point? I made 2.

Excuse me for not being clearer. The 'all whites' point you made.
Racism is a system based on race that benefits the race that puts said system into production while at the same time providing a detriment to the other races based on a descending scale. If youre white you simply have zero reasons to be a failure. The system is setup to benefit you.

How is the current system set up to benefit whites over other races? You seem to be operating on outdated information, IMO. We've never been a more merit based economy than we are right now. Racism still exists, but it's taboo because of the ridiculous Politically Correct overcompensation we have going 24/7 currently. Again, IMO.
I have something for you that may help you out. Make time to listen to the entire thing. I havent found a more well put explanation to your question. FF to about 8:00

DiAngelo is a fucking Marxist.

BLM is a commie shit organization.

"I had to Google"


If you're relying on Google, you're probably checking your facts on Snopes, and getting informed by CNN. :D

Media, especially leftist media is pure propaganda. If anyone is wondering how did we get here...

Back in 1948, propaganda was banned by Smith-Mundt Act. However, at the end of 2012, President Barry signed HR 4310 that in section 1078 authorizes use of propaganda inside of US.
Yeah... That wasn't very bright. I suggest you do some research before talking to me.
Should we hate racist blacks?

The root of black crimes is racism. But their own racism.
Oh, I agree....black people are so fuckin brainwashed, especially this new dread lock generation, believing that white people are worthy and nigga's ain't. You get this kind of mind fuck, when you think white america is okay with you fuckin they women.
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
Whats not to hate about a violent group of racists who never do anything positive? All they do is destroy cities, yell dumb shit into megaphones, and block traffic.
Has BLM said that whites are inferior? That's what racism actually is.

Please provide a link. Thanks in advance.
I think this is a bait thread. You are smart enough to see what the BLM organization and movement is about.
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
Whats not to hate about a violent group of racists who never do anything positive? All they do is destroy cities, yell dumb shit into megaphones, and block traffic.
Has BLM said that whites are inferior? That's what racism actually is.

Please provide a link. Thanks in advance.
I think this is a bait thread. You are smart enough to see what the BLM organization and movement is about.
Black lives matter as much as white lives, is the blm movement, from what I understand?
Go to their website. You obviously haven't. If you did, you glossed over their agenda

BLM are nothing more than a protective catch-all for the Marxist left. If you challenge them on any level, weather talking about schools, or economy, or immigration, their answer is always the same "black lives matter". Yeah, everyone should go to their website... I recommend two things to do there.

First, look at "About" and read their platform. There is barely mention of police brutality, it's all about environment, fostering a queer‐affirming network, and making (I shit you not) a family friendly spaces, pretty much socialism.

Second, click on Donate button, and before you do anything, just read the disclaimer that says you're not donating to "black lives matter", but to ActBlue which is clearing house that is funneling money for Democrat campaign. All those celebrities who are self promoting while they're competing who wrote biggest check know very well where the money goes. If you leftists want to give money to Joe Biden, give it to Joe Biden, but don't lie that you're doing something in the vein of "social justice" because you donated money to "black lives matter".
They have been frauds from day one. They tap into the seething hatred that Black people have for police and use it to their own advantage.

Black lives matter as sentiment, I could get that one. But BLM organization, I cannot. Those two are not for the same thing. The leader and founder, basically came out and she said she's trained Marxist. The co-founder did it as well. And what every Marxist wants? To create chaos in order top the structure, and replace it with their dictatorship. Essentially, that is the same thing Democrat progressives want.
All Democrats.

So if you want to destroy monuments and all other reminders of slavery, why don't you go straight to the source.
Your answer has nothing to do with my question.

Again, were they the conservatives of their time?

Before I answer that, let me get this straight... your claim is that Democrats back then are not the same as Democrats today?
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
Maybe they aren't hung up on BLM as much as they are against violence, desecration of historical statues and
racism. We are a country where laws used to matter and we had order in the streets. If they were protesting peacefully, that would be fine. But that is not the case.

But while we are in the topic protesting, why is Floyd the poster boy for violence when black on black murders top 300 this year? Is that not something that should be discussed and protested?

And while we're mentioning protesting, the top 20 cities with most violence in US are all run by the Democrats, most of them for three or more decades. So what, or whom protesters are actually protesting?
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
Maybe they aren't hung up on BLM as much as they are against violence, desecration of historical statues and
racism. We are a country where laws used to matter and we had order in the streets. If they were protesting peacefully, that would be fine. But that is not the case.

But while we are in the topic protesting, why is Floyd the poster boy for violence when black on black murders top 300 this year? Is that not something that should be discussed and protested?
Yes, the hardcore Left puts a great deal of effort into ignoring black on black crime because it's not politically expedient.

Just like Trumpsters put a great deal of effort into denying, downplaying and dismissing the white racism that still exists.

As I say all the time, the two ends of the spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

"white racism that still exists"

Institutional doesn't.

On personal level, its up to an individual. First amendment.

Now, if you can prove there is institutional racism, post it here.
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
Maybe they aren't hung up on BLM as much as they are against violence, desecration of historical statues and
racism. We are a country where laws used to matter and we had order in the streets. If they were protesting peacefully, that would be fine. But that is not the case.

But while we are in the topic protesting, why is Floyd the poster boy for violence when black on black murders top 300 this year? Is that not something that should be discussed and protested?
Yes, the hardcore Left puts a great deal of effort into ignoring black on black crime because it's not politically expedient.

Just like Trumpsters put a great deal of effort into denying, downplaying and dismissing the white racism that still exists.

As I say all the time, the two ends of the spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

"white racism that still exists"

Institutional doesn't.

On personal level, its up to an individual. First amendment.

Now, if you can prove there is institutional racism, post it here.

"Institutional" racism is code for capitalism.
None that I heard about. You know something that has happened this year?
So how could #BlackLivesMatter ever be worse than the KKK? The KKK were terrorists before terrorism was a thing in the modern world.

Yes. KKK was terrorist arm of Democratic party. They attacked not just blacks, but everyone who was against Democrat's policies.

BLM does the same thing, they terrorizes everyone who does not agree with them, or with Democratic party. Only difference is, racist Democrats back then were hiding their identities under the hood and were doing all the dirty work themselves, while today they have useful idiots to do it for them.

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