Who’s Winning the Military Vote? This Year, It’s Not Hillary or Trump

I find it interesting. Libertarians supposed to be non-interventionists with skeleton armed forces. Trump is also a non-interventionist but wants peace through strength. Clinton? Who knows what she wants, fend embassies for themselves, give arms and money to terrorists?
When you finally survive recruit training you have become a weapon, you have become a minister of death praying for war. I remember the feeling. "Will there be a war? Or will I miss it?" The syndrome is discussed by Adam Hochschild in his book "To End All Wars" about the early volunteers of WW1 being afraid they would not get to the front in time before the war was over. Even Adolf Hitler said he was worried about missing action at first.

So it's documented.

Trump is most likely to stumble into war. Most likely in Syria, or going back into Iraq, or even attacking Iran.

Hillary less likely since she is an experienced diplomat.

So if they want war Trump is most likely to give it to them. That then explains his popularity with troops.

GWH Bush was our last President with actual combat experience. He was a Navy fighter pilot in WW2.

GW his son dodged the Viet Nam draft by joining the Texas Air Natl Guard. No combat.

JFK, Ike, and Truman all had combat experience as well. Truman had the most, even though he was practically blind without his glasses. He was an artillery captain in WW1. He fought off a German attack, and he supported Patton's tank brigade (Patton fought in both WW1 and WW2 like MacArthur).

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