Why America is done

Any clue as to who shot up the North Carolina electrical grid? No? Doesn't North Carolina have a Democrat governor? That's a good start.
I retired two decades ago, but I am still active as hell at 75. I rebuild aircraft, and aircraft instruments.

I fly when the weather is good, I drive fast cars, and I enjoy the hell out of myself.

Civilization could collapse tomorrow, and my family, friends and I will be fine.

You, not so much.

Like I said, you should read a book, or a hundred. You are painfully ignorant of what is coming.

I am actually excited. I get to live history being made instead of merely reading about it.

Who knows, maybe I will be the next Thucydides

You're here constantly, West. And your worldview is a wasteland of fear, anger and resentment. There's no 'hyper-inflationary spiral'. But you perceive one. The US government isn't about to collapse. But in your crippling resentment, it is. There was no 'stolen election', but you have such an unearned sense of entitlement, that you insist it must be.

You call for violence, for civil war, for attacks on soldiers, cops, and pretty much anyone you don't like.

Look at how you describe America. You hate this country with a passion I can't fathom. You see nothing but woe and decline.....and spew nothing but poison and vitriol in any thread you join. You define yourself by how much money you can pull out of a safe.

You're a miserable person. You make everything around you worse. And I'm hardly the first person to mention this to you. You've had similar conversations with family members, perhaps even children.

You don't have to be like this.
Any clue as to who shot up the North Carolina electrical grid? No? Doesn't North Carolina have a Democrat governor? That's a good start.

You literally just called Putin nuking the US capitol 'good news' and insisted that America needs to burn to the ground.

You're quite mad.
You literally just called Putin nuking the US capitol 'good news' and insisted that America needs to burn to the ground.

You're quite mad.
Oh did you think you might have misunderstood? Putin is a good man. Better than Biden. Washington DC is a corrupt, putrid pond led by a crazy black woman. Dropping a nuke on DC would be good news, not only to this country but the entire world. It might even signify the wiping away of the democratic stain.
Oh did you think you might have misunderstood? Putin is a good man. Better than Biden. Washington DC is a corrupt, putrid pond led by a crazy black woman. Dropping a nuke on DC would be good news, not only to this country but the entire world. It might even signify the wiping away of the democratic stain.

Oh, I haven't misunderstood a thing. You're enthusiastically calling for the brutal murder of tens of millions of Americans by foreign powers using nuclear weapons.

You're quite mad.
You're here constantly, West. And your worldview is a wasteland of fear, anger and resentment. There's no 'hyper-inflationary spiral'. But you perceive one. The US government isn't about to collapse. But in your crippling resentment, it is. There was no 'stolen election', but you have such an unearned sense of entitlement, that you insist it must be.

You call for violence, for civil war, for attacks on soldiers, cops, and pretty much anyone you don't like.

Look at how you describe America. You hate this country with a passion I can't fathom. You see nothing but woe and decline.....and spew nothing but poison and vitriol in any thread you join. You define yourself by how much money you can pull out of a safe.

You're a miserable person. You make everything around you worse. And I'm hardly the first person to mention this to you. You've had similar conversations with family members, perhaps even children.

You don't have to be like this.

No, I love this country. I hate the corrupt assholes who are driving it into a ditch.

You see, that's the difference between you and me. You support corrupt actions because you are either too stupid to figure it out, or you hope to profit from the chaos.

"Chaos is a ladder" for those who are to stupid to get up the ladder on their own.

That's how I classify you. You want the chaos because you think you will benefit.

But you won't.

You claim to be productive, but all you are capable of doing is regurgitating silly psychobabble.

No, you mischaracterize everyone who disagrees with you.

That's a bad mistake on your part.

Still waiting for you to prove you are productive in any way.

Post a picture of 10 books you own.
Oh, I haven't misunderstood a thing. You're enthusiastically calling for the brutal murder of tens of millions of Americans by foreign powers using nuclear weapons.

You're quite mad.
Not Americans. Democrats. That is the enemy of Americans.
Well, maybe if our "leaders" (ha) were allowed to communicate and collaborate with each other, they could work together like intelligent adults and things would be better.

But no, that's not allowed to happen, because our "system" (ha) puts the most power in the hands of crazed zealots who won't let it happen.

And that's the real problem.

Americans are understandably suffering from hard economic times due to massive inflation, inflation that has many causes, one of which is massive government spending

Their answer? They want another stimulus. That's right, over 60% of Americans want more massive spending.

The government education system has purposefully created a society of retards doomed to a bleak future.

Ain't democracy grand?

And with both parties recently agreeing to more massive spending of trillions of dollars for such things as funding pregnant transgender woke Ukrainian men righting Russians and climate change whose pronoun of choice have yet to be determined, the wish that their own government will spend another dime on them ever again seems a bit of a stretch.

Merry Christmas America.
Votto, a divided house cannot stand, neither can a divided country. Our America had hit it's high point in the year 1945. Since 1945 America has been on the decline. It should be REALLY obvious that our American federal government has been maneuvering for a shot @ becoming the government of the world, or literally the 'one world government'. Debt $pending our American constituency into oblivion & devaluing the buying power of the federal reserve notes(IOU's) has left employed Americans living from paycheck to paycheck @ best, while military expenditures has hit the ridiculous. With our American constituency divided they are powerless to influence congress to correct this problem. Government offers to pay the American constituency so called 'stimulus checks just devalues the fed reserve notes(IOU's) purchasing power that much more. Government idolatry infects more & more Americans daily which just blinds the ignorant among our fellow Americans even more. There has been a line drawn in the sand with the gullible Americans on one side of the line & the Americans in the know on the other side of the line. You DEFINITELY want to be on the side of the line with the small crowd NOT on the side of the line with the many!
No, I love this country. I hate the corrupt assholes who are driving it into a ditch.

You have nothing but disdain for the US. Every time you describe this country, its with loathing, hatred, disgust and resentment. You call for civil war, you demand and predict violence of Americans on Americans. There's nothing you've described in your life that you show more hatred for....than this country and her people.

Your worldview is such a wasteland, that you see nothing but imaginary 'hyperinflationary spirals', 'an impending government collapse', internal strife, and chaos and civil war.

And that tells us volumes about you.

You wander from thread to thread spewing casual insults, being toxic and making any place you visit worse for you being there.

You're a miserable person. I want better for you.
Well, maybe if our "leaders" (ha) were allowed to communicate and collaborate with each other, they could work together like intelligent adults and things would be better.

But no, that's not allowed to happen, because our "system" (ha) puts the most power in the hands of crazed zealots who won't let it happen.

And that's the real problem.

Ranked voting, maybe? I think that the primary system isn't really serving us, with the candidates representing smaller and smaller portions of the actual electorate.
You have nothing but disdain for the US. Every time you describe this country, its with loathing, hatred, disgust and resentment. You call for civil war, you demand and predict violence of Americans on Americans. There's nothing you've described in your life that you show more hatred for....than this country and her people.

Your worldview is such a wasteland, that you see nothing but imaginary 'hyperinflationary spirals', 'an impending government collapse', internal strife, and chaos and civil war.

And that tells us volumes about you.

You wander from thread to thread spewing casual insults, being toxic and making any place you visit worse for you being there.

You're a miserable person. I want better for you.

You are so full of poo. I have disdain for the progressives who are destroying this country. That is absolutely true. But this country is the best to have ever been created.

It is a shame to see its people abused by vermin.

I am fine. You should worry about yourself. You are writing checks that you can't pay.

Only losers like your buddies im2, Franco and the like despise and disparage this country.

You should talk to them.
You've called for America to be burned to the ground and the capitol nuked by Russia.

You've let your political leanings drive you into madness.
You really think your peacnik, everything's gonna be alright shtick will soften the blow?
You are so full of poo. I have disdain for the progressives who are destroying this country. That is absolutely true. But this country is the best to have ever been created.

It is a shame to see its people abused by vermin.

I am fine. You should worry about yourself. You are writing checks that you can't pay.

Dude, listen to how you describe America. Its not with any love at all. But with hatred, seething resentment, and always decay, decline and collapse. You spend all of your time in political chatrooms spewing insults, calling for violence and being as caustic as you can be.

All politics aside, that's wildly unhealthy.
You really think your peacnik, everything's gonna be alright shtick will soften the blow?

He's just a troll. He thinks he's making people mad with his passive/aggressive nonsense, but we are just laughing at him.

Americans are understandably suffering from hard economic times due to massive inflation, inflation that has many causes, one of which is massive government spending

Their answer? They want another stimulus. That's right, over 60% of Americans want more massive spending.

The government education system has purposefully created a society of retards doomed to a bleak future.

Ain't democracy grand?

And with both parties recently agreeing to more massive spending of trillions of dollars for such things as funding pregnant transgender woke Ukrainian men righting Russians and climate change whose pronoun of choice have yet to be determined, the wish that their own government will spend another dime on them ever again seems a bit of a stretch.

Merry Christmas America.

Oh just that, though? Just on that basis we're done?

My answer would be yes, we're done for that reason plus maybe 2 dozen more.

Govt run by unelected, unaccountable corrupt bureaucrats who even suppress free speech--half the nation doesn't care at all.

Cultural rot.

Kids confused about their gender and sex.

No one believes in God or goes to church.

And on and on and on. Not even getting into the fact that our economy is about to crash
Dude, listen to how you describe America. Its not with any love at all. But with hatred, seething resentment, and always decay, decline and collapse. You spend all of your time in political chatrooms spewing insults, calling for violence and being as caustic as you can be.

All politics aside, that's wildly unhealthy.

Hmmm, you are either batshit insane, or intellectually dishonest.

Which is it? Because my description was the opposite of what you claim.
You really think your peacnik, everything's gonna be alright shtick will soften the blow?

America has survived far worse crisis than we face now, and with far fewer resources than we possess today.

I don't predict rainbows and lollipops, but we'll be okay. We'll adapt and survive as we have before and will again.

But calls for America to be burned to the ground and our capitol to be nuked by foreign powers?

That's pure insanity.
Ranked voting, maybe? I think that the primary system isn't really serving us, with the candidates representing smaller and smaller portions of the actual electorate.
There are things we could do -- if we chose to -- that would make a clear difference, that would change the system under which these people operate:
  • Ranked Choice Voting
  • Term Limits
  • Publicly-Funded Elections
  • Non-Partisan Primaries
  • Independent/Bipartisan Redistricting Commissions
Those things alone would not only strengthen the system, but they would alter the motivations and behaviors of our "leaders" (ha).

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