Why are the biggest whiners, complainers, and aggitators Liberals who REFUSE TO / DO NOT vote?!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
We recently found out that most of the 'paid Liberal agitators' who are burning the American flag, calling for the overthrow of the government, calling for the racist murder of whites, and calling for the assassination of our next President because they are so pissed Hillary lost DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO VOTE.

Now this 'awesome' revelation this morning:

Number of Hamilton stars haven't voted in YEARS despite clash with vice president-elect Mike Pence over his political persuasions

Yeah, the rude, whining, theatrical Snowflakes who verbally 'went after' VP Pence after their performance haven't voted in years! Evidently they didn't want Hillary Clinton as their President that badly after all.


So what we are learning her is that Liberals are too F*ing lazy (or just don't give a damn enough) to VOTE - Instead, just like with their Welfare and Obama phones, they just want someone to hand them what they want without doing anything themselves to get it.

What we are learning is that Liberals just want to B!T@H, whine, moan, riot, burn down stores, loot, call for the racist murder of whites, call for the overthrow of the govt, and call for the assassination of the President they did not want because he beat the President they did want...but not enough to actually go out and vote for her.


Personally I have always believed that if you DO NOT VOTE you DON'T GET A SAY in how things are run. Voting is a right given to you, protected by men and women who have given their lives protecting that right - it is your opportunity for your voice to be heard.

If you choose to sit back on your ass and not vote, CONTINUE to sit back on your ass and STFU! You obviously didn't care enough to make the effort to vote, so your 'sour-grapes, Snowflake' opinion after the vote is over is less important than those who cared enough to vote.

If you did not make the effort to help effect govt change DURING the election you don't get to AFTER the election. You forfeited your right, you forfeited your 'say'. Not making a decision IS making a decision, and not voting is making the decision that you don't / didn't care.

The fact that the Snowflakes are so outraged that Hillary lost that they are perpetrating seditious, subversive, criminal acts, that they are unacceptably rudely calling out the VP at a performance, is damn-near HILARIOUS...CONSIDERING PART OF THE REASON SHE LOST IS PROBABLY BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO LAZE TO GET OFF THEIR ASSES AND VOTE FOR HER!

:lmao: :lmao:

Some Hamilton stars haven't voted in years despite clash with Mike Pence | Daily Mail Online
Because they expect to get what they want with little or no effort...it's the left's way
"Voting records are not out for the 2016 elections."
The Daily Mail is a shit stirring rag. And they tell you folks right up front that they're telling you bullshit and you make a political argument out of it anyway?
How MANY of the leads have skipped out on voting in HOW MANY elections and WHEN? Two actors who skipped the interims? We don't know. And we DO NOT KNOW how many actors voted in 2016.
"Voting records are not out for the 2016 elections."
The Daily Mail is a shit stirring rag. And they tell you folks right up front that they're telling you bullshit and you make a political argument out of it anyway?
How MANY of the leads have skipped out on voting in HOW MANY elections and WHEN? Two actors who skipped the interims? We don't know. And we DO NOT KNOW how many actors voted in 2016.
We DO KNOW that according to past voting records they have not voted for YEARS! It would be extremely remarkable for these Snowflakes to suddenly, out of the blue, begin voting now.

We DO KNOW that many of the seditious, racist rioters did not vote.
'Voting - There are just some (jobs) things Liberals won't do.'

Ok, consider this.....DEAD people vote for Liberals...but the ones that are alive WON'T!

"Voting records are not out for the 2016 elections."
The Daily Mail is a shit stirring rag. And they tell you folks right up front that they're telling you bullshit and you make a political argument out of it anyway?
How MANY of the leads have skipped out on voting in HOW MANY elections and WHEN? Two actors who skipped the interims? We don't know. And we DO NOT KNOW how many actors voted in 2016.
We DO KNOW that according to past voting records they have not voted for YEARS! It would be extremely remarkable for these Snowflakes to suddenly, out of the blue, begin voting now.

We DO KNOW that many of the seditious, racist rioters did not vote.
We do NOT know that many of the actors have not voted for years. At least not from your article. And we know that of the 100 + arrested in the Portland riots, 70 or so did not vote in OREGON. We know they were brought in from out of state.
By all means, keep up your slam, but it's based on bullshit.
We do NOT know that many of the actors have not voted for years.
Actually we DO. Research was done - what actual REAL journalists, unlike those at CNN, do.

My wife was in theater for a while, and I learned those 'in the arts' are extremely liberal, extremely opinionated, and - as here - most rarely voted. It was 'cool' to sit around at dinner parties and post-performance get-togethers and TALK politics...but voting seemed 'beneath them' or too much of an effort.

I am not saying ALL are like this, but I have seen my share.

(BTW, NO, my wife and I and NO LONGER invited to any of those functions, and my wife stopped doing theater...it had a lot to do with the fact that I lean Conservative and could not stop myself from pointing out (only the wildest of) their liberal bullshit. I was quickly UN-invited...which was fine with me.)
By all means, keep up your slam, but it's based on bullshit.
Thank you for allowing me to do so...and, for the record, as we have learned from Barry 'Lie of the Year' Obama, just because a liberal / liberal-defender says something doesn't make it true. (I will definitely concede, as well, that applies to just about everyone.)
We do NOT know that many of the actors have not voted for years.
Actually we DO. Research was done - what actual REAL journalists, unlike those at CNN, do.

My wife was in theater for a while, and I learned those 'in the arts' are extremely liberal, extremely opinionated, and - as here - most rarely voted. It was 'cool' to sit around at dinner parties and post-performance get-togethers and TALK politics...but voting seemed 'beneath them' or too much of an effort.

I am not saying ALL are like this, but I have seen my share.

(BTW, NO, my wife and I and NO LONGER invited to any of those functions, and my wife stopped doing theater...it had a lot to do with the fact that I lean Conservative and could not stop myself from pointing out (only the wildest of) their liberal bullshit. I was quickly UN-invited...which was fine with me.)
Fine. Link, then?
Fine. Link, then?
I have provided several, in this and other threads. Feel free to look them up and even do some of your own research.


Colin Kaepenick - whiny, protesting Snowflake: Didn't Vote
-- Colin Kaepernick Didn’t Vote. Can’t Complain.

Liberal Snowflake Protestors: Didn't vote
-- Trump Protest Notes: Lots of Non-Voters Complaining
-- Revealed! 70% of anti-Trump rioters didn’t vote

Hamilton Snowflakes Haven't Voted in 10 Years
- "But records obtained by Radar show that some of the cast haven’t voted in national elections in 10 years – if at all!"
--- Hamilton Hypocrites! PROOF Cast Members Who Slammed Mike Pence Don't Vote

A Message to All Liberals: Stop Complaining, Get Off Your Asses and Go Vote
- 'The truth is, when liberals get off their asses and vote – we win.'
--- A Message to All Liberals: Stop Complaining, Get Off Your Asses and Go Vote

Thanks for the 'challenge', OL - this was FUN!
Why are the biggest whiners, complainers, and aggitators Liberals who REFUSE TO / DO NOT vote?!

How lame is this question? Its like asking why are the biggest babies the ones who cry about Millennials?

Its just an empty bait thread devoid of facts but full of whine
Why are the biggest whiners, complainers, and aggitators Liberals who REFUSE TO / DO NOT vote?!

How lame is this question? Its like asking why are the biggest babies the ones who cry about Millennials?

Its just an empty bait thread devoid of facts but full of whine
No, it's actually making an extremely VALID point.

A Message to All Liberals: Stop Complaining, Get Off Your Asses and Go Vote
- 'The truth is, when liberals get off their asses and vote – we win.'

A Message to All Liberals: Stop Complaining, Get Off Your Asses and Go Vote

In 2014 Liberal voting turnout was HORRENDOUS, resulting in an 'Historic', 'Record-setting' for the DNC....after which Liberal Snowflakes ranted, raved, bit@hed, and moaned....just like now. They obviously didn't care enough to vote.

2016 Presidential election:
- Turnout for the DNC Primaries was being reported as 'slightly down from 2014' - WORSE THAN 2014.

In the 2 years the Democratic party was completely UNABLE to generate any enthusiasm within their own party, UNABLE to create an excitement in their members to want to come out and vote.

I don't know if that is because of Hillary as their candidate, if it was because of Obama's policies/record/agenda - as he did come out and say, as he did in 2014, that this election was all about him. Whatever the reason, even FEWER Democrats were noticed coming out in 2016 than they did in 2014.

Perhaps this is why Liberals / Obama is so desperate to bring millions of illegals into the US, to fill the void left by their supporters not voting. :p

Whatever the case, it seems the DNC has created more protesting, whining Snowflakes unwilling to vote and more willing to whine about the results of the election they refused to vote in than they created new liberals willing to vote.

Whatever the DNC's problem is, they better identify it and fix it in a hurry or they may never get back to power.
No, it's actually making an extremely VALID point.

You say this everytime someone nails your ass. No, that wasnt a valid point it was just a whine thread full of feelings to gin up hate against some group you dont like to begin with. There is no such thing as a whine meter but if there was you'd be higher on the list than these people.

Whining about someone elses objections has to be the highest level of crybaby that exists
You say this everytime someone nails your ass.
That's hilarious...considering how you said something completely FALSE yesterday, I corrected you, posting a link to do so, and then you responded by saying you 'nailed my ass'...much like you're TRYING to do now.

Poor little desperate frustrated Snowflake...

(BTW, you may want to see someone professionally about your sudden obsession with 'nailing people's asses' :p )

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