Why America is done

That is what happens when you retire and lose your purpose in life.

My grandfather was a vital, driven man long after he retired. He and I spent years in his woodshop working on every project under the sun.

I think you're right..... the key to aging well is purpose. You can really tell when someone is just clocking breath until the end. And you can really tell when you're in the presence of focus, drive and passion.

People help. Nature helps. Good food helps.

A good job is amazing. Especially for men, from what I've seen.
Why would I radiate bitterness when I can do this, and your lying ass can't?

And I was wrong, that is 20,000. I have another 2200 in my billfold.

Your turn

Why would you need to spew the kind of anger and poison you do? Why would you be compelled to come here and threaten people regularly, call for violence?

You're not a happy person, West. You radiate bitterness.

You don't have to live like that. For someone more productive, I'd suggest a job. For you, connect with people, with your family. Get outside and connect with nature. Engage in some service or church work.

You can be happier....or at the very least, less miserable.
Why would you need to spew the kind of anger and poison you do? Why would you be compelled to come here and threaten people regularly, call for violence?

You're not a happy person, West. You radiate bitterness.

You don't have to live like that. For someone more productive, I'd suggest a job. For you, connect with people, with your family. Get outside and connect with nature. Engage in some service or church work.

You can be happier....or at the very least, less miserable.

Anger and poison?

You make me laugh.

C'mon "well employed dude".

Let's see how much cash you have on hand.
Anger and poison?

You make me laugh.

C'mon "well employed dude".

Let's see how much cash you have on hand.

Anger, poison and bitterness, West. You threaten violence regularly. You spew poison in most threads you join. You're generally miserable to be around.

You've heard all of this before. And not just online. You're a miserable person.

But you don't have to be. You're more than what cash you have on hand. You're more than the poison you spew. Connect with people, be of service, go out into the world around you.

You'll be happy you did.
Anger, poison and bitterness, West. You threaten violence regularly. You spew poison in most threads you join. You're generally miserable to be around.

You've heard all of this before. And not just online. You're a miserable person.

But you don't have to be. You're more than what cash you have on hand. You're more than the poison you spew. Connect with people, be of service, go out into the world around you.

You'll be happy you did.

I never threaten violence. I am a student of history and I PREDICT violence. I predicted the antifa nonsense, and I am now predicting a civil war.

Sadly, there appears to be no alternative, though many of us are still working very hard to try and prevent it from coming.

But, the average life of a Republic is 250 years. That's how long it takes for the government to get so corrupt that violence is the only way to reign it in.

The normal life cycle says we are headed for a dictatorship. 90% of the time That's what follows a failed Republic.

I am hoping that the civil war can be headed off at the pass with voting reform laws that eliminate the corruption.

But, if that doesn't happen, I hope that a new Republic is born, and that we avoid the dictatorship that you progressives are working so hard to create.

Time will tell.
America is going to be fine. You wallow in your defeat.

We'll lead on.
America really needs to be burned to the ground. It's like a forest where all the trees have been killed by bark beetles. Nature sends a raging fire to kill the parasites, purify the dead wood and allow healthy growth to flourish.

That's why Putin saying he could nuke DC came as such good news. Let's volunteer Portland, San Francisco, Chicago, New Orleans, New York and Atlanta too.
I never threaten violence. I am a student of history and I PREDICT violence. I predicted the antifa nonsense, and I am now predicting a civil war.

The Civil War was lead by the States. There's not a single State behind the violence you call for.

What you're calling for are attacks on our law enforcement personal by thugs like Ricky Shiffer or MAGA seditionists on J6.

And you do this regularly, wandering from thread to thread spewing calls for violence, insults, and poison. You almost never have anything useful to add to a thread. You almost always make wherever you are worse. You 'predict' violence because your worldview is a wasteland of anger and resentment.

There's no way that's limited to this board. The seething bitterness and poison you radiate has impacted your life, turned away friends and alienated you from some of your family.

You're a miserable person.

Things can be better. You can be better. And it probably involves less of places like this.
America really needs to be burned to the ground. It's like a forest where all the trees have been killed by bark beetles. Nature sends a raging fire to kill the parasites, purify the dead wood and allow healthy growth to flourish.

That's why Putin saying he could nuke DC came as such good news. Let's volunteer Portland, San Francisco, Chicago, New Orleans, New York and Atlanta too.

Oh my.

You've let yourself be drive quite mad.
The Civil War was lead by the States. There's not a single State behind the violence you call for.

What you're calling for are attacks on of law enforcement personal by thugs like Ricky Shiffer or MAGA seditionists on J6.

And you do this regularly, wandering from thread to thread spewing calls for violence, insults, and poison. You almost never have anything useful to add to a thread. You almost always make wherever you are worse. You 'predict' violence because your worldview is a wasteland of anger and resentment.

There's no way that's limited to this board. The seething bitterness and poison you radiate has impacted your life, turned away friends and alienated you from some of your family.

You're a miserable person.

Things can be better. You can be better. And it probably involves less of places like this.

You're such an ignorant child. When the government goes broke, which is going to happen real soon, and the welfare checks stop being sent, people are going to get hungry.

Add to that the now very likely hyperinflationary spiral, and the people are going to simply ignore the government.

That's how civil wars, and revolutions begin.

You should read a book.
Anger, poison and bitterness, West. You threaten violence regularly. You spew poison in most threads you join. You're generally miserable to be around.

You've heard all of this before. And not just online. You're a miserable person.

But you don't have to be. You're more than what cash you have on hand. You're more than the poison you spew. Connect with people, be of service, go out into the world around you.

You'll be happy you did.
You sound angry and bitter. A common affliction if Democrats. Other symptoms include uncontrollable TDS
You sound angry and bitter. A common affliction if Democrats. Other symptoms include uncontrollable TDS

Yeah, doesn't he though? He claims I am bitter but I pulled more cash out of my safe, than he makes in half a year.

These silly people project a lot!
You're such an ignorant child. When the government goes broke, which is going to happen real soon, and the welfare checks stop being sent, people are going to get hungry.

Add to that the now very likely hyperinflationary spiral, and the people are going to simply ignore the government.

That's how civil wars, and revolutions begin.

You should read a book.
I earn my way, West. I'm still productive, useful and driven. I'm rarely on these boards because I have a full life.

And more importantly, I'm content. I am surrounded by people that love me, amazing friends, a satisfying job, fulfilling side gigs that let me follow my passions, music and travel. I'm doing my first busk in about 8 months...and I'm really excited about it.

You...aren't. You are here constantly, making almost any thread you join worse with casual insults, pointless vitriol, poison and calls for violence. You define your worth by what cash you have on hand. You look out at the world through the seething resentment and anger that fills you.....and you see collapse, violence, and woe.

I want better for you. For anyone really.
Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
You sound angry and bitter. A common affliction if Democrats. Other symptoms include uncontrollable TDS

Me, I'm pretty damn happy. Unlike so many of you, I don't look out at the world and see impending violence, civil war, fraud, 'hyper-inflationary spirals', collapsing governments and stolen elections. I don't look at Putin nuking American cities as a 'good news'

My life isn't defined by grievance. I have principles that define my world view that aren't contingent on who is in power. I have passion, great relationships, drive, hope and goals. I have my music.

Most importantly, I have a life to live. Which is why I'm so rarely here.
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I earn my way, West. I'm still productive, useful and driven. I'm rarely on these boards because I have a full life.

And more importantly, I'm content. I am surrounded by people that love me, amazing friends, a satisfying job, fulfilling side gigs that let me follow my passions, music and travel. I'm doing my first busk in about 8 months...and I'm really excited about it.

You...aren't. You are here constantly, making almost any thread you join worse with casual insults, pointless vitriol, poison and calls for violence. You define your worth by what cash you have on hand. You look out at the world through the seething resentment and anger that fills you.....and you see collapse, violence, and woe.

I want better for you. For anyone really.

I retired two decades ago, but I am still active as hell at 75. I rebuild aircraft, and aircraft instruments.

I fly when the weather is good, I drive fast cars, and I enjoy the hell out of myself.

Civilization could collapse tomorrow, and my family, friends and I will be fine.

You, not so much.

Like I said, you should read a book, or a hundred. You are painfully ignorant of what is coming.

I am actually excited. I get to live history being made instead of merely reading about it.

Who knows, maybe I will be the next Thucydides

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