Why are soldiers automatically considered heroes?


Apr 27, 2011
I really, really dislike Memorial Day. Not because I hate the military (not true), nor because I don't think soldiers can't be heroes (also not true), but because I hate the spewing of jingoistic "all soldiers are heroes and they protect our freedom," by all parts of the political spectrum. Now, I want to make it clear that I do not believe soldiers can't be heroes; for example, I consider JFK to be one of the greatest men this country has seen, partly because of his actions in the military. What I am asking, is why all soldiers are automatically heroes? They certainly don't all earn it (US soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as trophies' | World news | The Guardian). And don't say it is because they are protecting our freedom, because frankly, they aren't right now. There were wars where they were, but our current conflicts are not intended to protect us.
I really, really dislike Memorial Day. Not because I hate the military (not true), nor because I don't think soldiers can't be heroes (also not true), but because I hate the spewing of jingoistic "all soldiers are heroes and they protect our freedom," by all parts of the political spectrum. Now, I want to make it clear that I do not believe soldiers can't be heroes; for example, I consider JFK to be one of the greatest men this country has seen, partly because of his actions in the military. What I am asking, is why all soldiers are automatically heroes? They certainly don't all earn it (US soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as trophies' | World news | The Guardian). And don't say it is because they are protecting our freedom, because frankly, they aren't right now. There were wars where they were, but our current conflicts are not intended to protect us.

Read my sig line dumbo!
I really, really dislike Memorial Day. Not because I hate the military (not true), nor because I don't think soldiers can't be heroes (also not true), but because I hate the spewing of jingoistic "all soldiers are heroes and they protect our freedom," by all parts of the political spectrum. Now, I want to make it clear that I do not believe soldiers can't be heroes; for example, I consider JFK to be one of the greatest men this country has seen, partly because of his actions in the military. What I am asking, is why all soldiers are automatically heroes? They certainly don't all earn it (US soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as trophies' | World news | The Guardian). And don't say it is because they are protecting our freedom, because frankly, they aren't right now. There were wars where they were, but our current conflicts are not intended to protect us.

People IN the military do not proclaim all military people are heroes. When Politicians do it they are just mouthing words for votes. BUT every single service member has signed up with the understanding that any time during their service they can be thrown into combat, they can be killed while training or be killed in some other fashion. They have AGREED to sacrifice their time and possibly their health or life to serve the ENTIRE Country.
I think the point is to acknowledge that everyone who signs up for military service is committed to risking their lives, potentially heroically, for the rest of us. Neither our piss-poor leadership nor the idiotic wars they get us into diminish that commitment.

I used to do that just so people could eat sea food....just sayin
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I really, really dislike Memorial Day. Not because I hate the military (not true), nor because I don't think soldiers can't be heroes (also not true), but because I hate the spewing of jingoistic "all soldiers are heroes and they protect our freedom," by all parts of the political spectrum. Now, I want to make it clear that I do not believe soldiers can't be heroes; for example, I consider JFK to be one of the greatest men this country has seen, partly because of his actions in the military. What I am asking, is why all soldiers are automatically heroes? They certainly don't all earn it (US soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as trophies' | World news | The Guardian). And don't say it is because they are protecting our freedom, because frankly, they aren't right now. There were wars where they were, but our current conflicts are not intended to protect us.

People IN the military do not proclaim all military people are heroes. When Politicians do it they are just mouthing words for votes. BUT every single service member has signed up with the understanding that any time during their service they can be thrown into combat, they can be killed while training or be killed in some other fashion. They have AGREED to sacrifice their time and possibly their health or life to serve the ENTIRE Country.

and the paycheck and benefits... just sayin
I really, really dislike Memorial Day. Not because I hate the military (not true), nor because I don't think soldiers can't be heroes (also not true), but because I hate the spewing of jingoistic "all soldiers are heroes and they protect our freedom," by all parts of the political spectrum. Now, I want to make it clear that I do not believe soldiers can't be heroes; for example, I consider JFK to be one of the greatest men this country has seen, partly because of his actions in the military. What I am asking, is why all soldiers are automatically heroes? They certainly don't all earn it (US soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as trophies' | World news | The Guardian). And don't say it is because they are protecting our freedom, because frankly, they aren't right now. There were wars where they were, but our current conflicts are not intended to protect us.

People IN the military do not proclaim all military people are heroes. When Politicians do it they are just mouthing words for votes. BUT every single service member has signed up with the understanding that any time during their service they can be thrown into combat, they can be killed while training or be killed in some other fashion. They have AGREED to sacrifice their time and possibly their health or life to serve the ENTIRE Country.

and the paycheck and benefits... just sayin

The pay is less then they could make in Civilian sector. And a large number of military personnel serve in a career path that has nearly no civilian counterpart. Except mercenaries there is not a lot of career transfer for Line Infantry, Or combat arms specialties.

The benefits require one to serve 20 years with no promise that A) the job won't make that impossible, B) the career path won't be phased out, C) Promotions won't be stagnant, forcing one out for failing to progress in rank,D)Injury suffered forces one out but does not raise to the level of getting a medical retirement. Not to mention for those 20 years you risk your life and health with restricted rights, constant deployments and training exercises that take you away from your family, moving every 2 to 3 years sometimes to foreign Countries where your family can not go or across the Country.

Retirement now is 40 percent of base pay. With Tricare for medical coverage. Tricare has costs and hurtles associated with it. There is no Dental coverage for family while serving and no dental for anyone once retired.

Most Vets do not serve to retirement.
Definition of HERO: an illustrious warrior, a person admired for his achievements and noble qualities or a person who shows great courage.

I think the word hero has become a catch all phrase for people. It used to be used less frequently and in special circumstance so the meaning has become diluted.

Memorial Day is a day to pay tribute to those who have fallen while serving in the Armed Forces. They gave their lives so that we could be have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. There is nothing greater than a citizen can give, than to give their own life in the defense of our nation. Sure some of those soldiers may have not been "good" guys but in the end they paid ultimate price defending us. Does that sacrifice make all of the fallen hero's?

In my book a hero is someone who has gone beyond the call of duty and performed an act of courage, an act that under normal circumstances would not be tried. A soldier throwing himself on a grenade to save his comrades is a hero. A soldier running out into intense machine gun fire without regard to himself can be a hero. there are many instances of heroism that occur still today in Afghanistan. But to serve and die in the service does not qualify as heroism in my book. All the fallen are honored on this day, Memorial Day, for that sacrifice and though they might not be heroes in my book, that honor is rightly deserved and should be respected for it is through their sacrifice that I am able to express my opinion here.
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I really, really dislike Memorial Day. Not because I hate the military (not true), nor because I don't think soldiers can't be heroes (also not true), but because I hate the spewing of jingoistic "all soldiers are heroes and they protect our freedom," by all parts of the political spectrum. Now, I want to make it clear that I do not believe soldiers can't be heroes; for example, I consider JFK to be one of the greatest men this country has seen, partly because of his actions in the military. What I am asking, is why all soldiers are automatically heroes? They certainly don't all earn it (US soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as trophies' | World news | The Guardian). And don't say it is because they are protecting our freedom, because frankly, they aren't right now. There were wars where they were, but our current conflicts are not intended to protect us.

you can agree or disagree with the individual actions of government in relation to its use of the military. but most people don't sign up to do something that could, just for doing their job, get them dead.

kind of a silly question, imo. childish sounding.
I really, really dislike Memorial Day. Not because I hate the military (not true), nor because I don't think soldiers can't be heroes (also not true), but because I hate the spewing of jingoistic "all soldiers are heroes and they protect our freedom," by all parts of the political spectrum. Now, I want to make it clear that I do not believe soldiers can't be heroes; for example, I consider JFK to be one of the greatest men this country has seen, partly because of his actions in the military. What I am asking, is why all soldiers are automatically heroes? They certainly don't all earn it (US soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as trophies' | World news | The Guardian). And don't say it is because they are protecting our freedom, because frankly, they aren't right now. There were wars where they were, but our current conflicts are not intended to protect us.

you can agree or disagree with the individual actions of government in relation to its use of the military. but most people don't sign up to do something that could, just for doing their job, get them dead.

kind of a silly question, imo. childish sounding.

^^^^ 'nuf said.
People IN the military do not proclaim all military people are heroes. When Politicians do it they are just mouthing words for votes. BUT every single service member has signed up with the understanding that any time during their service they can be thrown into combat, they can be killed while training or be killed in some other fashion. They have AGREED to sacrifice their time and possibly their health or life to serve the ENTIRE Country.


I really, really dislike Memorial Day. Not because I hate the military (not true), nor because I don't think soldiers can't be heroes (also not true), but because I hate the spewing of jingoistic "all soldiers are heroes and they protect our freedom," by all parts of the political spectrum. Now, I want to make it clear that I do not believe soldiers can't be heroes; for example, I consider JFK to be one of the greatest men this country has seen, partly because of his actions in the military. What I am asking, is why all soldiers are automatically heroes? They certainly don't all earn it (US soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as trophies' | World news | The Guardian). And don't say it is because they are protecting our freedom, because frankly, they aren't right now. There were wars where they were, but our current conflicts are not intended to protect us.

Not everyone can be a hero, yet anyone can be one. Audie Murphy was a prime example.

As long as they wear that uniform their lives are at risk. I consider them to be heroes just for staying in. Especially because of all of the repeated deployments.
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I really, really dislike Memorial Day. Not because I hate the military (not true), nor because I don't think soldiers can't be heroes (also not true), but because I hate the spewing of jingoistic "all soldiers are heroes and they protect our freedom," by all parts of the political spectrum. Now, I want to make it clear that I do not believe soldiers can't be heroes; for example, I consider JFK to be one of the greatest men this country has seen, partly because of his actions in the military. What I am asking, is why all soldiers are automatically heroes? They certainly don't all earn it (US soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as trophies' | World news | The Guardian). And don't say it is because they are protecting our freedom, because frankly, they aren't right now. There were wars where they were, but our current conflicts are not intended to protect us.

Because they give up their liberty to protect yours in a job that your not willing to do. THE SHEER EXISTENCE OF OUR MILITARY PROTECTS OUR FREEDOM 24/7!
I think the point is to acknowledge that everyone who signs up for military service is committed to risking their lives, potentially heroically, for the rest of us. Neither our piss-poor leadership nor the idiotic wars they get us into diminish that commitment.

:clap2: Our soldiers are heroes because they are committed to risking their lives for their nation. They are special, as are the men and women of any occupation, whose goals are the same.
I've never yet met a combat veteran who considered himself a hero; that includes men whose decorations and the citations for them say otherwise. Every one of them, however, will tell you about others they think were/are heroes. Those who walk into hell, and by luck or the grace of God walk out again, are humbled by the experience.
I've never yet met a combat veteran who considered himself a hero; that includes men whose decorations and the citations for them say otherwise. Every one of them, however, will tell you about others they think were/are heroes. Those who walk into hell, and by luck or the grace of God walk out again, are humbled by the experience.

My dad, who fought in the battle of the buldge, still hangs the flag out faithfully every memorial day

he claims the real hero's didn't come home
Nobody says all servicemen are, on that basis alone, "heroes."

It is a stupid and baseless talking point on which to rest an OP.

Benedict Arnold. William Calley. Nidal Hasan.

There are obviously exceptions to ANY general rule or figure of speech.

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