Heads up: I can't stand "Catholics" (so called) who vote Democrat


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
There is no reason for any sane person to vote D, which is why Ds are importing voters from abroad.. You name the country, they are allowing just whoever from said countries to come in. They couldn't care less about protecting everyday Americans. That's because everyday Americans tend to like Trump, so to hell with them.

But Catholics! They are supposed to know better. They hear the Word of God every day (if they attend daily Mass; not all of them do but anyhow).. Even if you only go to Mass on Sundays, you still know the Word somewhat. And who doesn't know.. whether Church-goer or not.. who doesn't know the Commandment that says Thou shalt not murder?

But so called Catholics vote for &/or support baby killers... and border-destroyers.

Stop calling yourself Catholic if you do this. The Catholic teaching about human life being sacred, cradle to grave, is DOGMA


(the teaching about obeying man's laws (border laws, etc), as long as said laws do not infringe on God's Laws, is also likely dogma)
I knew fake Catholics and baby killers of other types would hate this post

wasn't hard to figure out... :bigbed:
There is no reason for any sane person to vote D, which is why Ds are importing voters from abroad.. You name the country, they are allowing just whoever from said countries to come in. They couldn't care less about protecting everyday Americans. That's because everyday Americans tend to like Trump, so to hell with them.

But Catholics! They are supposed to know better. They hear the Word of God every day (if they attend daily Mass; not all of them do but anyhow).. Even if you only go to Mass on Sundays, you still know the Word somewhat. And who doesn't know.. whether Church-goer or not.. who doesn't know the Commandment that says Thou shalt not murder?

But so called Catholics vote for &/or support baby killers... and border-destroyers.

Stop calling yourself Catholic if you do this. The Catholic teaching about human life being sacred, cradle to grave, is DOGMA


(the teaching about obeying man's laws (border laws, etc), as long as said laws do not infringe on God's Laws, is also likely dogma)
I'm a Catholic. And the Commandment says, "Thou shall not kill!" You seem to like to violate the 9th Commandment, "Thou shall not bear false witness", with your comments regarding Democrats.

Why would anyone who calls themselves an American, vote for a rapist that has been charged with 88 felonies and wants to destroy democracy as we know it?
Why would anyone who calls themselves an American, vote for a rapist that has been charged with 88 felonies and wants to destroy democracy as we know it?
The 10 Commandments say not to lie (bear false witness)

Trump was NOT convicted of rape

too bad you didn't get that little detail. Maybe you should stop watching lying cnn
Billo is not a true Catholic. Then again, a lot of people are not.

You cannot be Catholic and at thesame time promote abortion. The D party does that in SPADES

Again, the teaching of the Church on the sanctity of human life is DOGMA (set in stone/UN-changeable)
The 10 Commandments say not to lie (bear false witness)

Trump was NOT convicted of rape

too bad you didn't get that little detail. Maybe you should stop watching lying cnn
You are arguing semantics. He was found liable for sexual assault. E Jean Carroll says he raped her. Trump thinks it's okay to grab women by the pussy. Do the math!
You are arguing semantics. He was found liable for sexual assault. E Jean Carroll says he raped her. Trump thinks it's okay to grab women by the pussy. Do the math!
When I find a post of yours that goes on and on about how immoral the credibly- accused- of -rape Clinton was

I will listen

Until then...........:bigbed:
Yeah, a Catholic denied Mass, so NOT in good standing.
actually, a lot of "Catholic" priests do give briben and pelosi Communion

But everyone must understand that the CC was infiltrated 65 years ago by anti-Catholic communists, FMs and others..

the Vatican is NOT Catholic

the popes we've had since 1958 are not valid popes.

But Jesus said his Church is indestructible (Mt 16:18), and so He watches over it still... and always

"Behold, I am with you always, even until the end." Mt 28:20
There is no reason for any sane person to vote D, which is why Ds are importing voters from abroad.. You name the country, they are allowing just whoever from said countries to come in. They couldn't care less about protecting everyday Americans. That's because everyday Americans tend to like Trump, so to hell with them.

But Catholics! They are supposed to know better. They hear the Word of God every day (if they attend daily Mass; not all of them do but anyhow).. Even if you only go to Mass on Sundays, you still know the Word somewhat. And who doesn't know.. whether Church-goer or not.. who doesn't know the Commandment that says Thou shalt not murder?

But so called Catholics vote for &/or support baby killers... and border-destroyers.

Stop calling yourself Catholic if you do this. The Catholic teaching about human life being sacred, cradle to grave, is DOGMA


(the teaching about obeying man's laws (border laws, etc), as long as said laws do not infringe on God's Laws, is also likely dogma)
Today's catholic church is a groomer organization. There are few if any Democrats left in it.
When I find a post of yours that goes on and on about how immoral the credibly- accused- of -rape Clinton was

I will listen

Until then...........:bigbed:
Now you are trying to change the subject because you can't defend Trump actions.

You know, there is a sin from which there is no forgiveness, that is the sin of hypocrisy. You talk about the misgivings of Dems and Catholics, but look the other way when it comes to Trump.

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